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January 3, 2007




-The aftermath of the deadly shootout is not fully known at this point. Screams can be heard in the darkness but nothing can be seen because someone cut the power to the main ballroom just as Victor, Stefano and Roman gave the orders to open fire.

Abe and Shane have finally succeeded, with electricians help, in restoring power to the ballroom. Once the power comes on, everyone starts screaming once again. Loved ones are calling out the names of friends and family, hoping to God that they survived the bloodiest gunfight in Salem history. The light bulbs explode over and over again and short circuit, causing guests to scream out into the night.

Shane walks over to Abe, who is with electricians, and asks:

Shane: How’s the power coming?

Abe: Hopefully, it will be on soon. How’s the aftermath?

Shane: How do you think? Dead bodies everywhere. Innocent people died for no good reason. I never did like Victor but I thought he had better sense than to start a full scale gunfight at a New Year’s Eve party.

Abe: Well, Governor, I wouldn’t put this one on him. He found out Stefano was going to be here tonight and wanted to get the jump on him. Also, one of his associates did warn me to get people out of here before it kicked off.

Shane: Ok, ok. I’ll get off his back. (After a short pause) For now. I’m going to go help with the wounded.

Abe: Good deal, Shane. I’ll see what I can do as well. We need to get these people........

Just then, the power comes back on. Abe sees Celeste standing across from him and walks over to her, asking:

Abe: Are you ok?

Celeste: Yes, I’m fine, Abraham. I knew this was going to occur. I just wish I could have done something to stop it.

Abe: Nothing you could have done. I know you know how to use a gun.....

Celeste smiles.

Abe: But, to take a life is the hardest thing you will ever do, even if it’s for the right reasons.

Celeste: I realize that. I guess you’re right. Who is responsible for this latest tragedy?

Abe: Who do you think could do all of this and not leave a trace of his whereabouts?

Celeste: The great Stefano DiMera. He has returned.

Abe: Yes, he has.

Celeste: Well, since that is the case, I’m headed home. Theo is his grandson and no telling what he might do to take advantage of this situation.

Abe: You’re right. Here, take this weapon and one of the officers and you call me when you get home, ok?

Celeste: Very well. (Kissing him on the cheek) You be safe, Abraham.

Abe: (Surprised) Uh......likewise.

Celeste races for the elevator but stops and turns to look around at the carnage. What Abe doesn’t know is that she has also cast her gaze upon him and watches him at work as she enters the elevator and the doors close.

-Shane sees Celeste leave and starts walking towards Abe but spots Kayla picking Steve up off of the floor. He goes over to give assistance because Steve is in a bad way, asking:

Steve: Ok What the hell just happened? Gunfire everywhere and my head is killing me.

Kayla: Well, you have a graze wound on your right temple. Can you remember anything?

Steve: No, Kayla, I can’t remember anything. Just a lot of screaming and gunfire. And.........

Kayla: What? What else?

Steve: (Smiling) That nice nightgown you used to wear around the house.

Kayla: Yeah, you’re going to be just fine. Wait, you remember something I used to wear? Oh my...

Steve: Don't get too excited, Kayla. It's one little thing...

Kayla: Yeah...but it could be the start of something. Just like you calling me "Sweetness" and Jack "Jackson." Oh, good. Finally a gurney. Lay down Steve.

Steve does as ordered and lays down. But, once he does, he has a vivid memory flash of laying on a gurney and being rushed, strapped down, through a darkened hallway. He also remembers being injected with something.

He feels the pounding pain return and he makes an off-hand comment about his head hurting again. Kayla looks down at him and gets very scared for Steve because she doesn’t know, or realize, what’s happening to her husband.

Steve then looks up at the paramedics and, still in his vision, mistakes them for his captors and starts fighting the EMTs. Kayla tries to calm him down but he doesn’t until he is shot up with a sedative. He quickly falls asleep and Kayla looks down at him terrified about what could have happened to him while he was presumed dead. She strokes his hair and then gives him a soft kiss on his forehead. She instructs the EMTs to take him to the hospital ASAP. Shane asks if she’s coming but she says not right now. Too many people are injured. But, she’ll be along when she can. The paramedics take off with Steve and she watches them enter the emergency elevator as the doors close behind them.

-Austin has a gunshot wound to his right arm. Abe and Shane go over and give him a hand sitting on a chair. They check his injury and Shane says that it went straight through. Austin says that’s good. Then, he gets excited, wondering where Carrie went. Shane gets very worried, hoping that Austin didn’t see her, and insists that it must be his imagination. Abe agrees, saying that she is still out of town.

But Austin insists that he knows what he saw. Shane says that Austin has been through one hell of an ordeal and that he saw what he wanted to see. After a brief pause, Austin tells Shane and Abe that they may be right. But, now more than ever, he’s determined to help Victor end this thing with Stefano once and for all so Carrie can feel safe enough to come home.

At that moment, an EMT walks up and takes Austin off to get attended to. Shane secretly breaths a sigh of relief while Abe wonders what Austin was thinking of. They both turn around to see Kate standing by as Austin is getting bandaged up. They overhear him tell her that he saw Carrie and Kate doesn’t believe him either. He swears he did and vows to find her at any cost. The scene then fades, until we see.......

Carrie, who is hoping that Austin didn’t see her. She takes off her party mask and hopes that her and her baby will be safe. She now feels she has to find Alan and races off to look for him.

-Frankie and Greta run up to Kayla and ask what she needs them to do. She thanks them and says they can help with anyone. Just keep them comfortable until EMTs can get to them. They obey and spread out and Jack sees this. He walks up to Kayla and says, in a worried voice:

Jack: Where are they taking Steve? Is he alright?

Kayla: (In a soft voice) He’s just fine, Jack. Nothing to worry about.

Jack: Don’t tell me that. I just saw him fighting with the EMTs while they placed him on the gurney. What’s going on with him?

Kayla: (Pulling him to the side) I don’t have a clue. It’s like he went into a trance or something. That would only mean that......

Jack: Someone has been messing with his head while he was gone. (Looking at the elevator doors) Well, he’s my brother and I’m going to be there for him.

Jack starts towards the doors, but Kayla stops him.

Kayla: You can’t go to hospital now. You have to cover this story for the Spectator.

Frankie walks over to Jack and Kayla.

Frankie: Look, I overheard your conversation. I’ll tell you what. I’ll go to the hospital and check on everyone and let you all know what’s happening. Deal?

Jack: (After a pause) Ok. Deal.

They shake hands on it and Frankie grabs Greta. They both head out. All Jack can hope is that his brother will be ok.

-Belle picks herself up with the help of the wall she was laying next to and holds on to it as she looks around the ballroom. Philip walks over to her and asks if she is alright. She looks up at him and sees that he has a blood on his jacket. She instinctively looks for an injury. She sees that he has been shot in his side and wonders if he is fine. He says he’s just dandy, thank you. Caroline sees this exchange go on and watches Philip walk off. She wonders what is going on with them as Belle walks over to her and Maggie, who has joined her.

While Belle finds Caroline and Maggie, Hope runs into Billie. Belle, Caroline & Maggie start helping Kayla and the EMTs help victims while Jack joins Hope & Billie in searching for Bo, who has vanished. Billie wonders out loud:

Billie: I hope he didn’t shoot and kill anyone. He just may be a fugitive right now, you know.

Hope: I knowbut I sure pray that isn’t the case. I do understand a little bit of why he joined up with Victor but I just wish he wouldn’t have. I don’t think he counted out all the angles and tragedies that could occur.

Jack: Of course he didn’t. If he had, he would have told Victor to go to hell.

Billie: I don’t think so. In many ways, Bo admires Victor. He looks up to him.

Jack: For what reason does he have to look up to him?! Please, tell me your philosophy on your husband, Hope.

Hope: (After a pause) Jack, to Bo, Victor is the man he has wanted to be at times in his life. If Victor sees that someone has wronged him or his family or loved ones, he doesn’t bother with the law. Those are trivial matters to a man like Victor. He just hunts the person down.......and no one ever sees them again. It’s his way. The old school ways and that’s what Bo admires, even if it isn’t a part of his everyday consciousness.

Jack: (Looking at Hope on shock) Damn. Maybe you should have been a psychiatrist, Hope. You would be richer than Oprah working in this town.

Hope: I’ll keep that in mind. Meantime, we need to find Bo before he does something else really, really foolish.

Billie: Now I’m with you on that.

Jack: Fine. Let’s go.

The three of them leave the ballroom to search for Bo, not knowing that he is still nearby.

Meanwhile, Sami slowly wakes up and then looks around the ballroom, trying to get her bearings. She happens to look over to her left side........only to see Lucas lying on top of her unconscious. She speaks his name as she works her way gently but firmly out from underneath him and slowly turns him over. She starts cradling his head while she keeps asking him:

Sami: Lucas? Lucas, can you hear me? Oh God please, please don’t let him be dead. (Crying) He can’t be dead. (Wiping away her tears defiantly) Lucas! Lucas Roberts, you wake up! Don’t you die on me here in the middle of this room!

Lucas: (Softly speaking) Yes ma’am.

Sami bursts out crying tears of joy. She rests her head on his chest, thanking God for saving his life. She then says sternly:

Sami: What were you thinking?! You could have gotten yourself killed.

Lucas: At that moment, that didn’t matter. Not one bit.

Sami: What?! How can you say that? Your life doesn’t matter anything to you now?

Lucas: Nothing in the world matters.........without you.

Sami grows instantly silent, smiling through her tears at the loving words this man is speaking to her. He is injured, having suffered a gunshot wound to the back. He coughs while trying to stay conscious. Sami listens intently:

Lucas: If you would have died tonight, my life would have been over. So, like I said, it wouldn’t have mattered what happened to me. As long as you lived, my life would have meant something.

Sami: Lucas......I don’t know what to say. No man has ever said that to me.

Lucas: Then you need to start realizing.......... how very special you are.

Sami: I will. I mean.......I do.

Lucas: Hopefully, I can get you to say that once more.

Sami: What?

Lucas: I do.

Sami smiles as Kate and Austin look on.

Sami: Those are the two words I’ve been waiting to say to you. Now........you just be quiet, ok? The paramedics are going to load you onto a gurney and we’re going to the hospital, alright?

Lucas: Ok. Sami........

Sami: Yes, Lucas?

Lucas: (Looking into her eyes) I love you, pretty lady.

Sami: (Starting to cry once again) Oh, Lucas. I love you too. Please believe that. I love you too.

She leans in and gently kisses him. The paramedic reminds them that he has to get to the hospital. They pull away slowly, staring at each other as the EMTs walk Lucas to the elevators. Kate and Austin tell Kayla and Shane that if they are needed, they’ll be at the hospital. As Lucas is loaded in the elevator, the door closes. As it goes down, Kate looks at Sami staring at Lucas lovingly while holding his hand and gently stroking his hair. She then steps over and stands next to Sami and, after looking down at Lucas and back at Sami, puts her hand over Sami’s hand and hugs her gently.

Sami and Kate rest their heads on one another, as they softly cry, hoping that this man that they both love makes it through this night in one piece. All Austin can say is:

Austin: Man. What a night.

-Maggie catches up with Victor, who has sent several of his men to secretly watch over some of the guests that were injured. When he turns around from talking to Nico, she steps closely to him and looks into his eyes. He tells her:

Victor: I’m so very glad that you are unharmed.

Maggie: I’m glad I’m unharmed too.

They both laugh.

Victor: You know what I mean.

Maggie: No. What do you mean?

Victor: Weeellll............I’m glad that you are safe and sound.

Maggie: (Sighing) Is that all you’re going to say to me?

Victor: Maggie, there is a lot going on and a lot that needs to be answered for. I don’t have time for this, ok?

Maggie: Fair enough. But later......

Victor: Yes. Later.

She hugs Victor unexpectedly and it takes him by surprise but he hugs her warmly. As she pulls away, she runs his shoulders, smiles at him, and then walks off. As he looks at her walk away, Nico hands him his cellphone and tells him that he has an important call.

Victor: Yes? Ah, good evening. No, he slipped through our fingers on this night. Don’t worry. It’s not over yet. I’m going to make him pay for everything he’s done to both our families. You have my word. Ok. I sure will. Thank you so very much for calling. Give my best to your wife and brothers. Bye.

He hands the phone back to Nico and determinately says:

Victor: I want you to plan a meeting for tomorrow at our secret compound. The same men as before. You know what to tell them.

Nico: Yes, sir. I’ll get right on it after this mess has been cleaned up.

Victor: Good. And find my son. I want to know if he executed my orders.

Nico: Right, sir.

Nico walks off and Victor heads to the ballroom to help attend to the wounded. He is stopped by Belle and Philip, who tells him that he was injured but is fine. Victor wants to know how and Philip says:

Philip: Dad, I saw Roman Brady aim right at you.

Belle: That’s a damn lie! My father would not shoot you, Victor.

Philip: Don’t argue with me, woman.

Belle: Who do you think you’re talking to?!

Victor stops the bickering.

Victor: Stop it, both of you. What has happened between me and Roman is our business and not yours. Is that final?

Philip: Look Dad. All I’m saying........is that.......

Philip falls unconscious into Victor’s arms. Victor screams for an EMT to get over there and help. Once there, they check Philip over and see that he’s been shot. They also see that the wound is more severe than first thought. They immediately load him up on a gurney and wheel him off to the hospital. Belle follows along but not before hearing Victor say that Roman Brady will pay for what has happened to his son, if it’s the last thing he ever does. He storms off as Belle watches from the elevator. Belle also wonders to herself:

Belle: Where is Mom? I knocked her out right before the shooting started, and she’s nowhere to be found.

Her face fades back into the ballroom where Hope, Billie & Jack spot Bo hiding in the balcony.

-By the time the three make it up to the balcony, Bo has disappeared once again. Hope grows frustrated and angry and lashes out, saying that she isn’t always going to be around to bail his ass out of whatever stupid trouble he got himself mixed up in. She walks past Billie and Jack, who decide to follow her so she doesn’t get hurt as well.

On the bottom floor, Caroline has stepped backwards while helping a party guest and says excuse me, not knowing that she has just bumped into Roman, who is grimacing in pain. She gasps in horror and then grabs him, telling him to sit down. He does and she checks his wound, which has grazed his right arm. Kayla, Abe & Shane have walked over, asking him if he’s ok. He says he’s fine. Nothing but a flesh wound. She takes off his vest to check him for injuries.

Roman wonders aloud:

Roman: How did I get shot?

Abe: Roman.......it was a shootout. What did you think they used, slingshots?

Roman: No. I’m just.......well, I’m just glad everyone is alright.

Shane: Well, not everyone. Many people have been shot and have been or are in the process of going to the hospital.

Roman: Belle? Samantha? Are they ok?

Shane: Yes, Roman. Both of them are just fine. The question is.......who shot you?

Roman: Well, Bo had aimed his gun at me but, after the lights went out, someone landed on me and knocked me down. I then spent time crawling on the floor looking for my gun. Who was that, by the way?

Abe: That may have been Lucas. He saw that Sami had been targeted and tried to save her. He did, but took a bullet in the back.

Roman: What? That young man sure has love for my daughter, doesn’t he? I just hope he has the good sense to marry her......if he survives.

Hope, Billie & Jack walk over to listen to the conversation. Billie interjects, saying:

Billie: I saw Bo take aim but I thought he was aiming at someone else. Why would he try to kill his own brother?

Roman: It must be Victor. The old man has complete influence over Bo now and he won’t stop until all of his enemies, real and perceived, are dead. I guess that includes me.

Abe: Well, until this is over, I’m putting officers on Sami, Belle & Marlena. (Looking at Roman) How did you get two of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world ticked off at you enough to want you dead?

Roman: Just lucky, I guess. That, and my charm.

Caroline: You stop joking.

Roman: Yes, ma’am.

Hope: Well, you all can stay here and decide whose to blame for what. I’ve got to find Bo before Stefano or the police do.

Jack: I’m with you. I’ve got all of the information for a great story but this is family right now. Let’s move.

The three of them leave in haste. As they do, Victor walks up on an injured Roman and demands to know:

Victor: How in the hell could you take a shot at my son?!

Roman: (Standing up) Looky here, old man. I didn’t and wouldn’t shoot Philip or Bo. Why don’t you tell your boys to stop playing in the big leagues.

Victor: How dare you? People are lying dead all over this ballroom!

Roman: Tell me about, Vic! It wasn’t my damn idea to have a gun battle on New Year’s Eve. That was up to you and Stefano.

The Mysterious Cloaked Figure hides behind a wall, listening intently.

Victor: Yes. Maybe it was. And I’ll take responsibility for that. But you, as a police Commander, should know better.

Roman: I should know better?!

Victor: Yes, you. What did you think would happen with three separate factions firing live ammunition at one another?

Roman: Oh, so you’re blaming me for this?!

Victor: You’re damn right I am!!!

Roman: This coming from the man who gave my brother the order to kill me?!

Belle steps in and tells both of them to cool it. She also can’t believe Victor would think that her father would try to kill Philip. Victor says after their talk in the park, he puts nothing past Roman. Roman points at Victor, telling him that one day, they’ll have to end this bad blood between them, once and for all. Victor agrees, saying that this is gone on far enough. He walks off in anger but not before telling Belle that instead of sticking her nose in where it doesn’t belong, she should be at the hospital with his son. Roman sits back down to be attended to by Kayla, as Belle ponders Victor’s words.

-Victor walks across the lobby as Nico hands him a walkie-talkie. He contacts Bo, who has escaped outside by now and tells him that Roman aimed his gun at Philip. Bo can’t believe that but Victor tells him it’s true. He also says that he’s sick of Roman always ruining his plans.

He demands that Bo kill him as soon as possible.

Bo says that he already shot him and Victor informs him that it was a flesh wound. He says that Bo will lose the love of his family and friends but that is a small price to pay for their cause, which is to make Salem safe. Bo wants to know if he intends on taking over Salem once Roman is dead and Victor doesn’t answer.

Victor tells him that his brother will be sacrificed. And, it shouldn’t be hard for him. After all, he knew this man longer as John Black than Roman Brady, so it should not be a problem. Bo says that it isn’t. Victor says good. Very good. He wants the shot this time to be fatal and asks him if he understands. Bo says yes, he does. He’s reluctant but understands. Victor doesn’t care. If Roman Brady is alive in one week, Bo is out of the family........and the next target of Victor’s wrath. Bo bids Victor good-bye and grows silent, wondering what in the hell he has gotten himself into this time.

-Marlena stands off in the cloak room. She is making a phone call to a secret contact, filling them in on the night’s happenings:

Marlena: No, I’m fine. My head is killing me. My daughter hit me for some reason. Well, I don’t know about that. Everything is in chaos right now. Dead bodies and blood everywhere. Quiet. Someone’s coming.

Maggie walks by momentarily and almost spots Marlena but doesn’t. After a few tense moments, she walks on. Marlena continues:

Marlena: No, she left. Thank God. The whole thing is crazy. Look, you need to let me know when this operation will be finished. My children and husband are really starting to wonder about my behavior and I can’t put them off forever. I’m getting out of here right now. Yes. Yes, I’ll be in contact. Ok. Good-bye.

Marlena hangs up and silently puts on a mask and makes her way to the emergency doors. She escapes through them, not looking forward to the long walk down these stairs but glad that she wasn’t noticed. She then takes off her high heels and starts the long trek downward, hoping that next time is the charm.

-Roman stands to his feet. He is ordered by Kayla to go to the hospital. He doesn’t want to but Abe and Shane also insist. He still tries to put up a fight but Abe tells him that he will have his badge if he disobeys his direct order. Roman stands there for a moment then reluctantly agrees to go. Caroline, Hope, Billie & Jack walk with him to the elevators.

At the last moment, Kayla gets word that they still need her there to assist so she tells the family she’s staying behind. Jack, Billie and Maggie agree to stay with her. Maggie tells Roman good luck and starts to walk off. She then stops and tells Jack and Billie that she needs to find Victor. They say ok and Maggie starts up again. She spots Victor in a corner of the ballroom and begins to walk over to him.

In slow motion, Maggie sees Victor with a huge grin on his face. She stops dead in her tracks and looks around the room, just in time to see Bo once again aim a gun at Roman. She also sees the MCF aim at him as well. She screams:

Maggie: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

And two shots ring out.

Everyone hits the floor once again and after a few very anxious moments, they start standing back up. Bedlam has erupted once again and Abe orders police to fan out. Maggie grabs Abe’s arm, telling him she saw the MCF, in a mask, fire a gun. Caroline stands and turns her head towards Roman. She then gasps in horror.

Roman’s eyes roll into the back of his head and he falls to his knees, then forward, as he hits the floor face first. He’s been shot twice, in the back. He lays on the floor unconscious as Kayla and other EMTs rush to his side.

Jack and Billie see Bo push a backdoor open and escape through it and take off in pursuit. Hope almost faints at the sight she just witnessed and starts to fall sideways but is caught by Abe as he helps her to the floor. She cries in his arms, not believing that the man she loves just shot his own brother.

The MCF smiles at the carnage and walks ever so confidently out another emergency exit to a secret elevator. Once in the lobby, the MCF takes off the mask and throws it in the trash can and walks out of the building. As the MCF leaves, he/she sees more police officers and I.S.A. agents enter the hotel and walks across the street into the garage, gets into a car, and laughs sinisterly. The MCF drives off into the cold, dark night.

Back in the ballroom hallway, Roman’s family and friends surround the EMTs, who frantically work on him. Kayla orders a gurney to be brought over. Caroline looks over towards Victor, long enough to see him get on another elevator. As he turns to look at her, his expression changes, from one of worry..........

To an evil grin.

The doors close as Caroline’s blood boils in anger but she turns her attention back towards her son, who is losing blood by the minute. They put him in an elevator and an overhead shot is now on Roman, as the camera pulls back slowly. Hope comforts Caroline and Kayla and two EMTs work to save her brother’s life. The screen slowly fades to black.

Then, suddenly, four separate boxes appear, with Caroline crying on Hope’s shoulder as Kayla performs CPR on an unconscious Roman, a very pleased Victor smiling along with Nico and one of his associates, Maggie, Abe & Shane watching the MCF take off in a car and then chasing after he/she, and Jack & Billie chasing after Bo, who is seen in his car.......

With a slight smile on his face. The screen suddenly goes black, as the Salem Lives logo appears.

Next Time, On The Dramatic Continuation Of Salem Lives........

Maggie to Abe and Shane: Who the hell was that person wearing the mask and cloak?

Abe to Maggie and Shane: Someone we shoulf be very worried about.

Stefano to his associate: Someone used our operation to complete their own mission. I want to know who this cloaked person is and what they are up to now, got that?

Billie (with Jack) to Hope: Bo got away.

Hope to Jack and Billie: What the hell has happened to my husband?

Marlena: No one can know what is really going on. (Turns around) Oh my God...you!!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Loved all the drama and aftermath of the last episode! It was all great!

So Marlena could be putting on an act and doing this for a bigger goal....can't wait to watch this play out. I wonder who the person on the other side of the phone. I never expected this twitst in her story!!!!!!!

GREAT episode! :)

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  • Members

I realllly want to know who the MCF is. Can't wait for that reveal! As for Marlena, I have my theories on what's going on there......but I bet they don't compare to what you guys have in mind.

Can I just say that I can't stand Victor? This is the Victor I remember......and hated so much. I really like what you're doing with Victor, Bo, and Philip- it's certainly intriguing.

I like seeing Maggie a lot, but she's always whining, pining, b!tching, or moaning. Makes me wish she'd stay at home with Alice sometimes! :lol:

GREAT work you guys!

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  • Members

Great episode. Loved the Afternath and I can't wait to see who the MCF is. I too have my thoughts but I bet it will not be who I think it is. Great job, I love it.

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