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December 26, 2006




-It's a new day in Salem. Laura and Bill arrive at the hospital to say goodbye to Jack and Abby before they leave for Africa. Bill thanks Laura for going with him to help out. She says she needs to. She did some horrible things during her few months in Salem and she needs to make up for them.

They enter the room and Abby gives them both a big hug, saying she wishes they didn't go. Bill says they have to and kisses her goodbye. Laura does the same and promises to return for another visit. She apologizes to Abby for everything again and wishes her luck and happiness. Abby says it's ok and thanks her. Jack then comes in with JJ and Bill embraces both of them and says goodbye.

Laura asks Jack if they are really ok. Jack says it's forgotten, for the family's sake. It's what Jennifer would want. He hugs her and says come back soon. Laura smiles and gives JJ a big kiss and says goodbye. Jack and JJ then sit with Abby.

-Meanwhile, at the Horton house, Maggie is saying goodbye to Melissa and Sarah. She thanks them for coming. She would've never made it through her relapse without them. They add that they will miss her. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Maggie thank them for sticking around for the holidays. Don arrives and Maggie embraces him, thanking him too. She tells him to come back soon. He says he will.

Laura and Bill arrive to say goodbye. Alice kisses Bill and Laura, as does Julie and Maggie. Doug tells them both not to be strangers. They all say they will come to visit but they must go now before they miss their flights. It's a busy travel day and Bill says he needs to stop off and see Lucas and Will too before he goes. Don says he would like to see Marlena before leaving as well so he should get a move on. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Maggie wave and say goodbye as Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, and Don leave.

-Kimberly is at the Pub with Shane when Andrew and Jeannie come down, saying it's time for them to catch their flight. Caroline comes out and wishes they wouldn't leave. Andrew says that they need to. They need to take care of his dad's place in London while mom is staying in Salem and him and Jeannie have classes. Caroline hugs them both and reminds them to come and visit. Kim and Shane kiss and hug them, telling them to keep the house in one piece and to call every chance they get.

Shane says he trusts them both and knows they will be fine. Caroline, Kim, and Shane say goodbye as Andrew and Jeannie leave. Caroline says she is happy Kim decided to stay around. Kim says she has been away too long and with everything their family has been through she just wants to be with them for awhile. Besides, it's better then sitting in Shane's living room in London doing nothing.

Shane reminds Kim he allowed her to stay in his house as a guest. Kim says he only felt sorry for her because she is in a wheelchair. Shane tries to explain himself but Kim starts laughing and says she was joking. She thanks him for taking her in with the kids when she needed a place to live. Shane then gets a call and races to the police station. Caroline and Kim hope there isn't trouble.

-Greta arrives at the hospital to check on Eric and drop off a get well balloon. She sees Nicole lying near him as he is laying up, sleeping. She knocks lightly and Eric and Nicole awaken. Nicole asks Greta if she is jealous. Greta laughs and says she isn't. She will always care for Eric but he's her husband and he loves her. Eric says he will always care for her and thanks her for everything. He knows he put her through alot and he should've listened to her advice. Maybe all the trouble of the last few weeks wouldn't have happened.

Greta says it's all over and she was happy to help. Nicole thanks her too. Greta says that one good thing was that the whole situation made Nicole and her bury the hatchet. Nicole smiles and says it had to happen eventually. She has nothing she wants. Greta sarcastically laughs and reminds Nicole she is a princess. Eric tells both women to stop.

A nurse comes in to check on Eric while Greta and Nicole talk alone. Greta asks about Nicole's job in LA. Nicole says she checked her messages finally and she lost it. Greta asks if Eric knows. Nicole shakes her head and says she isn't going to tell him until he gets out of the hospital and until she finds work. Greta advises Nicole not to keep secrets but Nicole says it's for the best. Eric will feel guilty and it will hurt his recovery. She asks that Greta not tell him. She says she won't.

Nicole goes back to sit by Eric's side as Greta shakes her head, wondering why people keep secrets all the time. She then remembers she is keeping the secret of Victor being her father. After seeing the good side of Victor, Greta wonders if she should tell him he is her father.

-Victor is working the phones, talking to contacts about Stefano's whereabouts when Nico bursts in. He says he has word that Stefano is returning to Salem on New Year's Eve. One of their secret contacts has learned he has plans for the Horton Foundation Ball that Titan is helping to sponsor and fund. Victor says he should've known Stefano would lie low and reappear at a time when all of his enemies are in one place.

Victor tells Nico they will have to act fast. Another man enters. Nico calls him James. Victor asks who the man is. Nico says his name is James McClure (Roscoe Born), a new employee of theirs. Nico says he is willing to do dangerous work, work some of their employees won't do or aren't skilled enough to. Victor is intrigued and shakes James's hands, welcoming him aboard. James says he is pleased to be working for a man with the reputation and power that Victor has. Victor says he doesn't care for flattery and says it's time to get down to business.

Victor asks Nico to have James come with him to acquire blueprints of the new Salem Tower, the location of the ball, so they know what they will be dealing with when they have to go up against Stefano. Nico agrees and James follows him out but not before turning and giving a cold look at Victor behind his back. Victor vows to end the Dimera reign on New Year's Eve.

-Abe is with Roman when they get word from Agent Specter in London that Stefano is returning to Salem on New Year's Eve. Roman says that this means he plans to do something at the ball. They must be prepared. Abe agrees and calls Shane.

Shane arrives and they fill him in. Roman gets a phone call and goes to take it. He returns and tells Abe and Shane that he learned from a contact of his that Victor is plotting to stop Stefano on New Year's Eve too. The war between Victor and Stefano is going to explode. Abe says that so many innocent lives will be at stake. Shane adds that they can't cancell the ball. This is a chance to lure Stefano out of hiding.

Roman says it's also a chance to end the war, something he vows to do. Too many people he loves have been put in danger by Dimera but also by this war. Victor is at fault for the war and he needs to stop him and Stefano. The ball will go on as planned and they will keep an eye out. If they think things are getting too risky, they start evaculating and use the SWAT team to help. Abe agrees and so does Shane. They can't cancell the ball and give up a chance to flush out Stefano.

Abe hopes Lexie will return too. Shane goes to organize the man power for the ball. Roman says they will need to have all the officers, snipers and SWAT members in party attire. Bullet proof helmets and vets will only be put on when the men are in their positions and getting prepared for orders to fire. Roman vows that New Year's will be the end of Stefano and the Dimera reign, as well as the end to the Dimera/Kiriakis war. He will not allow Victor to put anymore of his loved ones in danger or in the line of fire. It all ends on New Year's Eve, if he has anything to say about it.

-Hope wakes up and is shocked Bo is no longer in bed with her. She goes downstairs and finds him dressed and looking over some files of Stefano. She asks what he is doing. He stays silent. She deduces he is still doing work for Victor to help go after Stefano. She thought he was through with that. They finally foudn each other again and with JT back she thought he would end this and go back to the SPD, Bo says the SPD has too many rules. He is doing this for his family and friends. With JT back, that is more of a reason. He needs to protect them and putting an end to Stefano and the Dimera reign will make things safe for all of Salem.

Hope asks but at what costs. He already got shot. She reminds him of Sydney and also of everything that happened on Christmas and during the holidays. She thought he understood but he clearly didn't. She tells him if he continues to work with Victor on going after Stefano in this manner, she isn't sure they have a future.

Bo is frustrated and says he is doing this for her and their loved ones. She yells to him to do it with the police then, not as a part of a mafia war. Bo says everything that happened during the holidays and on Christmas was lie. They are still worlds apart. Hope agrees and says that maybe it was just the holidays and JT being back because they still have major problems. Bo then gets a call from Victor, asking him to meet him at the mansion.

Bo tells Hope he has to go. Hope guesses it was Victor and can't beleive after all that has happened and after all they discussed he is actually going to take off like that. Bo says he is doing it for her and everyone he loves. He puts his coat on and walks out as Hope follows him out the door and yells:

Hope: You won't be happy until you get yourself killed, won't you? Damnit, Brady!!!

Bo drives off.

Hope: I have to stop this. I have to get him out of this damn war before he gets himself killed...no matter what I have to do.

The screen then fades out on a determined Hope.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Stephanie to Steve and Kayla: I hate to have to say goodbye.

Sami to Lucas: Where do we go from here?

Carrie to Alan: Maybe this is wrong. Maybe I shouldn't leave. Maybe it's time I reveal myself and admit the truth.

Philip to Victor: I want in on your dealings.

Roman to Belle: You don't have to stay with Philip, sweetheart.

Victor: The hell she don't!!

Roman to Marlena: What is going on with you?

Victor to Bo: It's time you prove your loyalty to me and our cause.


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I love the use of the veterans in your blog. This was a great episode to see them interact. Very tight episode and well written. I can't wait to see Bo and Victor interact more.

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