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-Mimi’s trial begins! Judge Fitzpatrick calls upon the district attorney to call his first witness, and he calls Cassie!

-Ivan is nervous by Forrest’s words, and desperately tries to find Vivian!

-Sam is shocked. She tells Lilly she’s not crazy and ain’t gonna go to see some psychiatrist. Lilly says “Yes you are, or I won’t break you out of here.”

-Cassie is called to the stand! A nurse wheels her up to the stand and she purs her hand on the Bible and swears to tell the truth. Mimi thinks to herself she won’t. The district attorney asks Cassie what happened the night Mimi pushed her, and Cassie recalls what happened that night. She says she heard something in Belle and Philip’s loft, so she went inside, there was nothing, and then that was when Mimi came in and the fight began…

-EJ comes back into his room at the Salem Inn with Spencer Cassadine’s former nanny Colleen (Amanda Tepe). She asks him what she wants and she needs to get to her son. EJ says he bets she does and asks her where Helena Cassadine is!

-Mimi’s lawyer cross examines Cassie. He says that supposedly, right before she fell out the window Mimi was in her loft with Rex. And asks how Mimi could’ve gotten to Cassie and pushed her in a short amount of time like that. Cassie says that Mimi left her loft and was not seen for a few minutes, and that was when Mimi pushed her. Cassie finally after a few minutes leaves the stand.

-Rex leaves the courtroom and heads to where Willow lives, once he gets there he tells Willow he needs her help.

-The district attorney then shows the court all the evidence against Mimi. He says first of all, the security camera’s show Mimi going into the loft and just mere minutes later Cassie was pushed out the window. He says second, they found Mimi’s earring right beside where Cassie fell. He then tells them Mimi hates Cassie very much because of Cassie’s objection to Mimi in a relationship with Cassie’s brother, Rex.

-Steve and Kayla continue to investigate Llanview, they pass Llanfair and Steve says it looks familiar!

-The trial continues as the district attorney shows the jury that Cassie’s clothes have Mimi’s finger prints all over them, possibly from Mimi pushing Cassie out the window. Mimi flashes back to a cat fight they had that same day! She begins to worry.

-All the Hortons gather for Mickey’s funeral. Shawn leaves the courthouse and heads to the Church, as do Bo and Hope. All the Hortons congratulate Bo and Hope on their new daughters. Before the funeral begins, Laura looks to the door and yells “Mike!”

-Greta is continuously troubled by her paternity, Eric comforts her, and it causes her to nearly reveal her paternity to him!

-Erin and Max continue to spend time together and bond.

-The district attorney then calls his next witness, which is Rex! Rex comes back into the courtroom just in time and goes up to the stand. The district attorney begins to question him.

-Mike (Roark Critchlow) walks into the grave yard! The Hortons are shocked to see him, followed by Jennifer (Melissa Reeves), Jack (Matt Ashford), Scotty Banning (Rick Hearst), David Banning (Gregg Marx), Steven Olson (Stephen Schnetzer), Spencer Olson (unknown), Tommy Horton (John Lupton), and Sandy Horton (Pamela Roylance). Lucas and Will (Chris Gerse) arrive as well. Alice is thrilled to have her family all gathered together again, and they all mourn Mickey. His funeral begins as Alice stands and recalls all her greatest times with Mickey.

-The DA asks Rex what he was doing the night Cassie was pushed, Rex says he was at his loft with Mimi, he says they shared a kiss. Then she left shortly after. Then soon after that Cassie was pushed. He however then tells him he doesn’t believe Mimi did it, and thinks someone else did. The district attorney has no further questions for Rex, and Rex steps down. John whispers to Marlena that it seems almost everyone knows Mimi is innocent. The district attorney has no further witnesses to call, because he has enough evidence that should convince the jury. Judge Fitzpatrick asks Mimi’s lawyer to call his first witness, and he calls Mimi to the stand!

-Sami leaves the courtroom, troubled by all of this reminding her of Abe and her knowing he is innocent and Lexie is the real murderer! She again remembers how Lexie has nothing on her now, and also it would be the right thing to do to reveal that Abe was innocent. She is still uncertain.

-Colleen tells EJ she doesn’t know where some Helena is! She gets nervous and tries to leave but he grabs her and says he wants the truth!

-Alice finishes recalling all her greatest times with Mickey, and she tells all the Hortons to not mourn him in sadness, but in happiness, because that is what Mickey would want, Tom as well. She says he is watching over them right now, as is Tom. She sits down and Laura comes up, she recalls the time she and Mickey were married, she says even though it didn’t work out, she would always love him and that would be an important memory in her life. Alice smiles as Laura sits down.

-Mimi is on the stand. Her lawyer asks her if she pushed Cassie, Mimi says no. She asks where she was when Cassie was pushed, Mimi then replied that she was just walking into the loft. The lawyer then asks how her ear ring fell off, Mimi says it fell off right before she went into the loft, so when she put it back on she was loose. She says the reason she was scene at the crime scene was because she was the one who found Cassie, and that was when her ear ring fell off. The lawyer then asks what about the clothes, Mimi says she and Cassie had a fight earlier, because Cassie was persistence in keeping her away from Rex, and that was exactly why she tried to frame her! The lawyer says he has no further questions and goes to sit down. The district attorney then begins to cross examine Mimi!

-Willow goes into Cassie’s room at the hospital, she says she doesn’t know how to do this but she’s gonna try.

-Mike stands up at Mickey’s funeral and begins to talk about how for a while he thought of Mickey as is father, he says he knows Bill is his father, but on the inside Mickey will always be a father to him. He then sits down. Melissa then comes up and says even though he wasn’t her biological father, he is in her heart. She says he was always a person she could turn to. She says she will miss him, but she knows he is happy.

-The district attorney asks Mimi if she conspired against Belle Black Kiriakis and Shawn Brady to keep the paternity, Mmi’s lawyer objects to it not being relevant, the DA says this will prove relevance once he continues, Judge Fitzpatrick lets the DA continue. Mimi sadly says she did, then the DA asks the jury why should they believe her when she is also manipulative, he then asks if she had an abortion of her baby with the victim’s brother and kept it from him. She says yes, the DA then says no further questions, because it is obvious no one can believe a word out of her mouth so she did push Cassie out the window. Judge Fitzpatrick asks if both sides are finished, and they both say yes. The jury is then dismissed to make a decision!

-Mickey’s funeral continues, as Sarah comes up to make her speech about Mickey. She says she also knows she was not his biological child, but she is in her heart. She says that no matter what anyone says she always will be. She then recalls all the good times she had with Mickey, and says he was a great, great man and certainly was a true Horton. She tearfully tells him goodbye and goes to sit down. Then, lastly, Maggie comes up.

-EJ finally after a while forces Colleen to tell him where Helena is! She confesses and says Helena is tied up and gagged at Wyndermere castle! EJ lets go of Colleen and heads off to rescue Helena.

-Sami visits Abe in jail, she says she’s sorry about all that has happened. She says she knows he didn’t kill Tek. Abe asks Sami how she can be so certain, it’s almost like she knows something. He then wonders if she could help him and asks if she knows something that prove him innocent!

-Lilly tells Sam she is going to set their plan in motion after Christmas!

-The jury is in deliberation for quite some time. Mimi asks her lawyer what is going on, her lawyer just responds that this was a very odd case, and both sides were very strong, so it could take a bit. Bonnie tries to reassure Mimi everything will be alright. Finally, the jury comes back out!

-Maggie tells all the Hortons she had wonderful times with Mickey, and he was a great man. She says she loved him eternally, and she would do anything for him. She begins to tear up, she says Mickey and her went through hard times, but they went through happy times as well. She says but whatever they went through it was always together, and their love came out on top in the end. She then tells everyone that when he married her it made her the happiest woman in the world and she cherished all the time they had together, she said he had strength before his death, and he would want her to be happy. She says she has had relationships with other men, but none of them oculd ever match up to Mickey. She cries as she says goodbye to her husband and goes to sit down. Then the Hortons all head outside as Mickey’s coffin is wheeled out as well….

-Judge Fitzpatrick asks if the jury has made a decision, and they say they have. They then give the judge the verdict. Judge Fitzpatrick tells the defendant to stand, so Mimi and her lawyer do. Judge Fitzpatrick then announces that Mimi has been charged with the attempted murder of Cassie Brady, and has been declared guilty! Mimi breaks down and screams “No!” as Bonnie does the same, everyone in the courtroom is shocked, meanwhile Jan and Cassie both silently rejoice!

-All the Hortons are gathered outside as Mickey’s coffin is about to be lowered into the ground, they all tear up, especially Maggie, Melissa, and Sarah, as the coffin is finally put into the ground. Finally, Mickey’s funeral ends and all the Hortons leave the graveyard to head to Mickey and Maggie’s house. Maggie however stays, she leans down and says to the ground “Oh Mickey…how I will miss you. But, I know you would want me to live a happy life, so I will. But I promise, I will always keep your memory alive and NEVER forget you. Now, goodbye, my darling.” and she tearfully leaves St.Luke’s.

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