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December 19, 2006




-Sami, Roman, and Shane made it back to the copter and are on board. They are on their way back to Salem. Sami turns to Roman and says:

Sami: Are you alright? You look so tired.

Roman: Oh, I’m fine. I’ll be better once your brother gets this medicine in him, though.

Sami: Yeah. I will too. (Looking at Roman as he leans his head back) You are such a wonderful man. I was wondering......

Roman: Yeah?

Sami: Well, I was just thinking......I have no one coming over for Christmas, and I wasn’t invited to anyone’s home........

Roman: Oh, I see.

Sami: Well, I was just thinking.......that if you weren’t doing anything.........you could maybe, uh......

Roman: Come over on Christmas Day?

Sami: Uh, yeah. My cooking isn’t good at all, but.......

Roman: (Putting his arm around her) I’m not coming over for your cooking. I’m coming over to spend the holiday with my daughter. My beautiful, sweet, precious little girl, who I love so very much, ok?

Sami: Yes, Daddy.

Sami wraps herself around her father and Roman slowly drifts off to sleep. She watches him silently, grateful to God that she now has another chance with her father. She rests her head on his chest and drifts off to sleep as well.

-Hope is in shock from what Chelsea said and asks how this is possible. Chelsea says it was during her time as Princess Gina that she was concieved. The "Georgia is alive" evidence was a scam and she really died in Billie's arms in the swamp. Chelsea explains to Hope how Stefano told her on the island and she didn't trust him so she did a DNA test when she returned. It was done twice and Greta was there. Hope is shocked Greta knew. Hope still can't beleive this. Chelsea says she doesn't have the proof right now but she knows someone who can help her prove what she is saying.

-Jack goes into Abby's room and sees Abby and Max sitting close and talking. Abby explains to her father what happened with her and Max. He is happy and shakes Max's hand, saying it's about time. He knows he will treat his daughter right or else. Max laughs and says he knows better then to hurt Abby and he cares far too much to do so. Jack smiles and whispers to Max a reminder not to tell Abby or Chelsea about their condition.

Jack explains that Jennifer would be pleased with Max dating Abby. Abby knows she would. Jack asks Max if he wants to go check on Eric. He tells Jack he will wait until he is paged or hears something. Abby asks her father why he isn't getting ready to go to Christmas Eve mass. It's a family tradition and JJ loves seeing the decorations and all. Mom would want that. Max tells Jack he can stay with Abby. Abby says she will be fine and tries to convince Jack. He agrees to go. Jack knows she will hate missing mass and the tree trimming so he says he will have a web cam set up so Abby can be a part of the action at the Horton house. She hugs him and thanks him. Jack leaves.

-Greta arrives at Chelsea's room, asking why she had her paged. Hope realizes that Chelsea had her called. Chelsea tells Greta to validate her claim that Hope is her mother. Greta does and says she saw the test results. Hope is stunned and wonders what they should do now. Chelsea says they need to tell Bo and Billie, as well as everyone else.

Hope, thinking about the holidays and what this will do to Bo and Billie and the families involved, tells Greta and Chelsea that they won't tell anyone else...for now. It's the holidays and they all have been through enough turmoil. They will figure out a way to tell the others later. Greta agrees to stay silent, as does Chelsea.

-Caroline is calling all over looking for Bo, wondering where he could be as his nephew is dying. Victor comforts her. Steve, Kayla, Stephanie, Frankie, Max (who leaves Abby for a few minutes to check in ), Austin, Lucas, Will, Belle, Philip, Victor, Kate, Billie, Maggie, Abe, and Celeste (who is there with Theo to be there to support the Brady's) are all watching as Nicole shares a tearful goodbye to Eric. Caroline is shocked when Andrew and Jeannie come through the swinging doors. They reunite with friends and family.

Caroline then sees Kimberly wheel herself in behind them. They share a touching reunion. She says she came as soon as she could and asks if there is any change on Eric or news on Sami, Shane, and Roman. Caroline shakes her head. She adds that even if they lose Eric it will be good to have her and the kids, along with Stephanie, home for the holidays. She agrees.

-Philip tries to comfort Belle but she backs away tentatively, saying not now. Philip grabs her arm and says that no one can suspect what is going on and orders her to do as he says. A trembling Belle agrees and embraces Philip as a suspicious Kate watches.

-Back in Chelsea's room, Chelsea asks Hope how things are going to be between them. Hope says she doesn't know. Frankie comes in and says that Eric is near death and she probably should be there. Chelsea tells Hope to go ahead and give everyone her best wishes. Hope tells Chelsea they will talk and leaves.

-Hope joins everyone else who is holding vigil for Eric. Greta is watching Nicole say goodbye and prays that it doesn't end like this. Not after everything they have been through to try to save him.

Jack arrives and asks Billie what is going on. She explains what is going on with Eric. Jack explains to Maggie that Alice, Doug, Julie, and the others are at St. Luke's already for mass. They went early to say a few extra prayers for the Brady's. Maggie says that is a good idea as they can use them.

-Alan is at the hospital. He had cut himself and needed treatment and is now watching what is going on from a distance. He hears about Sami and seems unnerved. He says he hopes she makes it home as he has many plans for her and needs to make her see that he has changed.

He decides to leave the hospital to avoid detection and is shocked when he hears a women call out to him. He turns to see Carrie. Alan is stunned to see her. She says she couldn't stay away from her family and home on Christmas and, even if she can't make herself known to her loved ones, at least she can be around them.

-Nicole is begging Eric to hang on. They pledge their love for each other before he goes into a seizure and stops breathing. Dr. Rowen and his staff work to save him as everyone watches. Austin comforts Nicole. Lucas wonders where Sami is as she should be here as Hope and Caroline wish Bo and Roman were there.

Just then, Sami and Roman arrive with Shane in tow. They have the drug and pray they aren't too late. Everyone is stunned to see them and asks where they have been. Sami explains to them all what transpired. Dr. Rowen gives the drug to a nurse and asks her to deliver it as he tries to get Eric stable but he is still flatlining.

Everyone in the room prays for a miracle and hopes Sami and Roman aren't too late. The screen then fades out on a flatlined Eric lying motionless.

On the next Salem Lives...

Bo to Hope: I have a surprise for you...one that will change both of our lives.

Jack to Billie: Looks like we are under a mistletoe (leans in and kisses her).

Roman to Sami: I am so happy to have you in my life again (as someone watches them hugging).

Maggie to Victor: I don't know what I would do without you (Victor takes her hand as Caroline watches).

Sami: Oh my God...how is this possible?


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That was a sweet moment when Andrew & Jeannie showed

up and Kimberly wheeled in behind them- loved it. I really

like the way you're re-writing Chelsea's lineage- it all actually

makes sense too. :lol:

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Wait a minute... Chelsea is Hope's daughter? :unsure: Okay... I remember that idea was tossed around a while back. I guess you were one of the supporters. It looks like you have things in place for a great storyline ahead. Who is Chelsea's father? Bo?

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It hasn't been revealed yet Drew.

When Chelsea learned in August that Hope was her real mother

from Stefano, he never told her who her father was. The DNA test

never proved it either. We are going to delve into that big time in

2007 as Chelsea will want to find her father.

It's one of the stories I am really excited about.

Thanks juniorz. I wish Patsy Pease would return. Her condition

could easily be written into story like we did it. I plan on using Kim alot.

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