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Episode 22




(EXT: The Beach, panning up to Mason & Julia's Home)

---Mason and Julia lie in bed, with Mason once again tossing around. He dreams of seeing Mary in Heaven, and then once again flashes to seeing Dr. Beckman. He remembers the sound of her voice as he flashes back again to a conversation he'd had with Mary years before. The dream then flashes to him sleeping at the San Remos Clinic, and Mary covering him with the blanket. He keeps going back & forth between the vision and Dr. Beckman until he springs up from his sleep, calling Mary's name. He looks at Julia and she's still asleep. Mason quietly gets out of bed and heads for the shower, but not before looking into the mirror, asking himself if he's seeing things as he wants to see them as he splashes cold water on his face. Meanwhile, Julia opens her eyes in the bedroom and walks to the bathroom door, leaning against it & listening in on Mason. She decides it's time she tell him everything, once and for all.

(EXT: The Capwell Estate)

---CC comes downstairs for breakfast and sees a visibly annoyed Sophia already sitting at the table waiting for him. He apologizes for getting in so late the night before, telling her he had to work later than he anticipated.

"Oh, that's why you were late CC" she says sarcastically "and here I thought you were avoiding me since I was THROWN OUT of the Capwell building yesterday morning..."

"I heard and I'm so sorry. It should have been handled differently and I apologize for that"

"It shouldn't have been handled at all. Just what the hell is going on CC? Why would you let her have this kind of power there? After all these years.....of all people......and she's had me barred from the building, which you obviously allowed? WHY?"

CC explains that he was put in a very tough spot during the takeover and had no choice but to give in to her demands. He assures Sophia that the situation is only temporary and he's working on a plan to take back full ownership of Capwell. Sophia is disbelieving but he insists that she be patient with him and that he's not about to let Elizabeth walk all over him without a fight. Sophia angrily asks him why he let things get this far in the first place and he reiterates that he had no other choice. Sophia suddenly clutches her head in pain and CC immediately tends to his wife. She tells him that she's fine, that it's just another migraine. He suggests that she get checked out by a doctor, which is exactly what she says she's about to do. CC kisses her good-bye and heads to the office.

(EXT: Angela's Condominium)

---Angela wakes up and sees that Ted never came to sleep in their bed. She looks around for him but he's obviously gone for the day. She opens the door to check for his car and is stunned when she sees Lily on the other side of it.

"Not who you expected?" Lily taunts.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Actually, I'm here to see Ted- is he home?"

"I'm afraid he's gone to work for the day."

Lily comments on how early it is and that it's unusual for Ted to be gone to the office so early in the morning. Lily asks Angela if there could be trouble in paradise, but Angela defends herself, showing Lily that Ted's ring is still on her finger. Lily replies that it's just an object and she won't be wearing it for long if she has anything to say about it. Lily starts to leave, but Angela grabs her by the arm and lets her have it.

"Listen to me and listen good- this obsession you have with Ted and I- it ends, right here, right now. I don't know what kind of game you're playing but I've got news for you- you're messing with the wrong girl, Lily. I've chewed and spit out people like you before breakfast on a regular basis- don't think I won't do it again. I've been more than fair with you up until now because I felt sorry for you. But those days are over- so fair warning, Lily. Go back to your cookie-cutter, gingerbread world, sewing jeans with your mommy and stay out of the Adult pool. You don't want to swim with sharks Lily- the minnows like you disappear quickly."

Angela releases Lily and slams the door. Lily smiles and says to herself that Angela doesn't know who she's messing with.

(EXT: Capwell Estate)

---Sophia is pleased when Ted stops by to visit with her. Ted apologizes for the entire fiasco of the day before and Sophia tells her baby that she knows it's not his fault. Ted asks why Elizabeth hates her so much and Sophia explains that they have a long history together. Ted asks for more detail, but Sophia only tells him that Elizabeth used to have a crush on CC while they were dating. Sophia explains that Elizabeth became fixated on him, causing the tension between them. She tells Ted that Elizabeth was jealous of her growing up, since their father favored Sophia and especially when Sophia became an actress. Ted asks why CC would harbor a soft spot for her then.

"What do you mean baby?"

"Mom, I saw it myself- she had this effect on him. One minute, he was raging mad at Kathleen for the way you were treated and the next minute he's polite as can be, acting very diplomatic and understanding toward Elizabeth."

Sophia explains to Ted that CC always was good to her, since she was Sophia's younger sister, he was protective of her, which Elizabeth always mistook for his having actual feelings for her. Sophia asks Ted how things are going with Angela and can tell by his reaction that he's not pleased with his spouse. Ted tells Sophia about how Angela had lied to him and planned on ruining the wedding to Lily from the beginning. He explains that she planted the article in New Mexico for Rafe to see in hopes that he'd be able to stop the wedding himself. Sophia is understanding of why he's angry but asks him if he loves Angela.

"Of course I do mom. I wouldn't have married her otherwise."

"Then you'll work through it. I've known Angela Cassidy for some time now Ted and frankly, this is how she operates, so if you truly love her for who she is, then...... none of this should be too surprising, no?"

Ted smiles and agrees with his mother. He asks her how it is no matter how confused he is, she's able to make him see things clearly.

"I'm your mother. You're my only son, Ted. I love your brother Mason to death, but you're mine- my boy. There's a special bond between a mother and her first born son you know. I know when you're hurting just as you do me."

Ted hugs his mother and heads out the door for work.

(EXT: Santa Barbara Medical Center)

---Dr. Ben Normandy is going through his files when his secretary informs him that a Dr. Edmund Lavery is there to see him. Ben asks that she let him in and greets Edmund warmly. Ben tells him that he's quite impressed with his work and the experiments he's been doing to further neurological advances. Edmund thanks him for the adulation. Ben asks what he can do for him and Edmund explains that an old friend of his had told him about the condition of one of Ben's patients- Sophia Capwell. Ben goes over her case, saying that her aneurism is in an advanced state. Edmund tells him of the experimental treatments he's been doing in London and tells Ben that he thinks they could save Sophia's life. He asks Ben for permission to meet with Sophia for a consultation and Ben informs him he'd have to check with Sophia first. Ben calls her and tells her of Dr. Lavery and his proposal. Sophia asks with Edmund and he takes the phone, telling her that he wants to offer his services. She informs him that she'll be by in the afternoon to discuss his treatments.

(EXT: Mason & Julia's Home)

---Mason comes downstairs dressed for the day and immediately notices the look on Julia's face. He comments that she looks serious and she tells him that she's very serious. She tells him that she heard him tossing & turning and calling Mary's name in his sleep. He insists that it's nothing but she won't let him get around it, telling him it's been going on for weeks now. Mason explains to her why Mary's been on his mind once again but Julia tells him she thinks there's more to it. She asks him to sit down.

"Julia, I don't see why you're being dramatic, I've already explained myself numerous times...."

"Mason, please, for your own good, humor me and sit down."

Mason agrees though he tells her he still thinks she's blowing things out of proportion. Julia informs him that she too has met Dr. Beckman. Mason asks when and Julia tells him that shortly after Samantha's surgery, she was able to corner her and thank her. Mason asks why she never told him but Julia interrupts him, explaining that all she had set out to do was thank the person that saved her daughter's life and had she known what would have happened next, she may have thought twice about it. Mason asks why, claiming that from what he saw of her, Dr. Beckman seemed like a lovely person.

"BE-Cause, Because....I wouldn't have found out what I'm about to tell you....Dr. Beckman......we know her, very well actually......Mason, Dr. Beckman is Mary. She's alive. Mary is ALIVE!!!"

The camera zooms in on Mason, staring back at her in disbelief. "It can't be. It isn't possible."

"It can Mason. It's her. I saw her with my own two eyes, heard her speak with my own ears."

Mason breaks down and chokes up. "Mary.....is alive? My god.....Mary" he begins to tear up "Marrrrry!!!"

THE END...........................for today


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SO good. Just so good. Love that Julia finally told Mason about Mary. The interaction between Sophia and Ted was so real, I felt like I was watching it on TV. You did an excellent job

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