S&L: Episode 41-43

Secrets & Lies: Episode 40-43
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee
Produced by: NaVell J. Lee
Opening Video
- David Hayward makes his way into Alan's office at GH. Alan greets him in and the two begin to talk about his residence at Pine Valley. He starts to tell Alan about his work and what he has done at the hospital in Pine Valley, but is very vague about everything else, and Alan happens to pick up on it.
Alan: Dr. Hayward, I sense that you are not being totally forthcoming about your time in Pine Valley.
David: Dr. Quartermaine, I don't see how my personal life is any of your concern. I’ve given you a run down of my accomplishments at PVH, I’ve also given you recommendations from my superiors. Anything else beyond my professional ability is off-limits. You are only here to interview me for a position at General Hospital. So, unless there is something else that I should know about....
Alan: That’s understandable. I know that you have excellent credentials. I just don’t want to make a mistake by bringing you on staff. You may have been vague about some other things that have happened, but I am aware of such things. Such as your license being revoked a few years ago. But that’s another issue for another day. If there is any reason why I should have second thoughts on giving you the job, speak up now, or get out of my office immediately.
David sits there with a sly grin on his face before responding to Alan's ultimatum.
David: You have absolutely nothing to worry about. My skills in medicine are far more advanced than you or anyone else on your staff can ever imagine. I can do things for patients most doctors could not even dream of. So, yes...Alan....I am gonna make damn sure that this job will be mine. You can bank on that.
David puts out his hand, and both gentlemen begin to shake hands, leaving David to know full well that they were able to reach an agreement.
- At Kelly's, Maxie is sitting at the counter when Dillon walks in, She then grins, knowing it is her perfect opportunity to get on his case more about the Lucas situation. She walks over to his table, and gives him a hello, but Dillon looks up and ignores her. Maxie decides to sit down at his table.
Dillon: (sarcastically) Please, sit down.
Maxie: Look, I know we have been on the outs for a while now...
Dillon: Ok, I am just gonna have you skip the sappy speech and cut right to the point. What is it you want, Maxie?
Maxie: I'm just here to tell you, that I am always here, whenever you want to talk, about your feelings for the one you can't have.
Dillon: (starts to get more frustrated) Do you think I’m stupid Maxie? I wouldn’t trust you if you told me the sky was blue.
Maxie: Dillon, I’m offended.
Dillon (sarcastically): Maxie, so not my problem. Can't you get it through your head that what you believe I feel for Lucas is just nonsense?
Maxie: My, getting on the defensive. And I didn't even bring upLucas, so you must obviously have him on the mind to blurt his name out and get all hot and bothered.
Dillon: Shut up, Maxie!
Just then, Lulu walks into Kelly's and overhears the Maxie/Dillon conversation.
Maxie: Why can't you just admit it, Dillon. You know it, and pretty soon everyone will know it, as well as your precious Georgie. (She leans in closer speaking barely above a whisper) You have the hots for Lucas, and I’m gonna prove it.
Lulu runs over and yells at Maxie for being a pain in the ass. Maxie tries to ignore her, but Lulu backs her against the wall. She tells Maxie that Dillon doesn’t have time to listen to her babbling and orders her out. Maxie snarks at Dillon once more before leaving. Lulu tells Dillon not to worry about Maxie, she’s just bitter and lonely.
- At ELQ, Carly runs into Luke. She mentions that she saw Lulu earlier and she was worried abou the repercussions from Luke & Tracy’s actions. Luke tells his Carly that Lulu doesn't need to worry her pretty little head about anything. But, Carly jumped the topics around to the deal that she and Luke made, and decides to make sure he comes through.
Carly: Just so that we are on the up and up, Luke, I want to make sure that you’re going to give me what I asked for. We had a deal, and I expect you to keep your word.
Luke: I’m a Spencer. My word is my bond.
Carly: Exactly.
Luke: I told you Caroline, if you came through for me that you’d get what you wanted. And I always keep my promises. I told Tracy what you were trying to do, and she took care of everything.
Carly: You're kidding.
Luke: 'Fraid not, niece of mine. ELQ purchased the company, and now I’m signing over the shares over to you. As of right now…(signs the documents he needed to sign)....you are officially the owner.
Carly goes to grab the contract from Luke. But, when she does, Luke grabs her hand before she can walk away from him. He tells Carly not to screw up this opportunity, especially since if it wasn’t for him and Tracy it would have never happened. Carly gives him her word that this company will do nothing but succeed, and he can bank on that. Luke then smiles and takes a swig of his beer.
- At General Hospital, Bobbie is working at her station when Noah walks by. He gives her some flowers, and she starts to smile at his great gesture. He begins to tell her how wonderful she looks today, and then tells Noah that he didn't have to do that to her, after what had happened at her place before Thanksgiving. Noah replied that it was forgotten and she need not to worry about it anymore. She acted how one would normally act in her position, and then asked if it was all right with her, if they could go out on another date. Bobbie was thrilled to have Noah ask, and she graciously accepted. The two share a kiss before Noah walks off.
- Lucky and Sam are talking when someone knocks on the door. Lucky signals for Sam to be quiet.
Voice (yelling from outside the door): Lucky open up. It’s Jason.
Sam (whispering to Lucky): Jason? That name sounds familiar.
Lucky: Go away Jason. I have nothing to say to you.
Jason: Come on Lucky, Let me in! What are you doing in there?
Lucky: none of your damn business.
Jason: Listen…I just wanted to apologize for the way things went down at the Quartermaine’s on Thanksgiving.
Lucky: Yeah. Water under the bridge. I really want you to go now.
When Jason walks away, Sam has another flashback. This time, it’s one of her and Jason dancing in the rain on the rooftop of the Penthouse. When it’s over, Sam stumbles and Lucky catches her. She says that she knows that voice. Lucky tells her to give it some more time before she begins trying to push her memory.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Tracy flexes her power at ELQ, which means bad news for Skye
- Carly tries to get Nikolas to talk some sense into his brother
- Tired of Monica's treatment of him, Alan lets her have it
- Helena messes with Alexis' head
- Lorenzo is upset when Diego gives him some bad news
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