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December 6, 2006




-As the floor with Sami’s apartment burns around them, Alan is the first one to regain consciousness. He looks around, barely able to stand, but manages to do just that. He looks down at Sami, who is also coming around, and plots an exit for them as the floor beneath them begins to show signs of buckling.

Austin & Lucas run up to the apartment building, only to be held back by police. Austin asks if everyone got out safely, to which the police officer responds that there are still two people up on the 21st floor. Lucas turns and gives Austin a very worried look and then says that he hopes no one died because someone decided to play these games once again.

Abe & Shane arrive at the blast site, long enough to see Alan carrying Sami out of the building......alive. He puts her on a gurney, and Lucas runs up to here, begging that she is ok. He is also worried because Will has not checked in yet and he normally does by this time. Austin stares at Alan and then accuses him of blowing up the top floor of the apartment building. Abe fills Austin and Lucas in on the preliminary investigation, which has shown that a bomb was planted in Sami’s apartment. Lucas becomes livid and attacks Alan, beating him to a pulp.

-At Salem University Hospital, Jack has just walked back into the cafeteria after checking on Abby. He gets a cup of coffee and sits at a small table, long enough to see the breaking news report about the explosion on television. He thinks to himself “What in the world is going on?! Are we all being targeted?” He is jolted out of his shock by Billie, who has placed her hand on his shoulder and is also watching the report. She remarks how this past week had been a nightmare. She wonders if Chelsea will ever be the same. Jack hopes so, as he hopes the same for Abby. They have a long road ahead of them, he remarks. She agrees, hoping that they both will learn from this and won’t make this mistake again.

Billie also wonders what her mother was thinking. He says apparently the very same thing Jennifer’s mother was thinking. It’s all about them, as far as he can see, and nobody else matters. He bets, at that very moment, that both of them are plotting how they can use this incident to their advantage. She also agrees on that, saying that she is sick and tired of always having to tell her mother to stop acting like a spoiled brat. No wonder they turned out like they did, she says. Jack can't understand why they thought Billie and him can be more then friends. Billie then reclutantly mentions that maybe that is a possibility. They both look each other and begin to laugh, calling that a joke.

Jack hopes that, even through all of this mess, they can still be friends. Billie says she would really like that. It’s about time she had a male friend she’s not sleeping with, or who isn’t married or engaged. They both laugh for the first time in a week. They get up, and look silently at each other, and then hold each other as they walk out of the cafeteria and back to their daughter’s bedsides.

-Outside on the balcony, Bill is still trying to calm Laura down. She feels that she has messed both of these girls lives up pretty badly. Bill tells her this is nowhere near all her fault. He holds her face, looking at her and telling her that at least she will learn from this. He also thinks Kate will use this to her advantage. Laura wipes her face, hoping that the silliness will come to an end with this tragedy. Bill hopes the same thing, but wonders when the children have more sense than the adults, how will things truly end up? He comforts her as she ponders his words. Laura mentions how she wishes she never left the mental institution as she has felt so much pain and caused so much since then. Bill tells her never to say that and that they will get through this...together.

-Sami regains consciousness long enough to see the fighting that is going on. Alan finally gets a word in edgewise, saying that since he knew Sami would not accept a care package at the hospital, he dropped it off there instead. None of the men believe him, until one officer backs up his story, saying a witness has come forward. When Shane asks what this witness saw, the officer replies that she saw Alan walking around on the street 10 minutes before the explosion and that he went into the building a few moments before Sami entered and everything went up.

A package is then brought over, which contains chocolates inside a destroyed wrapper. Alan says he bought those for Sami, remembering that she liked them. Lucas and everyone else grows quiet, ashamed that they got it wrong once again. Abe wants a security camera tape to seal the deal, which the officer says is being worked on right now. The fire chief comes over, telling the group that 3 people were found dead and 4 were injured severely. When Sami wonders out loud where Will is, Alan becomes worried, saying that he was in the building at the time of the blast. Sami becomes livid and begins to beat Alan on his chest, demanding to know where her son is.

-Back at the hospital once again, the Caroline and Greta watch on in horror as the staff work on Eric, working feverishly to save his life. Nicole looks on and thinks about all the wasted time between them. She turns around and walks away. Greta follows, asking her what’s the matter. Nicole says that if she would have put as much effort into being by Eric’s side as she does being a [!@#$%^&*] to everyone, he may not be in this situation. Greta is quiet, basically agreeing with Nicole.

They both return to the waiting room, just in time to overhear Dr. Rowen tell the family that within 48 hours, Eric may be gone. They don’t know what else to do. The clotting and internal bleeding just may cost him his life and he seems to be developing a life-threatening infection as well. Nicole breaks down in Greta’s arms, begging God for a miracle. Bill & Laura come in and get filled in on what is occurring. Bill suggests that he & Greta do some more research on what’s happening. Greta says she has done enough research to last a damn lifetime but nothing is more important than this, so they both rush off. Caroline turns back around and sees Nicole in Eric’s room. She is holding his hand and rests her head near his, speaking softly into his ear for him to get better and that she isn’t going anywhere.

-Lucas pulls Sami off of Alan when everyone sees Will walk around the corner. Alan hides. Sami runs up and hugs him, asking what happened. Will tells them when the floor exploded, he was in the elevator. Thank God that it was on the second floor and it collapsed to the basement. Will goes to be looked at by the EMT's, allowing Alan to come out of hiding. Abe & Shane confer with the other officers, who all now agree that Alan is innocent. The camera footage coincides with the time he says he entered the building. Plus, why would Alan stick around after planting a bomb in someone’s apartment?! Austin feels that Alan didn’t do this, no matter how much he wants to believe to the contrary. Lucas agrees, saying that it would be too easy. He would want Sami to suffer. Alan disagrees, saying that he is innocent and that they all need to get off his back.

The fire chief pulls Abe to the side and tells him that the building is all cleared. Abe thanks him and everyone else and tells the group of the news. When Sami turns to speak to Alan, he’s nowhere to be found. Will returns and asks who Alan is but Sami tells him it's nothing for him to worry about. When Sami asks Abe who could have done this, he looks at Shane and they both say the same name at the same time:

Stefano DiMera.

Austin, Will, Lucas & Sami look on horrified as the thought sinks in. From a distance, the Mysterious Cloaked figure looks on, secure in the knowledge of what he/she has done. He/she laughs hysterically as he'she says:

MCF: This town doesn’t now fear yet. But.....it’s coming. And when I’m through, nothing, or no one, will EVER be the same again.

The screen slowly fades to black on the group as the mysterious figure watches them.

Next Time, On Salem Lives..................

Hope to Bo: Please Bo. Put an end to this. Stop working with Victor.

Greta (with Bill) to Kayla: We could use your help.

Jack to Steve: I don't believe it. You remember...

Stefano to Lexie: It appears there was an explosion in Salem...and I am too blame.

Alan to Will: What did you tell your mother?

Roman to Eric: You can't die, son. Not when I finally have you back.

Sami to Roman: Oh please!! Stop acting like your his father.


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She wonders if Chelsea will ever be the same. Jack hopes so, as he hopes the same for Abby.

Now, you know that's a lie! Jack's probably thinking, "You want her to be the same? Pray for a change, [!@#$%^&*]!" :lol:

I don't mind Kate interferring with Jack and Billie, but would Laura really care that much? Jennifer is gone. It's not like Jack is cheating on Jennifer. Besides, Laura and Jack always had that special relationship. She would want him to be happy and find true love again. It's kind of out-of-character. Loving Billie/Jack though!

Hmm... I wonder who the MCF is. Could it be Stefano? Lawrence? Tony? Ernesto? Or someone new? I guess I'll have to wait and find out.

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The Laura stuff coming

next week will explain

a little as to why she

did what she did.

I delved a bit into it

today with her bringing

up being in the mental


As for the MCF that has

been making appearances

here and there, it is not

Stefano as he is with Lexie.

That mystery is going to build

and be pivotal in 2007.

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That mystery is going to build

and be pivotal in 2007.

Bringing more tragedy I assume ;) LOL, the people of Salem in Salem Lives just cannot get a break, haha.

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Oh, the person will

bring danger but we

won't see anything

to the extent of what

has happened lately.

This person is more

about screwing with

lives but it doesn't

mean they won't

take lives.

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I see my last post got deleted. What a shame, very sad but at any rate. honestly this episode was a much improvement then what I have read. There was a lot on emotion nd intruige and take a bow beacause for the first time I am looking forward to the next episode. One question I kant figure out why is Luara and Bill hangin around Eric Brady and Greta and nem. What connection do they have. :rolleyes:

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Your comment was deleted

not because of your opinion

but because of how you

expressed it. If you

didn't like the episode,

that's fine but let's not

go over the top and go

an an angry rant like that.

Everybody has different ideas

and that is what makes every

blog different so I hope there

won' t be any problems with

you commenting anymore.

In regards to Laura and Bill,

they aren't hanging around Eric

so there is no need for the

rolling eyes icon. They are at the

hospital for Abby but the Brady's

are there as well so they happen

to be interacting with them. Bill

volunteered to help Greta try to

find a way to save Eric. That's all

it is.

I hope you continue to read. I have

a rule against deleting any comments

but what you said was way too much

and went beyond a fair critique.

Keep reading and I think you will be


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I am not being uptight.

I never delete comments

even if someone does

not like something.

However, I will not

have you expressing

yourself in the manner

in which you are. Us blog

writers and readers are all

respectful of each other and

when we express our views

we do it in a constructive and

respectful manner. We do not

tell others not to read the blog

or get as serious as you did.

You took it a bit too far in your

comments. I don't mind you

commenting even if you

dislike something but you need

to do it in a way much like

everyone else. You could also

attempt to spell better to so others

can understand you.

Again feel free to comment but

don't go nuts. It's a blog and

a fan fic and while I expect

views both opposing and

supportive, it should never

get as angry and over the

top as your posts.

Now let's move on and

not mention this again.

I hope you keep reading

and we can just move on

and understand each other.

For those that don't know

what this is about, don't

worry. It's all good.

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