"JERICHO" Stars Signs On

STILLWATER, OK - As previously mentioned earlier this week (See Story) a rumor began making the rounds that an actress from a hit new fall CBS primetime show would be joining "THE LIGHT" cast in a short-term role. Casting director of the SONBC blog and series head writer, Josh Hawkins is confirming that indeed the actress is on her way.
From the hit series, "JERICHO" cast and crew welcomes...

Pamela Reed to the series.
Reed who currently stars in the freshman series, "Jericho" has signed onto the SONBC blog for a limited run, about five weeks. "I have been a fan of Pamela's for years." Shares Hawkins, "And while watching her in "Jericho" I just knew that I wanted her for a role on the blog."
And what role is that? "Ms. Reed will be playing a character named Sandra who first interacts with Olivia [Crystal Chappell] beginning on Friday, December 16th. Reed will most likely exit "THE LIGHT" sometime near the end of January 2007, as "Jericho" returns in February.
"This story is an exicting one! It will incorporate Ed, Holly and Hope as well. Look for Mel and Michelle to play a key role as well." Smiled Hawkins, "I think I've said to much as it is."
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