Episode 022: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 022
In "THE LIGHT" with Gus Aitoro & Alexandra Spaulding
Friday, December 01, 2006
Nighttime falls over Springfield as lives begin to change forever…
- Gus having decided to end the looming questions once and for all goes to Spaulding Enterprises where he intends to confront Alexandra! Harley unknown to him has followed, just as Vera Ginatoni [Jill Larson] is arriving at the request of Alexandra.
- Alexandra is about to leave for the mansion when Gus breaks through the door and announces that this cat and mouse game she has been playing with him all these months end tonight…Gus demands that Alexandra give him the answers he wants!
- She tells Gus she’ll give him the answers he wants…just as Harley and Vera arrive…and apparently she’ll do it in front of an audience, Alex says as she nods to Vera.
- Harley warns Alex to stop playing games with Gus…that he does not deserve this…Alexandra assures Harley she’s not playing games and that Gus’ biological mother is standing right before his very eyes…
- Without missing a beat Vera reveals that she is in fact Gus’ biological mother. Gus becomes furious and screams at Vera that nothing makes sense. He tells her he used to know who he was…where he belonged. Vera assures him that he is Joe and Angela Augustino son. Gus says that is what he used to think and pulls Harley over by his side and declares his undying love for her, but says that he can’t commit to her the way she deserves until he knows the truth…Vera glances over Alexandra’s way and she nods to go ahead.
- Vera reveals that she was a servant in the Spaulding house when they lived in Chicago and Brandon sent her to bring Alex home when she was running around Europe…Vera says that is when she and Roy Baker had sex…Vera tells Gus that Roy Baker was his father. Harley questions why she gave him up and why the grave…Alexandra explains that Roy began stalking Vera…he beat her once and she feared for the baby’s life, so she helped Vera fake her death and place Gus up for adoption…Vera goes to hug Gus…but he rejects saying that none of this makes sense and he needs time to process…he leaves as Harley warns Alexandra and Vera that if this isn’t the complete truth, they’ll have to deal with her.
- After they’re both gone Vera takes her money from Alex and asks why she is doing this. Alexandra says that when her children get close to her…they get hurt or she hurts them…much like Gus is hurting now…but assures Vera that over time the hurt will go away and it will only last awhile and not lifetime…Vera leaves and alone in her office, Alexandra Spaulding begins sobbing and breaks down!!
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