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-Sarah Horton (Alli Brown) and Melissa Horton (Lisa Trusel) stand in the door way of Maggie and Mickey’s house, Maggie and Mickey are thrilled to see them, They both share a reunion with the Hortons, then all of a sudden they hear a voice say “They aren’t the only ones who are back!” and then Julie Williams (Susan Hayes) and Doug Williams (Bill Hayes) walk through the door.

-Kate, Brady, and Chloe all arrive at the Kiriakis mansion, Victor tells them dinner should be ready momentarily and everyone sits down at the table. As they sit down they hear a voice say “Am I late for the party?!” and they al turn their heads to see Nikki Smith walking through the door.

-The Brady’s are shocked to hear John’s news, John tells them he is sorry, but he has to look for her. He leaves just as Stephanie walks through the door, the Brady’s have a nice reunion with her as well and Steve is shocked to learn she really is his daughter! Kim tells them it is time to eat and they all sit down and begin to eat.

-Frankie tells the Brady's he is leaving Salem after the Thanksgiving Dinner to start up a life in Washington DC, the Brady's are all thrilled and congratulate him.

-Chelsea hugs Bo and they have a good reunion, Bo tells them Hope told him to come here. Hope has a file in her hand and says she has a shocking announcement that will change everyone’s lives!

-Mickey asks what is going on, and Maggie tells him because of his heart condition, she has invited old family members home to spend time with you during your last days. She tells him more are coming, and next to walk through that door are Jessica Blake Fallon (Jean Bruce Scott), Joshua Fallon (Scott Palmer), and Nick Fallon (Blake Berris). Followed by Bill Horton (Christopher Stone), Laura Horton (Jamie Lynn Bauer), and Marie Horton (Marie Cheetham). Lucas and Will (Chris Gerse) also arrive. Mickey is pleased to be around family and friends like this and they all sit down for dinner.

-Billie, Bo, and Chelsea are all confused. Hope opens the file and tells Bo and Billie to look inside! She tells them that this gives them evidence to something she didn’t even know happened….. Hope tells them Chelsea tampered with Bo’s email and was the one who sent everything to her on Morgan Island! Bo is shocked.

-Nikki crashes the Kiriakis’s Thanksgiving Dinner! Victor gets security and they throw Nikki out of the mansion!

-After looking inside, Bo and Billie turn to Chelsea. Bo tells Chelsea he thought she had learned from her lessons but he guesses not! Hope walks up to Chelsea and slaps her, causing her a manipulative witch. Chelsea gulps and stands silent, in shock that she has been revealed.

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