-Jan is thrilled that she got the job, Shawn and Mimi tell her they plan on doing the process tomorrow, before Thanksgiving, Jan agrees and smiles as she leaves.
-Vivian arrives at the Alamain Mansion, she walks into the main room where Ivan Marias, her man servant, is standing. He welcomes her back and asks her where she has been these last few months, Vivian tells Ivan she has been here, wreaking havoc on Salem!
-Alex asks Stefano what he needs him for, Stefano replies and tells Alex he needs to reveal himself to Marlena he is alive, and then kidnap Marlena and bring her here.
-Kate’s face goes blank, she is shocked, she finally speaks up and tells Victor that that is impossible because Claire has never had any problems like other children in her situation do. Victor tells her that it is true whether she likes it or not, meaning they can never reveal the truth.
-Austin asks Carrie what she means, Carrie tells him that this is all too much at one time, her father, Sami, them, Nicole, Lucas and she just can’t deal with it right now and leaves to get out of Salem for a bit. Austin thinks about it for a minute, and turns and finally says “Anything for you.” and he tells her he has an idea as to what to do.
-Max and Lilly finish their dinner and end up kissing. They both stand up and fall on Max’s bed as they kiss.
-Shawn and Mimi arrive back at the loft. Mimi is alone in the living room with Rex, she tells him they have to talk, because this has been going on long enough so it is time to have it all out.
-John shares a “reunion” with his whole family, but Sami lashes out at him and slaps him saying he will never be her father! She tells Faux Roman he is her father, and not that imposter John. She walks over and slaps John!
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