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November 21, 2006



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-In Salem, Eric is wheeled into the emergency room. His shirt is ripped open, and paramedics are busy performing CPR on him. Greta takes this opportunity to call Caroline and inform his family of what’s happened. It's time they knew the truth. The screen fades to.........

-Nicole, as she prepares to board her plane bound for Los Angeles. She sits quietly as there is a slight delay, thinking about what she’s leaving behind. She then hears the call to board and says goodbye to Salem as she enters the gate.

-At Chez Rouge, Max & Frankie frantically call Abby & Chelsea’s cell phones but keep getting no answer. Max tells Frankie that Abby must have snuck out to be with Chelsea. Max is livid, saying that those two girls will end up learning the hard way one day. Frankie volunteers to go get them and Cassie & Kate want to ride along, after hearing that they disappeared. Max fills them in on what happened at the bridge earlier. Frankie says it’s fine for them to come. He then goes over to Caroline, telling her that he needs to take care of something and he, Kate, Cassie & Max will return ASAP. Caroline tells them all to be careful.

After they take off, Celeste has another vision, hearing terrifying screams and seeing bright lights. She tells the group about at Chez Rouge about it and everyone hopes that tragedy will not strike on this night.

A cell phone rings and Caroline answers it when she notices it's hers. Greta is on the other end, telling her about Eric’s condition. Caroline thanks Greta and Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Will race to the hospital. Doug, Julie, Bill, and Laura tag along too while the others stay behind and clean up. They also say to one another that they hope this is not part of Celeste’s vision.

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Salem Bridge

-Once again, Abby & Chelsea arrive back at the bridge. The activity is now in full swing. The police, who usually keep an eye on this entire area are nowhere to be found tonight because of Thanksgiving. Abby is upset about having to walk back across the bridge. Chelsea tells her that she left her car on the other side on purpose, so it wouldn’t be seen. Abby is scared, begging Chelsea to leave with her. She refuses, telling Abby that she wants to live life to the fullest. Abby is getting bad vibes from the two guys they’re with and doesn’t like all the drug and sexual activity going on. Chelsea grabs her hand, telling her she has nothing to worry about.

Walking back near the undertow bank of the bridge, the girls are welcomed back by Seth & Paul. They are offered a hit of meth, which puts the girls off a bit. Seth takes Chelsea away to dance, while Paul asks Abby the same question. He is turned down but reacts aggressively, pulling Abby towards him and kissing her around her neck and face. When Seth starts doing the same thing to Chelsea, it is then that each young girl realize that they are in way over their heads and become increasingly terrified about what is to come next.

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Sydney, Austrailia

-In Sydney, after the wonderful reunion between brothers, the door opens to reveal another DiMera guard. When the guard removes the mask, it once again reveals Billie’s face. She tells the group that she went to get the master key and now they can get the hell out of there. The group draws their weapons and hightail it out of the room and down the corridor. Stefano & Alexandra are released from a secure room and, when they get to the room where the group was being held, to their shock, everyone is gone. Stefano angrily orders his men to search for the group, and not to return until they are found. He gets even angrier when Alexandra informs him that his master key is now missing!

-The group makes their way to a flight of steps. Roman & Bo usher everyone to run and get out. When they arrive topside, they are shocked to find themselves in downtown Sydney, right in the middle of their trendy shopping district. While reacting to their surroundings, DiMera henchmen pounce from everywhere and surprise them. After they are subdued, a helicopter lands in a grassy area and steps out its occupants, Stefano & Alexandra, laughing hysterically.

As Stefano walks up to both Roman & Victor, Victor secretly pushes a red button on a device he has. Stefano tells Roman that finally, tonight, in this most beautiful of cities, his life, and the lives of his family and friends will end right here, right now. Roman surprises Stefano, pulling a gun from his back waist. Stefano curses his men for not finding it but Roman tells him that’s what happens when you let your “Pawn” get the upper hand. Stefano smiles, once again giving Roman credit for always evening the odds.

Jack & Maggie then take that moment to blast Stefano for the hell they’ve been through since killing their loved ones. While Jack gets up in his face and quietly berates him for holding his brother all these years and killing his wife, Kayla turns to see Steve running off. Stefano looks over Jack’s shoulder and tells her that her perfect dream is becoming a nightmare. After she tells him to go to hell, she takes off after Steve. Stefano tells his men to hold their fire but then changes his mind, once Bo says how sick he is of him. Stefano blames Victor for what happened to Lexie and Roman and his family for thwarting his every move ever since he came to Salem. He says to hell with it, it ends now, and orders his men to open fire.

As Kayla catches up with Steve, she begs him to give her a chance. Before he can answer, armed men come from everywhere. Thinking that they are more of DiMera’s men, everyone is shocked when they turn out to be Victor’s men, who surround the group. It is now a standoff. Stefano applauds Victor for his preparation. Victor nods his head in approval. Victor then walks past one of his men, and gets up in Stefano’s face, saying that the war will now reach it’s end. Stefano smiles and gently places his hand on Lexie’s arm, walking away slowly. Then they turn and run like hell, while Stefano gives the order to shoot everyone in sight. Victor gasp in horror, and gives his men the very same order.

Civilians jump for cover and run for safety. Roman, Bo, Abe, Hope, Billie & Shane open fire as well, while people dive for cover. The screen then splits into four separate boxes, where Steve grabs Kayla and hits the ground, Jack dives on Maggie & Billie, Bo tackles Hope, and Victor joins his men in the gun battle, as bodies fall everywhere. While the screams of many echo in the night with the gunshots, the screen suddenly goes black.







Recommended Comments

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You know what, I can't sing you guys' praise enough. You both are AMAZING writers and I am really enjoying your episodes. I am loving the showdown between Victor & Stefano, it's like I can envision the action happening in my mind.

I fear for what's next for Abby and Chelsea :(

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Thanks Ryan :) .

You will be stunned

by tomarrow and Friday.

Those are the biggest

episodes yet and I

don't think any of

the readers know

what is coming.

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I AM LOVING THIS!!!!!!!!!!

I loved the ending!!!!! Loved it, loved it, loved it!!!!! You are writing the adventure so well!

And I also love the Chelsea and Abby storyline....it is fantastic!

Keep up the good work! :)

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Very good episode today you guys- hell, I

was even interested in the Abby/Chelsea

scenes, so that definitely says something.

LOVED the showdown with Victor/Stefano, and

the Kayla/Steve stuff I could just picture in

my mind! Look forward to tomorrow's edition!

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