Episode 28
Bob comes in with several nurses and tells a frantic Sierra and Lily to wait outside. Eventually, Bob comes back out and says that Lucinda's having a reaction to one of the anitibiotics and they're going to have to put her under close watch, but she should be fine. Sierra and Lily call in Holden, Meg, and Luke, as all five gather around Lucinda's bed, praying for a full recovery. Hal calls Jack in and sets him up at The Alley Cat, a small little nightclub on the edge of town. He says another deputy will be going with him undercover. Hal introduces Jack to Dallas Hawkins and the two leave. Jennifer comes into the hopsital and is greeted by none other than Susan. They talk briefly of Emily's involvement in the baby cover-up, but are interrupted when Susan gets called away. She later comes back and tells Jennifer that J.D. just has a chest cold and to take him home and give him some medicine that she's prescribing him. Jennifer thanks her. Katie mentions to the group that she has a terrific idea. A few years ago, Rose had a bachelor auction at her salon. Katie talks of the turn-out and suggests that they do a Bachelor Auction, but spice it up a bit with a Bachelorette Auction. They can hold it at the gym and rake in all the profits. Maddie thinks it's a great idea, but Henry isn't that impressed.
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