RTSB Discussed on BlogTalkRadio!!!!!!!
Sort of cross-plugging here, but there's a radio show, hosted by SON's very own Ryan Chandler & Na'Vell, called "In The Zone" and yesterday, 'RTSB' (the BLOG doh dohs! ) was brought up by RC. Actually, he brought Santa Barbara up first, but used that as a segway to praise 'RTSB'. By happenstance (honest to Goodness), I had called in since I heard them talking about 'SB'. What resulted was a fun reminiscence about 'SB' as well as a discussion on 'RTSB' between the three of us and Bree, another SONer & guest caller. If you're interested to hear the goings on, you can check out the archive of the show at :
Check it out- it's a fun show!!! Oh, and so everyone doesn't hate me, and to perhaps even endear me, the SB/RTSB segment occurs approximately 18 minutes into the show
Oh.....and....by the way....... the next episode will be up shortly! Sorry I'm late today- BUSY DAY!!!!!
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