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Episode 1






---Ted wakes up in a fantastic mood, discussing over breakfast his impending marriage to Lily Blake. CC remarks that though it's a slight improvement from Laken Lockridge, it's still inviting Gina right back into the family. Ted shoots back that he wasn't the one who involved the Capwell family with Gina in the first place. As CC's anger intensifies, he warns his son that he better be damn sure that Lily Blake is who he thinks she is- after all, years ago, Lily once attempted to con Mason with her evangelical studies. Sophia chimes in that Lily is a much different person now, and that she should not be judged on things that have happened so long in the past.

--After the two men go to work, Sophia helps Rosa clean up from breakfast. Rosa can see that something is troubling Sophia and asks her long-time friend and employer to confide in her. Sophia remarks that's she's just so proud of Ted and of all her children, and though he's very much an adult now, she still thinks of Ted as her baby, and while she's intensely happy for him, it also makes her think of her own age.

"Our kids think they're invincible and assume we are as well. But the sad truth is, we're not." she says to Rosa, quietly.

"No, Sophia, none of us are."

The two reminisce some more about their children and their hopes and dreams for them, and their grandchildren. Rosa tells Sophia how she misses Santana, who's teaching in Mexico, and Danny, who she says is married and living in Las Vegas. Rosa quietly talks about Reuben, and how she wishes he were there to see his son married. In the middle of it, the phone rings and Rosa tells Sophia that it's for her. Sophia takes the call and Rosa can tell that her mood dropped as the person began talking. Sophia tells them that she'll be there right away and when Rosa asks her where she's going & what's wrong, she's vague and tells Rosa not to worry.

---At Capwell, Ted and CC are informed that the stock continues being bought, and the possibility of an outside takeover is becoming more real. CC demands to know who is buying up the stock, but is informed by Mason that whoever is doing it is covering their tracks- each chunk of stock has been bought in a different location with a different name being used, with one unseemingly connected to the next. CC calls an emergency board meeting to address the problem. When Ted balks, saying he has to meet with Lily to go over some last-minute arrangements for tomorrow, Mason tells them that the takeover is imminent and if something isn't done quickly, the family could lose Capwell for good. Since Gina and two of the senior members can't meet until the afternoon anyway, Ted quickly slips out.

---Ted rushes on the elevator, not noticing the woman reading the newspaper in back.

"Going down?" Ted asks As the door begins to close, the woman lowers the newspaper, revealing herself to be Angela Cassidy.

"Could be" she snarks

Ted tells her that he warned her this day would come & tomorrow, he's marrying Lily for the rest of his life. He also reminds her that she could have stopped him, all she had to do was say the word. Angela, calling his bluff, reminds him that she knows he could never go through with it. When he asks how she knows that, she pulls the stop button on the elevator and they begin to kiss. Ted can no longer control himself and tears off Angela's clothes and has sex with her right there.

--Across town, Gina fantasizes about a life of luxury, hobnobbing with the rich & powerful. She imagines sitting next to Donald Trump and firing CC from Capwell, telling him that she's in charge now. When she wakes up, she smells the morning air and throws on her robe and enters her living room, in her glory. Lily informs her that Keith has left for work and asks why she's so chipper. Gina says it's not every day that her daughter gets married. Lily reminds her mother that the wedding isn't until tomorrow. Gina sure hopes so, since she still hasn't picked up her dress. Gina gets serious, for a moment, and asks her daughter if she truly loves Ted. Lily says that he's her best friend. Gina tells her that's not what she means, and asks her if her heart skips a beat when Ted enters a room or if he makes her smile no matter how sad she is.

"Could you ever live a day without Ted Capwell in your life?" Gina leaves for Capwell, and Lily thinks hard about this question, and flashes back to the first time she made love with Rafe.

---Meanwhile, in New Mexico, Rafe is seen reading a newspaper announcement of Ted & Lily's marriage. Without much of a thought, he gets puts on his jeans and leather jacket & Jumps on his bike.

"You have a wedding to crash" he says, looking at himself in the mirror.

---Gina is surprised to find Keith in her office at Capwell. He informs her that he knows who has been buying up the stock in Capwell Enterprises. When Gina asks who it is, he tells her she cannot know. He's made a gentleman's deal with the person that if he keeps quiet, then he & Gina will be put in charge of the company once the takeover goes through. He tells her that CC is calling a board meeting in the afternoon and for things to go in their favor, she needs to follow his instructions to a T.

"For the last time Keith, who the hell is this guy? Who does he think he's dealing with here? CC will have his people working overtime to figure out who he is and a way to stop him."

"Who he is isn't important right now Gina. What we need to worry about is getting you in control of that company. Right now, you have a portion of what's rightfully yours. Don't you want it all?" Keith shot back.

Naturally, she did, and agreed to follow his plan carefully.

---Mason met his two favorite girls for lunch, and was annoyed that Julia & Samantha were arguing when he arrived. When Mason inquired as to what was going on, Julia informed him that their daughter was refusing to attend her uncle's wedding. Mason took her side, saying she's an adult & if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to. When he reminded her that it was open bar, she said that perhaps she'd attend the reception, jokingly. Both took a little glee at jabbing at Julia, who was visibly annoyed. Julia then reminded Mason that it's an open juice bar for him, to which he retorted,

"Oh, Julia, it's a party..... and Gina's going to be there!?!"

"Gina?" she paused..... "They having the hard stuff, or just wine & champagne?"

Samantha became uncomfortable when her parents started asking if she was going back to school in the winter, at which time she squirmed out of there, claiming she's supposed to go shopping with Adriana. Julia asks Mason how things are going at Capwell, and he informs her of the latest goings on. She finds it peculiar that the person or persons is going to such lengths to keep their identity secret. She says that it doesn't make sense, that if the company is going for a takeover bid, what's with all of the secrecy?

"Does your family have any enemies?" Julia deadpans.

(EXT. Shot of a Hospital, in San Remos)

A mysterious figure, in a white doctor's jacket, is seen holding a newspaper, reading the announcement of Ted & Lily's wedding, staring at the pictures.

"Doctor- you're needed in the ER. Accident victims, just flown in by helicopeter. Looks bad."

The figure opens up a filing cabinet and places the newspaper in a file, but something drops out. They pick it up, and it's a picture of Mason. A tear is shown dropping onto the picture and it's placed back in the file, and the doctor rushes out. Zoom in on the file, titled: MASON.

The End....... for today


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Man, oh man.

Sex in the elevator. Corporate takeovers. Gina up to her old

tricks. And I forgot how much I couldn't stand C.C.

He still thinks he can boss everyone around.

Great job! Can't wait for tomorrow. :)

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  • Members

Thanks you guys! One thing that I wanted to do is put

Rosa in the first episode, since Margarita Cordova is

the only SB star to have the distinction of being in

both the first & last episode of the show. I wanted to

continue that tradition.

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