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-Max is at the Brady Pub eating dinner, Frankie walks in and then Max asks him what is wrong with him, he tells Max that Jennifer just broke up with him. Before Max can say anything Frankie tells Max he has come to say goodbye, and asks where Caroline and Shawn Sr. are. Max does not know, Frankie then says he has to get out of town, so he hugs Max and they have an emotional goodbye. Max says Frankie will always have a home here, Frankie says he knows and then he leaves the Pub, Max turns around with a sigh, and bumps right into Erin Jade!

-The doctors draw blood from Shawn Sr. while Kayla continues to loose blood.

-Billie arrives at the warehouse on the docks, it is 5:00 a clock and she waits for the person who called her earlier.

-Brady and Chloe decide to go greet John and Marlena and tell them they are back in town, and show them John’s new grandaughter. They walk up to the door at Marlena’s penthouse, Sam hears the knock and wonders who could be there, she has already positioned Marlena on the couch so she can wake up and the Mysterious Woman has left, Sam walks over and opens the door.

-Sami finds comfort in EJ after what happened with Austin, Carrie, and Lucas. EJ tells Sami he understands why she did what she did and he does not hate her for it, he says it was very courageous for her to admit it, Sami thanks him and EJ continues to comfort her.

-Belle manages to get out of Jan’s grasp and asks Jan what is she doing, Jan tries to punch Belle, but Nicole enters the Mansion and manages to intervene the punch, she asks what in the world is going on, Belle says she does not know and she just walked in then Jan attacked her, Nicole remembers that Jan still has to help her get Austin so she whispers to Belle this could just be a delayed effect of the hypnosis and it will probably be the last time Jan does such a thing, then Belle tells Nicole she does not believe Jan’s hypnosis story.

-Rex is at the loft and as Mimi walks in he gets up and tells her they need to talk, Mimi asks about what, and Rex says their relationship.

-Kimberly catches up on all the happenings in Salem, she cannot believe Steve is alive and does not have his memory, she then says that things are just like they used to be when she left….. Except no Shane Donovan.

-Maggie is at her house with Alice and Julie, she says she has wonderful news! Alice’s great grandson, Jeremy Horton, will be returning to Salem soon!

-Lucas is shocked at what Austin is doing! He is even more shocked the Carrie seems to be enjoying the kiss! Lucas pulls Carrie off of Austin and punches him!

-Jack and Jennifer finally decide to get back together. Jack tells Jennifer that they can move to London and have a life there together, Jennifer asks “That sounds wonderful, I hate leaving Salem though. Wait what about Abigail?” Jack then replies that Abby can move in with Maggie, and they can take Jack Jr. with them to London. Jennifer agrees!

-After Lexie has drawn enough blood from Shawn Sr., she anxiously gives it to a nurse and tells her to go into Kayla’s hospital room and give it to her. The nurse leaves and then all of a sudden, Shawn Sr. collapases!


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