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When I said this Fall would be powerful, I meant it and November will be the showcase for that," says HW/EP Tim Lowery. "It is an explosive month and a month that will leave you breathless. October was a little slower but November is like a runaway freight train going down a ravine. When the month is over and the dust clears, everyone would've been touched by the shocking events coming up."

Victor vs Stefano: "The war between these two takes center stage. The Dimera's are a presence in Salem and they want revenge. Victor is looking to strike first and he will find himself walking right into a trap. A cataclysmic event happens around Thanksgiving that will rock several lives as a result of this war. This is where almost the whole canvas gets dragged in to this. Look for the tension between Roman and Victor to reach new heights in the aftermath of tragedy on the island. As for Ernesto, he will be a part of this war down the road but not at the moment."

Maggie/Victor/Caroline: "Maggie falls apart. Victor is so caught up in the war and his business that he can't stop it. Her family tries to help her but she continues to push them away. She will be visited by a special visitor but even he may not be able to save her. The dynamic between Maggie and Caroline also changes. Caroline will realize the extent of Maggie's issues and will try to help her. Caroline will also realize how much Maggie needs Victor in her life. Look for Lucas to begin to play more of a role here as Maggie's alcoholism reaches new heights."

Bo/Hope: "Bo and Hope remain distant. Hope will follow him on a mission with Victor and they will both find themselves in the line of fire. Bo will also try to deal with Chelsea's issues despite his trying to distance himself from his family. Look for Bo to continue to be the spark in the feud between Roman and Victor."

Nicole/Eric/Greta: "Greta continues to be there for Eric as his condition worsens. Greta confides her secret in Eric. Nicole continues to be suspicious of Greta and Eric and will misconstrue yet another Eric and Greta encounter, which will lead to an overreaction on her part. Look for Nicole to finally decide between Eric and Highstyle as the month comes to a close."

Abby/Chelsea/Max/Cassie: Max and Cassie grow closer. Everyone remains unaware that Cassie is working with her grandfather, Stefano, to help him get his revenge. However, what will Cassie do when she starts to have real feelings for Max? Abby and Chelsea are self-destructing. Max will be privy to it but he may not be enough to put an end to the downward spiral both girls are in. This will be the setup to a powerful story for Abby and Chelsea in December."

Jack/Billie/Laura: "Laura continues to be a thorn in Jack and Billie's sides. Billie will realize what is going on with Abby and will try to stop it and warn Jack. Laura will make a big mistake and make Billie out to be the enemy trying to destroy their family and Abby goes along with it. Jack is forced to choose between Billie and his family again and he, of course, chooses his family yet again. Bill Horton will remain in Salem and, along with Kate, will try to stop Laura from meddling but even they can't put an end to her scheming. Despite everything going on, look for Jack and Billie to go off on an adventure as the month winds down."

Carrie/Alan/Sami/Lucas/Austin: "Alan and Sami finally come face to face at the Halloween Ball and it's very emotional. Sami is afraid at first and doesn't buy that he has changed nor does anyone else. He puts up a good front but is he really a new and improved Alan like we have seen displayed around Carrie? Austin, Lucas, and Roman will do their best to investigate and protect Sami but she will take some action on her own to get to the bottom of all this. There will be some tension between Austin and Lucas as they both strive to protect Sami. Look for Will to play a shocking role in this story and for Carrie to remain isolated and outside of Salem."

Steve/Kayla: "They are HUGE this month. They will be at the center of the cataclysmic event as many of their loved ones will track them down in Australia. Kayla will continue to push Steve to remember his past and tragedy could put an end to that as one of them will be left fighting for life by month's end."

Abe/Lexie: "Lexie has fully embraced life as a Dimera and will be right by her father's side as he lures his enemies into a trap. She will vow revenge for losing Theo and Stefano promises to help her. Abe will care for Theo with Celeste's help. Celeste will continue to warn of the horrible things yet to come and will try to reach her daughter before it's too late."

Cal: "Cal's psychiatrist will finally be casted and she will show up by mid-November. Cal will begin therapy but there are hints that this could turn into more then a patient/doctor relationship."

Roman: "Roman will play a huge role in the cataclysmic event and war story. Look for Roman to continue to re-adjust to his life as he tries to fix the problems his family faces. He will, particularly, try to smooth things over with Sami but will he have good results?"

***For this week's Salem Lives Insider and for a major casting announcement, please read below these previews.***


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Victor vs Stefano: "The war between these two takes center stage. The Dimera's are a presence in Salem and they want revenge. Victor is looking to strike first and he will find himself walking right into a trap. A cataclysmic event happens around Thanksgiving that will rock several lives as a result of this war. This is where almost the whole canvas gets dragged in to this. Look for the tension between Roman and Victor to reach new heights in the aftermath of tragedy on the island. As for Ernesto, he will be a part of this war down the road but not at the moment."

I'm glad you're having the 2 most powerful families in Salem going at war with each other. I always thought Victor vs. Stefano would be classic. You're going to have to forgive me, I haven't been reading much, but please don't tell me they're still on that damn island, MELASWEN. How long ago was that? Is Ernesto going to be on the show for long? I hate him.

Maggie/Victor/Caroline: "Maggie falls apart. Victor is so caught up in the war and his business that he can't stop it. Her family tries to help her but she continues to push them away. She will be visited by a special visitor but even he may not be able to save her. The dynamic between Maggie and Caroline also changes. Caroline will realize the extent of Maggie's issues and will try to help her. Caroline will also realize how much Maggie needs Victor in her life. Look for Lucas to begin to play more of a role here as Maggie's alcoholism reaches new heights."

I'm glad you're using Lucas in Maggie's storyline. That's the way it should be. The many times Maggie helped Lucas, it's only right he helped her. I don't know how I feel about your Maggie and Victor pairing. It seems a little forced to me, but I don't know. Caroline is showing some sympathy though. I can see character struggle here. She knows Maggie needs Victor, but will her own love let her give him away?

Bo/Hope: "Bo and Hope remain distant. Hope will follow him on a mission with Victor and they will both find themselves in the line of fire. Bo will also try to deal with Chelsea's issues despite his trying to distance himself from his family. Look for Bo to continue to be the spark in the feud between Roman and Victor."

Hope following Bo on dangerous missions. That's classic Hope right there. That is the Hope that we need to be seeing soon. She won't sit back and just watch. She wants part of the action as well. And it's so realistic to have Roman and Victor fueding with Bo in the middle. Great idea!

Nicole/Eric/Greta: "Greta continues to be there for Eric as his condition worsens. Greta confides her secret in Eric. Nicole continues to be suspicious of Greta and Eric and will misconstrue yet another Eric and Greta encounter, which will lead to an overreaction on her part. Look for Nicole to finally decide between Eric and Highstyle as the month comes to a close."

I find no interest in any of the characers in this storyline, except Nicole. And when Nicole is with Eric, I also find her boring so I'll move on.

Abby/Chelsea/Max/Cassie: Max and Cassie grow closer. Everyone remains unaware that Cassie is working with her grandfather, Stefano, to help him get his revenge. However, what will Cassie do when she starts to have real feelings for Max? Abby and Chelsea are self-destructing. Max will be privy to it but he may not be enough to put an end to the downward spiral both girls are in. This will be the setup to a powerful story for Abby and Chelsea in December."

I may be in the minority here, but I hate the Max and Cassie relationship that you and King seem to adore. I see no chemistry potential between Darin Brooks and Alexis Thorpe. Again, the relationship seems forced a little. I hate Chelsea's rape storyline. It just seems like an easy way to redeem the character, IMO. I like that you're exploring Abby more.

Jack/Billie/Laura: "Laura continues to be a thorn in Jack and Billie's sides. Billie will realize what is going on with Abby and will try to stop it and warn Jack. Laura will make a big mistake and make Billie out to be the enemy trying to destroy their family and Abby goes along with it. Jack is forced to choose between Billie and his family again and he, of course, chooses his family yet again. Bill Horton will remain in Salem and, along with Kate, will try to stop Laura from meddling but even they can't put an end to her scheming. Despite everything going on, look for Jack and Billie to go off on an adventure as the month winds down."

I see this as you turning Laura into Kate and that's not who Laura is. You have her being this meddling old hag that doesn't want her dead daughter's husband to move on with his life. That's such a Kate move and Laura would never go that far, just because she would be compared to her arch enemy. I do like how you have Kate involved though.

Carrie/Alan/Sami/Lucas/Austin: "Alan and Sami finally come face to face at the Halloween Ball and it's very emotional. Sami is afraid at first and doesn't buy that he has changed nor does anyone else. He puts up a good front but is he really a new and improved Alan like we have seen displayed around Carrie? Austin, Lucas, and Roman will do their best to investigate and protect Sami but she will take some action on her own to get to the bottom of all this. There will be some tension between Austin and Lucas as they both strive to protect Sami. Look for Will to play a shocking role in this story and for Carrie to remain isolated and outside of Salem."

I swear to God, if you have Will and Alan become romantically involved, I will freaking SCREAM! Please do not go there. We had it in King's story. We don't need another plot the same thing. It's not that original to be honest with you. The rest sounds good. I've always wondered how the Sami/Alan reunion would come about on the real show. I think it's time we see.

Steve/Kayla: "They are HUGE this month. They will be at the center of the cataclysmic event as many of their loved ones will track them down in Australia. Kayla will continue to push Steve to remember his past and tragedy could put an end to that as one of them will be left fighting for life by month's end."

Very vague details. Hopefully that means you have something good for them and you don't want to let it out of the bag. That's the only part that intrigues me, the hope. The spoiler itself seems a little bland.

Abe/Lexie: "Lexie has fully embraced life as a Dimera and will be right by her father's side as he lures his enemies into a trap. She will vow revenge for losing Theo and Stefano promises to help her. Abe will care for Theo with Celeste's help. Celeste will continue to warn of the horrible things yet to come and will try to reach her daughter before it's too late."

I love how you have Lexie becoming a DiMera again. And it she would totally stick by Stefano's side no matter what anyone says about him. Good job sticking to the character. I miss Celeste and her visions and I'm glad you're involving her.

Cal: "Cal's psychiatrist will finally be casted and she will show up by mid-November. Cal will begin therapy but there are hints that this could turn into more then a patient/doctor relationship."

So let me see if I got this straight, Cal is faux-Roman (Josh Taylor), correct? In that case, I don't care about this character. Moving along...

Roman: "Roman will play a huge role in the cataclysmic event and war story. Look for Roman to continue to re-adjust to his life as he tries to fix the problems his family faces. He will, particularly, try to smooth things over with Sami but will he have good results?"

I guess the Sami and Roman relationship building is a good thing to look forward to.

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DrewHamilton, sit back, relax, and watch how everything unfolds. We are not going to let our cats out of the bag, and anyone who thinks they know the direction these stories are taking is wrong.

Dead wrong. ;)

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Thanks very much Drew

for commenting. I have

been waiting for you too.

They have been off the

island since July so yeah

that hell is over.

Max/Cassie was not

a plan of mine and either

was keeping Cassie but I

just love writing for her

but this story will go to

places you don't think it


I am not doing a Will/Alan

romance but Will will be

involved in the Alan story

in an interesting way.

Eric and Nicole are short-term.

I really don't like them as a couple

either but this story is being done

for an underlying reason so stick

with it.

Cal is faux Roman and you will

be learning more about him in the

weeks ahead.

Laura is far from being Kate. You

will see in November when I bring Bill

into this. She has different reason then

Kate and the Kate/Laura feud is in full bore.

There is a deeper reason behind Laura's

recent interference.

Steve/Kayla I kept vague like alot

of the way spoilers because they are

the big stories and there is some huge

shockers coming up so the vagueness

was on purpose.

I am glad you commented and I hope

you keep reading. November will be

an awesome month!!!

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