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September 29, 2006



Act 1

Scene 1: Abby's bedroom.

Abby is listening to her IPOD and recalling seeing Cassie and Max dancing on TV.

Abby: What are you looking for Max? What does she have that I don't?

Scene 2: Deveraux Living Room

Laura: I never thought I would see the day when Jack Deveraux would be baking cookies.

Jack: Well, JJ loves them and so does Abby. They are nowhere close to how Jennifer used to...

Laura: It's ok, Jack. I know what's you mean. We all miss my daughter. Everyday I think about how her life was cut short and how she was unfairly taken from her family.

Jack: Yeah...well, let's not dwell on that. Back to the cookies. Grandma Horton gave Jennifer the recipe so if the cookies leave alot to be desired I guess I will just to give dear old Alice a call.

Laura (laughing): I guess so.

Doorbell rings.

Jack: I will get that.

Jack runs over to answer the door. He opens it to find Billie waiting for him.

Jack: Billie! Good to see ya. Come on in.

Billie: Well, thank you. Nice to you too pal.

Laura turns around as Billie enters the living room.

Billie: Hi, Laura.

Laura: Billie.

Jack: Detecting major tension...

Billie: Maybe it is a bad time.

Jack: No! No, it's fine. Please stay.

Laura: Actually, it is a bad time.

Jack: No it isn't and I am sick of this. Billie is a friend and if you can't deal with that then don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Scene 3: Outside Deveraux Home.

Frankie is pacing outside the garage when Max walks up behind him.

Max: Hey, bro. You wanted to see me.

Frankie: Yeah...

Max: Well, spit it out. I have to get back to the garage. Why did you want to see me?

Frankie: It's about your little televised dance with Cassie yesterday. What the hell are you thinking Max?

Scene 4: Dimera Living Room

Stefano is at his chess board, brandi glass in hand. Cassie walks in.

Cassie: Hey, grandpa. What's ya doing?

Stefano: First off, it's grandfather my dear. Secondly, not much. I am waiting for an update on Kayla Johnson's escapades in Austrailia.

Cassie: Has she fallen into the trap yet?

Stefano: I have not been informed of that yet. All I know is she was closing in on finding what she is looking for. Little does she know that finding her beloved will lead her to even more pain for herself and all those she loves (laughs) .

Scene 5: Austrailia-secret tunnels.

Kayla is navigating through the tunnels, flashlight in hand.

Kayla: I have been looking for hours and still nothing. I can't lose hope. This is the only place he can be in. Well, it is the Dimera's. They may have him on some uncharted island or maybe I am just on a wild goose chase. Patrick could've played me. Enough...I have to think positive.

Kayla hears a noise and turns around.

Kayla: Is someone there?

Salem Lives logo appears as theme plays.

Act 2

Scene 1: Dimera Living Room.

Cassie: So, what happens after we get through all this Kayla junk?

Stefano: Cassie, Cassie. The english...I know those of the young generation have a distinct language but you are a Dimera. Please talk like it.

Cassie: Whatever...

Stefano: Lovely. Now to answer your question...well, we will discuss that further as we go along.

Cassie: Well, why not now?

Stefano: Well, I want to make sure everything goes properly first. I don't want to be one to get ahead of ourselves. I am just pleased that the Dimera's are truly rising again in Salem and we will have our revenge.

Cassie: Yes and I am happy to be a part of it.

Stefano pours Cassie a drink.

Stefano: To the future of the Dimera family and to the glorious revenge that we will have on our enemies.

Cassie: I think I will toast to that (laughs).

Scene 2: Australia-secret tunnels.

Kayla: Is someone there?

Kayla looks around.

Kayla: Guess not...well, better keep going. I don't have time to waste.

A mysterious, gloved figure watches from the shadows and follows closely behind as Kayla continues on in her search.

Act 3

Scene 1: Seedy Nightclub On West Side of Salem.

Chelsea walks around and observes the seductive dancing, drug use, and excessive drinking. She walks up to the bar.

Bartender: What can I do you for?

Chelsea: Give me whatever you got. I am here to have an unforgettable night.

Bartender: I will need some ID.

Chelsea: Can't we just forget the ID...only just this once?

Bartender: How old are you?

Chelsea: Take a look at my ID (hands over ID).

Bartender: Keep this on the down low.

Chelsea: Sure thing.

Bartender: Alright, what do you want?

Chelsea: Hmm...surprise me and do keep em coming.

Bartender: Look...I am bending the rules enough so you will get however much I am willing to give.

Chelsea: Fine. Damn...drugs are all over the place here and this guy is worried about giving alcohol to a minor. Oh well, I guess I will just have to indulge in other things.

Bartender: What was that?

Chelsea: Nothing...just work on my drink.

Scene 2: Deveraux Living Room.

Laura: I am sorry Jack. I will just leave.

Jack: Laura...you and I have always been close and your my mother in law. You are always welcome here but you have to lay off of Billie. She is a friend to me and was a friend to Jennifer.

Laura: I know and...

Jack: Just promise me you will let this go. It is unnecessary and only causes problems that none of us need.

Laura: Fine. I have to be going anyway...lots to do.

Laura hugs Jack.

Laura: I will see you soon and give my love to Abby and Frankie. Oh...give my adorable grandson a kiss too.

Jack: I will. Bye Laura.

Laura leaves.

Jack: I am so sorry about that.

Billie: It's ok, Jack. Besides, we already discussed this and we know why she hates me. I am Kate Roberts' daughter and she is just being protective of you given your history and you being her son in law. I understand and I think she will get over it after awhile.

Jack: I hope so. So...how are you doing? You look kind of...well, not very relaxed.

Billie: Yeah...it's Chelsea.

Jack: What's happened now?

Billie: Oh just the typical rape victim pushing those closest to her away behavior. You know...the thing that is unhealthy yet nearly every rape victim does it. I don't know why I thought Chelsea would open up to me and let me help her deal with this. She has lost so much in her life and has been through hell the last few months. She is in a bad place Jack and she is going back to her destructive ways again. She ran out on me at the hospital and was off to party.

Jack: Do you want to go look for her?

Billie: No. Besides, I have no idea where to look and it would only make things worse if we find her. My worst fear is that she will head down the road I took when I was young. I don't want her going through what I did.

Abby comes down the stairs.

Abby: Daddy, I'm going out.

Jack: Oh...ok. Where?

Abby: Just to Salem Place. I have my cell.

Jack: Ok. Just be careful.

Abby: I will. Love you daddy

Abby and Jack embrace. He kisses her on the cheek.

Billie: Oh, Abby. Have you seen or heard from Chelsea within the last few hours?

Abby: No. Why?

Billie: Well, she ran out on me at the hospital and said she going to party somewhere so I just wanted to know if you had any idea where she was.

Abby: No. Sorry but I will let you know if she calls. As far as I know, there is nothing going on school-related but things can happen fast. I will see you guys later.

Jack: Bye Abigail.

Billie: Bye Abby.

Jack: She will be fine Billie.

Billie: I hope you are right. I really do.

Scene 3: Outside Deveraux House.

Max: What about it?

Frankie: Why are you hanging around Cassie Dimera?

Max: Well, I had a few drinks and I was upset about Chelsea alright. Besides, what is the big deal? cassie just happened to be there and she was helping me forget my troubles. I thought she was still a friend to the family since she thought she was a Brady up until a few weeks ago?

Frankie: It's just that she is a Dimera and with everything going on it is best to try to avoid unnecessary contact. Cassie is a girl who goes with what is best for her from my knowledge so it wouldn't surprise me if she is buttering up to Stefano. The Brady's need to be on guard. We all do. Now...I heard about what happened with Chelsea and you from Abby. I am really sorry. I wish you hadn't went on a drinking binge.

Max: It wasn't a binge. I had one too many.

Frankie: Whatever. Look....it seems Abby saw you on TV when she was visiting Chelsea and that is the other thing I want to talk to you about.

Max: Well, I am glad Chelsea saw it.

Frankie: You aren't seriously hoping she was jealous? Max, the last thing on her mind right now is you. The girl is in a bad place so...

Max: Your right. Sorry. I guess I am just upset because...

Frankie: She broke up with you. Give her time. She has been through alot.

Max: Yeah.

Frankie: Now back to Abby.

Max: What about her?

Frankie: She saw this, Max. I shouldn't tell you this but I feel like I have to. Abby likes you Max. She likes you alot. You two spent alot of time together recently and went through alot together. Now, from what I observed, she has been miserable since yesterday so I assume she did see you on TV.

Max: You don't know that.

Frankie: Safe bet. Abby is going through alot too and you were the one thing that seemed to get her through losing her mother and Josh. You need to get things straight with her and let her know where your relationship is going before she gets hurt. If you are not on the same page as her, then you need to talk to her and explain what is going on and what you are looking for because, mark my words, if Abby gets hurt, I will not be happy and I will be the least of your worries compared to Jack.

Max: Alright...I understand. So...your saying she likes me? I mean, really likes me?

Frankie: Yeah.

Abby walks into the backyard.

Abby: Sorry to interupt but I was wondering if either of you saw my red sweater in the garage?

Frankie: Yeah, it's right on the top of the steel self when you walk in.

Abby: Thanks.

Max: Hey, Abby!!

Abby: Yeah.

Max: We need to talk.

Abby: You know what? Yeah. I think we do.

Salem Lives halfway theme.

Act 4

Scene 1: Dimera Living Room

Stefano enters the room.

Cassie: Where did you go?

Stefano: To check on Kayla's progress.

Cassie: And?

Stefano: She is not there yet but she is close. We will be informed as soon as the operation is complete.

Cassie: What if something goes wrong?

Stefano: Nothing will go wrong. Dimera's think positive, my dear.

Cassie: Still...what if?

Stefano: Then we just figure out something else. If this does somehow fail, then we may need to go to extreme measures to get things where we need them.

Cassie: Like?

Stefano: Haha. Lots of questions. Patience. It most likely will not come to that. I am sure the plan will succeed so actions like that won't even be needed. Besides, I would prefer to handle things this way. Much neater (laughs)

Scene 2: Austrailia-secret tunnels.

Kayla is still moving through the tunnels.

Kayla: I feel like I am going in circles. I am probably not even close. This is hopeless.

Kayla looks around for something to give her hope. Something then catches her eye. It is a loose brick in the wall.

Kayla: Now what do we have here?

Kayla pushes it further out and the wall opens to reveal a staircase going upward.

Kayla: Perhaps I just found what I am looking for.

Kayla begins to make her way up the staircase as the mysterious figure follows close behind.

Act 5

Scene 1: Outside Deveraux House.

Frankie: I will leave you two alone.

Abby: Thanks Frankie.

Frankie leaves.

Abby: Well, you go first.

Max: You sure?

Abby: Yeah...go ahead.

They both sit down on the picnic table.

Max: Something has come to my attention and I just feel I need to set the record straight. You know that I am going through a rough time right now.

Abby: Yeah, I know. The whole Chelsea thing. That isn't your fault Max.

Max: Well, I should've known something was up with her all summer. I know her better then that. There was no way she would just push me away for no reason unless she was trying to make me jealous and she wasn't. She wasn't even around another guy so that should've been a red flag.

Abby: There was no way for you to know.

Max: I fell in love with her. I should've known. I just broke things off with her because I was selfish and didn't want to waste my time trying to figure out what was going on. I was expecting her to just tell me. Going through what she did...how could I be so stupid? Then I go to her after learning what happened and expect her to let me be there for her when she just had the same thing happen to her again. She has been through one horrible ordeal after another and I wasn't there.

Abby: Max...most of the summer we were stuck on an island.

Max: Yeah but I could've done more once we got back to Salem but I didn't. I am having trouble dealing with that Abby and dealing with losing her.

Abby: There still may be...

Max: No. It's over. It will never be right and I would never want to be back with her. I abandoned her when she needed me most so I deserve to lose her. The whole thing made me realize that I am probably not ready for any relationship right now.

Abby: I see...

Max: That is what I need to talk to you about. Look...Abby. You are awesome and you have been a good friend to me. We went through alot this summer from the island to you comforting me over Chelsea.

Abby: You did alot for me too. You saved my life and nearly died and you were there for me on the island and during my mother's death. I am glad we had each other.

Max: So am I. Anyway, I think things may have...I think that...

Abby: Frankie told you didn't he?

Max: Uh...

Abby: I'm not mad. I am happy he did. If he didn't, we may never have talked about all this.

Max: Yeah, I suppose not. Abby, you are great and I want to always be friends but I can't promise you anything more. I'm sorry if you thought something more was happening here...

Abby: Well, after seeing what I did yesterday, I already began to have doubts...

Max: I am sorry you saw that. I didn't realize it was on TV and I was a little...

Abby: Drunk?

Max: Yeah and Cassie was there. I was in a bad place and I still am. It wouldn't be fair to you Abby or any other girl if I started a relationship right now. I am not really good for anyone and I don't want you to waste your time when I am a headcase right now. There are plenty of other guys out there just waiting for someone like you. Look (takes her hand) ...it's not you. You are great. It's me. I can't do this again right now. I need to just live and...I don't know. I guess see what is out there. I can't have anything tying me down so maybe it is best what happened as I can enjoy my life and do my own thing for a bit. You get what I'm saying?

Abby: Yeah. Sure.

Max: Wow...you are taking this better then I...

Abby: Can I ask you something?

Max: Yeah.

Abby: What do Cassie and Chelsea have that I don't?

Scene 2: Deveraux House

Billie: Well, enough about me. How are doing?

Jack: Getting by like I have been. A little bored.

Billie: Well, how about going back to work? You seem ready.

Jack: I am but...

Billie: You don't know where to go. How about The Spectator? You love it there.

Jack: Well, Harold called a few weeks ago offering me the editor in chief position but I wasn't ready. There are so many memories for Jennifer and I there...it was too soon then. I turned it down and someone had to take the position by now.

Billie: Well, it can't hurt to look into it or check out other newspapers. It would be a nice homage to Jennifer if you were to go back to The Spectator.

Jack: Yeah it would, I guess. I have plenty of time to look and I am sure The Spectator job is gone. Oops...those cookies should be done. Be right back.

Jack runs out of the room and into the kitchen. Frankie enters the living room.

Frankie: Hey, Billie.

Billie: Hi, Frankie.

Frankie: Everything ok?

Billie: Best it can be I guess.

Frankie: Oh...where's Jack?

Billie: Taking the cookies out of the oven. Never thought you would see him baking huh?

Frankie: Grilling, yes. Baking, no (they both laugh). Well, I have noticed he has been a little bored lately. I mean, he is ready to move on but it seems he doesn't know what to do.

Billie: Yeah.

Frankie: You know, we need to help. We really do need to do something about Jack.

Billie: I agree and I think I have an idea.

Act 6

Scene 1: Seedy Nightclub on Salem's West Side

Chelsea: It is so great that a place like this is open this early. I will have to stop in more often.

Man: Hey, there.

Chelsea: Hey.

Man: You look like a girl looking for a good time.

Chelsea: You bet your ass I am. The drinking thing just isn't working well so I am looking for other options.

Man: Well, how about this?

The man holds out exctasy in his hand. Chelsea looks at it and takes it.

Chelsea: That will do quite nicely, I think.

Scene 2: Deveraux House.

Jack returns to living room.

Jack: Cookies are done!! Hey, where is everyone? Billie?

Jack sees a note on the desk

Jack: Ok...so Billie wants me to meet her at Salem Place in an hour. Why couldn't see just pop into the kitchen and tell me that? I realize I was gone for a long time an it took longer then...whatever. I need to call a... (doorbell rings)

Jack walks over and opens the door.

Jack: Laura! Back so soon?

Laura: Frankie called me and said you needed someone to watch JJ so here I am.

Jack: What the...?

Laura: Something wrong?

Jack: No...thanks. Yeah...I have to get out of here. Call me if he is any trouble.

Laura: Sure. Hey, Jack...

The door slams.

Laura: ...where are you going?

Jack is walking to his car.

Jack: I would like to know what the hell is going on. I guess I will find out soon en...argh.

Frankie and Billie put a garbage bag over Jack's head and throw him in Billie's car. They then high-five each other.

Jack: What is going...let me out!!!

Frankie: Got him!

Billie: Now let's get going.

Jack: Let me out. This better be a new garbage bag!!

Scene 3: Outside Deveraux House.

Abby: Forget it. Never should've asked.

Max: No. Look I already explained Cassie. That was nothing. As for Chelsea, I don't know. I guess we both grew up with difficult childhoods by missing out on knowing our real parents. I guess I liked to look into her eyes and see a vulnerability there. I can't explain it...I don't know. I already told you Abby it isn't you...

Abby: You know what? It's fine. I never should've asked. I understand Max. Let's just drop it.

Max: You are wonderful Abby. Any guy would be lucky to have you.

Abby: Yeah. I will end up with some nice guy that goes to church every Sunday or flosses or even ends up being wealthy or at least well-off...someone who is so perfect there is no excitement.

Max: You don't know...

Abby: Yeah I do. It's my luck. What I saw in you Max...it was special. There is so much about you...you have flaws and you are human. You are not someone who has everything going for him and...you know what? Forget it. I can't do this. What the...?

Max: It sounds like screaming.

Abby: Don't hear it anymore...must have been a cat in the trash again. Anyway, we talked and I know where we stand.

Max: Abby, you were going to say something.

Abby: No, I am done. I have things to do so see you around.

Max: Bye. I'm sorry Abby. I really am.

Abby goes to get her sweater in the garage. She is shaking and knocks everything off the shelf.

Abby: Damnit Max. Damnit...why not me?!!! Why?

Abby leans against the wall and breaks down in tears.

Scene 3: Dimera Living Room

Stefano hangs up the phone and re-joins Cassie in the living room.

Stefano: It will be happening any moment now, my dear.

Cassie: Really? Cool.

Stefano: Indeed. I knew that Kayla would fall right into the trap. The groundwork has now been laid. Our revenge has officially begun.

Stefano and Cassie laugh.

Scene 4: Australia: Secret Tunnels.

Kayla makes her way up the stairs and finds herself in a dark corridor. She slowly walks down it. She hears someone talking behind the door of a room. She stops to listen.

Kayla: It sounds like a man. Could it be this easy? Only one way to find out.

Kayla reaches for the door knob and is surprised when it opens without trouble.

Kayla: Not even a lock? Strange...

She enters a dark, chilly room, She notices what it appears to be closed cell ahead of her. There is a little window on the door to the cell that has bars. She walks over to it.

Kayla: I don't hear the voice any...

Man: Is someone there?

Kayla: That voice...that is the voice I heard. It sounds...

Man: Is someone there? Speak!!!

Kayla walks over to the mini-window on the cell door and looks in to see a man in the dark. He turns to look at her. She seems stunned when the man walks out of the dark shadows.

Man: Man...Yes!!! Finally someone has found this hellhole. I thought no one would ever come.

Kayla (tears in her eyes): Oh my God...

Man: What? What is it? Why are you staring at me like that, woman?!!

Kayla: It's...true. It's really...right in front of me. It's really you. Your here!!!

Man: What...?

Kayla (in tears and desperately holding on the window bars): Oh my God!!! Steve!!! Your here. I found you!!! I dreamed about this for years but I never though....Steve!!! You've come back to me!!! You've come back to me!!!

The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

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