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September 27, 2006



-Hope enters the Brady Pub. She sees Austin and Lucas and says hi to them. She apologizes about the Carrie situation. Lucas tells Hope he still hopes to find a way to bring her back. Hope says she will pray that they do. Caroline is at the bar when Hope sits down. Caroline is surprised to see her there and can tell Hope is upset. Hope fills her in on what happened with Bo. Hope asks Caroline what they should do. Caroline asks Hope if she is asking her to help her fix a mess she helped create.

-Lucas and Austin discuss Carrie. Austin says the only way Carrie will think of returning is if she knows it is safe to return. Otherwise, she will not return as she doesn't want to raise a baby in a dangerous environment. Lucas still thinks there is more to it and wonders if it has something to do with what Sami and Lexie did. Austin doubts it. Lucas asks Austin if he really think Sami meant what she said. Austin says he does and he thinks she proved it by giving Will to Lucas until she could prove herself. Sami would never do that unless she was serious. She loves Will. Lucas says he agrees but Sami as tried to change so many times and if surviving things like her own execution didn't change her, he doesn't think anything will.

-Sami is at her apartment and recalls all her past sins and crimes. She is determined to prove herself and show she is worthy of the love and treatment of her family and friends. She just hopes she can do it and prays for the strength. She remembers what Roman said to her before he left. Sami vows that she will change everything about her but her hatred for John. He will never be Roman and she will never accept him. Nothing will get her to change her mind about that.

-Roman and Shane arrive at the hospital and bump into Stefano, who is outside Lexie's room. Roman laughs because it seems Stefano was kicked out of his daughter's room. Roman sees Abe and Lexie holding hands and regrets what he is about to do. Stefano sees the look of lament on Roman's face while he is staring at Lexie and Abe and he asks what is going on. Roman says it is none of his business. Roman tells Shane it is time. Both men walk in and say hello to Lexie, Abe, and Celeste. They ask Lexie if she is feeling better. She says she is and thanks both men for their well wishes. Roman says that he needs to talk to Abe alone. Abe tells Lexie and Theo he will be right back and leaves. Shane, Roman, and Abe go around the corner to avoid Stefano. Roman says he can see Lexie and him are closer. Abe tells Roman they are going to try to work things out. Roman says he is sorry he has to tell him this but he needs to know and it is best coming from him. Stefano is listening nearby when Roman tells Abe all about Sami and Lexie's scheme against Carrie and Austin. Abe is stunned and doesn't want to beleive it. Stefano is laughing and whispers to himself that he no longer has to worry about Abe and his daughter. Abe pushes a medical tray to the ground and throws a coffee pot. Roman tells him to take it easy. Abe walks off in a rage. Roman and Shane follow.

-Lexie, Celeste, and Theo are waiting in the room. Abe comes in and says Theo needs to be out of the room. Shane takes him and leaves as he says Lexie may need her mother. Lexie asks what is going on. Abe tells her he knows what she did for Sami because of her affair with Tek. Lexie's face sinks as she realizes what is happening. Abe asks Lexie if it true. She says it is and she regrets it. Abe asks why she never told him. Lexie says he was so mad at her and wouldn't talk to her and things were such a mess it just never came up. He lashes out at her and says not to make excuses. She was hoping he wouldn't find out and he did. He was right with what he said on the island. She is a Dimera through and through and he wants nothing to do with her. He is through for good this time and he is going to make sure she loses Theo. He doesn't want his son being corrupted by the Dimera curse. Stefano says he will have a hell of a fight on his hands. Abe says he will fight to the death to protect his son from him. Abe walks out as Roman follows him. Celeste tells Lexie how disappointed she is in her. Lexie tells her mother she doesn't want a lecture as she feels bad enough. She tells her to just go as she needs to talk to Stefano. Celeste doesn't think that is a good idea but Lexie demands it and tells her mother to get the hell out of her room. Celeste warns Stefano that she will not stand by and watch her daughter follow in his footsteps. Lexie was saved before from his influence and she will be again. Stefano laughs as Celeste leaves. Lexie begins to break down and tells her father she lost everything. She is suspended from the hospital and now she has lost Abe for good and probably Theo. Stefano hugs her and says it will all be ok. He will make sure she doesn't lose Theo and that everything else works out. Abe is no loss and as long as she has Theo he doesn't matter. Lexie says he is right-only Theo matters. She loves Abe but she will do whatever it takes to hold on to Theo, even if it means giving up Abe for good. Stefano is pleased to hear this.

-Hope knows that she played a role in why Bo is acting like he is but she doesn't want to play the blame game. They all know how they got to this point so it's time to figure out how to fix it. Hope tells Caroline she asked Maggie for help. Caroline says that no one will convince Victor to turn Bo away so it is useless for Maggie to even try. It is why she won't even try despite her history with Victor. Hope asks what else they can do. Caroline says she has no clue other then to watch him from afar and pray that they stop him when he is about to do something stupid or that he stops himself and changes his mind about all this. Hope prays that will be the case as she can't remember ever being this worried about him. Caroline agrees and says they just need to trust Bo will come to his senses or that maybe even Victor will.

-Lucas is returning from the men's room and asks Austin if he heard what Hope and Caroline were talking about. Austin tells Lucas he doesn't eavesdrop. Lucas tells Austin about Bo's plans and him moving in with Victor. Lucas says that Hope may have just given them away to bring Carrie home. Austin doesn't understand. Lucas says they need to join Victor and Bo's cause to wipe out all the threats to their family and friends in Salem. Austin reminds Lucas that Victor and Bo are going to be on the other side of the law and taking the law into their own hands. Lucas reminds Austin that he said he would do anything to bring Carrie back and this may be the best way to do it. If they both team up with Bo and Victor, they can help them get rid of the Dimera's and any other threats to Salem and they can find Carrie and she will come home. Austin isn't so sure about this. Lucas says it is the only option they have. He asks if Austin's in because he is in regardless of what he does. Austin tells Lucas that he knows how much he cares for Carrie. Austin says he will give this a try but can't make any promises. Lucas is pleased and says with him on board and them all working together, they should be able to make Salem a safe enough place so Carrie can come home. Austin hopes so.

-Roman and Shane try to calm Abe. He thanks them both for coming and telling him and says he needs to be alone with his son. They hand him Theo and tell him to call if he needs anything. Roman feels bad about shattering Abe's dreams of being a family with Lexie and Theo but he needed to know. Shane tells him they did the right thing. They leave. Celeste tries to comfort Abe but Abe tells her to just go. He needs to be alone with Theo and seeing Celeste just reminds him of Lexie. Celeste understands and tells Abe to let her know how he is doing tomarrow and if he needs anything. He thanks her. Celeste apologizes for her daughter. Abe insists it wasn't her fault. Her daughter is a Dimera and he knows that now. Celeste kisses Theo and quietly walks off. Abe holds Theo and vows not to let him fall victim to the Dimera curse like his mother did-no matter what he has to do.

-Lexie tells Stefano that Sami must pay for this. She had no right to tell Roman. She picks up the phone. Sami runs out of the shower as her phone rings. She is shocked to answer it and hear Lexie on the line. Lexie attacks her for admitting the truth to everyone. Sami says she had to. She wants to change and she feels bad for Lexie but it will be better now that the truth is out. Afterall, it was Lexie who was trying to convince her to change and take responsibility for her actions finally. Lexie is shocked that Sami actually listened for once. She tells Sami she lost Abe, will probably lose her job, and could lose Theo so things aren't ok for her. Sami says that Lexie is out of a coma and that is a plus. Lexie is frustrated and tells Sami she will pay for this no matter how right she felt about doing it. She has lost everything and she will make sure Sami suffers for it. Lexie hangs up. Sami wonders what Lexie might do and if she may get Stefano involved. She worries abotu what this means for Will and her family. Stefano tells Lexie he will help her get her revenge and hold on to Theo. Lexie understands that the only way for her to hold on to Theo and get what she wants is to think and act like a Dimera. No more doing what is right. She is going to win and do whatever it takes. Stefano is pleased she feels that way and embraces her with a sinister smile on his face.

-Kayla searches all around Austrailia for Steve. She shows his picture to pedestrians and has no luck. She goes to a local library and does some internet and map research. She still comes up with nothing. She asks the clerk if she has any other maps of some secluded areas or maybe some relatively unknown areas around the area. She hands Kayla some older maps that are barely used anymore but contain some info the other maps don't about some not so well known sights and even some hidden gems around the area. Kayla searches through them and is about to give up when something on one of the maps catches her eye. She then says she thinks she just found Steve. She puts the other items away and asks the clerk if she can take the map with her. The clerk says she seems nice enough and the map is never used anymore anyway so go ahead. Kayla runs off with the map and says something is telling her this is where Steve is. She tells Steve she is coming as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Kayla: Who knows what kind of danger I will find here?

Julie to Alice: Yes!!! We did it Grandma!!! Now let's just hope this works and helps Maggie.

Maggie to Bo: Are you sure you are doing the right thing?

Greta to Eric: Tell Nicole the truth before it's too late.

Belle to Victor and Kate: You will be happy to know I am leaving Salem to be with your son.

Billie to Chelsea: What aren't you telling me about that night? Chelsea...did you have anything to do with Jason and Barry's murders?

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