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September 19, 2006



-Carrie watches as Alan lies asleep, recovering from his injuries. She can't beleive she is here with him and how much he has changed. She also can't beleive she made Shane take that letter to her loved ones but she had to do it. She can't hit the people she loves, especially Austin and Lucas and even Sami. She sees Alan tossing and turning and wonders what he is dreaming about. Alan begins to cry out for the guard to open the cell. Carrie sees him shaking and violently tossing all over the place. Alan yells out for the guard not to leave him alone. Carrie grabs hold of him and assures him it's ok. She is there for him and is not going anywhere. Alan wakes up and pushes Carrie away, asking what she is doing. Carrie explains he was having a nightmare and she just tried to comfort him. Alan begs her not to do that again. He is a man and doesn't need her help in trying to comfort him. He can get through it. Carrie understands. Alan thanks her for everything. Carrie is about to ask about the nightmare but backs off, seeing how flustered Alan is. She wonders what the nightmare was about and if it has anything to do with his past experience in prison.

-Sami is still stunned by learning of Carrie and Austin's affair and his belief the baby is his. Austin sees Sami and asks if something is wrong. Sami lies and says no. They return to Kate, Roman, Shane, and Lucas. Roman says he needs to go and that it is time for all of them to leave now that the search is over. Roman and Shane leave together. Lucas tells Kate and Austin that he isn't giving up and thinks they should try to find Carrie. Austin agrees but says they need to do something about the danger in Salem and then maybe Carrie will come back on her own. Lucas thinks it is a great idea but Kate worries about the danger involved. Sami overhears everything and she can see how much both Lucas and Austin love Carrie. She remembers how she was thinking recently about why she always goes after men who would rather be elsewhere and now it is clear both Lucas and Austin want Carrie and not her. Sami contemplates whether it may be time to start anew and to stop chasing after men and dreams that will probably never happen. It has been far too long and has tried every trick in the book and she has nothing after all these years. Austin asks if Sami is ready to go home. She says yes and they all head for home.

-Shawn is on his way out of his loft. He has all his bags packed and is prepared to leave Salem for the marines. He closes his door and Belle is waiting for him outside. Belle once again begs Shawn to reconsider this and to stop pushing her away. Shawn says he has to and she needs to get used to him not being here. He tells Belle he is leaving and she can't stop it. Belle says she will stop it and that she is not letting him go. Shawn has to see his mother as she called him and he is going to say his goodbyes tonight so he must go. He tells Belle it would be best if she just let this go. He leaves as Belle vows not to let him go.

-Alice, Doug, Julie, Laura, Maggie, Caroline, Frankie, Jack, Billie, Abby, and abe have all gathered at Hope's. Hope explains to her the fears she concerning Bo. Shane and Roman arrive late and Roman asks Hope what she thinks they should do. Hope says they need to do whatever it takes to save Bo from himself. Billie agrees and says she understands Bo's frustration with the system and how it led to Chelsea's second attack but Bo's is headed down a dangerous path and they need to pull him away from it. Laura beleives that Bo getting some counseling would be good but they may never get him to a session the way he is. Hope agrees and thinks Bo would fight it the whole way so counseling is useless. Jack thinks that Bo will come out of it fine but Frankie disagrees saying Bo is lost right now with everything that is going on in his life. Frankie then turns to Abby and asks where Max is. Abby says she thinks he won't be making it. Frankie asks why. Abby stays silent and then says she guesses he is busy. Caroline asks what they should do. Hope thinks they need to keep Victor away from him since all he is doing is encoruaging Bo in taking matters into his own hands. Maggie mentions to everyone that Victor could be right. Caroline is bothered by this and answers that Victor is not right and that is why Victor turned good for years before reverting back to his past ways. Caroline explains that Victor is hurting like Bo and that both of them are letting the anger and rage drive them to do things that will only make things worse. Hope is worried that Bo may have a side to him like Victor and that this may really get out of hand. Alice reminds Hope that she has been with Bo for years and that he has never been anything like Victor used to be. Julie agrees and adds that Victor is not what he was right now. He is not as ruthless as in the past. He is just frustrated and it seems he wants to protect those he loves, just like Bo. Shane and Abe both thinks they need to go out and find Bo. Shawn then arrives and apologizes for being late. Hope fills him in on what is happening. Shawn admits that he honestly doesn't care what his father does since he is leaving anyway. He then tells Hope that he mostly came over to say goodbye rather then help out with Bo. Hope says that Shawn is not leaving...not until he and his father can become at least civil with each other. Belle then walks in the open front door and says he isn't leaving anyhow if she has anything to say about it. Shawn tells Belle to stop but Belle says she needs everyone's attention as she is going to need all of them to help her convince Shawn to stay. Shawn tells Belle to back off and just give it up but Belle refuses and is confident that he is going nowhere.

-Victor sits down with Bo at the Cheatin Heart. Bo asks him to get to the point and explain his offer. Victor explains that he beleives they are both on similar wavelengths right now based on what went down at the hospital earlier. Bo agrees. Victor knows that Bo knows of his involvement in the explosion that nearly killed Lexie. Victor explains he wants Stefano eliminated and that was the intention of the explosion only Lexie was in the building instead. Victor wants to wipe out his enemies and the enemies who pose a threat to his friends and family. The island was the last straw for him so he has targeted Ernesto and Stefano, among others. He tells Bo that the current justice system is flawed and that things hardly ever go as they should. They need to do something to protect their loved ones as they have been victimized long enough. Bo agrees and says Chelsea's rape was the last straw for him. Victor again apologizes for not telling him. Bo tells him to forget it and asks what he is proposing. Victor asks Bo to join him. Now is the perfect time as they are sharing similar philosophies and the people they love need them to protect them and end all this pain and suffering. The law has done nothing to stop this so it's time they did...together. He tells Bo he will have to make sacrificed like pushing away those he loves so he can protect them properly and do all that is necessary to make everything the way it should be. Only then will those they love be truly safe. Victor asks Bo to mull all that over and says he needs to go tend to business. He tells Bo to come to him when he has a response to his offer. Victor leaves as Bo asks for another drink. He recalls all the times the Dimera's have put his family through hell and the time that Ernesto nearly killed Hope. He also flashes back to seeing a bruised and battered Chelsea in the hospital. He tells the bartended he's done and tips him. He walks out of the bar and then asks himself if he can really do this and switch to an opposite side of the law to finally get results. He wonders if this is what has to be done to truly protect his loved ones from going through the hell they are right now. Bo looks up at the sky, almost as if he is searching for a sign to give him answers as to what to do as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next "Salem Lives:"

Sami: My son and I have suffered long enough. It's time for a change.

Stefano to Cassie: Kayla Johnson is the key to getting revenge on Victor and all of my enemies.

Belle to Shawn: I am not letting you go.

Shawn to Belle: But I am letting you go.

Hope: I am not giving up on Bo.

Bo: I have lost everything already so I have nothing to lose. Perhaps I should put it all on the line and join Victor?


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Can't wait to see Evil Bo/Victor!!!! Gonna be interesting I think!!!!

And also.... aren't Shawn and Belle cousins or did I miss something? I am getting a little confused here....

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They are cousins and that is

partly why Shawn wants to

leave. He knows they

shouldn't be together.

That and he hates

what his relationship

with Belle has done

to her. She chose to

stay in Salem and

went back on her promise

to stand by Philip during

his recovery and that is

not Belle-like. He also

wants to make it up to

Philip in a way by joining

the Marines so he feels

he needs this.

I hope that helps-you

are right about them

being cousins :) .

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