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September 6, 2006



-Greta awaits news on Eric at the hospital. She gets worried as more and more time passes with no news. She asks a nurse and the nurse tells her that there is no word yet. Greta then looks inside the ER and sees some serious looks on the faces of the nurses and doctors. She worries about what this means for Eric. The doctor comes out and Greta asks him if Eric is ok. The doctor says he will be fine but that he can't tell her specifically. Greta says it's ok as she is a friend but the doctor tells her that Eric told him and the nurses specifically to not tell anyone anything about what happened and that he is even there. The doctor tells Greta that she will have to get answers out of him. Greta realizes that isn't going to happen so she will just have to find out on her own. She worries that the secret Eric is hiding is health-related, especially now with him wanting what happened tonight to remain private. She decides to go find his chart and learn the truth on her own.

-Sami tells Austin, Lucas, and Kate about Carrie's phone call and her whereabouts. She says they better hurry as she sounded very scared on the phone. Lucas and Austin bolt for the door. Sami does too as kate stops her and asks her why she did something nice for her sister. Sami says that Carrie and the baby may be in danger and she cares about them despite what Kate may think. She does have a heart, unlike her. Kate makes a face and Sami and her race to catch up to the guys. On the way up to the mountains, Sami notices how concerned both Lucas and Austin are about Carrie and the baby. Kate quietly mentions to Sami how neither of her sons will ever care that much for her. Sami is clearly jealous and whispers to herself that she isn't even sure if she cares anymore.

-Carrie wakes up near the debris and notices the bleeding gash on her head. She remembers what happened and wonders where Alan is. She looks under the debris and sees his bloodied hand sticking out. She cries out for him to answer her and moves the debris off him. His head appears cut open so Carrie uses tears a piece of her jacket to cover his head and stop the bleeding. She uses the rest of the jacket to wipe the blood from the gash on her head. She urges Alan to wake up. He finally comes to and asks what happened. Carrie says that after he found her on the phone he ran towards her. Carrie admits being afraid he was going to hurt her but then she saw above her a part of the building about the collapse and he pushes her out of the way. She still managed to cut her head but he took the impact of the debris and she is thankful. Alan says he saw it about to fall apart and knew he had to save her and the baby. Alan then begins to slow down in speaking and passes out. Carrie begs him to wake up and notices he isn't breathing. She begins CPR and urges him to fight to live.

-Cassie and Chelsea watch the closeness between Max and Abby. Cassie tortures Chelsea with the idea that her best friend has stolen her man. Chelsea refuses to beleive that. Max and Abby come over and say hello. Max tells Chelsea he has been looking for her and that they need to talk. They go to speak alone leaving Cassie with Abby. Abby asks Cassie why she is with Chelsea. She didn't think they knew each other. Cassie says they are getting to know each other very well and says it seems like Abby is doing the same with Max. Abby says Max and her are just close friends. Cassie refuses to beleive that and says it is obvious Abby has a thing for him. She asks Abby if she is going after her best friend's man. Max sits Chelsea down and says that he has no idea what is going on with her or why she has been pushing him away. Chelsea explains she just needs time and space like she told him. Max says he can't put his life on hold when he doesn't know when Chelsea will be ready to pick up where they left off. He asks if something is going on with her to explain all this. Chelsea remembers her rape and Hope being her mother and lies and says no. She just needs time and space. Max says that maybe instead of a little break they should take a permanent break and go their separate ways. She would get her time and space and he could move on and not put everything on hold. Chelsea looks over at Abby and asks what exactly Max is putting on hold. Max says that nothing is going on with Abby and that Abby still considers Chelsea her friend. She would never do that. Max tells Chelsea that breaking up is win-win as they both get what they want. Chelsea says if that is what he wants then fine. Max is surprised she isn't putting up much of a fight. Chelsea says she has alot to deal with and doesn't have the strength to fight right now. Max sees how upset she is and asks her if something is going on. He knows her and he knows she is hiding something and that is why she is pushing him away. Chelsea just tells him to go. He told her what he had to say so he should just go. Max tells Chelsea he will always care about her and be there for her. She tells him goodbye. He leaves and goes to get Abby.

-Hope and Bo arrive at the hospital. Bo's wound is getting looked at when Hope sees Belle. She asks what she is doing there. Belle says she just came by to empty put her mom's office as her father asked her to. Hope notices she is upset and asks if something is wrong. Shawn then walks in and sees her. Hope sees them looking at each other and asks what is going on. Shawn interupts and says nothing is going on and asks why she is there. Hope tells him what is going on with Bo. Shawn asks why he got into the fight but Hope says nothing about the rape. Bo joins them and Shawn asks him what stupid decision he made now. Hope tells Shawn to calm down, as does Belle. Bo says her can't talk about what is going on right now. Shawn asks him what else is new as he always keeps him and mom out of the loop but not Billie and Chelsea. Bo loses it and asks Shawn what he wants from him. Shawn says I want a real father and a real man to lead this family, not some flip flop who goes back on every promise he ever made to them. Bo is stunned, as is Belle and Hope.

-Abe, Roman, Cal, Celeste, Nicole, and Stefano are stunned that it seems a body was found. Celeste feels it and says she feels like a part of her is gone. Abe looks at the debris and then takes out a family picture of him, Lexie, and Theo. He tries to hold back the tears.

Abe: She can't be gone. Not like this. So beautiful...so full of life. Even after everything...God help me I still love her. I still love her !!!! You can't be gone Lexie. Lexie!!!

Celeste breaks down too and tells Stefano she knows this is his fault. One of his enemies wanted revenge or one of his schemes went awry. She promises to make him pay and to see him dead for this if he did this and she tells him not to tell her he wasn't involved. She can see it on his face. Abe warns him too that he will make him pay for this because it is obvious by the look in his eyes he was involved in this. The EMT's discover the body and say it is the body of a caucasion female. It is not Lexie. Abe, Celeste, and Stefano are relieved. Abe and Celeste still warn Stefano if Lexie is hurt, they are coming after him. Roman says the same and says if Eric did get hurt in the blast, Stefano is a dead man. Nevertheless, if he is involved he will find out and nail him. Stefano is unphases and continues to search for Lexie. Nicole is searching feverishly for Eric. Roman and Cal help her. Roman tells some patrol cops to ask around the area to see if anyone saw someone enter the building and gives them a picture of Eric to show to people. Stefano is searching around, praying Lexie is found. He looks down at the ground and sees a foot. It's Lexie's!!! He calls for help and the EMT's move the debris off of her. Abe, Celeste, Nicole, Cal, and Roman gather around. Stefano asks if she is alive. The EMT responds that she is but barely and she may have internal injuries. They prepare for her transport and Stefano says he is riding in the ambulance. Abe and Celeste refuse to let that happen. Meanwhile, a man that maintains some of the warehouses near the pier is found by some of the officers and brought to Roman. He explains he saw a man that looked just like Eric with a woman with brown hair. They were on the pier around two hours ago. Roman tells Nicole what he learned and she feels relieved but still wants to find him. She heads for the pier to see if he is still there and says she will look around. Roman asks her to call when she finds him. Roman then gets a phone call and is stunned by what he hears. He hangs up as Cal asks him what is wrong. Roman says the warehouse that blew up belonged to Victor Kiriakis. Cal asks what that means. Roman wonders if Victor is involved. The EMT's pack up Lexie and put her on the ambulance. Stefano says he is getting on with his daughter. He pushes ahead and gets on, shutting the door behind him. Abe is furious but Celeste tells him they should just get to the hospital. Roman and Cal fill Abe in on what they found out and tell him they will head to the hospital with him. In the ambulance, Stefano begs Lexie to survive.

-Nicole arrives at the pier and can't find Eric. She wonders where he is and if this has something to do with his secret.

-Greta is looking for Eric's doctor and hopes he leads her to his chart when she bumps into Bo, Hope, Belle, and Shawn. She notices the tension and asks if everything is alright. Bo sarcastically says it couldn't be better.

-At Salem Place, Max walks back over to Abby and asks if she is ok. Abby says she is fine and asks if everything went well. Max says as best as it could. Abby asks if Chelsea needs her. Max thinks it is best if she leave her alone for now. They say goodbye to Cassie and walk away. Cassie reminds Abby she never did answer her question. Abby responds no. Cassie doesn't buy it. Max asks what that was about as Abby tells him to nevermind. Cassie walks over to Chelsea and they watch Max and Abby walk away, with his arm around her. Cassie tells Chelsea they have a bond that grows stronger by the way and that no one seems to want her. Max doesn't and niether does Salem as half of the town hates her. Cassie says that Chelsea must want to keet the truth from Hope because she is afraid Hope won't want her either since no one wants her or her slutty self anyway. Chelsea has had enough and lunges for Chelsea. Both woman fall to the ground and a catfight ensues.

-Sami, Austin, Lucas, and Kate pull up at a location near where Carrie told Sami. They see a gas station up ahead and decide to stop and ask if anyone saw Carrie. They pull up and look around and notice it seems abandoned. Lucas sees that part of the building even collapsed. Sami looks near the debris and sees a jacket and a pool of blood. Austin, Lucas, and Kate see it and wonder what happened. Sami remembers the phone call and then having the call go dead. She sees the pay phone very close to the debris and wonders if something bad happened to Carrie. They all look at the blood, debris, and torn jacket and wonder what to do next.

-Greta, Hope, Bo, Shawn, and Belle are all in the ER when Abe, Roman, Celeste, and Cal show up. Hope asks what they are doing there. Abe explains the explosion and what happened to Lexie. Bo asks what warehouse it was. Roman says it belongs to Victor. Bo asks if it was accidental. Roman explains the place was rigged to blow up. Shawn asks why anyone would rig a warehouse to blow. Abe says they would if they were laying a trap for someone and had targeted someone. Belle ask who could the target be. Everyone then turns and sees Lexie rushed into the ER and are stunned to see Stefano run in behind her. The doctor tells Stefano to wait outside and that they will take good care of Dr. Carver. He turns around and comes faces to face with some of his enemies. Bo is furious and lunges at him as Roman holds him back. The rest of them soak in the fact that Stefano has returned as a composed, but worried, Stefano looks on. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives:"

Sami to Roman: You need to get up here right now...it's Carrie.

Shawn to Belle: It's over...we're over. Accept it.

Celeste to Abe: I feel this is only the beginning...something bigger is brewing.

Stefano to Cassie: Whoever did this will pay.

Cassie to Stefano: And I will help you.

Bo to Hope: It''s all gone..our family, marriage...everything we have built is in shambles.

Chelsea: Maybe it's not worth changing...maybe I am better off being bad.

Julie: Maggie needs our help and I have an idea.

Maggie: My life is over...maybe I will just drink until I die.


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