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September 5, 2006



-Abby tells Max that she wants what is best for both him and Chelsea. It doesn't really make a difference to her if they are together or not, as long as they are happy. Max thanks her for being such a good friend to both Chelsea and him. He tells Abby he has made up his mind-he is going to break things off with Chelsea. He just can't put off his life anymore for her and she has practically ignored him for weeks now. He says he better meet with her now and tell her and asks Abby if she will come. Chelsea may need her. Abby agrees. Max calls Chelsea's cell but there is no answer. He decides to try to find her as Abby goes with him.

-Cassie tortures Chelsea with the fact that she knows Hope is her mother. She tells Chelsea that information like that almost gives you the right to own a person, especially when it seems obvious the person doesn't want anyone to know. Chelsea tries to explain that Cassie didn't understand but Cassie reminds her that she is a Dimera and not stupid. She can see Chelsea is scared out of her mind so that alone convinces her that she heard right. Cassie asks Chelsea if she knows who her real father is. Chelsea says she doesn't and begs Cassie not to say anything. She is keeping this secret because Billie and Bo would be devestated knowing their daughter is really dead and that she is Hope's. Cassie says she will keep the secret but asks what is in it for her. Chelsea promises to do anything. Cassie says she will hold her to that and will be sure to look her up when she needs something. Cassie sees Max and Abby walking nearby and sees them laughing. Max then puts his arm around Abby. Cassie then makes a comment about how much Chelsea's life must stink lately. Her father hates her for destroying his marriage, her mother and half the town doesn't trust her, and now she is losing her boyfriend to her best friend. Chelsea asks what she is talking about. Cassie shifts her eyes and asks Chelsea to see for herself. Chelsea turns and sees Max with his arm around Abby laughing and having a good time. Chelsea's eyes well up in tears as Cassie takes pleasure in seeing her suffer.

-Bo has both of Chelsea's rapists held against the wall and tells them he is going to kill them for what they did to his daughter. The two women that the men were with continue to scream for help. Bo tells them to shutup as these two are scum and deserve to be punished. If the law isn't going to do it, he will. Hope then races in, saying she heard the screaming. She begs Bo to stop and let them go. Bo says that this is the only way justice will be served as the DA let them both go because they retracted their confessions and there was no other evidence. Hope says they will find some but Bo reminds Hope that the rape happened in May. The trail is cold so it's next to impossible to find anything now that can incriminate the men. Bo blames Hope for that as he may have been able to do something sooner had he known. Hope reminds Bo that Victor knew but Bo reminds Hope that she is his wife. It as her responsibility to tell him. Victor was wrong too but it is wrong that his own wife never told him about his daughter's rape. Hope tells Bo that Victor may be able to get them more evidence. Bo says that the evidence would be tossed out in court as anything from Victor would be collected through underground, and probably illegal, means. They have nothing and his daughter's rapists need to be punished. Hope tells Bo to think about Shawn and Chelsea and how they need their father. Bo says he is thinking about them and by getting these two guys off the streets, he will protect the future safety and security of both of them and of others. While Bo is distracted with Hope, one of the guys knees Bo in the mid-section. Bo falls to the ground and the two guys get away as the two girls run in the opposite direction. Hope helps Bo up but he pushes her away. He is furious and tells her she has done it again. Hope says it is for the best and they can pursue this the right way. Bo says he was pursuing this the only way. They have no case and there was only one way to punish them. Bo tells Hope she withheld information and now helped his daughter's rapists get away. Hope tells Bo that they need to sit down and talk. Bo backs away and reminds Hope that when he wanted to talk before all this, she was the one to back off. Now he is the one backing off. He has no desire to talk to her right now. Hope sees that he is bleeding from his side. Somehow he must have been wounded when he was kicked or something so Hope tells him he should get that taken care of. Bo says he will be fine and doesn't want to see her. Hope says she will go away right after he goes with her and has the wound taken care of. He reluctantly agrees and they head for the hospital.

-Belle refuses to let Shawn leave town to join the Marines. Shawn says he can pay homage to Philip and it will almost be like his way of making things up to him after the last few years. Belle says he doesn't have to do that. Shawn says he needs to get out of Salem. His life is a mess and he is having problems with his father and then there is her. The love they share has made her far too obsessive. He doesn't even know who she is anymore and it seems alot of people think that way by the reactions at the hospital earlier. She should be with her husband in San Francisco helping him and supporting him and, instead, she chose to stay in Salem because of him. He reminds Belle of how appalled everyone was. Belle says she doesn't care as she loves Shawn and is done putting aside her happiness. Shawn says he cares and wants her to stop being obsessed with their relationship. Philip is the father of her child and that is where she belongs. Things are different now then they were years ago. They are cousins now and she is married with a child. He needs to make some big life decisions and really needs to grow up. This is a good way to do it and this will give her the chance to settle down and make the changes she needs to make to her life. Belle insists there are no changes to be made accept for them reuniting and being together. Shawn says that isn't going to happen. He has made his choice whether she accepts it or not. It's over and he is making plans to move on. Hopefully, in time, she will understand this is for the best and will move on as well. Belle tearfully tells Shawn she loves him. Shawn says he loves her too but that it's not right anymore and it just doesn't feel right. He says he needs to go make some plans. Belle grabs him and begs him not to do this. Shawn kisses her and says she will understand one day. He pushes her arms off of him and walks off as Belle crumples to the floor in tears, crying to Shawn not to do this.

-Doug, Julie, and Laura enter Maggie's house and call out to her. Maggie, who is practially guzzling the bottle of vodka, hears them and hides the bottle. She quickly shoves some peppermint cookies in her mouth to tone down the alcohol on her breath. Doug, Julie, and Laura enter and ask if she is ok. Maggie says she is the best she can be considering everything. Julie asks why she didn't answer the door. Maggie says she doesn't want visitors and was hoping they would go away. Julie says they just want to help and want her to let them. It isn't doing her any good to be alone and locking herself away. Laura asks Maggie if it would help if they talked since Laura has not been around in awhile and a new face may be more comfortable. Maggie says she just wants to left alone for the time being. Julie tells Maggie that isn't healthy but Laura tells Julie to back off a bit. Laura asks Maggie if she is feeling better then she did when Mickey first died. Maggie says not really. Laura then asks her if she is feeling overwhelmed or feels closed in. Maggie says she just feels guilty, lonely, and like everyone blames her and rightfully so. Mickey's death was her fault. She should've gotten on the boat and then Mickey would've too. Laura tells Maggie they can't deal in "what if's." Laura then asks her if she has seen Mickey. Maggie doesn't understand. Laura asks if Mickey has come to her in dreams or if she has actually seen him. She tells Maggie that it's very common for loved ones who are hit hard by a death to see the person as a vision of some sort or to have that person visit them in dreams. Maggie picks up a vase and tosses it at the wall and disgusts. She says she realizes what is going on here. She says they think she is nuts and that is why they brought Laura over and have her asking these questions. That is also why they used the spare key and just let themselves in. She asks if they thought she was killing herself or self-mutilating herself. Doug, Julie, and Laura say they were merely concerned since she has shut herself off from the worls, especially since she pushed Victor out of her life. Maggie says to let her do as she pleases and orders them all to get out. She knows what they think of her and that not only do they blame her deep down for Mickey's death and are only being nice because she is family, but they also think she is a whackjob. She tells them to get out now. Julie and Laura beg Maggie to reconsider. Maggie tells them to leave now and begins to toss things around the room. Doug tells them they should go. Julie and Laura reluctantly give in. Julie asks Maggie to please let them help. Maggie yells once again for them to get out and to leave their key. Julie refuses but Laura says to do as she says or they risk having her isolate herself even more. Julie lays the key on the table and leaves with Doug and Laura. Maggie closes the door behind them and locks it. She says good riddance and that she doesn't need them or anyone else. She pulls out the vodka and begins to drink it again, only now more vigorously.

-Kayla asks Patrick if he is joking. He assures he isn't and that Steve Johnson is alive. Kayla asks how. Patrick explains that Steve has been hidden away for awhile and has been on Melaswen since Stefano and Ernesto began plans for their second island plot. Prior to that, he was hidden in Dimera lairs. Lawrence was the one that set his death up so Patrick was working for him. He left his family and Salem when he was younger to pursue his dreams. He did not want to live poor like his family in Salem and he hated seeing them that way when his father kept leaving them and coming back. His dad could never find steady work so he took off hoping to find something to acquire wealth and then share it with his family. He ended up being a con man and got into some debt at a casino. Turns out, Lawrence knew of his reputation as a con man and knew he was in debt and offered to help him out. Mimi was an infant and Connor was not even born yet so his family needed help so he took Lawrence's offer. Patrick's job was to somehow get near Steve, which he did by impersonating an intern, to give him a drug to slowly "kill" him and make him appear dead. He got this drug from Stefano Dimera and his organization, who got it themselves through Ernesto and his drug developers. Patrick gave Steve the drug and that is how we slowly saw him "die." Patrick would have to make sure Steve stayed unconcious so he would have to sneak in to the morgue and to the funeral home to keep giving him the drug. Lawrence had some people in these places on his payroll so that made it easy. Patrick also assisted in the coffin switch and bringing the "dead" Steve to a secret hideaway in Europe where he stayed for years. When Lawrence and Carly got together, Lawrence decided to let Steve go and drop any plans he had in mind for him because he would not risk Carly finding out and leaving him. This was around the time Stefano returned to Salem. Stefano heard through the crime underworld grapevine that Lawrence was selling Steve Johnson to the highest bidder. Stefano took Steve and hid him away thinking that some day he could use this in his feud with the Brady's. Lawrence was happy with this because he knew Steve would still suffer and he would still get his revenge all while not risking losing Carly. Patrick begs Kayla not to give any details of this to anyone as Lawrence and Stefano would probably come after him. Kayla says she will keep this between them for now and once again asks if it true. He says it is and writes down the instructions to get to the area where Patrick believes Stefano took him after the island was destroyed. Kayla thanks him. Patrick wonders why it is taking so long for him to be released. Kayla then tells him he isn't being released. She lied to him to get the info she needed. He is stunned as she seemed so nice and sincere. Kayla apologizes but insists he will be safer in there as she will need to tell someone what he told her. He says that he can still be reaches in prison so it won't save him. Kayla apologizes again and wishes him the best. She leaves as Patrick wonders what will become of him now. Kayla thinks about what he told her and remembers Kim telling her that Shane was investigating Steve's death for some reason. Kayla believes it has to be true and says it is time to go find her husband.

-Sami is stunned to be talking to Carrie on the phone. She asks what she is doing near Green Mountain. Carrie tells Sami she needs to bring help. Sami asks her what is wrong as she sounds scared. Meanwhile, outside Sami's apartment, Lucas and Austin walk up and Kate walks up behind them. Lucas and Austin tell Kate that it isn't a good time for her to be there as Sami's is enough of a mess. Kate says she just wants to make sure her sons are on given what is going on with Carrie. Austin opens the doors and hears Sami on the phone asking what is going on. He notices she seems very worried and agitated. Sami asks Carrie what is going on. Carrie tells her to bring help and tell them where she is. She hangs up as Alan is beginning to run towards her. Carrie is afraid of what he is about to do. Back at Sami's, Carrie keeps saying "Hello" and see notices Austin, Lucas, and Kate there. Austin asks her who she was just talking to. Sami remembers how she was just talking about how she has always been second choice and Carrie and Belle got everything. With Carrie out of the picture, she can have everything and could even choose between Austin and Lucas. She also remembers thinking about cutting Lucas and Austin lose and starting out fresh as both men might always have eyes for Carrie first. Sami thinks about Carrie and her baby and tells herself it's time to stop being the selfish, old Sami. Carrie may be in danger and that is her sister and little neice or nephew. Sami tells Austin, Lucas, and Kate that she was talking to Carrie. They all three look on stunned. Meanwhile, back in the mountains, a large pile of debris lies next to an unconscious Carrie. She has a bleeding gash on her head and Alan is nowhere to be found.

-Greta waits on the pier for the ambulance for Eric. She begs him to hold on. They arrive and she rides in the ambulance with him, urging him to be that strong guy she fell in love with years ago. They arrive at the hospital and the doctor's race him into the ER. Greta prays he will be ok.

-Faux Roman arrives at the police station and tells Roman he has big news. He tells him about falling and hitting his head and how he remembers something. He had been having nightmares that seemed like memories but he finally had a vivid recollection of that man that worked for Stefano, Dr. Rolf, talking to him before deciding what they were going to do regarding him and plastic surgery prior to him being Roman. He tells Roman he remembers Rolf saying his name is Cal Winters. Roman is happy for him and says this is a breakthrough. Once he goes to therapy, he will remember more and more. Cal thanks Roman for convincing him to stay. He really feels like things may work out well. They are interupted by a phone call telling Roman about the warehouse explosion. Roman says he has to go and tells Cal what is up. Cal asks if he can go to as they may need his help and he does have police experience. Roman says for him to come as they may need him and they leave.

-Celeste and Abe hear sirens as they are driving in his car searching for Lexie. Celeste screams out that it's too late. She feels like a part of her just died. Abe looks on horrified and hopes that Lexie is ok.

-Victor hears the news on the radio about an explosion in the warehouse district. He is pleased and congratuates Nico on a job well done. He says it should only be a matter of time before they hear of the death of Stefano Dimera.

-Nicole and Stefano search the rubble. Nicole is frantically searching for Eric, hoping he wasn't near or in the building. Stefano searches for Lexie and prays she got out. The rescue units, fire department, and police arrive and ask what happened. They are all stunned to see Stefano and he fills them all in on everything. He begs them to find his daughter. The EMT's arrive and ask if Stefano means Lexie Carver. He says yes and they tell him that they will find Dr. Carver and will give her the best care if she is injured. Abe and Celeste arrive and bump into Roman and Cal, who arrive as well. They see Nicole and ask what is going on. Nicole tells them and says she is worried Eric may have been in the building or nearby. Roman prays that is not the case but says better to be safe then sorry. Celeste tells Abe she feels Alexandra's presence was there but that it is non-existant now. Almost like she is among them anymore. Abe urges Celeste to cool it with the feelings and premonitions. Abe, Celeste, Roman, and Cal ask Nicole if she knows of anyone else who could be in there. Stefano then comes out of the shadows and says his daughter may have been. Celeste, Abe, Roman, and Cal look on stunned. Abe and Roman both lunge from Stefano but Cal holds Roman back. Abe grabs Stefano and asks him what the hell he is doing here. Stefano says that is not important but finding Alexandra is. Abe thinks he had something to do with this and tells him to tell everyone the truth. One of the rescue workers then yell out they found something and it could be a body...a woman's body. Abe puts Stefano down and both look on in shock, as do Nicole, Roman, Cal and Celeste as they screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next "Salem Lives"...

Abe to Stefano: Lexie's death is on your hands you bastard.

Celeste to Stefano: My daughter is gone and don't even tell me you didn't have something to do with this.

Cal to Roman: What's wrong?

Roman to Cal: This warehouse belonged to Victor Kiriakis.

Hope to Bo: You and me are going to talk and we are going to talk now.

Cassie to Abby: You are after Max aren't you?

Max to Chelsea: It's over, Chels. It's time for us to go our separate ways.

Sami to Austin, Lucas, and Kate: I know where Carrie is and we need to hurry because something sounded really wrong.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

No offense, but I think it would be alot easier to read this thing if yall kind of summarized it. Most of the time when I go to read, I end up staying 30 minutes. LOL!! :lol:

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  • Members

Oh I know it's long but it

won't always be like that

:lol: .

The episodes that feature

many characters and alot

going on typically are.

I am going to work on

the length and you will

see them get much more

manageable but I still will

describe the scene and the

happenings in enough detail

so you know what is going on

and can actually visualize it

as if you are watching it :) .

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