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Episode 145




Bob calls in the family, knowing that Hal probably won't make it through the night.. While Barbara calls in Nikki, Jennifer, and Paul...Margo calls in Adam and Abigail. Will, devastated by the news that his father might die, seeks comfort from Gwen. Emily and Andy are taken back by the news. Andy watches as Emily arrives at the hospital and crumbles in Susan's arms. Bob and Kim come to grips with the news, while Margo tells Tom that as much as she hates to do it, she has to tell Jack. Meanwhile, Carly admires Jack as he sleeps on the sofa and hopes that Jack never becomes so depressed as he was when Dallas died...ever again. Jack deals with Margo's news well, however, and they take Parker to see Hal one last time. Hal shares touching goodbyes with Parker, Jennifer (who barely got to the airport before she got the call), and Will. Bob regretfully informs everyone that Hal died of kidney failure. Later, Susan blames herself for being the reason behind Hal's death...which Barbara overhears.

DON'T MISS TOMORROW!!!...when the residents of Oakdale share a touching farewell with Hal Munson.

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