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July 5, 2006



-At the New Salem Brady Pub, Bo talks with Billie, Abe, and Roman, He is worried about Hope back home. They all assure him she is fine. Shawn and Mimi overhear and reminds his father of what he has done to their family. Bo loses his cool and grabs his son by the shirt.

-Kate notices that Austin is upset and asks what is wrong. He tells Kate that he is worried about Carrie and the baby. Kate understands but notices the look on Austin's face when she talks about the baby. She asks if there is something he isn't telling her. He tells Kate to just stay out of it. Kate wonders what is going on as Lucas asks what she is talking about.

-Jennifer is confused about what to do about Jack and Frankie. She tells both men not to tell Abby about her confusion and to just let think she chose Jack for the time being.

-Abby and Max are walking around the rebuilt New Salem on Melaswen. They wonder about those behind back home and about Chelsea.

-Alice, Doug, Julie, Caroline, Shawn Sr, and Mickey sit at a table and talk about real Salem and about the Dimeras and having to go through this whole plot again. Mickey is worried about Maggie and Caroline is privately worried about Victor.

-Maggie awakens and Victor is pleased. He is thrilled that Maggie seems to be improving.

-Chelsea awakens too and seems to be improving. Hope is happy. Chelsea thanks her for saving her life-especially after everything. Hope says that she can thank Zach for this one.

-Eric, Nicole, and Celeste remain in the cave. They wonder about everyone else.

-Shane searches the island on his own while trying to avoid island guards.

-John also searches the island alone and is worried about Belle and Marlena.

-Belle finally wakes up. She realizes the storm is over and notices the bump and cut on her head. She sees guards and, despite being woozy, realizes she needs to move.

-Carrie is also trying to avoid guards too while in pain. She notices blood streaming down her leg and fears for her baby as her and sami's stalker remains on her trail as well.

-Greta and Lexie continue to walk through the maze that is the catacombs, wondering where it may take them. Stefano, Andre, Patrick, Tek, and Bart watch. Stefano is pleased as this will set things up even better as he must meet with his daughter before the ultimate plan is set in motion on the island. Bart reminds Stefano that they need wait for the "other boss man." Patrick and Tek, who are both being covered by guards just in case of a double cross, figure this is the mysterious partner that helped out with the first Melaswen plot a few years ago and supplied the drugs needed to put everything into action on the island and in Salem. Stefano confirms that is the partner but that he is more then a partner. Patrick, Tek, and Marlena (who is overhearing) all realize this "partner" or "ally" may be the real mastermind behind this plot and the previous island plot. Stefano could be merely a pawn as this person may be the true head of thos whole operation. Marlena listens and laughs saying no matter who is in charge she is taking them out too as her revenge plans will not be stopped.

-Meanwhile, Sami is in the secret file room and has decided to download all the Dimera secrets to a empty disk she found so that she has proof of anything she finds. While the disk is downloading, Sami is searching the file cabinets and reading the hard copy versions of the files. She wonders what she may find.

-Mimi and Roman separate Shawn and Bo. Shawn says he will never forgive Bo for what he did to there family. He walks off with Mimi. Bo wonders if he can ever repair his family. Roman, Abe, and Billie assure him he will.

-Kate lies to Lucas and tells him nothing is wrong. Austin thinks about telling Lucas about his sleeping with Carrie but opts against it again.

-Caroline comes over to Jennifer and sees she is upset and asks what is wrong. Jen tells her how confused she is about Jack and Frankie. They are both great guys. Caroline relates Jen's situation to hers with Shawn and Victor. She tells Jennifer to follow her heart and it will take her where she belongs. Jen asks if Caroline followed her heart. Caroline says what was meant to happen happened. Jennifer thanks her and leaves as Caroline expresses sorrow about the past.

-Alice, Julie, and Doug assure Mickey that Maggie is fine. Mickey felt earlier that she was in danger but feel better now. he hopes she is being taken care of.

-Maggie thanks Victor for everything. She would have never made it through everything that has happened without him. Victor shrugs it off. They talk about their kiss and push it aside as nothing. Shane arrives and Victor informs him about what has happened. Shane is carrying a medical kit and tends to Maggie's arm and gives her something for the infection. Shane then helps her up and tells Victor that he will take the two of them to the others hiding in a cave nearby.

-Hope tells Chelsea about seeing Zach and how he led her to the sap to help her. Chelsea thinks Zach is her guardian angel. Hope agrees and says that the rest of her family is watching her too. Chelsea asks Hope if she meant what she said about her being a part of the family and that they couldn't lose her. Hope says she would never wish death on Chelsea and thinks that she just needs love and someone to steer her right. Hope then mentions her maybe going to see a counselor about her rape. Chelsea lashes out and doesn't even remember saying that to her, She begs Hope not to tell anyone.

-Marlena is nearly caught by a guard and decides to leave Stefano's control center before being seen. She will be back though to take them all out before beginning her revenge plans for everyone else. She leaves. Patrick and Tek wonder if the other person may be more in control of everything then Stefano. They ask Bart and Bart tells them not to tell Stefano that he told them what he is about too. Stefano is not the boss and neither is Andre. They are not the mastermind of this or the first island plot. This plot was dreamed up by someone else as a revenge plot for his enemies and Stefano got involved and both together put this all into motion. Patrick and Tek are stunned and wonder if they are really working for that person and not Stefano. Tek wonders if they can bargain with the other person and get out from under Stefano's thumb. Stefano overhears and tells Patrick and Tek he feels betrayed by the. He now thinks it is best to contain them as they are loose cannons and, now that he thinks about it, he may not have anymore use for them. He orders the guards to take them away. Patrick mentions how Stefano should not be ordering people around when he is not the true mastermind behind this or the previous plot. Stefano and Andre both look at Patrick and Tek filled with anger at this blow to their ego.

-Kate asks Roman if he has noticed the guards talking about Philip or Cassie. Roman says no but he promises Kate they will find them.

-Frankie and Jack talk about the situation with Jennifer. Frankie says he will step aside if Jen wants him too. Jen overhears and is touched.

-Abby complains anout how the humidity ruins her hair. Max thinks she looks beautiful. Abby is touched.

-Mimi tries to cool Shawn down and begs him to be civil. They all need to stick together until they find a way out. Shawn promises to try. He decides to go talk to Alice. Mimi goes for a walk as Shawn begs her to be careful. Mimi thinks about Claire's paternity and wonders if her and others may be being punished for her lies. She hopes that is not why Shawn and Philip were dragged into this island mess. She decides once and for all to tell Shawn the truth. He may never see Claire again if they die or never get off the island and he needs to know the truth before something happens.

-Chelsea tells Hope the details surrounding her rape and Josh's death. Hope feels bad for her. Chelsea begs Hope not to tell anyone. She knows that Hope owes her nothing but nobody can know. It only stays between her, Hope, and Victor. Hope agrees. Shane then arrvies with Maggie and Victor. Shane tends to Chelsea's leg and the infection and praises both Hope and Victor for using the sap. Hope mentions her visit from Zach and knows all their loves ones are watching them from above and will help them. The five of them go off to meet with the others at the cave.

-Sami in the file room and has not found anything interesting. The disk is now done downloading and Sami realizes she now has all the Dimera secrets on this disk. She realizes the danger she is in. She then decides to leave and as she is closing the file drawers up she notices something. She looks at the file and says, "I wonder what is in this. Maybe I shouldn't wait to see it on the disk. There may be something in here that could help with the Dimeras now or something." She opens and reads the file.

-Kate and Billie talk about Bo. She tells Billie to take her chance with Bo. Billie says Bo loves Hope and she is not coming between them anymore. She will not set herself up to be hurt again.

-Lucas confides his worries about Carrie and the baby in Austin. Austin is worried too, especially since the baby could be his.

-Roman and Abe stand by Bo and tell him everything will be alright. Bo says they need to get off the island so he can get back to Hope. He hopes she is not with Patrick.

-Shawn talks things over with Alice, Doug, Julie, and Mickey. They all urge him to lay off his father. Shawn says he will be civil until they get off the island but, once back in Salem, he has no reason to ever talk to his father again after what he did.

-Abby thanks Max for the compliment. They are both bored. He finds a stereo and puts on a song. They talk about how it is one of those cheesy, old fashioned love songs. He asks her to dance.

-Jennifer tells Frankie how touched she is by his offer to step aside but she loves him and she has to choose between them. They see Abby and Max dancing and Jen and Frankie talk about how they remind them of them when they were young. They wonder if they are falling for each other. Jack notices how seeing this is bring Jen closer to Frankie and he wonders if his plan to put them together may be what makes him lose Jennifer in the end.

-Shawn Sr notices Caroline alone and asks her what is wrong. Caroline is thinking about Victor and we then see her flash back to her and Victor in the castle when "Tony" (really Andre) was using scents and reminders of the past to force them back together. We then see things get passionate and they kiss. The flashback shifts to another flashback to them both finishing up getting dressed and how no one, especially Shawn Sr given his health problems, can find out they made love. Lives would be destroyed. We then shift back to Caroline, who tells Shawn Sr she is fine and that she just wants to get off this island again and back home where they belong. Shawn Sr agrees as Caroline thinks and worries about Victor and their secret.

-Hope, Chelsea, Maggie, Victor, and Shane arrive to meet with Eric, Nicole, and Celeste in the cave after they manage to find it. Celeste mentions how Bonnie left them and Greta is not there either. Shane goes back out to look for them, John, and Belle. Celeste says that feels like shocking discoveries and revelations are happening right now that will change lives. There is also great danger. This has everyone worried.

-John looks for Belle. He hopes she is fine. He wonders if she may have found her mother.

-Belle is still running away from the guards. She stops to take a breather. She hears someone behind her and as she runs away she turns to see her Marlena. "Mom!!", she yells. Marlena stops and turns around and looks at her daughter and says, "Belle?"

-Mimi is walking near the force field perimeter and is still sure that she wants to admit the truth about Cliare's paternity. She wonders what will happen when she does. She then looks through the force field and sees someone coming out the bushes. She sees it is not a guard. It is Bonnie!!! Mimi yells, "Mom!!!" A drunk Bonnie calls out, "My baby girl? Is that you?!! Oh, it is. Mama's coming baby!!!" Mimi tries to warn her drunk mother of the force field but it is too late as she hits it and the energy sends her flying against a tree unconscious as Mimi cries out for her mother to wake up.

-Carrie is still running away from guards as her health deteriorates. She is getting dizzy and is near a cliff-side. She is disoriented and is near the edge. She falls over the edge but is grabbed at the last second by her stalker. He pulls her up and lays her down. Carrie looks at him as her vision is blurred. She stares at him and says, "Oh my God. It can't be you. It can't. I am seeing things." Her vision becomes clearer and she sees the man's face. "Oh my God!! Alan!!!" The camera pans up to reveal the stalker to be ALAN HARRIS .

-Greta continues to make her way through the catacombs, as does Lexie who also is having trouble finding any way to get out. She wonders what happened to Sami.

-Sami is still reading the file. We finally see the file name and it reads "Brady, Roman/Black, John-Pawn Project A620." Sami is reading when she gets a shocked look on her face. "Oh my God. This can't be. It can't be true. But...but it is here though. Stefano would not have this here if it was a lie. It just can't be. This couldn't have happened again." We then see Sami point at a picture of Roman (Josh Taylor) and say, "He has to be my father. He just has to be."

-Patrick's comment has ticked off Stefano and Andre. He orders his men to take him and Tek away but Bart interupts and stops everyone. He says that "the other boss man has arrived." Patrick and Tek, both trying to annoy Stefano, say that it seems the real mastermind and creative genius has arrived. Stefano tells them to shutup and tells Bart to send him in. The person walks in. Patrick looks shocked as if he knows him and Tek appears clueless as he asks, "Who is this?" Stefano says, "Well, for the one person here who doesn't know, Tek I would like you to meet ERNESTO TOSCANO ." The camera then pans up to reveal Ernesto's face as the screen fades to black.

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Another pretty good episode with a solid ending.

So. It's finally made right. John just could be the real Roman Brady. It's about damn time! :D Thank you for fixing one of the biggest mistakes in Days history.

I'll wait to see where you are going with the AH reveal,before I comment further. And, it wouldn't hurt me if all the teens and young people took the same boat back and it sunk. :lol:

I know you are just setting things up for the fall. And, it can't be easy to try and fix that sewer mess known as the SSK storyline. Maybe we will find JER on the island as well. But, all the captives will torcher him.

Another good job.

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