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DAYS #192: Nick calls a meeting, Marlena and Andrew talk Kim down





Written by A. Washington-Beeby
Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco


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Inside the Titan building, Sami marches through the sliding doors of the building, quickly followed by Kate, who is trying to catch up, hoping to calm Sami down before she goes any further.


KATE: Sami! Sami, stop.


Sami ignores Kate and makes a beeline for the elevator, but Kate grabs Sami’s arm to stop her dead in her tracks.


KATE: Sami!

SAMI: What?


Kate looks around and steps in closer to Sami, speaking softly so as not to draw attention to themselves.


KATE: Is it not possible that EJ is working on something to help save us? I mean, why does your mind immediately go to sabotage?

SAMI: Because there’s too much that doesn’t fit, Kate. I don’t trust him, and I KNOW EJ’s hiding something from me.

KATE: For your own protection! Sami, if there was something EJ needed to take care of to clear you, it might be dangerous, and you know you don’t exactly tread lightly in precarious situations.


Sami rolls her eyes at Kate, but doesn’t fire back, recognizing she probably has a point.


SAMI: (sigh) Yeah.

KATE: Look, I know you’re dealing with a lot, and it’s hard to trust a man who would violate you the way he did…but you know what he’s done to make it up to you. Sami, you need to remember that EJ had a choice, multiple times. To choose his father, or you. And he has chosen you.

SAMI: And what if he’s playing both sides—

KATE: He’s not! Sami, you need to trust someone in all this. Trust EJ.


Before Sami can answer, Kate and Sami’s phone buzz. A text message has been sent to them both.


Sami looks at her phone, her face drops immediately. Kate looks up at Sami, a horrified expression in her eyes.


SAMI: Oh God.

KATE: Nick.


Kate motions to the elevator.


KATE: Come on, let’s go.


Kate and Sami turn toward the elevator, making haste to see what doom awaits.





Nick, upstairs at the Penthouse Grille with Julie, slyly stuffs his cell phone back into his pocket. Julie is directing the staff where to place the tables, as Percy approaches Nick, emerging from the elevator.


JULIE: Oh oh oh, Kelly! Put it to the left a bit more. I want to make a dancefloor area for tonight. Thank you, darling!



Julie jumps at Percy’s announcement, turning around to see who’s arrived.


JULIE: Oh my God! You…(laughs) you scared me.

PERCY: My apologies, Mrs. Williams.

JULIE: Well, your apology is accepted, Mister…?

PERCY: Ruggles. Percy Ruggles. I’m Nicholas’ assistant.

JULIE: Ah! Delightful!


Nick smiles at Percy as he interjects.


NICK: Yeah, Percy is indispensable to me.

JULIE: Good help is hard to find. Ah, Nick, I need to go over a couple things quickly for tonight.

NICK: Oh, for sure, Julie. I need to as well.


Nick turns quickly to Percy, and asks a favour of him.


NICK: Ah, Percy. Can you head down to the copy room? I have a folder there I’m gonna need.

PERCY: Certainly. Meet you in your office?

NICK: Perfect.


Percy takes off, as Nick turns his attentions back to Julie. He speaks in a joking manner to his cousin.


NICK: Great. Alone at last!


Julie smiles widely, grabbing her clipboard from the table in front of her.


JULIE: Perfect. (laughs) Now, what did you need?


Nick walks casually toward the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, looking out at the cityscape as he goes over his plans for the night, his hands in the pant pockets of her suit.


NICK: Well…I just want to make sure tonight goes off without a hitch. I have some big plans I need executed tonight.


Nick turns to look at Julie from the window.


NICK: Think you can handle it?


Julie nods.


JULIE: I think I can. What did you have in mind?

NICK: Well…this is my first party since becoming CEO, and I wanted to make a splash. Sort of…announce my arrival in the business world. You know?

JULIE: Alright…



Nick walks back toward Julie, looking around the room, a bit in awe of the grandeur surrounding him.

NICK: I want to have a…sort of official announcement mid-party. Two, actually. One to commemorate the new restaurant and all the work you and Maggie have put into it…and one for me. If that can be arranged?


Julie beams, impressed by Nick’s plans. She starts to giggle as she responds to Nick’s idea.


JULIE: I think so. (laughs) you know, Nick…I’m just…I’m so proud of you. And I think your mother would be as well if she were here.


Julie hugs her cousin, who hugs back, though taken aback by the second reference to his mother that day.


NICK: Thanks…

JULIE: I do wish she could be here. And your father, too.


Nick breaks out of their hug, suddenly with a dour expression.


NICK: Yeah, I…I don’t know about that. Frankly, I’m kinda glad they aren’t here. Especially Mom.


Julie looks confused, as Nick looks down, away from Julie’s probing gaze.


NICK: Look, Julie, I gotta take off. But I think whatever you’ve got planned for tonight is gonna be great. Okay? So…Anyway, I’ll see you tonight.


Nick heads for the elevator, leaving Julie behind, a little baffled by Nick’s less-than-positive reaction to his mother’s mention.





At University Hospital, the elevator doors open, revealing Eric as he steps off to meet with Marlena and Kim, who are seated together in the waiting area. He can tell immediately the two women are tense, and approaches carefully so as not to startle them.


ERIC: Morning.


Marlena looks up at Eric, and smiles warmly at her son.


MARLENA: Eric! I’m glad you’re here.

KIM: Morning, Eric.


Eric looks at Kim, and smiles quickly, before looking around for Roman, and Marlena and Kim rise from their seats.


ERIC: Hey, Aunt Kim. Um…where’s dad?

MARLENA: Oh, Valerie’s already taken him in to start his tests, we’re just waiting for him to finish now, and then…

ERIC: …And then it’s my turn….Does…ummm…does Sami know about the test yet?


Marlena looks down, somewhat embarrassed.


MARLENA: Umm…no. I, I didn’t have a chance to tell her.


Kim looks at Marlena, annoyance back on her face, as she probes for more information.


KIM: Did you try to call her, at least?

MARLENA: Well, we had to be here early, and…(sigh) I know this would upset her. She’s got enough on her plate right now, so—



Before Kim can respond, Andrew emerges from down the hall with a tray of three coffees, one for Marlena, one for Kim, and one for himself. He nods and smiles as he sees Eric has arrived.


ANDREW: Okay! Here we go, ladies! Hey Eric! So that’s…one for you, Ma. One for you, Marlena…umm…did you want one, Eric? I can always go back, and…


Eric holds up his hand to refuse, shaking his head.


ERIC: No no no no, I’m fine. Gotta keep an empty stomach before the tests anyway, so…I’ll get some after. Thanks, though.

ANDREW: It’s cool, man. No problem.



As Andrew finishes handing off the coffees, Valerie emerges from the exam room, approaching the group. They all turn to face Valerie, the group growing suddenly silent.


VALERIE: Oh good. Eric, you’re here.

ERIC: Yes! Dr. Grant.

VALERIE: It’s time for your tests. Step inside with me, we’ll get you started.


Valerie tries to cut the tension, smiling to welcome Eric into the exam room.


As Eric walks inside, with Valerie following, she shuts the door behind him. The others stand outside the room, looking extremely tense, desperately worried about the outcome.









Abby emerges from the Java Café, walking into the Horton Town Square, where she notices the hubbub of a camera crew set up. Curious, she looks around to see what’s going on, before she spots Jerome walking toward the café. The both smile as they greet each other.


ABBY: Hey, Jerome!

JEROME: Abs, what’s up?


Jerome kisses Abby gently on the cheek, which makes Abby blush a bit.


ABBY: Oh you know, just…morning coffee.

JEROME: That was my plan, too. Got some time today, so I figured I’d take a walk for a bit, see what’s going on.

ABBY: Yeah…looks like there’s a lot going on here.


Abby points out the cameras and lights being set up in the square, which Jerome turns momentarily to look at, as well.


JEROME: Yeah, some kinda…video shoot or ad or something for the Anjelica Deveraux campaign, I heard.

ABBY: Ohh okay.

JEROME: Hey, you busy tomorrow night? I got nothing planned and I figure, maybe we can go on a REAL date, maybe?


Abby chuckles, but then sighs.


ABBY: I wish I could. Nicole’s got me doing a bunch of work for the next show, and I won’t be able to get away.


Abby perks up, suddenly, remembering the party.


ABBY: BUT, I do have tonight free, if you wanna be my +1 at the Penthouse Grille party.


Jerome’s face drops suddenly, as he stammers, trying to worm his way out of Abigail’s invitation.


JEROME: Ah, oh….naw, I can’t tonight. I um…I gotta take care of an assignment.

ABBY: Oh that’s fine, just do the assignment today and you should be done in time for the party. It doesn’t even start until 7—

JEROME: Nah, it’s…it’s group work, and we…look, Abby I’m sorry. But we’ll get together soon. I promise.


Abby looks confused, as her voice trails off.


ABBY: Yeah, sure…

JEROME: Look, I gotta get this coffee and head back. I’ll call you this week and we’ll figure something out, okay?


Abby nods half-heartedly, as Jerome puts his hand on Abby’s shoulder, before heading into the Java Café.


ABBY: Yeah, sure. Bye.


As Jerome heads inside, Abby looks annoyed and disappointed.





Abby watches the film crew setting up, as Noelle and Anjelica stand together by the benches, going over their plan for the ad shoot. They are deep in discussion, as television cameras and lighting equipment are being set up around them. Noelle taps away on her tablet as she and Anjelica talk.


NOELLE: So after you mention your energy plan, you’ll turn to Camera 2, and give the campaign slogan, and we’re out.

ANJELICA: That simple!

NOELLE: Thaaat simple.


Anjelica smiles, a look of pride in her eyes, as Noelle saves a note on her tablet. As Anjelica begins to speak, Noelle looks up at Anjelica.


ANJELICA: You know, I’m pleased you decided to join the campaign team, Noelle. You’ve been exactly what I needed. A firm hand, someone who’s organized, keeps up with me.


Noelle looks down at the table in front of her, and sets her tablet down on it. She sighs, smiling at first, though very clearly troubled by something.


NOELLE: Well, thank you, Anjelica. I think it was exactly what I needed. Lord knows sitting at home, trying to keep my husband’s attention isn’t working.


Anjelica puts a hand on Noelle’s shoulder, as Noelle turns back to face her mother-in-law.


ANJELICA: Hey. Alex loves you very, very much.

NOELLE: Yeah, well. If he does, he’s forgotten how to show it.


Noelle looks over, as the director walks over.


DIRECTOR: Alright, Ms. Deveraux, we’re ready for you.


Anjelica nods, and smiles at the director, before turning back to Noelle.


ANJELICA: Perfect. Thank you.


Anjelica squeezes Noelle’s hand quickly, trying to give her quick comfort before going in front of the camera.


ANJELICA: Noelle. I know my son. If he wanted to be with anyone else, he would be with them. But he’s with you. You need to believe in that love he has for you. Okay?


Noelle looks at Anjelica, and smiles half-heartedly, and nods, before looking back down at the table in front of her and grabbing her tablet to do a bit more work.


Anjelica walks over to the director, before standing before the cameras as they prep her shot. Anjelica thinks to herself.


ANJELICA: (voiceover) And if he doesn’t stay with you…then we’ll all have a lot more trouble.


Anjelica looks straight ahead at the camera. And sighs, before brushing off the troubles on her mind, and smiles broadly.




Kim steps into the hospital waiting room with a coffee in hand for Andrew, where Marlena and Andrew are seated, catching up. As Kim enters, Marlena and Andrew stand up, with Kim passing the coffee to Andrew.


ANDREW: Thanks, Ma.

MARLENA: Kim, any news?


Kim shakes her head, all three of them visibly nervous and hesitant to talk.


KIM: Not yet. (sigh) Not that I have any idea what this is going to achieve, anyway.


Marlena pipes up, reiterating her reasons to Kim.


MARLENA: Kim, we’ve been over this. We wanted to be sure that whatever is going on inside Roman’s brain isn’t hereditary. I’m hoping that we can maybe spare our kids the pain of going into this unprepared.


Kim scoffs at Marlena’s assertion, dismissively responding.


KIM: Oh, you mean like you prepared Sami?


Marlena is stunned silent, as Kim continues, getting increasingly upset as she speaks.


KIM: Because, honestly, Marlena, I think that shows me exactly what your real motives are for running these tests. It’s not to help Roman, it’s not to help Eric, or Andrew, or Theresa, or Chelsea, and Shawn, or ESPECIALLY Sami. Because if it were really about protecting them, you would’ve made SURE she was okay with it before we got here this morning, and the fact you didn’t? That shows me that this is still about proving that this is all another game of Stefano’s, and proving this…flight of fancy that MAYBE, just MAYBE, Roman isn’t actually dying because the man that’s dying before our eyes isn’t the real Roman Brady after all. Right, Marlena?

ANDREW: Mom, come on--


Marlena nods, holding in whatever anger she’s feeling, and tries to speak compassionately to Kim.


MARLENA: No, no. Andrew, this is good. Kim, let it out—

KIM: Oh, don’t you DARE patronize me, Marlena!

MARLENA: No, Kimmy, I…you’ve been holding in your anger so much for so long, about everything. Kimmy, so much has happened to you lately, the more you bottle it up, the more likely it is that—

KIM: That what?


Marlena stops herself, and Kim waits a second for answer, before laughing with incredulity.


KIM: Oh my God, you’re trying to shrink me!


Marlena tries to remain calm, and speaks softly, but firmly.


MARLENA: No, Kim. That’s not what I’m trying to do at all. I’m looking out for you as your friend.

KIM: Oh come on, I’m not stupid. Come on, Marlena! Dammit, I’m a therapist too. I know what you’re doing. It’s not going to work with me, and you aren’t going to deflect from what I’m saying.

ANDREW: Mom, it’s okay! Look, Marlena really is trying to help you. And deep down, you know that too!


Kim scoffs at Andrew, almost to the point of tears at this point.


KIM: Do I? Andrew, I don’t…I don’t know who to trust anymore. I couldn’t trust Philip, your father’s disappeared again, your sister is lying in a coma I don’t know if she’ll ever get out of, my mother barely recognizes me anymore, and my own friend is trying to…gamble with whatever’s left of my brother’s life.


Marlena steps in, grabbing Kim by the hands and looking straight into her eyes. She speaks insistently to her friend.


MARLENA: NO! No, Kimberly, that is NOT true! You have been hurting for so very long, and you have far too much on your plate. We’re here for you, Andrew and I. Look, whatever you think I’m trying to do, I promise you, I am not trying to hurt you or Roman. I love you both very very much, and I want your health and happiness more than anybody.


Andrew puts a hand on Marlena’s shoulder, and agrees with Marlena.

ANDREW: And so do I, Mom. We just want to look out for you.

MARLENA: Now, I didn’t tell Sami about today because she has far too much going on right now herself. And she can be extremely unpredictable when she hears news that upsets her. I didn’t think you needed that today, so I held off until I knew something one way or another.


Kim looks uncertain, as her eyes dart back and forth between her son and Marlena, studying them to see what to believe.


KIM: And you want me to believe that you did this for me.

MARLENA: I do because it’s the TRUTH, Kim. I did it for Sami, and for you. I want to take some of the burden off your shoulders, and so does Andrew. Please let us do that for you.


Kim looks at her son, whose concern is plain on his face, before looking at Marlena, who still is holding Kim’s hands in hers. Kim sighs, thinking over everything she’s been told.




At the Titan Building, in the hallway leading toward Nick’s office, Kate and Sami step off the elevator, and Sami walks quickly toward Nick’s office. Kate languishes behind, calling Sami back.


KATE: Sami, wait.


Sami stops, and turns back around, sounding annoyed at Kate.


SAMI: What, Kate?

KATE: We have to talk strategy before we go in there.

SAMI: What is there to talk about, Kate? He’s just gonna blow more smoke, maybe get one of his headaches and make a bunch of idle threats. We got this.

KATE: Except we don’t. I have a feeling something is up, otherwise he wouldn’t be calling us up to his office. Nick doesn’t play it that way. Now, we have to make sure Nick thinks we’re still in a bidding war over Gabi, and that you’re very annoyed with me for Gabi signing with MadWorld over you at Countess Wilhelmina. We have to keep the game going, and NOT even give a HINT of tension between you and EJ, got it?


Sami is at first tense, her arms folded, and her demeanor defensive. But as Kate lays our her plan, Sami relaxes a bit, unfolding her arms, and finally nodding in agreement.


SAMI: Yeah, probably for the best. I just…I don’t think we have anything to worry about where Nick’s concerned.



As Sami finishes her sentence, the elevator doors open, revealing Gabi. Kate and Sami look dumfounded as Gabi steps off the elevator, just as surprised to see them as they are to see her.


GABI: Okay, why are you two here?


Kate turns to Sami, her eyes wide.


KATE: I told you. He’s absolutely up to something.


Kate turns to Gabi, and motions to her to come along.


KATE: Let’s go.

GABI: Okay, what is who up to?

SAMI: Nick, who else? He’s called us all to his office.

KATE: Right, and that means we have to stick to our game plan.

GABI: And just what exactly IS our game plan?


Kate stops just near Nick’s new secretary’s desk, and turns to look at Gabi.


KATE: Follow my lead, and say nothing if at all possible.



Kate turns back to look at the young woman at Nick’s reception desk.


MALAYA: May I help you?

KATE: Yes, we’re here to see Mr. Fallon. He should be expecting us.

MALAYA: Perfect, and you are?

KATE: Ms. Roberts, Miss Brady, and Miss Hernandez.

MALAYA: Perfect, sit tight, I’ll let him know you’re here.


Malaya calls through to Nick, who’s waiting inside his office. As she does this, Sami turns to Gabi, speaking softly so as not to be heard over the intercom.


SAMI: (whispering) Kate’s right, don’t say a word unless you’re spoken to, and let Kate and I fight it out.

GABI: (whispering) Okay, but he just said he had a surprise for me over the phone, I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean.

KATE: I’m sure we’re about to find out.


Nick emerges from his office, a bright smile on his face, as he motions to the three ladies come in.


NICK: Morning, ladies. Won’t you step inside?


Sami, Kate, and Gabi look at each other, then at Nick, suspicious and very clearly afraid of what’s coming, but trying desperately to hide it from Nick.





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