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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episodes 204-205

Lily and Holden are welcomed home with open arms. Lucinda fills them in on the situation with Emma and they all agree that she needs to quit being so stubborn and accept all the help she can get. Emma surprises them all by saying that she is going to finally accept Mr. Hamilton's help. Roxie and Gwen get into an all-out scuffle, which is soon broken up by Will. Barbara comes by, checking on Will, and finds her name being tortured by Roxie. She calls out Roxie and fires her on the spot. Later,



Episode 203

Dusty returns and tells Meg of how John has agreed to be his best man. Meg tells Dusty of Roxie coming over and having so many problems of her own. She debates asking Emma to be her maid of honor since she doesn't really know Roxie all that well yet. Roxie stops by Will's house and finds that Gwen has left for a few hours. When Gwen returns, she finds Roxie outside waiting for her. Roxie screams and yells and blames Gwen for all the problems she has in her life. Gwen takes it, but then b**ch-



Episode 202

Roxie comes into the Insteenct offices and finds a furious Barbara awaiting her. Roxie challenges Carly and Venus's claims that Roxie stole Gwen's designs and asks Barbara to present her with proof. When Barbara is unable to, Roxie exits, all the while reveling in her own victory. Jason meets up with Henry at Ice and they decide to take a break from the wedding planning and have a little fun. Jason gets hit on by a hooker, while Henry turns his attention to a woman named Margarita. While Henry g



Episode 201

Carly runs by the Insteenct offices and arrives just in time to support Venus's claims that Roxie stole Gwen's designs. Barbara flashes back to seeing a "GN" on some of the designs and calls Roxie to the office. Meanwhile, John accepts Dusty's offer to be his best man and the two share a lengthly conevrsation about Dusty's childhood and John being as close to a father as he ever had. Roxie arrives at Meg's to vent about Gwen but her selfishness turns Meg off. Across town, a runaway named Erin fi




It is with great pleasure, that I bring you the first ever fully scripted episode of The World Of Oakdale. Enjoy it while you can. I won't be doing thse often, for the simple fact that I don't have the time. I would also like to thank you, the readers, for your continued support. Without you, none of this would be possible. READ. ENJOY. COMMENT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Episode 199

Meg thanks Dusty for the relaxing trip to the spa, and the two begin recalling their happier childhood years. Meg feels the baby kick and lets Dusty feel for himself. Emma explains that she's the reason Grant came to town in the first place and she's going to take care of him. Emma gets Gran'ts approval to move in with him at the Lakeview to take care of him. Emily is touched by Andy's purchase of Metro for her and the two go to Metro and make re-decorating plans. Katie and Mike get into a heate



Episode 198

Meg and Dusty continue to discuss their trust issues and Meg says that though she loves Dusty, she's beginning to have doubts about the wedding. She explains that she's just had so much on her shoulders and plus, she's 8 months pregnant with their first child. Dusty whisks Meg away to a luxurious spa for the day, and the two end up making out in the sauna. The two lovebrids both agree that they wouldn't be any happier with other people and continue making wedding plans, now that Meg's fears have



Episode 197

Gwen gets Venus's text message and goes to the door, revealing an eavesdropping Roxie. Venus barges in and demands Barbara let her call security. Roxie retorts that she was just making sure that Barbara wasn't falling for Gwen's lies and was going to make sure that Barbara sought full justice for Gwen trying to steal Roxie's designs. Gwen runs out in tears and while Barbara scratches her head, Gwen confides in Carly that she's quitting fashion design..permanently. Lucinda briefs the paramedic



Episode 196

Barbara and Gwen continue to talk and Gwen is finally able to convince Barbara to let her stay on board at Insteenct, all the while dodging telling Barbara the truth..that Roxie stole her designs. Barbara's assistant Venus taps an eavesdropping Roxie on the shoulder and sarcastically asks her if there's anything she can do for her. Roxie makes up a lie as to why she's listening and thinks Venus bought it. However, she's unaware of the fact that Gwen and Venus used to be childhood friends and tha



Episode 195

Rain begins to pour all over Oakdale. Mike keeps Katie occupied for the night by making love, while Jason and Henry are in the garage still working out wedding details. They overcome a big hurdle when they book LeAnn Rimes to sing at the wedding, due to an old friend of Jason's who used to be a back-up dancer for her. Barbara calls Gwen into the office and begins lecturing to her about what hers is hers and what's not hers should be left alone. Gwen quickly realizes that Barbara is talkin



Episode 194

Roxie meets up with Barbara and tells her that she thinks Gwen is trying to sabtoge "her designs". Barbara vows to talk to Gwen about it, but is taken back when Roxie forbids her from doing such. Andy arrives back at his apartment and gets a call from his friend Jamie, inviting Andy to come over and party with them to get his mind off of things with Emily. Andy considers it, but tells him no thanks and begins to walk out. Across town, Emma hatches her own plan to get her farm back. She tells Sus



Episode 193

Will and Gwen meet up with Luke and Maddie. Gwen goes into detail about the situation with Roxie and Luke suggests she talk to Barbara, no matter what the outcome may be. Susan runs into Emily, fresh off a fight with Andy about calling Carly in hopes of her reaching out to Emily while they were split. Susan tells her daughter that she needs to make up ehr mind. Continue living a life of non-committal relationships or find love and stability with Andy. Meg and Dusty have a cute little coverstaion



Episode 192

Andy is shocked and yet pleased when Emily arrives at his apartment for acting so estranged towards him. Andy excuses it and apologizes for his actions. Both agree that they need to have a heart to heart and later do so. They go to grab some donuts at Java and run into John, who tells them that he's leaving Oakdale soon for a business meeting. They turn around and run into Carly, who offers her congratulations on them getting back together. Emily wonders how Carly knew they had split up. Meg



Episode 191

Emma returns to the Wagon Wheel and finds Meg has returned to town. The two talk about the wedding and how Meg and Dusty are still going ahead with the wedding, despite any problems they may have. Meg says that she knows that Dusty and her will always have problems. As for Lucy, Meg tells her mother that she and Lucy came to an understanding and she knows that Dusty truly feels remorse for sleeping with her. Emma shares her latest news about getting the farm back on her own, and though Meg seems



Episode 190

Dusty and Meg agree that they need to postpone the wedding justa bit longer so they can work things out between them. Dusty suggests December, but Meg says no and suggests October 18. Dusty agrees and the two are soon joined by Roxie, who came over to return something Meg had lent her. Meg asks Roxie to be her maid of honor and a physically touched Roxie says yes. Lucinda informs Luke, Lucy, and Sierra that Lily and Holden are wrapping up their cruise and should be hope around the first of Oc



Episode 189

Gwen can't imagine why Roxie would steal her designs and take credit for them. She contemplates telling Barbara, but cites that Barbara's feelings towards her are a still a bit rocky and accusing Roxie of stealing her designs might be the last straw. Depressed, she returns to find Barbara and Will bonding over Will's recent circumstances. Barbara tells Will that he has nothing to fear and that he has her..and Gwen..to confide in. Dusty is ecstatic, but Meg suggests they still need to talk thi



Episode 188

Barbara arrives at Will and Gwen's apartment that they recently bought and in true Barbara style, lectures to Will that she would rather he and Gwen be married before moving in together. Will tells her that he's not in the mood for her constant nagging and Barbara quickly apologizes, yearning for Will to use her shoulder to cry on...regarding his recent dilemna surrounding Elaine's hit and run death. Meanwhile, Roxie comes up with a lie for Gwen, saying that Barbara took the designs with her. Bu



Episode 187

Emma orders Carly and Grant out of her room. Emma informs them that she can get the farm back...she just needs time. Grant leaves, but Carly stays and lectures Emma on being so stubborn when all her family and friends are trying to do is help her. She says that Mr. Hamilton is her best option and advises Emma to re-think her decision that she doesn't need Grant's help. Katie is confused who Jason should be contacting, but Jason covers it up and leaves. With some alone time on their hands, Kat



'InTurn's "World" Starts Turning!

'InTurn's "World" Starts Turning! Fans know her as Geneva, the fiesty, emotional redhead from the CBS streaming video channel Innertube's original series 'InTurn'. Cast members and crew at "The World of Oakdale" began knowing her as "Erin" this week. While real life winner Alex will begin staking his claim on the real show sometime in late September, Geneva will be the one appearing in a 13-week contract on the "As The World Turns" fan fiction, "The World Of Oakdale". Geneva will be port



Episode 186

Jason asks Mike how he can help Mike plan the perfect surprise for Katie. Mike elaborates that Katie has always been a sucker for romance, so he is hoping that Jason can contact some of his people and hire a wedding planner for them. Mike re-assures Jason that he'll pay for the wedding planner, but he just needs Jason to contact someone good. Katie walks in just as he finishes the sentence and asks who Jason is supposed to be contacting. Luke, Maddie, Jack, and a newly arrived Will and Gwen l



TWOO: 2006 Fall Previews + Rumors

Autumn is a season of change. So much can also be said about The World Of Oakdale. After this autumn, nothing will ever be the same. The World Of Oakdale: 2006 Fall Previews The Hughes Family: This family has definitely taken a backburner in the past few months. But this fall, the Hughes family will soon find their household in chaos thanks to a runaway teen. And that's not all. That same runaway teen has familial connections to someone living in Oakdale. Andy/Emily: Andy and Emily have



Special Note

Due to personal reasons, The World Of Oakdale will be pre-empted today. The show will also be pre-empted tomorrow due to the pre-emption of As The World Turns. The blog will return with a brand new episode on Monday, September 11th.



Episode 185

Jason arrives at Mike and Katie's upon Mike's reuqest. Jason apologizes for the whole tabloid fiasco with Katie and Mike says that he is the one at fault for blaming Jason and Katie for something they had no control over. Jason laments that he was just trying to help with the wedding, wile Mike tells a confused Jason that he has the perfect way that Jason can help him...regarding the wedding. While Susan informs Bob and Kim that Emily has gone missing and Andy is on his way to rescue her, And



Episode 184

Will has another flashback. He sees a male with blonde hair picking him up and setting him down in a car. A relieved yet determined Will tells Gwen what he remembers, but says he can't make out the face. Will tells Gwen that he now knows that he isn't the one who hit Elaine...but he has to find out who he rode with because whoever they are, they are the one who ran into Elaine. Meanwhile, Luke and Maddie are asked to step out while Jack questions Sam. Sam denies ever going to the party, but Luke



Episode 183

Meg gets confused whenDusty wants Lucy to stay. Dusty claims that he doesn't want to be the reason Lucy leaves Oakdale. Lucy explains that she needs to get her life back on track and plunge herself back into school. She wishes Dusty and Meg all the happiness in the world, especially with the imoending arrival of their new baby and their steadily approaching wedding. Later, Meg tells Dusty that they need to talk. It's about the wedding. Luke and Maddie decide that they need to check with their



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