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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Summary of Week: Feburary 26-March 2

Summary of Week: Feb.26-March 2 This whole week on LIS revolved around what happens at Chez Rouge. Everyone is shocked when Stefano shows his face at Chez Rouge and he declares revenge. He tells them all how this will begin the downfall of Salem. Helena comes out of hiding and shouts “Not so fast, Stefano!” Everyone is confused and Helena tells Stefano his time is over. She then tells him HE will be the one to fall. Stefano and Helena bicker and it results in Stefano snapping his fingers and




HUGE LIS NEWS! LIS MAKES BOLD MOVE! FRANCES REID, 41YEAR VET OUT! No readers, your eyes do not decieve or trick you. Frances Reid(Alice Horton), who has been here since Days started airing on November 8, 1965, has been FIRED when her character Alice died on Friday's episode! It was a mutual decision with LIS and Frances. The headwriter has a message to all fans he would like to tell them: "I love Frances, and it pained me to do this. I cried writing the episode and even thought of not doin




Episode#127 -It is hours later in Salem and night has fallen. The Ball at Chez Rouge is just beginning…. -Stefano, Megan, and Lexie all put on disguises for the ball. Stefano gets together some of his men and tell them to have everything ready when he gives the signal….. -At Chez Rouge, all of the staff quickly makes the final preparations for the Ball. Crystal walks in with a really nice dress on. Nicole asks her what she is doing here and where she got that dress. Crystal tells Nicole



Recently Returned Actor OUT! And storylines TWEAKED!

Jensen Ackles, recently returned Actor, O-U-T! It comes as a shock to many fans, that Jensen Ackles who recently returned to LIS, has been fired!!!!!!! But LIS says it is true. "I spoke to Jensen in August," the headwriter says "We sat down and I asked him if he could come back to the show. He said it depends because he recently got a gig on the TV show "The CW" and also he would not want to sign a contract for too long. I told him that I had an eight-month contract in mind, however I was



URGENT! Casting Help needed NOW!

LIS is still wondering who to cast as Will Roberts. They have considered alot of actors but have thrown them all out. Will must be cast very very soon due to storyline plans. Again, they want a mid-late teen or possible even early twenties actor to play Will. No older or no younger. So, fans, please help LIS with this! They have hunted and hunted but cannot find an actor suitable for the role! Other Casting News: Despite rumours, Annie Burgstede is out on LIS. Could she return? Unknown,




Episode#126 -John returns to the Penthouse. Marlena immediately rushes to him and hugs him then tells him all that has happened. He is shocked and asks how Kristen is even alive, and Marlena says she doesn’t know but hopefully Abe can get an explanation out of her. John asks if Marlena is okay and Marlena says she is fine now. John asks her if to light up their spirits, she wants to go to the Valentines Ball at Chez Rouge tonight. -Alexis runs into Lucas at the Salem Inn and she says to hi




Episode#125 -Billie receives an email from “Chelsea” and reads it’s contents. Billie is shocked. She wonders how Chelsea would get money for college, but she reads that Chelsea got funding from a friend. Billie knows that something is going on. She however says it would make somewhat sense because Chelsea was talking about going to college. -Tony lists to Anna the high prominent families that he remembers Stefano coming in contact with that he knew of. One of the ones Tony listed is Spears




Episode#124 -The man(Hunt Block) rents an apartment in Salem. His name is revealed to be Christopher. -Tony and Anna continue to investigate where his child could be. They check orphange files around Salem and find nothing with the last name “DuMonde”. Anna suggests that they could have changed the baby’s last name. Tony says that is probably what happened, but how do they find it now. -Victor tells the thugs they must kill Steve and Kayla. However he says not now, and the time is not r




Episode#123 -Belle sits in the loft with Claire, and she wonders who could’ve killed Shawn. She remembers how she hasn’t seen Jan in awhile and wonders if she could have killed Shawn. Belle grabs Claire, gets up, and heads to the Spears Mansion! -At the Pub, Steve and Kayla pull Caroline aside. They tell her they have a problem. -Victor walks through the Kiriakis Mansion, and he looks up to see three of the lead thugs that chased Steve and Kayla around in Llanview walking in. He asks th



Summary of Week: Feb. 12-16

Summary of Week: Feburary 12-16 Victor meets with Rae Cummings(Linda Dano). He tells her the patient is ready when Rae is. Rae asks Victor to give her the details on the patient. Victor tells her it is a split personality case, and the personality out right now is named Nikki Smith. He says the host is Victoria Lord. Rae is shocked! However she hides it from Victor, she tells Victor to bring Nikki by in a week. Bo and Hope spend time with their daughters and mourn Shawn. Bo tells Hope they



OLTL Star Joins LIS!

Bree Williamson is coming to Salem! No, not as Jessica Buchanon, but as someone new that will get involved with Lucas. This new person's name is Alexis Kafer. Alexis is not a perfect saint and resembles Williamson's character's alternate personality, Tess. "I am thrilled to have Bree here." the headwriter commented "She's a great addition to the cast and Alexis will not be too big, but she will be heavily involved with the Lucas/Sami/EJ triangle. Whenever I planned this all out, I immedaitely



Summary of Week: Feb. 5-9

Summary of Week: Feb. 5-9 Vivian arrives at Alamain and is shocked when she sees Kate with Forrest! She is horrified and Forrest tells her this is his new business partner! Kate is happy on the inside about this all and Vivian tells Forrest he can’t do this! Forrest tells Vivian he can and will. Kate informs the two she has excellent plans and Vivian passes out after a while from shock. Ivan takes her away and Forrest tells Kate everything will go perfectly and soon Vivian will be out of A



Summary of Week: Janurary 28-Feb. 2

Summary of Week: Janurary 28-Feb 2 Kayla, Steve, Kim, and Stephanie all manage to make it back to the airport but all the thugs have united and are waiting for them. Steve tells Kayla to get Kim and Stephanie to the plane. Kayla doesn’t want to leave Steve but for the safety of her sister and daughter she does so. Steve faces off with the thugs and nearly gets killed several times. He finds a gun and uses it on several of the thugs. After taking care of several he makes a run for the plane



An Actor Wants Out!

Another blind item has appeared regarding LIS: Come Summer, when quite a few contracts expire, an actor or actress will not be renewing their contract with the show! It has been said the this paticular person met with the headwriter today in his office and informed him that when their contract expired they were opting not to renew! But, as to who it is? It hasn't been confirmed, but urmours are swirling it could be several people. The headwriter had this to say: "I am not going to make too



Summary of Week Janurary 22-26

Summary of Week: Janurary 22-26 Margaret tries to kill Nikki. She shoots several times however Victor intervenes and saves Nikki’s life. He orders Margaret never to try that again or he will kill her! John and Caroline decide to try to help each other accept the things that have happened in previous months. They end up bonding, and they both feel close again like they did all those years ago. Caroline vows she will not lose another child again. Abe breaks things off with Lexie for the f




LIS has been pondering what material and actors to choose for the SONBC Awards for 2006. From the five months LIS aired in 2006, we have chosen our best story, best drama, leading actors, leading actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, and Younger Actress. Two are being submitted for each category, except Lead Actor since LIS feels no one else besides Drake Hogestyn has had good enough materiel ot be considered leading, but that is not meant offensive to our male actors. Outstanding Le




A brand new promo has just been released from LIS! A war between women begins.... Two women have joined forces to get rid of their nemises.... Sam(to Kristen): Marlena will pay for what she has done to the both of us! But is one willing to participate? Kristen: I am not sure if I should ruin my life all over again for some worthless shrink! However, a bomshell WILL be dropped! Sam(to Marlena): You really think you are the only one has shared a bed with Roman?! He was missing




Episode#102 -John tells Marlena this must be done! Marlena disagrees and ends up storming out after they get into a heated argument. John says to himself that things just got worse. He hears a knock at the door and opens it to see Caroline! -Eric asks Greta if she is sure, and he does still have feelings for her. Greta says no, and even though she forgives him, she doesn’t love him anymore. Eric tries to convince her otherwise, but she does not waver. Greta tears up as she tells him they m



New Staff Members!

LIS has been late in reporting this, but they are happy to report that there are three new staff members joining LIS's team as Storyline Consultant! One of these new Consultants are DrewHamilton, creator and writer of LIS's sister soap, "As Days Go By". "I am very pleased to have Drew aboard," the headwriter comments "I have seen his writing and it is fantastic. I was estatic once he offered his assistance and I am confident it will prove sufficeint" Also, as a Consultant, will be the crea




Episode#101 -Willow arrives at Chez Rouge and sees Maggie. She asks her for a job! -Helena holds Colleen at gunpoint. EJ asks if they should kill her and Helena says no, then she throws Colleen on a chair. She then tells Colleen to tell them who sent her. -Kayla jumps back over to where Steve is and pushes him down just as the shots arrive. Steve thanks her and then they quickly run, avoiding the shots. They find a backdoor and use it. They hide in an alleyway beside that one and Steve



Interesting Casting News!

LIS has some new people joining the cast! Apparently, Tanisha Lynn(ex-Dani, AMC) will be joining the cast as "Simone", a woman who will be freinds with Erin and play a key role in Erin's upcoming story! Look for her to start airing very soon! In other casting news, LIS is looking to cast Faux Roman/Allan (Josh Taylor) a family! "It's time for a new family. We were going to have that be Erin's but we scrapped it because it would be better to go with Faux Roman's family just because I have not




Episode#100 NOTE: From now on, the traditional and legendary “Days of Our Lives” Opening will be in between two segments to show where it occurs. -Erin finds the letter by her window. She begins to open it! -Colleen tells EJ to step aside. She says she’s going to kill him if he doesn’t. EJ says there is no need for that and he grabs the gun and they begin to struggle. -Marlena is at her penthouse when Johns comes in. Marlena tells John they need to talk and he asks about what. Marlen




Episode#99 -It’s days later, Steve and Kayla are still hiding in the warehouse. Kayla worries for Kim and Stephanie. Steve tries to reassure her everything will be fine. -Nicole is walking around in her room at the Salem Inn, suddenly the door opens and Nicole screams when she sees CRYSTAL GALORE! -The doctors run a few more diagnostics on Cassie, and come back with good news saying her legs are fine! Cassie is overjoyed! -Erin wakes up and gets dressed, someone watches her from outs



Annie Burgstede NOT out?!

It was recently discovered from a source at the LIS set that Annie Burgstede (Willow Stark) has not been let go from the show as originally intended! She finished up her taping just a mere week ago, but it seems she was contacted and offered to stay with LIS! When the news broke in November Burgstede was joinng the cast, oit was said it was temporary and her character would only be a supporter for the Rex story. However, sources also say the headwriter saw potential with Willow and planned on




FEBURARY SWEEPS PREVIEWS FOR LIFE IN SALEM!!!!!!!!!! Marlena/John/Kristen/Sam: Feburary Sweeps will be explosive for these four! John will continue to struggle with finally accepting his identity, and will realize if there is any time the Brady family needs it's eldest child, it's now! He will start referring them all to as his family. He will also get concerned about Caroline's relationship with Victor....and to make things even worse Kristen's back! Whether Kristen wants John or not will no



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