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Hottest summer of their lives

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Diary Room Entries

Jack: I don't know what Will was thinking going after Marcelleus and Amy. They aren't a threat, although they are a two person alliance. I would have thought that he would have nominated Nakomis at the very least. She is very strong. She can win competitions. I completely trust her as she has given me her word. Will, Janelle and James have to be stopped. Danielle: I am just glad that I am off the radar for now. I don't care who goes home as long as it ain't me. Who would I keep? We all




Nakomis and Jack know that they are the prime targets. James went to Will with a plan to get rid of Danielle, Chiara, Marcelleus or Amy and keep them safe for two weeks. Is Will considering it? Danielle is scrambling, playing on Will's ego. She doesn't want to be nominated and will sell her soul to stop it. Marcelleus and Amy go and meet with Will and tell him that they think that Janelle has a lover in the house and that it is Hardy. Janelle meets with her lover and the two of them d



Where there is a Will there is a Janelle

All the houseguests are standing on a log with their arm straight up. If their arm falls past a certain area, the water above them will fall on them and they will be eliminated. Their is a twist. If the last two standing happen to be Janelle and Will, they will both be off the block and have to decide between the two of them who is HOH. If this happens, Nakomis, the current HOH will be put on the block and a spin of the wheel will determine who is HOH. Janelle immediately makes a deal wit



Nominations and Preview

With Nakomis as HOH and Danielle successfuly dividing the house into three groups, Nakomis feels she has enough to get a very strong player out. In a tense nomination ceremony, she nominates Will and Janelle. The house is divided into threes. Jack, Nakomis, Amy and Marcelles. Chiara, feeling another rejection, Danielle and Marvin are another group. James, Janelle, Hardy and Will are the third. Nakomis thinks it is imperative to get one of the latters' group out. Adria speaks to her and



Eviction and a House Divided

Boston Rob enters the house and saunters over to the HGs who are sitting in the living room, awaitin gthe eviction ceremony, "Hey everyone, what's goin on." Will looks at him derisively, "You know half the time I expect you to walk in with hay coming out of your mouth." Everyone laughs and the tension dissipates a little. Rob is about to come up with a comeback when the TV screen comes on with Amber's face in it. "Rob we are all set." "All right, Hardy, Rachel you are up for eviction.



Diary Room Entries

Danielle: Well look what the cat dragged in! I get my well deserved second shot at the prize. *snapping fingers* I WILL control this game and start planting seeds of doubt where they belong. They don't call me the best female player who never won for nothing. My first job is getting rid of Janelle. She is way too strong. Janelle: Ugh. Danielle. Five minutes into this house and she is already sliding up to Jack and whispering in his ear. I want her gone! You are next on my list! Ha



Sneak Preview

The door closes on Nicole, and Danielle enters the house. How will her entering shake the house to the core? What was once a powerful alliance is now cracking and the alliance started by Jack and Nakomis is only getting stronger. Danielle is quickly courted by both sides and may just take matters into her own hands and create a third alliance. The veto competition is played, who will win and WILL it be used? Janelle continues to play her dangerous game but her secret may leak out unle



A surprise twist

"Can everyone gather around the dining room table, it's time for nominations." Jack opened the back door and called out to everyone. When everyone was seated, he stated, "This is for strategic purposes." "Marvin you are safe. Amy you are safe. Nicole you are safe. Will you are safe. Marcelleus you are safe. Nakomis you are safe. Chiara you are safe. Hardy you are safe. Janelle you are safe." Jack stood above everyone and said, "Rachel and James I have nominated you both. I think



Double Elimination Vote and HOH

The house was now divided in two alliances. THe first alliance, the one in power was James, Janelle, Rachel, Nicole, Hardy, Chiara and Dr WIll. THe second alliance consisted of Nakomis, Jack, Amy, Marcelleus, Nathan and WIll. Marvin was playing both sides. THis alliance was going to lose two members and despretely needed to win HOH next week. Nathan and Chiara were now broken up and she was setting her sights on Hardy, who had no interest in her. Nathan didn't care much as he got what he



Veto Comp

James is sitting in his room alone when the TV screen comes down. "What's up James?" Howie's loud voice reverbaerates through the room? "I am here so you can ask me five yes and no questions. I may or may not be telling you the truth, it's up to you to decide." James sits up in disbelief. "Hey Howie, you are so missed here. Did I do the right thing in nominating who I did?" Howie answers, "Yes" "Am I trusting the right people?" Howie hesitates, "No" "Marvin seems to be a loos



Diary Room Entries

Dr Will: Today I am sitting pretty. I could have had a big target on my back, and I know that I still do. This immunity thing worked out well for me. I have no doubt James would have gotten rid of me. I am working on actually making friends with these people, although I really have nothing in common with most of them. James and Jack are the smartest ones. I enjoy talking with Jack. Jack: This is not good. Strategically James did a smart thing. We know that he has an alliance with Janel



King James

James settles into the HOH room with much relief. While he has won many Veto challenges, he has never won HOH. Sarah would be proud of him and he missed her so. He looked at the picture of the two of them that he got as HOH and smiled. All was right in the world. Outside it was hot. Chiara was flirting with both Nathan and Hardy. Nicole and Rachel were talking quietly about what to make for dinner. They were bonding over their sense of duty. Marvin was working out while Marcelleus, Amy



And the first one out is....

Noon time, the day before voting Alison wakes up and heads for the kitchen. In there are Nakomis, Janelle, Hardy, Jack, James and Rachel. Nicole is at the stove cooking breakfast for those who can eat food other than PB&J. Nicole and Rachel are bonding over the cooking duties. Alison knows she has some work to do and this is the perfect time since Will is still sleeping. She slides into a seat next to Hardy and wishes everyone a good morning. Alison "How did everyone sleep last nigh



Diary Room Entries

Nakomis: Will and Alison are nominated for eviction and I have to say Rachel did a good job with the nominees. I would not want to be in her shoes. Both of them are annoying and both are good players so at this point, I could care less who goes. Hardy: Will is nominated, what a joke. Totally made my day. I still can't stand that putz. Today we have the Veto competition and Alison picks Nathan of course. It's sickening because he follows her around like a dog in heat. Rachel chooses Jam



Episode 1

Three Days before the show begins....Les Moonves and his top three executives are meeting to discuss the hughe crisis that has struck the cast of Big Brother All Stars. Mutiny has occurred. Les Moonves: What do you mean, we have to get a new host. What is wrong with Julie? Executive #1: Sir, no one has signed their contracts and no one will do the show if Julie is the host. Les: So we get rid of them. Who else can we get? I am sure that we can still get a good show out of this.



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