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A Various Soap Opera Fan Fiction Blog

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Episode One - Monday, February 6, 2006

Monday, February 6, 2006 ACT ONE Zach shows up at BJs for a cup of coffee and spots Julia already enjoying one. She asks him to join her, and he does. She asks how things have been in his life lately and he tells her about his and Kendall's upcoming remarriage. Julia laughs, joking that Zach will now become another victim of Kendall's twisted emotions. Zach tells her that she may be right. At her condo, Kendall is attempting to scramble eggs, but burns them in the process. She tells her

All My Shadows

All My Shadows

Welcome to Alternate AMC!

I've been feeling a little creative lately, so I decided to try my hand at writing an alternate AMC. I'm taking into account my opinions on the show's current state, as well as the opinions of others, and I hope that at least three or four people could enjoy the whole thing. Everything is taking place in the current time, but with some changes: ~ Josh is in NO WAY Erica's son AT ALL. ~ Jonathan is living at Oak Haven, being treated for his mental illness. Erin has moved back out of town.

All My Shadows

All My Shadows

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