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A Various Soap Opera Fan Fiction Blog

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 22

Short installment today to make up for a long, long installment on Wednesday. The entire installment will be set around Luke and Kevin's date, so make sure to tune in! AS THE WORLD TURNS "Luke & Kevin" - Part 22 Luke looked around the whole room to make sure everything was just right. It all had to be just right, and if Luke had anything to say about it, everything would be perfect. He looked at the table with food already on it, wondering again if that was a good idea. Having the lit

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Announcement - 3/28/03

I hate to announce it, but there will not be any new installments on today or Friday, due to some unforeseen circumstances. New installments resume on Monday, April 2.

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 21

AS THE WORLD TURNS "Luke & Kevin" - Part 21 Kevin Davis entered the guest room of his cousin's apartment clad in only a towel. He had just gotten out of the shower and felt clearer than he had in a long while. His mind, his soul, his heart felt clean. No matter how clean he felt, however, he knew that he still had some things to get through. This night, for example, was not going to be as fun and as easy as he wished it could have been. He was sure that Luke planned some type of romantic

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 20

Our next installment sets up some plans for our title couple, but at the core of today's drama is a startling confession from an aunt to her niece. The story continues! AS THE WORLD TURNS "Luke & Kevin" - Part 20 "Well, you look awfully busy this afternoon," Luke said to Lucinda as he walked through the door of her home office. In actuality, Lucinda sat, reclining in her chair, enjoying some sort of alcoholic beverage. "I do recall a certain special lady once telling me that the answe

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 19

The story continues... AS THE WORLD TURNS "Luke & Kevin" - Part 19 The sounds of teenagers laughing, along with the sent of various summertime food items, filled the patio of the Oakdale Country Club. There were nerds, jocks, band geeks, and cheerleaders, even some of the emo crowd. Most of them were members of Oakdale Latin High School's class of 2007, and all of them were slowly counting down the days until they could strut around school as seniors. One of them, Luke Snyder, aire

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 18

And here it is, the start of a regular schedule for this little blog! Like already said in the announcement below, one new part, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No more long, unnecessary breaks! If you got lost along the way somewhere, I urge you to get back into the story NOW! AS THE WORLD TURNS "Luke & Kevin" - Part 18 Luke sat at his usual table at Java, thinking not about how tortured his life seemed to be, but about how lucky he was, despite the various obstacles he was forc

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"The Stories" - Announcement

After a month-and-a-half long hiatus, "The Stories" will return with all new installments on Monday, March 19, 2007. New installments will be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Stay tuned as the plot thickens in two directions. Sheryl reveals a startling truth about her life in Chicago while Luke finds himself reluctantly drawn to someone else! The story continues exactly one week from today!

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 17

After yet another long break, here is the next part. If I'm losing some of you with these extremely long breaks, don't worry. I've taken some advice and this will be the last part to be randomly posted. Starting with part 18, they'll all be posted on a daily basis, Monday-Friday. I could start it now, but I want to fine-tune some things first. Look forward to Part 20 because a major secret will be revealed! Lots of dialogue in this part! I think I've gotten to a point where the set-up is ther

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 16

And the story continues. Thank you Steve and Dusty for commeting even though I don't comment as much as I should on you guys' blogs! I'm enjoying them both, BTW. Part 16 means a little snag in the star relationship of this story! Hopefully, they can get past it. I want to take some time to give you all just a little preview of the next story, "Enter Christina," which centers on the arrival of Don Hughes's daughter. Christina Hughes comes to Oakdale to go to the local university. Instead of ha

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 15

Being pre-occupied with the holidays combined with SON's downtime caused this entry to be a month and week later than the last entry. Of course, I apologize. Honestly, if anyone has any good tips on how to pick a timeframe and stick to it, PLEASE let me know! I honestly don't see how some of you guys have the ability to just pump out material day after day after day. You guys are much better than me! Anyways, here is part fifteen of our story. Oddly enough, I've decided to make the story run

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"Luke & Kevin" - Part 14

And the story continues. I want to take some time in this entry to show some mucho support to all of the other blogs here on SON (or SONBC as some like to call it). I don't comment often (I'm working to change that lol) but that's because usually after catching on the stories, I am just in awe of the greatness and I promise to come back and comment later. Then I wondered, what else would be more encouraging than for someone to read EXACTLY how their writing made them feel? Some of you will think

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" - Part 13

And here it finally is. I'm not even going to lie. It was so hard to find time to write more over the last few months. I had to get used to some outside things first. But alas, here is part 13 in our story. I've decided on no more than 20 parts to the story, so things will start to move faster and faster to a climatic end! Stay tuned! AS THE WORLD TURNS "The Luke and Kevin Story" - Part 13 It was the next morning in Oakdale and if Luke Snyder wasn't a male, he would have sworn that he w

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 12

Nearly a month later, but here all the same. Here is part 12. Look for 13 sometime later this week! AS THE WORLD TURNS "The Luke and Kevin Story" part 12 5:32PM. Thursday, June 15, 2006. That's what the clock read as Luke started the engine, his lover in the passenger's seat. He had never noticed the signifance of anything so insignificant before. Clocks told you more than what time of day it was. They gave you an outlook on your entire life. For instance, just a year earlier, his m

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 11

Again, I'm sorry for the delay, really. I haven't had nearly as much time as I used to to right this story out, but I assure you that I'm trying to make as much time as possible to get it done! To help make sure that none of my other stories get these kinds of interruptions, I've started writing them in advance, so don't worry! Here's part 11 of the saga of Luke and Kevin. AS THE WORLD TURNS "The Luke and Kevin Story" part 11 It was now around 2:00 PM and Luke had just told Will that h

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 10

Sorry for the continued delay. I was involved in several things this past week that prevented me from having any significant writing time. Thanks to the continued comments and support! AS THE WORLD TURNS "The Luke and Kevin Story" part 10 "So, should you say something, or should I?" Luke asked with some snark as Holden started up the car and they set off on their journey to the pharmacy for his asthma medicine. He knew that Holden was just dying to know what was going on with Kevin, and f

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 9

Sorry for the lack of updates the last few days! I just had to handle some other things for a while and didn't have time to add much to the story. Thank yous go out to everyone's been commenting! Nice to know Ms. Walsh and winterguy125 are keeping up with the story! Part nine is here! We are introduced to a new character in this part who will become part of the cast of my little version of ATWT as she is connected to long-running character who isn't involved in this story. Look for her to be

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 8

Thanks for the comments, Michael and amello! Words of encouragement are always welcomed. I've been toying with some ideas for where exactly I want this story to go, and it's pretty much planned from beginning to end now, though I'm still not sure how many parts I want to break it down into. I'm still estimating around 15-20, so look forward to the story continuing throughout June and early July! Actor87 made a beyond awesome L&K banner that will be put into my signature ASAP, so make sure

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 7

Here it is, the next part of the saga! The plot starts to move, and you will be surprised at what happens! I wanted to also say that if you guys have any complaints about anything in the story, please let me know. The only way to make something better is to say something about it. But, anyway, here we go... AS THE WORLD TURNS "The Luke and Kevin Story" part 7 It had been four days since Luke and Kevin decided to start their relationship. Honestly, for the most part, it was nothing to writ

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 6

Thanks, guys, for your continued support! I've basically mapped out and plotted out my next two stories: the next one will be AMC-based and the one after will be another ATWT story. The AMC story will be "The Madden/Myrtle Connection" and explores a more legit, decent way of connecting Greg and Josh to the long-running Pine Valley citizens. ATWT's next tale will be "Enter Christina," which deals with Don Hughes's daughter Christina and her coming to stay with her extended family in Oakdale. T

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 5

Thanks for the comment Actor87! (I wanted to PM you earlier, but will do that soon). As far as how many parts are in the story, I have no clue. I know where I want to go, and a basic estimate is around 15-20 parts. I started to write my next ATWT story, so when it comes time to put that up, I'll have a set number of parts for it. Until then, here's part five in the current saga. It was going to be much longer, but I cut the actual Luke and Kevin confrontation out and decided to make that part

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 4

Thanks for the comment, oakdalelover! I was really having a hard time writing the Lucinda scene because it seems that everybody has a different vision of who her character is. Some people like her as the tough, take-no-prisoners businesswoman, while others like her as the witty, clever grandmother to Luke. I just decided to merge those both together and have both of those roles be displayed greatly in this story. Maybe this is a little spoiler, but Lucinda, who is happy for Luke and Kevin now, w

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 3

Thanks to Actor87 and oakdalelover for the amazing words of encouragement! Don't worry, oakdalelover, I've already begun work on the next ATWT story. It focuses mainly on the Hughes family and a new character who is related, by blood, to them. Here's part 3 of Luke and Kevin... AS THE WORLD TURNS "The Luke and Kevin Story" part 3 The ride home was even quieter than the ride there. Luke didn't know what to say, but if he did, Kevin didn't know how to answer him. They were both of so afraid

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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 2

Thanks for the comment, Actor87! I've been thinking about doing a regular fan fic featuring all of the characters for a while, but I just feel so uninspired sometimes (while at other times, I have ideas to last a year). I tried that with AMC a few months ago, but as you can see, that didn't work out too well. I think I like this idea more, because I can update whenever I have a decent amount of stuff to add and I like that whenever I decide to finish this story, I can move on to other characters

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All My Shadows

The Luke and Kevin Story

Well, my first idea of regular blog-writting quickly died, but I remembered this thing and had a feeling that I'd think of something to bring it back to life. Well, while I was having one of my "Damn it, I love ATWT to death!" moments, I just started writing away and came up with a little story about Luke and Kevin. I wrote a pretty good bit of it already, and I decided to post some of it here to see what you all think. Make some comments! If I'm motivated enough, I'll finish the story out an

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Episode Two - Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 ACT ONE Palmer Cortlandt Jr, aka PC Cortlandt, is sitting on the steps at the boathouse. He wants to know who it is calling his cell phone. On the other end, Sam asks for Lily again. PC says that Lily can't come to the phone, but he could leave a message. Sam, a little shocked, asks who it is he is speaking to. PC introduces himself and says that he is Lily's new boyfriend. Sam angrily slams down the phone. At the Valley Inn, Erica shows up for a lunch date wit

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