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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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Promo for Week of July 24

Announcer : "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" continue with a week of action... Clip of Abe punching Tek and of Shawn rescuing Philip from a fire. Announcer: A week of suspense... Clip of Belle screaming for Shawn and Shawn still in the fire with everything collpasing around him. Announcer: A week of unforgettable twists... Clip of Mimi screaming, Jennifer screaming for Jack and Frankie to watch out, and of John telling Marlena it's over while on a cliff. Announcer: ...th



Previews and Peeks into Week of July 24, 2006

Previews and Sneak Peeks for July 24-28, 2006 Can Days' John save his beloved "Doc?" -A standoff ends in death for one Salemite. -Celeste predicts more tragedy. -Greta opts to stay mum. -A mother gives her life for her daughter. -Jennifer is still caught between Jack and Frankie. -Chelsea's reluctance to leave Hope confuses Bo, Billie, and Hope. -Shane learns who his stalker is. -Philip is rescued. -Two Hortons give their lives to save their spouses. -John must make a agonizi




BIG DAYS CASTING NEWS-MASCOLO RETURNS AS OTHERS TAKE OFF!!! The Phoenix has risen again on Days. Days fans had a wild week last week as the first week of the hyped "The Weeks That Change Everything" event brought major shockwaves to the canvas. Among those reveals, fans learned that Wayne Northrup's character was not Stefano and saw the shocking return of Joe Mascolo to the legendary role. "It was just supposed to be a few shows based on the trade we made with B&B a few years ago,"



July 21, 2006

-The crowd is led by John and Shane through the hallways of the island control center. Everything around them is collapsing. People begin to get separated in the chaos. -Chelsea looses track of the others and ends up separated from everyone else. Bo, Billie, Hope, and a captive Patrick (he was cuffed by Shane earlier and Billie and Hope drag him along with them). -Maggie, Mickey, Victor, Caroline, Jennifer, Jack, Abby, and Frankie are separated from the group when the fall behind and pa



July 20, 2006

-The crowd continues to react to all the reveals and to Shawn Sr's death. -Roman comforts Caroline as a helpless Victor looks on and blames himself. Maggie comforts him. Mickey asks Maggie how close Victor and her got while he was away. Maggie explains how Victor and her have saved each other's lives. Mickey understands and thanks Victor again for protecting his wife. Victor thanks Maggie for all she has done. He feels greatful they have become friends. He just wishes he could help Carol



July 19, 2006

-The crowd waits to hear what Sami has to say as Wendell urges her on to explain what she found. Wendell: Oh come on, Sami. You are never one to remain silent about something that could destroy people's lives. Come on, just tell us about the file you are hiding. Sami: Just shutup alright. It's nothing. Roman: Well, Sami, it has to be something since you said earlier that you wanted to talk to me. John: Yes and you wanted to tell me something earlier to. In fact, you have been a



July 18, 2006

1st Scene: Crowd of Islanders remains in the large room on the west side of the Melaswen control center. Crowd is still reacting to seeing two Stefanos-one that looks like the old and one that looks like the man once thought of as Alex North. John: I can't beleive this. Hope: Yeah. One Stefano was a nightmare but two is like something taken out of a horrow movie. Stefano (Joe Mascolo): There is no more then one Stefano Dimera...and that is who I am. This man is nothing more then a for



July 17, 2006

-Caroline thinks about the secret her and Victor are keeping. Victor comes over to her to ask if she is alright. She reminds Victor of the pain their secret would cause and it must be kept a secret-no one can ever find out they made love in the castle while imprisoned by Tony. If they do, it could destroy their families and could even kill Shawn Sr. Victor says he vowed to keep her secret and will but, if there is anything to be learned from the secret of Claire's paternity, these things alw




PREVIEWS AND SNEAK PEEKS INTO WEEK OF JULY 17, 2006 "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" BEGIN WITH A BANG!!!! Days' Sami (Alison Sweeney) makes an announcement that will rock Salem!!! -Shawn shocks Belle. -Belle tells John she saw Marlena. -Ernesto, Stefano, and Andre gather all the islanders together for a "grand finale" party. -Marlena makes her presence known to everyone. -Everyone, including Stefano, is stunned when Greta arrives held at gunpoint by a "surprise guest." -S




Announcer: This week "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" begin... Clips of Ernesto, Andre and Stefano laughing. Announcer: The week that you have been waiting for. Stefano: My friends and I will now reveal all the answers behind Melaswen 1 and Melaswen 2. Announcer: The answers you have been waiting for. Everything you wanted to know... Clips of the SSK victims and Andre putting the makeup on the wounds. Clips of the island and then clips of the ghostly visions of the SSK victim



July 14, 2006

-The crowd at the pub awaits what Mimi is about to say about Claire. Meanwhile, Philip watches on a monitor everything that is going on as a gleeful Ernesto prepares to tape his reaction to show to Victor. -Everyone in the crowd wonders what is going on. Victor and Kate know and Philip sees them huddled in the corner talking and wonders if they may know what this is about. Belle: What could you possibly tell us about Claire? You haven't even seen her since Shawn and you have been stuck



July 13, 2006

-The crowd brings an unconscious Cassie and an injured Frankie and Abby to the pub for medical treatment. Maggie runs into Mickey's arms and reunites with him and Alice. Hope reunites with them too. Bonnie is happy to see Mickey alive and embraces him. Maggie tells Mickey that Victor and her took good care of each other. Mickey thanks Victor for protecting Maggie. Caroline overhears and comments on how happy she is that they kept each other safe. Shawn Sr overhears and appears jealous ove



July 12, 2006

-Chelsea tries to pull Hope up as the earthquake continues. She manages to save her with Shane's help as the earthquake stops. Hope thanks Chelsea for saving her. Chelsea just says she was returning the favor. -Maggie wakes up in Victor's arms and asks what happened. Victor says that Maggie pushed him out of the way of the tree and saved his life. Maggie says he saved her life and now she saved his-they are even. -Eric, Nicole, and Celeste are ok. Eric gets another headache, which alarms



July 11, 2006

-Jennifer is still confused over Jack and Frankie. She doesn't know he can she can break either one of their hearts. Meanwhile, both Jack and Frankie consider letting Jen go to be with the other man. Jennifer overhears and informs the both of them this is up to her. She needs to choose and one of them just can't pull out. There is too much at risk for all of them. She is just so confused as she loves both of them. Alice, Doug, Julie, Caroline. Shawn Sr, and Mickey watch Jennifer and wonde



July 10, 2006

-Mimi cries out for Bonnie to wake up after she ran into the force field was tossed back. Meanwhile, Bonnie has an out of body experience where she is brought to purgatory. She is met by a man dressed in white who appers to be an angel. Bonnie asks if she is dead. -Belle slowly walks forward to embrace Marlena but Marlena backs off. Belle asks what is wrong. She tells Belle to just turn around and run away. Belle asks what is going on. Marlena tells Belle she wants revenge for all the wr




Shawn and Mimi "SHIMI" out of Salem!!! HW Tim Lowery and EP Ned Yadroc hinted about an exit being announced this week and now it has been confirmed. Jason Cook (Shawn Brady) and Farah Fath (Mimi Brady) will be leaving the show in late August-early September. Cook's exit is by his own accord but Fath was released as the show decided to move in a new direction. The show had no comment other then to confirm both exits and to warn that some more exits may be on the way but nothing like th



Preview and Peek into Week of July 10, 2006

Previews and Sneak Peeks for Week of July 10, 2006 -Marlena does the unthinkable. -Carrie and Belle have unlikely heroes. -Bonnie has an out of body experience...and a change of heart. -Sami and John are trapped. -Greta thinks about her father. -Lexie is reunited with her father. -Ernesto poses a big threat to Patrick. -An earthquake rocks the island. -The rescue team is reunited with their "deceased" loved ones. -Mimi finally confesses all. -Bonnie demonstrates a mother's love.




Exclusive Interview with New Days Head Writer Tim Lowery!!! I=Interviewer HW: Head Writer Tim Lowery New HW gives exclusive look behind the big things happening at Days!! I: Ok-the first question on everyone's mind is why go through this all again? HW: Well, when I took over the reigns for Jim Reilly, my goal was to bring back the Days of old. Now I know you can never get that show back but you can get that feel and identity back. I wanted the audience that has been with us f




MASTERMIND REVEALED: IT'S ERNESTO!!! PLUS, ALAN'S BACK!!! AND TWO MORE RETURNS!!! Fans learned on the Wednesday July 5 cliffhanger show that the mastermind behind the first and current Captive Island is Ernesto Toscano. Charles Cioffi, who was the last actor to play the role in 1990 when Ernesto supposedly "died" with Hope Brady in a explosion over a vat of acid, is once again playing the role. Fans also had their predictions confirmed when Carrie and Sami Brady's (



July 5, 2006

-At the New Salem Brady Pub, Bo talks with Billie, Abe, and Roman, He is worried about Hope back home. They all assure him she is fine. Shawn and Mimi overhear and reminds his father of what he has done to their family. Bo loses his cool and grabs his son by the shirt. -Kate notices that Austin is upset and asks what is wrong. He tells Kate that he is worried about Carrie and the baby. Kate understands but notices the look on Austin's face when she talks about the baby. She asks if there



July 4, 2006

-John, Shane, and Greta continue the search for Belle. They are soon ambushed by island guards. Greta manages to get away and John asks her to get help. -Eric, Nicole, Celeste, and Bonnie are still in a cave awaiting word on the others. The want to know what Celeste meant earlier about everyone being alive. Celeste says that everyone that has died-all their loves ones are alive and on thsi very island. It has happened again. No one wants to beleive it but since it happened once it could



July 3, 2006

-Lucas worries about Carrie being out in the jungle. Alice, Mickey, Doug, Julie, Caroline, Shawn Sr, and Kate reassure them that it will be fine. They are shocked when Roman and Austin return empty handed. Roman explains how the guards found them and brought them back. Lucas is worried about the baby. Austin nearly spills the beans about his tryst with Carrie and how her baby could be his. -Shawn and Mimi discuss Philip. They assume he is on the island too but have yet to see him. Kate o



Mastermind Promo for July 5

Announcer: 3 years ago they all began dying one by one...(clips of SSK victims) then... you learned they were alive (clips of SSK victims on Melaswen). Soon they were rescued only to find themselves back less then 2 years later (clips of the Captive Island escape and rescue) Now learn who was REALLY behind it. It is NOT who you think (clips of Tony and Stefano are shown). PLUS A shocking rescue (clip of Carrie falling and her stalker rescuing her). Carrie: Oh my God. Y



Previews for Week of July 3, 2006

Sneak Peeks for Week of July 3, 2006 -John, Shane, and Greta get ambushed during their search for Belle. -Celeste warns Nicole about Eric. -A feverish Chelsea admits to Hope she was raped. -Victor and Maggie get close. -Caroline is reminded of the secret Victor and her are keeping. -The bond between Abby and Max grows. -Austin nearly tells Lucas about his tryst with Carrie. -Lexie and Sami find common ground. -Greta, Sami, and Lexie unintentionally find their way into the island's




DAYS RED HOT SUMMER PREVIEW "The summer is going to be amazing," says Executive Producer Ned Yadroc. "We held our previews until now because we wanted to shock the audience and we did. Now it is time to give them a glimmer of what is to come, which is extraordinary. By the end of the summer, lives will changed and things will never be the same in Salem. Fans should look at a return to the Days of old by the Fall and they will know what I mean when we get to that point." Mastermin



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