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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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August 10, 2006

-Billie, Max, Bo, and Hope wait for Chelsea to tell them what she wants to say. Chelsea is hesistant and knows that she should tell them but can't for some reason. All she can think about is how much Billie loves her and is so happy she found her long-lost daughter. She has no idea that Georgia is dead and she will be crushed, as will Bo. Bo, Billie, and their families have been so good to her even though they have given her tough love at times. She just can't imagine hurting them and she l



August 9, 2006

-Victor continues to comfort Maggie. Alice, Doug, and Julie worry about Maggie given what she is going through. Julie almost stumbles across the broken liquor bottle Maggie threw. Victor sees it and sees how scared Maggie is of anyone seeing it so he picks it up when no one is looking and disposes of it. Maggie whispers a silent "thank you" to him. Alice tells Maggie she does not blame her for Mickey's death and assures her that this was God's plan. Maggie thanks Alice, Doug, and Julie for



August 8, 2006

-Mimi goes to visit Patrick in jail. Mimi tells Patrick that their mother's body was cremated today and she scattered the ashes in the wooded area outside of Alice's bar per her instructions. Patrick regrets what happened but Mimi tells him it wasn't his fault. Patrick says he has made alot of mistakes and is looking to rectify them but he needs to get out of jail first. Mimi asks if he is planning a breakout. Patrick just says that he may be out very soon so he can make up for his past. M



August 7, 2006

-Eric tells Nicole she is overreacting and that he is hiding nothing. Nicole wants him to see a doctor at the least. Eric reluctantly agrees. He tells Nicole he needs her and thanks her for everything she is doing for him. She goes to take a shower and tells him to join her. He says ina minute. While along, Eric calls someone and tells them he got their message. He says things are getting worse and it is getting harder to hide it from everyone. No one can find out what is really going on



Promo Week of August 7!!!

Announcer: "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST ROLLS ON!!! FIRST!!! Clip of Mimi, Belle, Shawn, and Lexie at the hospital. Mimi: Claire is not your daughter, Shawn. She is Philip's. Lexie: It's true. Announcer: A STUNNING REVELATION THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! Belle: What does this mean for us and our future? Shawn: We may not have a future. Announcer: THEN!!! Clip of Greta and Chelsea at the hospital waiting. Announcer: TWO WOME



Previews and Peeks into Week of August 7, 2006

"THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST ROLLS ON!!! Week of August 7-11, 2006 Will it be a ROMAN holiday for Days' John? -Shawn tells Belle they may not have a future. -Kate hopes the truth about Claire will save Philip. -The Brady's gather to learn who is really Roman. -Mimi says goodbye to her mother and later gets another blow. -Rex makes a stunning decision. -Maggie faces reality...and her past. -Chelsea and Greta get the answers they need and m




HUGE RETURNS FOR DAYS MULTIPLE FUNERAL!! Be there for the BIG Days Event From August 14 through August 18, many familiar faces will be stopping in to pay their respects to Shawn Brady Sr, Mickey Horton, Jennifer Horton Deveraux, and Marlena Evans Black. This event will be a great way to pay tribute to history and to get reaquainted with characters long gone by. Here is a list of the stars returning thus far: Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton) Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton) Marie Che



August 4, 2006

-Nicole and Eric are at their hotel room. Nicole asks Eric how long he plans to stay in Salem. Eric says indefinitely as his family is going through alot right now. Nicole asks how he feels about John being his father. Eric says it is a big deal but unlike his sister he has pretty much respected John and got along with him well for the last few years. It will be hard to get used to and he has never been John's biggest fan but he just wants to wait and see he really is Roman Brady first. Ni



August 3, 2006

-Victor arrives at the hospital and sees the doctors trying to save Philip's life. Kate and Belle are begging him to live as Shawn, Rex, Mimi, and Cassie watch nearby. Victor can't bear to see his son like this and has recalls seeing the tape Ernesto made of Philip's reaction to all the lies involved with Claire's paternity. Victor blames all this on himself as it was Ernesto's hatred for him that resulted in Philip's kidnapping and he helped cover up Claire's paternity. Even if his son surv



August 2, 2006

-Shawn tells Mimi they have no future after lies. He trusted her and she kept him away from his daughter. She played God with people's lives. Mimi apologizes and knows she did wrong. Shawn tells her she must have learned nothing from lying to Rex. He always thought of her as one of his best friends but now he is disgusted by the sight of her. He is filing for divorce. Mimi tells Shawn she understands but then lashes out at him for settling for her. She knows she was his second choice and




DAYS STUNNER: DEIDRE HALL OUT!!! Dee's Days are done as Marlena...for now. Rumors has been swirling for weeks about the status of Deidre Hall. Her contract with the show was known to be up in August 2006 and it was that, along with Hall's character Marlena Evans Black's descent into madness, that had fans worried about her future. It appears they had reason to worry as Hall has been released from the show. Her last airdate was July 31 but rumor has it she may appear here and there in



Promo Week of 7/31/06

Announcer: THIS WEEK "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST BEGINS!! FIRST...THE ISLANDERS RETURN WITH HEAVY HEARTS... Clips of Jack and Abby hugging with Jack Jr on his lap, clip of John looking at a picture of Marlena with tears in his eyes. Announcer: ...AND NOW THEY TRY TO MOVE ON... Jack: How can I live without the woman I love? Maggie: I just want to die...anything to be with him. Announcer: BUT SOME HAVE MORE TURMOIL AHEAD. Abe to Lexie: We a



August 1, 2006

-The rest of the islanders arrive home in Salem as a new day begins. -Shane has men take Patrick into custody at the Salem police station. They will interrogate him later. -Billie tells Chelsea she is going with Jack, Abby, and Frankie. Chelsea says she will join them later-she has things to do (thinking about finding out if Hope is really her mother). Max wants to talk with Chelsea about their relationship since so much has happened but Chelsea tells him she can't. She has alot to do and



July 31, 2006

-The island is near destruction and the volcano is set to erupt. Shane orders everyone to immediately evaculate but there is still the matter of John, Marlena, Sami, Belle, Austin, Lucas, Shawn, Carrie, Eric, and Nicole all being missing. Hope, Bo, Lexie, Abe, Celeste, Kayla and Roman all agree to stay behind and help search with Shane. Maggie, Victor, and Caroline want to stay behind too and, after some debate, are allowed too. A distraught Jack, Frankie, and Abby are boarded on to one of t



Previews and Peeks Into Week of July 31, 2006

AMAZING AUGUST BEGINS AS THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING CONTINUE!!! Week of July 31-August 4, 2006 -John, Marlena, Belle, and Sami engage in an emotional standoff. -The islanders finally come home. -Philip's condition worsens as he seems to be losing the will to live. -Alan saves Carrie again. -Shawn and Mimi have it out. -Maggie isolates herself from the world. -Caroline faces the consequences of her actions. -Victor gets the brush-off. -Greta, Chelsea, John, Roman, Rex, an



Beloved Days Star Ends Her Run!!!

Missy Reeves Checks Out of Salem!!! Days' Jennifer meets her maker. Salem has lost one of it's most bevloved characters. As previously reported, Melissa Reeves has chosen to leave her role as Jennifer Horton Deveraux. She last aired on July 28 when her character died tragically after saving the lives of her husband Jack (Matthew Ashford) and her first love Frankie (Billy Warlock). The actress announced her intention to leave this past spring and fans knew it was only a matter of time



July 28, 2006

-Lexie and Kayla examine Jennifer as the men begin to remove some of the rocks and boulders from the rock slide. One boulder won't budge and, without moving it, Jennifer can't be freed. Lexie and Kayla tell Jack, Frankie, Abby, and the others that Jennifer appears to have some severe internal injuries and she may even have a collapsed lung. She is also bleeding eternally. Both Lexie and Kayla agree her chances of survival are near-impossible. Abby breaks down as Max comforts her, making Che



July 27, 2006

-Bo comforts Hope over the loss of her uncle Mickey. Hope wants to comfort Bo too after losing Shawn Sr. Bo thinks they are getting closer but Hope tells him not to read too much into it-they have alot to work through. Bo tells Hope he is worried about how his Victor's affair with his mother and what happened to his father will affect his family. He fears it may tear them apart. -Kayla talks to Roman about keeping Victor away from their mother. Roman says he plans too but he says that he m



Original Cast Member Out!!!

THE LEGENDARY MICKEY HORTON LEAVES DAYS!!! John Clarke's DAYS are sadly done...this time for good. Original Days cast member John Clarke is leaving Days of our Lives. The actor, who returned in May for a limited run to tie up loose ends after John Ingle (who replaced Clarke in the role) left, is out. The show decided to write out the character permanently and brought Clarke back to close things out. It is said that this is also being done to free up the character of Maggie (Suzanne Ro



July 26, 2006

-Bo, Hope, Chelsea, Billie, Patrick, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Roman, and Shane are with John as he tries to wake up Marlena. Lexie tells John to remember her warning about Marlena. Marlena comes to and throws John off of her. She pulls out a gun and tells them all to back off. John professes his love and devotion for Marlena and says he knows the woman he loves is still there. Roman tries to get through to her as well. Marlena clutches her head and tries to fight the voices in her head that sh



Another Axing!!!

BONNIE SAYS BUH-BYE TO SALEM!!! There will be no more horsing around for Days' Bonnie. Judi Evans will exit the role on Bonnie Lockhart on July 25. The exit is storyline dictated as the show felt the character had run her course. "One of the most toughest decisions ever," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "Everyone loves Judi but we had no use for the character as the Lockharts are exiting Salem. She does get a great exit and we are happy we were able to redeem her and Mimi (Farah



July 25, 2006

-Abe, Lexie, and Celeste join John and Shane. John orders the women to get to the rescue boats. Lexie thinks she should stay behind to help since she is a doctor. Shane agrees. John talks to Lexie about Marlena and asks what she thinks. Based on what she knows and has witnessed, Lexie beleives that Marlena is in her own world. All the brainwashing by Wendell as Alex and then Tek's last method of mind control he used on her put her over the edge. She only remembers the negative, the bad th



Beloved Actress Returns

KAYLA BRADY JOHNSON RETURNS TO DAYS!!! IS STEVE JOHNSON NEXT?!!! Days' Kayla rolls back into Salem July 24 was a huge day for Days fans as Mary Beth Evans' Kayla Brady Johnson returned to Days and was revealed as Shane Donovan's (Charles Shaughnessy) stalker. "All the fans thought it was Kimberly (Patasy Pease)," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "We wanted them to think that since it was logical. We want Kim back at some point but we are trying to work something out with Patsy and



Another Actor Out!!!

Orange Ships Out Of Salem!!! Tek's DAYS are up!! Monday July 24 marked the final apperance for Rhasaan Orange as Thomas Edward Karmer, or the ISA agent/Salem PD detective better known as TEK. Orange has fluctuated between recurring and contract since May 2003 when he joined the show as the ISA protegee' of John Black (Drake Hogestyn). The exit is storyline dictated as the character's story was now finished. "The fans know about his past and we just felt there was nowhere to go with hi



July 24, 2006

-Chelsea is stunned by Stefano saying Hope is her mother. Stefano tells her a DNA test will prover it. He tells her to get to safety as the island will soon self-destruct. He runs off and thanks her again for saving him. Chelsea asks again if he has any clue about her real father but Stefano yells he doesn't know and runs off. Chelsea runs off to find the others. Meanwhile, Stefano finds a speedboat in a hidden storage hanger and takes off in it saying that the Phoenix has risen and will n



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