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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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September 1, 2006

-Nico tells Victor the plan is set. Victor is happy and says that in less then an hour Stefano Dimera will face his full wrath. -Lexie goes to the hospital and asks a nurse why she was paged. The nurse gives her a note addressed to her from the hospital board saying she was told to give that to Dr. Carver. She opens it and discovers the board is reviewing her license to practice medicine and does not like the current scandal surrounding her and her affair with a man who worked with the Dim



August 31, 2006

-Julie, Doug, and Alice console Maggie at the cemetary. Maggie lashes out saying her life is over and that she knows everyone blames her deep down for what happened wit Mickey. Alice insists no one blames her and that they just want Maggie to stop pushing her loved ones away. Maggie says she just can't face anyone right now. Victor was good to have around because he had feelings of guilt too and had nothing to do with Mickey so she didn't feel as bad with him around but now having to push hi



August 30, 2006

-Maggie arrives at the cematary and looks at Mickey's grave for the first time. She crumples beside it and cries uncontrollably. She lashes out saying she will never be able to get through this. She thought seeing the grave would help and put her at peace but it only made her feel worse. His death is all her fault and she deserves to suffer. She knows deep down everyone knows she was responsible. She then begins talking to the grave and talking about her life with Mickey and how she though



August 29, 2006

-Maggie wakes up from a dream and realizes that Mickey is still not there. She apparently had a dream where he came back to her and she thought his death was all a nightmare. She gets up and begins to get upset again. She sees the vodka bottle out on the kitchen table and once again thinks about drinking it. She doesn't want to as she knows it is what Mickey would not want to see her do. She realizes she needs to call someone to help her before it's too late. -Victor arrives at the hos



August 28, 2006

-Maggie prepares to drink the vodka but then stops. She sees a picture of Mickey and is reminded yet again of how proud he was of her for being sober. She remembers how proud everyone was of her and how all those proud of her then must blame her now for Mickey's death. She nearly picks the bottle up again but can't stop thinking about Mickey would be disappointed in her and she has already failed Mickey terribly by causing his death. She puts the bottle away and returns to her photo albums a




Announcer: THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES...A VERY SPECIAL WEEK AS "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERTHING" CLIMAX DURING SUMMER FINALE WEEK!!! A CAN'T MISS WEEK OF... TWISTS... Sami (On the phone): Oh my God. Bo to Victor: I need your help. Hope to Chelsea: I have made a decision. Kayla to Patrick: Tell me what you know. Greta: Eric!!! GOODBYES.... Clips of Rex and Mimi waving goodbye and Philip being wheeled out on a gurney while Belle, Kate, and Victor watch. TURNING POINTS



Previews and Peeks into Week of August 28, 2006

"THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CLIMAX AS AMAZING AUGUST REACHES IT'S END DURING SUMMER FINALE WEEK!!! Salem Lives' Victor (John Aniston) reverts to his old ways. -Bo is continuing down a downward spiral after he learns the horrifying truth about Chelsea. -Hope makes a huge decision about Chelsea. -Rex and Mimi say goodbye to Salem. -Belle makes a stunning decision that leads Shawn to make a choice of his own. -Philip is sent out of Salem as his family and friends stand appalled



August 25, 2006

-Maggie nearly returns the vodka back to the liquor store but can't bring herself to do it. The guilt and pain she is feeling is just too much and no one can help with this. She knows deep down they all believe Mickey's death was her fault but they don't want to tell her to her face. She walks home with the bottle and puts it on the table. She looks at it and recalls her years as a alcoholic and her battle with alcoholism. She also remembers Mickey's words to her about how proud he was of h



August 24, 2006

-Sami and Greta arrive at the Java Cafe and they both wonder why Nicole called them both there. Nicole arrives and they all sit down. Nicole explains to them Eric's behavior since he returned to Salem and had her meet him. He says he just wanted to visit and be with his family and show her off as the woman he loves but she doesn't buy it. She tells them both of Celeste's prediction of Eric's secret affecting all his loved ones and of Eric's tendency to shrug off his recent headaches. Nicole



August 23, 2006

-Maggie is looking at some old photos, wondering how she is ever going to live the way she feels now. She can't help but blame herself for Mickey's death and wouldn't blame her family for doing the same. She can't even face her family or friends and that is why having Victor around was a comfort. He understood what she was going through as he felt the same guilt over what happened to Philip and he was there for her through the whole ordeal. She had to throw him out though as Julie and Caroli




EXCLUSIVE "SALEM LIVES" FALL PREVIEW!!! "If there is one word to describe the Fall it's POWERFUL," says head writer Tim Lowery. "Things in Salem are going to be dark at times and fans will notice a slower pace as opposed to the rapid pace we have been on since May. The stories will be fantastic and the history of the show will be utilized to it's fullest potential. it is truly going to be fantastic. There may be some controversial stories and we may go to some places no one ever though



August 22, 2006

-Bo and Billie still don't beleive that Chelsea is changing just like that but then they recall how she did not want to leave the island because she "owed" Hope for saving her life. Hope says that something is different in her. Hope has a flashback to Chelsea admitting her rape to her and beleives that going through that is what is making Chelsea change. Bo asks to talk to Hope alone and he asks Hope what she thinks of Chelsea's offer to plead guilty on all counts and throw herself on the mer



August 21, 2006

-Roman and faux Roman are outside the Devereux home. Faux Roman asks what they are doing there. Roman explains that they need to seek out Laura Horton's help iwith Marlena gone n order to get the answers they both need concerning their pasts. Meanwhile, inside, Jack and Laura are discussing what Jack plans to do with his life. Jack explains he is thinking of returning to "The Spectator" but it may be too soon after Jennifer's death and they shared so many memories there. Laura urges him to




Exclusive Interview-Inside "Salem Lives"-A Days Fan Fiction Nearly three months ago, executive producer Ned Yadroc and head writer Tim Lowery began their reign at the top at Days of our Lives. Their goal was to repair damage that they feel was done to the show and it's characters and to bring it back to its former glory. Now, after several cast changes and major story shakeups (including a casting bloodbath that nearly killed off most of the show's characters), the show seems to be back on



Previews and Peeks into Week of August 21, 2006

BE PREPARED FOR SOME MAJOR TWISTS AND TURNS AS "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE DURING DAYS' AMAZING AUGUST!!! The week ahead does not look good for Days' Chelsea. -Chelsea changes gears and makes an emotional plea that stuns Hope. -Abby wonders if she should pursue Max if Chelsea dumps him. -Roman and faux Roman seek out Laura's help. -Chelsea tries to put her life back together. -Bo loses his patience with Hope. -Shawn and Bo have it it out. -Mimi and Rex make a h



August 18, 2006

-Victor is comforting a hysterical Maggie, who is still blaming herself for what happened to Mickey. Victor tries to convince her that she is not to blame but Maggie just pounds on Victor's chest and is inconsolable. Meanwhile, outside, Caroline is walking by and can hear Maggie crying. She wonders if she should go inside to see if she is alright and sees that Victor is still there. Caroline remembers overhearing Doug and Julie at the Pub talking about Victor and Maggie. Caroline wonders if



August 17, 2006

-Sami, Austin, and Lucas return to her apartment. They both try to calm Sami down from what happened at the Pub but Sami says she is not talking about it anymore. Anyone in her family that accepts John is dead to her and it seems most have so her family died with her mother. Austin and Lucas beg to reconsider but she refuses and says she won't discuss it anymore. She will act as if none of it exists and that all those on John's side don't exist, including John. Austin and Lucas talk private



August 16, 2006

-Everyone is now at the Brady Pub for the reception. They all toast to the lives of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. -Pete says goodbye to Melissa and everyone else as he leaves. -Greta, Max and Billie comfort Jack, Frankie, and Abby and ask if they are ok. They insist they are doing the best they can. Laura notices the closeness between Jack and Billie and ibs bothered by it. She tells Bill about it but tells Laura they are just friends and that Jennifer asked Billie to look



August 15, 2006

-Fr. Jansen begins the service with a special blessing. The congregation then says a prayer for the souls of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena and has a moment of silence. Fr. Jansen then invites anyone who wants to say a few words about the deceased to the altar. Kayla and Kimberly go up first and decide to speak together. Kayla: Our father was a man that chose to focus on the good in life. Negativity was never allowed near him and was never something exuded from him. A gracious



August 14, 2006

The guests are beginning to arrive for the funerals. Victor and Maggie are first. She thanks Victor for meeting her there. Victor thinks it would've been better her going with her family but Maggie says she can't deal with that right now. She had trouble making it through the night. Victor says he knows she almost took a drink as he found the wine bottle out. Maggie says she didn't give in because she kept hearing Mickey telling her to fight it. Victor thinks Maggie should consider tellin




DAYS CASTING BUZZ ANOTHER LOCKHART HITS THE ROAD!!! Patrick's run in Salem finally ends. Sources confirm that Brody Hutzler's run as Patrick Lockhart is about to come to an end. No offcial statement was given. It is reported Hutzler will exit in early September but that he may be back in the future to spill further Dimera secrets. More on this will be reported next week in an interview with executive producer Ned Yadroc and head writer Tim Lowery. Other Casting News: -



Promo Week of August 14, 2006

Announcer: THIS WEEK IS A WEEK TO REMEMBER ON DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!! Clips of Victor and Maggie arriving at the church and looking at pictures of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. Announcer: BE THERE AS DAYS CHARACTERS PAST... Clips of Kimberly, Melissa, Laura, Bill, Bradym and Chloe. Announcer: ...AND PRESENT Clips of Caroline, Bo, Hope, Kayla, Sami, Alice, Doug, Julie, Jack, and Abby at the church. Announcer: ...GATHER TOGETHER TO SAY FAREWELL TO FOUR OF SALEM'S



Previews and Peeks into Week of August 14, 2006

"THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST TAKES A FANTASTIC TURN!!! DON'T MISS A HISTORIC DAYS EVENT!!! Previews and Sneak Peeks into Week of August 14, 2006 -Long lost family and friends return to Salem to bid farewell to Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. -The Blacks make a big change. -One of the funeral guests decides to stay in Salem. -Kimberly tells Bo that he still has 'Hope." -Kayla asks Kimberly if she knows anymore about Shane's investigation



August 11, 2006

-Austin and Lucas return to Sami's apartment with her. They try to calm her down after the whole Roman thing and her confrontation with John but she is livid saying she is down with everyone in her family that accepts him as Roman. He will never be her father. Lucas asks Sami if she is only mad because John was right about everything. She tells Lucas to drop it or get out. Austin changes the subject to Carrie. Sami says that the chances of finding her are slim since the island was destroye



Final Funeral Guests Cast!!!

FINAL FUNERAL GUEST ROLES CAST!!! Be there for the BIG DAYS event!!! The previously uncasted funeral guest roles have been decided. Through casting research and reader opinion, the show feels it succeeded and picking the right actor, or actress, for each role. Fans should keep in mind these are only guest appearances and if the character ever comes back it could be with a different actor or actress playing them, especially if a chosen actor or actress doesn't sit well with the fans



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