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OLTL Episode Titles and weekly promo for the week of March 9th

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From the OLTL page at abc.com for the week of March 9th, here are the episode titles and brief blurb about this week's episodes:

Monday: Mother Courage

(Marty uses superhuman strength to save her son.)

Tuesday: Dirty Dancer

(Stacy attempts to seduce Rex.)

Wednesday: Llegless in Llanview

(Marty reveals Cole's drug use to Nora.)

Thursday: D-Day

(John follows a hunch and makes a surprising discovery.)

Friday: blood ties

(Natalie and Jared work out their theory that Bess switched her dead baby with Starr's live one.)

Also, the weekly OLTL promo is up http://abc.go.com/daytime/onelifetolive/index?pn=index (the video should come up on it's own aftert a quick commerical....it is titled: "Getting What You Want!" Warning: It's all Gigi, Rex, and Stacy.

Also, afterward the Weekly Soap Scoop is up for 3/3-3/9 and is hosted by Scott Clifton with sneak peaks at all three soaps.

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Sure not hard to figure which stories are Fronsie dictated....

How can OLTL be "can't miss" one day and then by the next show I FF most or don't even bother? The writing is SO uneven.

UGH! Stacy...cannot stand the character or the actress...FF material. And really- when did Rex become SO stupid he can't see her coming on to him...hustlers ( even ex- ones) always recognize their kind.

Really started liking John with Blair ( for about 5 minutes)....then they reverted him back to the "old" John and turned Blair back into a jealous shrew......and now John has to save Marty...oh wait, is it "Marty the party girl" or is it "Victim Marty"...she bounces back & forth faster than a ping pong ball.

Where the hell is Viki? She had a "coffee talk" with Gigi and fed Jess/Tess/Bess/Mess's baby for like 5 minutes...and Charlie?? Charlie who you say? Yeah, that's my point. I'm really hoping they resolve this baby Chloe/Hope s/l sooner rather than later.

Dorian & Ray could actually be quite interesting....but I was disappointed that all the lead up to David being a Buch and then...poof...story gone and never even had him in another scene with Bo. I am hoping that when Tuc returns soon,as rumored, they will give them some time to deal with the Bo as Daddy news.(Wonder if they'll need David to come back & help Matthew like he did w/Jess....?)

Oh yeah,they better not kill Matthew...this could be interesting watching Nora & Bo deal with his accident.

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