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AMC: SoapNet Sneak Peek

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"All My Children" Sneak Peek

July 18, 2008 8:36 PDT By Jesse Murray


You know when you're cooking spaghetti, and it's just about ready to come out of the pot, so the water's bubbling up and spilling over? "All My Children" is sort of like that this week. Things are starting to spill. Sorry for the weird spaghetti reference, but we love spaghetti, and we love "AMC." It works in our brain.

Anyway, Ryan (Cameron Mathison) reels at the news that Annie (Melissa Claire Egan) is pregnant. How? He got a vasectomy, right? Well, Ryan, in the world of daytime, vasectomies don't work (just ask Victor Newman), but that's not enough for Mr. Lavery. He wants answers and starts to investigate why the clinic never told him his operation didn't take. Is he going to find out that they actually did, but Annie forgot to relay the message?

Annie's too busy being psyched she's pregnant and freaking out about being caught for Richie's murder to notice Ryan's detective moves. Fate deals her a lucky hand when she overhears Colby (Brianne Moncrief) and the teen set talking about how they think they killed Richie. The kicker is, she's spreading Richie's ashes when it happens. But Annie smells opportunity, so she invites Colby and Cassandra (Yaya DaCosta) over to babysit Emma. Like a spider with the flies ... . Also, isn't it kind of tacky to be plotting to frame someone while spreading your brother's ashes?

Beth Ehlers, known and loved by many for her years as Harley on "Guiding Light," begins this week as Taylor Thompson (note the name change). Taylor's a solider who served with Frankie (Cornelius Smith, Jr). Look for her to immediately cross paths with Jake, played by her former "GL" love interest Ricky Paull Goldin. Also, don't be surprised if she slugs Jake. You know she could take him.

All this PLUS Krystal's Adam addiction kicks in, JR and Zach make unlikely partners, Greenlee gets some very shocking news, and Jake tells Angie his history with Colby. We're guessing he doesn't mention she's, biologically speaking, nine years old.

What are your predictions for how things will play out next week? Leave a comment below.

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