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Posts posted by London

  1. LMAO this girl needs to stop.... if the What's Love Got To Do With It movie is any indication with that scene she KEPT Turner as her last name because she said she worked too hard for it. Oh Porsha... damn, damn, DAMN!

    That baby is adorable. I'm not in love with the spelling.

    I do need another Sip N See so Phaedra better not disappoint when Baby #2 gets here.

  2. Just watched. She just announced her engagement to Greg and they talked about who started her career Andy or Donald and she said Nene started NeNe's career.

    Thanks Eric! I DVRed it and then went to sleep since I had an important early start this morning. Going to watch soon.

  3. Nene's a sharp cookie, so I'm not gonna worry, but Greg appears to have made a turnaround at the same time as Nene's career. Of course, we have no idea what transpired offscreen, but again, Nene aint no fool and she would know if Greg was not into her.

    Flippin' Typo. But nevertheless very, very true.

  4. She does but I don't think its available in all the markets just yet --- when she started they wanted to test just a few select markets/states to see how well she could do. Ha, people were all on Twitter saying they wanted Rosie & Nene to get a show since they did a good job hosting for Anderson. LMAO and she comes with built in wig mops too.

  5. I can't believe people would get horny and make it rain over grandmas shaking them saggy ass t-tties. One of them had dimples on her ass. WOW.

    You are killing me Eric! Ha the dimples on the ass comment makes me think of L. Fishburne's daughter now... damnit. I cannot stop laughing at Phaedra giving the girl money because they went to the same school.

  6. Exactly! Brandi vs LeAnn for an hour would be must see tv. Brandi vs random waitress? Ugh, not so much

    Riiiiiiiight! But see, i thought that was a new episode not a special. I seriously thought I had missed it as well.

    I have no desire to see Brandi sit and talk with Leanne about anything. I want Brandi to whip her ugly ass and not because of the affair with Loser Cibrian, but because of the chit Leanne has been pulling since.

    Ok, the eppy is officially ruined for me! Damn it!

    That's what I'm talking about... WWE style.

  7. I saw the preview. It looked good but Im not sure how they can base an entire hour around that. The other woman is no one. Now if she were a housewife, then it would be more material to fill

    Now if it were Leanne or h/e she spells it that'd be even more of a blockbuster event.

  8. Oh Porsha, Porsha, Porsha. Pretty yet dumb. All I can think when I'm watching her is...


    God I love Phaedra... she had me cracking up when Kenya started flirting with Apollo again.


    Peter & Cyn discussing strip clubs


    But LMAO at least he's honest and he had me on the floor talking about gettin' caught up on the ass game.

    Sooooooooooooooooooooo over this never ending merry-go-round of this fake relationship... move on to something else.

    Cynthia has me clutching my damn stomach. "Next time I'm going to have to do a little more research."

    This whole scene is giving me life!

  9. Ughhhhhh I hate special episodes... I like to know beforehand if its something I'm going to be interested in seeing or if I should just skip. Still not sure if I want to watch VPR.... I love Lisa but her staff seem so basic granted that one exchange about the people wanting to get into that girls pants and her agreeing makes me LMAO every damn time.

    Thanks Eric!

  10. Oh no wonder... I saw a few more of those on The YBF and she definitely stayed towards the back. I remember I couldn't stand her initially but she has slowly became one of my favorites.




    Oh Phaedra... and LMAO at Cynthia's face when she walks up before she proceeds to make it rain with the girls.

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