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Posts posted by GroovyTracyQ

  1. Thanks for the link Funny. I see she is wearing "the jacket". JE looks great as always, but I so wish that this crispy hair phase would phase out...soon!

    I guess I'm the only one looking forward to Skye's return.

    Sorry about the lack of love for RC, Halee. You know, I'd be happy to see her come back if it was truly to beef up the Qs *and* I knew that she wouldn't interfer with LuNacy. I actually don't care how hard *she* tries, but Guza has a horrendous track record of establishing couples, then smashing them to smithereens in record time.

  2. Here are the bigger images of them. http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.aspx?query=z.i.H4sIAAAAAAAEAO29B2AcSZYlJi9tynt_SvVK1-B0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaUcjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee--999577733ujudTif33_8_XGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9-fB8_In7dfLn91etf49f4NX6PX_dskV3kvyb9-pj-_1tlk2l6kS_zOivTedWsijYrf80Rvv41foNfwz2_Fv3_16a2vwa--X2f_66_xm_WfYm_-bPu_h7eS78Gf8Y_k7qq2pdZnS2aX9sD-Wvt7uDX3920_83wz29E___13r2-bk7fGRi_pvc3v5udm19_Tf1dMDyf2i79P9Dnr7nDPS5a96b7_dehxqX9wv6F935d-qNeWLDhn78-PtrFX78efz6xMDp_82vnIRT7J0PZsVDOO1Dc3_xaHUKxfzKUPQul7kBxfxNlcvMS_8Hk-TWUTLv49Dc0X__G-AeEI5rkK_Pprxn89Wvnk8Z-Y_5gYucOB-_3Xyt3zb3ff-1mtbKf4w-D429lX7ycuhfd779OVXusYv_irya5_5X5C8-vPbtamt9_TfPHr4t3mrU3nuCvXzvPHAb-H_T7yv_C_vHrNgG08M9fZ5q_c68Ff_3a7549d6xMf9gvstpD2_vjN2qm1Sp_sl7OSo--wacG4I8DzoOd-_j91yH2WtvmwV_EGk5Y_D_-H9iUSi5OBAAA&sx=AllEditorial

    Sam beats ups Ethan. :mad:

    Thanks for the link, Funny, and, thanks for the heads up about the photos, Hooked.

    Initially, I hated the setup with the bruise on Kristina's arm from Ethan. However, I guess it balances out Ethan being wrongly accused. The focus should be on what's happened to Kristina. And have to say that Sam taking a swing at Ethan makes sense. That's her little sister, and they have somewhat of a mother/daughter relationship, and she thinks Ethan is responsible for practically beating her to death.

    I hope this story is as good as it is shaping up to be, a true umbrella story, and one of substance, that is not about the mob. Could it be? :unsure:

    Love the bit about Tracy doing everything she can to help Ethan including trying to convince herself he's innocent. Everything a real mother would do.

  3. GTQ, I'm wondering how this will play out precisely because so much is happening in the Spencermaine family. I can't help feeling it's going to be a lot different than we suspect at the moment. It's too easy to do the Tracy-is-jealous thing without more to the story. Skye will be back for a reason, and she'll leave without what she's looking for. So somewhere in there she's going to be stopped.

    You're probably right about it playing out differently, Remos. Whatever spoilers infer can be taken literally, then reversed, and you've got the essence of the story. Or something like that.

    Wasn't Ted King strongly rumored to be returning? As I remember, this was in the category of he's been seen at the studio a few times. I'm wondering if there is any credence to that. If he was coming back, it would be wise to keep it under wraps considering Alcazar's supposed to be dead. If he isn't coming back, maybe he was slated to, things changed, but they decided to bring back RC for a short (we hope) stint.

    I hope (fingers crossed and all) that Luke gets wise and stops Skye from taking anything that should belong to Tracy. He does that for her without needing to be asked - that's how Luke is Tracy's hero.

    Oh, I love that sentiment! That would be wonderful. And it's one reason to love LuNacy. They're so unconventionally conventional. You know what I mean.

  4. Thanks so much, Remos, for the 411 on Skye. Good point about Lila Rae. By the way, didn't RC and family move to a farm in Pennsylvania? Hope they're still there. This isn't a daytime climate for uprooting an entire family to another coast. So, thinking positively, short term seems very likely. I'm sure we'll be subjected to endless and heavy flirting, and hope it stops there.

    The timing seems strange with the Ethan and Kristina drama unfolding. Actually it bodes well. Luke will look like an @$$ to the billionth magnitude if he puts the moves on Skye on the heels of Tracy's complete support of Ethan. And that's how it should play. Mama Tracy will be hell on wheels with anyone who tries to hurt any of her children whether it's Ned, Dillon, Lulu, or Ethan.

  5. Thanks for the screencaps, Hooked. :)

    This might seem like an embarassment of riches with all the good LuNacy of late, but I think we *might* get Dillon back. In another thread on SON, someone was listing those in the OLTL exodus and they mentioned Scott's leaving as his being "needed elsewhere". Hope he's headed back to LA. I wonder if he still has his wolf.

    EDIT: Has anyone heard how short, I hope, Skye's visit is going to be? That embarassment of LuNacy riches might otherwise go right out the window. Can't stand Skye anyway. And doesn't it seem strange that, with David Canary leaving AMC, they didn't bring her back to that show? Weird.

  6. *Just adding to the Scott Clifton/Dillon Quartermaine love*

    They had better bring him back. He's stated how much he loves the show, loves the people (especially JE), and I read somewhere that he said he would always be a Quartermaine. (Now, how sweet is *that*!)

    Scott has gotten even better since his GH days. He's blown everyone out of the water acting-wise in everything I've seen him do on OLTL.

    Since Guza is so disheartened by how the Quartermaines have been decimated :blink: , he should be thrilled with this opportunity to bring back one of the most popular Qs around.

  7. I don't watch Y&R, but I did a double-take when I saw a heading about people coming back for Jill's *funeral*. Wow. She's been around since the beginning. I watched the first year couple of years of the show. Totally centered around the Brooks sisters, and a really, really good soap. Haven't watched in eons, though.

    For my fellow OLTLers, are you looking forward to Kelly and Todd? I think Gina and Trevor will be amazing if they do pair them. They are not only excellent actors, but real out of the box and quirky in their portrayals. Planning to watch today's show in a bit, ready to fast forward through the teeny boppers.

    Caught parts of GH during lunch. I'm more and more impressed with Lexi Ainsworth/Kristina all the time. I can see how this abuse/blaming Ethan thing might play out. Judging from the pics of the upcoming stuff, I think she feels humiliated by him, and all of her daddy issues, etc. It's all going to come to a head. For someone so young, I really think she plays nuances exceptionally well.

    Good last sequence! And any day with Helena is a good GH day. :)

    Thanks for the pics, Hooked!

  8. The GH medianet pics look interesting. Thanks for that, Funny. :) Love the LuNacy, of course, but I also love the Luke, Tracy and Ethan stuff. Great trio. They all play so well off one another. So glad they kept NP, and I never thought I'd say that. We can probably thank the hoopla over Ethan and Kristina for that. Or maybe TG went to bat for him. Or both. Whatever...I'm just glad he's staying. And he and Lucky truly look like brothers.

    Speaking of Lucky...Good grief! Does he **ever** stop crying?? And what is the deal with Jason? I've only watched a couple of minutes of GH today so far, but since when did Lucky and Jason develop this great friendship? Since JJ's back, I guess everybody has to love Lucky whether it makes sense or not. But for goodness sake, let the boy stop crying for two minutes. And please! Jason hardly ever cries with *anybody*! Seriously, has he cried at all since Alan died? And now he's blubbering with Lucky?

  9. GT I Like oltl. They treat their vets great with s/ls. And They are balanced over there. I love Roscoe Borne. He is awesome. :) That scene with Roxie reminded me of Hannabal Lector.

    I see LuNacy are in some medianet pics. They are smooching in one of them. :wub:


    Edit: Hiya Gt!

    Hey, Funny! Wouldn't Roscoe Born be spectacular as Luke's brother!!! I seriously believe his days on OLTL are down to the single digits. Maybe a little longer, but he's a whodunit waiting to happen.

    Oh, and I agree about the Hannibal Lector bit. Not sure that it was intentional. Doubt that it was actually. RB is so inventive and I really love Ilene Kristen on OLTL. Funny because I couldn't stand her as Delia on RH way back in the day. Far too needy, but as Roxie she's great.

    You're right about OLTL and their vets. I just wish they would off the teen set. It's like serving champagne with two week old white bread. If they were as talented as some of the GH set, it wouldn't be quite as horrific. But they're not, and it is...lol

    But at least OLTL gives their vets their own stories. I love Jerry ver Dorn. Kind of cool that Gina T. played his daughter on GL and now she's his ex-daughter-in-law. That's soaps for you. Always a small world.

  10. I've been watching parts of OLTL...that was a chilling scene. I was interested to see Gina T. back on the show. I love dorian and am hoping david will be back soon! Tuc Watkins cracks me up. I love that OLTL has such strong female characters..

    Chilling is the word. That was a sit on the edge of your seat, forget to breath scene. I would love to see Roscoe Born nominated for any Emmy. He's one of the best actors anywhere. I just hope that don't kill Mitch too severely, just "soap death". It was his return that got me watching again other than sporadic watching to catch Tuc's comings and goings. Gina has grown into an amazing actress. Young as she was when she started on OLTL, she owned that character from day one. Tuc has sort of revolving door status which is fine with me if that's the only way to get him. But I so hope that he comes back soon because Kelly and David make such a good team. Still remember the scenes when Kelly thought she killed David with the George Washington lamp. :lol: Have to find that on Youtube one of these days. It is a classic.

    Yeah what did Ethan say...he has friends, a father who adores him and a loving stepmother trying to keep him out of trouble...and he didn't sign up for that....so hmm...lets join the mob why don't we. Kind of a lame reason

    Lame for ordinary people. For Guza's group, I guess it just figures into the mentality that good is bad, and bad is good. Guess that's why all the truly good guys on the show are written as bullying the sweet, misunderstood mobsters or as not being "bad self" enough to interest any female in Port Charles.

    Sounds like this kristina story will be front burner this month-lexi tweeted she shot 8 episodes last week and is doing 11 this week.

    I really like what Lexi brings to the show. I'm a little biased because she reminds me so much of my niece in terms of looks. But I do think Lexi has a lot of potential. I've loved so much of what she's done with NLG, MB, KeMo, and she and Ethan are so charming together. Just waiting for Guza to totally screw that up...lol. Sorry, I know that doesn't sound very positive. How about this? I'm positive he'll try to screw it up. :P

    Edit: Hey there, Funny!

  11. For anyone who is keeping tabs on OLTL, was that not a standout scene with Roscoe Born and Ilene Kristen for the Friday cliffhanger? I'm sure they're getting ready to off him again, but that man can act like nobody's business. OLTL would be consistently good if a serial teen killer would come to town. That'll never happen, though, since they're the blessed demographic.

  12. Was that not adorable with Tracy and Ethan on Friday? Hooked, you're right. Tracy *is* Ethan's new mommy and I love it. It gives her more to do, and Ethan isn't the hair-in-the-face dour mumbler he was a year ago.

    This Skye at ELQ stuff doesn't sound short term, but maybe it won't be horrible as long as it gives Tracy story *and* that slinky witch slinks back out of Port Charles before they take a sledgehammer to LuNacy again. Guess we should all be glad that it's Skye and not someone else. Speaking of someone else, I thought it was funny how Guza compared some latest rumor to the ones that are always cropping up about someone else and Vanessa Marcil returning to GH. Kind of puts the kibosh on the idea that she's ThisClose to returning. B)

  13. Can I just say how much I am *not* looking forward to Skye's return? Sorry, not a huge fan of RC as it is, but more recycled dialogue and situations when it was all so unimaginative in the first place just doesn't do it for me.

    Skye slinks.

    Tracy gets jealous.

    Luke acts like a jerk.

    Hmmm...where's Coleman? Now, if they added him back to the mix, it might not be so bad.


    Someone tell me what THAT is about.

    i FLOVED her as a child. She's got to be over 70 now. Who/what will she be playing? lb

    If this is the story rumored from last year, she'll be an actress. There was some dish about an actress who's admitted to GH, some mysterious goings-on involving her death. Either way, sounds like it's terminal. She's on for about a month, the character has end stage cancer, and it kicks off story for Robin and Patrick, etc. after that. Seems a done deal that she dies, somebody protects somebody, whodunit, and whatever.

    Short as it will be, I'm looking forward to it.

  15. which is funny cause SKye was always the one trying to get luke to step up as a father to Lulu originally remember? Back when Tracy was like get this brat out of my house! LOL Tracy/Lulu have come a long way!

    The good thing will be to see Tracy's reaction to when Skye pops back in---you know it has to be good for some snark!

    That reminds of a scene when Skye was delegating parental responsibilities and presuming herself to be a mother figure for Lulu. And Luke said, "What kind of Cleaver Casserole are you cooking up here?" :lol:

    Luke and Tracy, as a couple, obviously work. But the way they *all* work together - Luke, Tracy, Lulu, Ethan, Lucky - and Dante - is almost as cool. Seriously love Tracy and Dante together. They are so missing out if they don't have them in each other's orbits more. They may be the best potential un-couple on the show. I want Tracy to be mother-in-law from hell. Of course that should balance with her "squishy" heart that Luke has grown so accustomed to. :wub:

    But back to Skye for a second. And that's about as long as I can tolerate her. Sorry to Skye fans, but I am so over the Q taunting of Tracy over Luke flirting with the dreaded Younger Woman. It's bad enough he has the hots for Helena. At least she's a character worthy of attention. And since Guza is so distraught on the dwindling Qs :wacko: how about making Helena Edward's sister? Or skip the sister bit. How about making her Tracy's mother? Now, that would be awesome on so many levels.

    EDIT: And hey again, Funny

  16. Hey, Everybody! Had to post in honor of JE ***finally, finally**** getting the next to last spot in the opening. And she looked fab. And loved TG's little diddy at the end with the roulette wheel. Seriously, someone must have died at ABC for them to fork over that place next to TG.

    Pretty cool about Michael Learned coming to GH for a few weeks. I guess if all else fails, and your show is General Hospital, have a hospital drama. ^_^ Loved The Waltons back in the day.

    I've been keeping up with One Life to Live. Kind of makes you appreciate GH in a weird way. Love Tuc Watkins, Gina Tognini, and Trevor St. John is a hoot and a half. The writing is so schmaltzy, though. If you watch it with the sound off, it's pretty good... :P

    Thanks for the dish on NLG, Hooked. :) Haven't looked at her Twitter in forever, so I'm sure I've missed some good stuff. Man, wouldn't she write a wicked tell-all about GH???

    Edit: Hey Funny!

  17. Thanks so much, Hooked! Hopefully they're right in both instances. Seriously, I can't imagine GH being dumb to have Holly on, and not have any scenes with Tracy. That's not just dumb. It's crazy!

    TracyQ, there was no Tracy or any mention of her today. Both Tracy and Luke are supposed to be on tomorrow.

    If you go to SOC, I think they have recaps of each show. The characters on today were Spinelli, Maxie, Johnny, Patrick, Elizabeth, Lucky, Sam, Jason, Sonny, Claudia, Olivia, Nikolas, and Rebecca/Emily. (I may have left out a couple, but that was basically it.)

  18. Sort of skimmed through the show...Boring as everything, IMO, but here's what I noticed...

    They're changing everything. Sonny and Olivia instead of Claudia, LnL2 speed reconciliation, Nikolas/Emily/Rebecca, and Sam and Jason. So, maybe they will soon be changing other things we don't like.

    Hooked, thanks for sharing the Lil Sharks scoop. She seems sincere in her posts. I don't guess anyone gets everything right, but she never sounds BS-ish to me. That business about BG and couples sounds really in keeping with today. I could care less about any of them, but all of the couples getting started or restarted today are his choices. (Based on everything that's been passed along. Haven't seen anything contradictory.)

    I hope this doesn't turn out to be a be careful what you wish for thing, but no one could care less about the Quartermaines than BG. So, maybe the Quartermaines will be, if not front and center, at least a real part of the show. Romance and couples, which Frons likes, are soap tradition. So, it makes sense he would see families as part of the equation. (I hope!) And the Q's always top the list as GH's favorite family. :)

  19. Exactly--because in reality---we all know they are not giving Tracy any more kids or the Qs any more members. None of the actors sell the juice--ergo...no story for you!

    I just hope we get some true Q-ness from this before it's hijacked to become part of Jason's Box O' Pain. <_<

  20. Wow...quiet Sunday.

    I was just reading an article on Daytime Confidential about how CBS is going to try and keep their GL people. They sounded adamant as opposed to PR BS. I hope it is the former. The last thing we need is some influx of GL actors.

    We need an *outflux*...lol...not an influx. Speaking of, Ethan needs to be the next one to go. Accents are great. We've had plenty of them on GH. Diction is an *entirely* different component and when one sounds like they are gargling with oatmeal, call me unreasonable, but I'm not a fan. (I'm leaving hair out of it since I see Funny is around. Hi, Funny! :D )

  21. All this, PLUS: The much-anticipated results from Luke and Ethan's DNA test will be revealed. Don't miss it!

    They forget to mention how "wildly popular" they are. :P Thanks for the scoops, as always, Hooked! :)

    One good thing about this storyline, and I do mean *one* good thing...Lots of TQ (relatively speaking) so far. Loved that last scene where she was like "Oh, please! Spit it out! You're here for a DNA test!" Epiphany was a hoot, too.

    EDIT: On the Ethan is really Tracy's son bit, someone mentioned that on SOC, too. Wherever it's coming from, it's probably just well-intentioned but misguided desperation to get more story for TQ.

  22. Well if he pre-taped a bunch of stuff with Emma (if that was true) and none with Jane that the new "soapdish leader" insider ALI said (lol) then he would either by leaving town with Holly or meet up with Holly looking for Robert. Or if the other insiders are correct and Emma is there two week and is off by end of May--and Luke has taped til early junish then maybe he doens't leave town with her.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm interpreted it that, by pre-taping, they meant the scenes would air later than the usual lag time. So, either way, it's sounds to me as if TG and ES finish about the same time. And you know what? Even if he does leave with Holly, it will probably mean some really good stuff for Tracy.

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