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Posts posted by GroovyTracyQ

  1. Since Helena is clearly not going anywhere...

    The story waiting to happen is that Tracy is Helena's daughter. Seriously, everything is in place. Tracy is Helena with a heart and a conscience. (Even with Alan gone. :( ) She could still be Edward's daughter...or not. If this was DL's Edward, it would be preposterous, but things are played differently now. And it would explain why Edward gives strangers and former enemies more benefit of the doubt than he does his only supposed daughter.

    Anyway, I think this would be story gold. And Luke! He would be incredulous, mortified, and fascinated - and in that order. As it turns out, Tracy really would be, for Luke, "the total package"!

    And who cares about Lila not being Tracy's biological mother? Not I. Lila was more interested in cowtowing to Edward when he chose to cut Tracy out of the family. Furthermore, this would be much less of a rewrite than the LuNacy marriage that we know Tracy tried seven ways to Sunday to work around, and their marriage was as legal as legal gets.

    Guza could do this justice. He excels in stories with a twisted element and, from a writing standpoint, I mean that as a compliment. ;)

  2. Click/Boom happened outside of Luke's Club, so yeah Luke was there to see it first hand.

    Spoilers are always funny in their wording and that's before agendas come into play. For instance "Luke takes off on Tracy with Lucky's help" - that's the kind of interpretation I'd expect from an LnL hardliner who wants to believe this is the end of LuNacy. I'm sure what we see is something very different and he leaves... he doesn't "take off". There is a huge difference. I'm just amused that Ethan and Lucky are brought into the middle of it in the first place.

    As for Hellzabub - I really, truly hope Tracy squashes that bug without needing Luke to do it. I think you're right - the attraction to Helena pales when faced with Tracy who has every bit the complicated villain potential in her, but it's tempered with her heart and sanity. Helena has gone over the deep end if she truly thinks Luke will be amused by Tracy suffering. Any way they play it, the dynamic is interesting.

    It's interesting because the Lucky mentioned made it sound better to me. Sounds like he has Lucky's blessing and Lucky, like everyone else, knows that Luke really, really loves Tracy. So, maybe Lucky helps him appropriate some survival cash. In any event, that spoiler is filed in my brain under Inconsequential. (Not that there is that much in my brain that's inconsequential...)

    I'm seeing some kind of Tracy/Helena tussle this summer. It might not be epic, but definitely a beginning. I wouldn't mind seeing a little Piph thrown in to the mix considering Tracy and Piph were co-conspirators of sorts in getting the 411 on the paternity.

  3. I actually checked out the IL at The Dish...

    Jasam have a lovescene Moday.

    Jolivia and Carjax have nice scenes on Thursday.

    Jason is at GH for Sam/Kristina after Kristina is caught in the car blast.

    Olivia is going to be loosing her common sense to stand by Sonny in the next few weeks.

    Patrick and Lisa sleep together after working on Shirley.

    Sonny skates for setting the bomb under Johnny's car thanks to Olivia's alibi.

    Nik and Liz blame each other when their son goes missing just as Helena wants.

    Jason "hits the brink" and wants Sam to run with him after he kills Carter (quite brutally).

    Alexis blames Johnny, Ethan and Sonny for using Kristina in their "mob games."

    Luke takes off on Tracy with Lucky's help.

    Dante sides with Brooke when Lulu tells him about her manipulations.

    Patrick is pushed to the edge when he looses a patient during the hospital lockdown.


    This looks familiar. I think Hooked brought it to us a few days ago. But it was posted on the IL today...

    Insider us Tracy offscreen during the hospital lockdown,

    are Luke/Tracy over fir good?

    Why is Luke trying to get away from her? oh and what is the romantic twist fir them? Luke taking off on her?

    Tracy is at GH. She's the first to see Helena with the baby. I dont know long term to know if they are over for good. Luke leaves when she wont forgive him.


    My rant: In their comments, they refer to Luke taking off on Tracy or "abandoning" her. I guess that's ingrained in people, but seriously...He leaves because she won't forgive him vs. he abandons her. Big difference.

  4. I don't remember if Luke was there to see Lily get blown up but you'd think tehat SOnny wouldn't want to go down that road with car explosives since his first wife was blown up.

    Tracy demands a divorce? How do you divorce if you aren't legally married?

    Probably just a rewording of the Tracy empties Luke's bank accounts, and the other one I mentioned about severing all ties with him. Divorce in quotes was from the spoiler itself, by the way.

    About the car bomb, I've seen a clip of that scene and my remembrance is that Luke and Sonny were walking back into the club when the bomb went off.

  5. Spoilers ~

    Most of these may have already been posted as SOC is a composite of other's info. But here it is...

    Luke tries again to win Tracy over, & he’s thrown overboard

    June 23rd: Lucky & Ethan find themselves stuck in the middle of Tracy & Luke's spectacle.

    Ethan tries to calm Tracy but fails

    Luke breaks into the Q mansion to see her, but Tracy has him arrested

    Tracy will be demanding a "divorce"

    *end of spoilers*

    I'm guessing the last spoiler and the "Tracy wants to sever all ties with Luke" spoiler from another day are one and the same.

    Also, the Helena's kidnapping of Elizabeth's baby doesn't last long. She gets what she wants, and then makes it all appear to be a hospital error.

    Wonder what she does...a DNA implant?? You never know with Helena.

    And, Funny, you'll probably like the scenes coming up with Luke and Sonny. Nothing is spelled out in spoilers, but I'm surmising that Luke tries to dissuade Sonny from the car bomb meant for Johnny by reminding him about what happened to Lily. Luke was there to see it, wasn't he?

  6. GH doesn't know what they are doing. I guess they are doing the re-un-write because of tg's vacay. And when he comes back maybe they'll spring on the "they are legally" married. I dunno... :wacko:

    Funny, this not legal but he has all the legal documents explanation of the marriage/non-marriage seems suspiciously vague to me. Intentional or not, they have certainly left the door wide open for a return to the "real story." Seriously, we were there. And everyone watching knew that Tracy investigated every legal avenue those first few weeks. (After that, neither Tracy nor Luke wanted out of the marriage. :wub: )

    This is so clearly a rewrite that I wonder if they intend it to remain a rewrite. Guza's comments about how there was a reason they didn't show the Vegas wedding was hooey as far as I'm concerned. And maybe he meant it as only short-term hooey. :lol: You think?

    And Ms. Q, lovely job on the new graphics. :D

    Ms. Q making LuNacy banners with Tracy hair extensions! It's just like old times.

  7. And GTQ, then getting on to what you've said, Helena doesn't stand a chance. It's interesting that Hellzabub is all about 'this is what we do, this is our dance of attraction', and Luke's only response is "if anything happens to my wife you're done/you've gone too far". I don't think it was any mistake that Tracy gave her rings back to Luke in front of Helena. She could have taken them off at any time - every other piece of her jewelry was removed - and even left them in the dungeon, but no... she kept them on and made a show of it. I wouldn't be the least surprised if we get Helena/Tracy interaction this summer. Perhaps protecting Tracy from Hellzabub is what brings him back in September/October... something has to if he's leaving thinking she's really through with him this time. (Two years ago he stayed away because he thought Tracy had left him for good, and was astounded that she tracked him down and explained otherwise.)

    If you think about it, TPTB are going down the list. First they gave Laura a 'saving face' moment pretending she made the choice to leave, when it's quite obvious Luke made the choice to stay with Tracy (no matter how others try to spin it, Luke's 'no choice to be made' was a choice for Tracy), then they removed Holly with the wimpy threat "if you hurt Luke" - of course they will hurt each other, but they hurt themselves more in the process, and how Helena blowing hot air about how she and Luke have always had this 'thing'. Well perhaps they have because no other woman challenged/excited him before. But that's not the case any longer. No matter how you cut it, every one of Luke's "women" haven't stood the Tracy-test. And the only other one to matter - Lulu - has been a Tracy-cheerleader for years now. I hope Luke comes back roaring like the lion and puts Helena in her place once and for all. In this one Hellzabub can't win... that's just the truth of the matter. And with Tracy now on the warpath, Helena's 'playing' days are numbered.

    About Helena's "playing" days, Tracy knows about Elizabeth's child's paternity. Actually, she only suspected, but after the lengths to which Helena went, Tracy is probably all but certain. It isn't uppermost in her mind at the moment, but when circumstances shift, Tracy might take down Helena even without Luke. And wouldn't he love that? You know he would.

    And that *should* leave Helena out for revenge against Luke and Tracy which could be a story for the ages.

  8. Now my hope is for Lulu to grab Spinelli by the depressed lapels and drag him over to her place to see what they can do about LuNacy's marriage - I would much rather Spin working for the Spencermaines then Carly right now.

    Remos, you and are on the same page. Moreover, I would rather Spinelli *be* a Spencermaine. Seriously, I can see it. Helena stole "materials" from Luke and Tracy, and, voila...Spinelli. She can freeze people and bring them back. A little reproductive enhancements on the side would be child's play for Helena.

    Spinelli = Luke and Tracy's child. It is written.

    Speaking of Helena, I am loving the green-eyed jealousy over LuNacy. Tracy, when you think about it, is a good-hearted version of Helena. She has the cunning, the charm, the understanding of the dark side - everything that has attracted Luke to Helena.

    When Luke called Tracy "the total package", I believe that's exactly what he meant. She's not an "angel" or a devil, both equally unhealthy obsessions. Essentially, both have been officially dumped in every way possible.

    But back to Spinelli, I can see it so well.

  9. Remos, so glad your eyes are better.

    You know, they have been very vague in their explanations of how Luke and Tracy are supposedly not "legally" married. First, Luke admits they aren't. Then, he says that he has "all the necessary legal documents." :blink: Isn't that what "legal" means?

    Does he mean that they didn't say the vows? If so, they have corrected that oversight. I thought I read something about how Tracy hallucinates her version, and then Luke tells her what really happened. We never got that. Luke has been very sketchy on the details. Makes me wonder if they are already setting up a possible un-rewrite of the rewrite. :unsure:

    As for Tracy and Franco, I am so hoping we get one scene that includes her critique of his art. And I wonder if JF requested to work with JE and TG. I'm thinking he did.

    Too bad about BA if it's true, and it probably is. They made such a mistake when they tried to transform Spinelli from Spinelli into a slightly more conventional leading man. "Spinelli" and "conventional" shouldn't even be used in the same sentence.

    A few more LuNacy thoughts for the night...

    What I loved about yesterday was that Helena was *jealous* of Luke and Tracy. She taunted Tracy just a few weeks ago with the bit about how she could make Luke stray from his ex, so why did Tracy think she stood a chance?

    Helena has been corrected. That's why she was taunting Luke about needing two little boys to rescue him rather than doing it himself and holding her with a dagger at her throat. Turns out it was all about Tracy instead of Helena, and that has Helena really ticked off.

    I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't try to exact some revenge against Tracy for the simple fact that Helena has lost her Dance of Darkness partner. Luke doesn't find anything that Helena did even remotely attractive, even in their twisted attraction.

    Kind of cool actually. Helena was responsible for putting Lucky into a coma for months, but Luke still had the hots for her. Tracy gets sick for a couple of days because of Helena indirectly, and Luke is out for blood.

    When Luke told Tracy that she was the only woman for him, he meant it.

  10. Okay iin Biloxi with my little one swimming and I'm sitting by the pool with a plastic cup of wine that is crappy but nice to be out of the car.

    Mayra w is playing a lawyer in a storyline with lucky and Alexis from what I read. I think it might be the child advocate role

    those spoilers were reworded from dish drop, but they changed it to Luke doesn't know and steals the money.

    Too bad it isn't Helena setting like up with the money missing and he just leaves to give get space. Be much better if we could continue the Tracy helna feud

    Hope you're enjoying yourself, Hooked, despite the crappy wine. :) Thanks for the info on MW. Sounds like maybe it's a short-term thing like they did with Martha Byrne.

    Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised with some Tracy/Helena interaction. Tracy is on to Helena's paternity switch scheme. That has to play into things at some point. And the baby is about to be born, so *now* would be a good time.


    Funny, I wish I could believe you were right about Luke lying to protect Tracy. Unfortunately, I believe that he doesn't believe they are legally married. But that doesn't mean they aren't. You never know. What was rewritten can be written back.

  11. Some LuNacy related drops on SOC...

    With Luke, Tracy begins to turn softly (I *love* the wording)

    Unfortunately, Luke doesn’t know this & he steals some of her $ then splits

    Franco can't fool Tracy

    Luke is mentioned for the 29th: He tries to keep Ethan safe

    Me: Interesting that Luke disappears the following day...

    That's it for spoilers...

    Looks like the Maura West rumor has people split...

    Half say they like/love her; the other half are screaming that they need to write for the cast that they already have.

  12. Potentially big news - Maura West is apparently close to signing and GH is acknowledged by those in the know as the best soap on the waves right now - followed by Days and BB (which I've heard sucks, so that doesn't say much for anyone else). Who could she possibly play? I would die if she was a Laura-recast. Highly unlikely but I would die laughing. Hopefully she'll be a Cassidine - but don't get her up in Luke's business at the expense of Tracy.

    An ewcbo recast? The LnL core howlers would short circuit the entire world wide web. Can you even imagine? :lol::lol::lol:

    As for MW's character, yes, she had better stay out of Luke's "business", but you know what? Let's suppose, hypothetically speaking, she was a complication for LuNacy. It makes ewcbo even less of a presence than she is now. No need for The Great Return/Check's In The Mail. ;)

    And, Remos, take care of your eyes! Hope everything is okay.

  13. Just watched the Skye, Ethan (and Maya...can't stand her) scenes on YouTube. It sounds very LuNacy-forward to me. The Quartermaine interloper (I'll just call her QI from now on; she's seriously so inconsequential and bland she barely warrants a name) asked why Luke loves Tracy. Skye proceeded to answer her, essentially confirming that, yes, he does. And we know Skye knows Luke loves Tracy since she remarked on "how much" before Luke left to find Tracy.

    As for the "What about the romance" line...QI only fancies herself to know anything about the Qs or Lunacy. She's essentially the village idiot, certainly when it comes to LuNacy. Hmmm...come to think of it, maybe that was her purpose of being in the scene. QI, who doesn't know LuNacy from Adam, gave Ethan and Skye an avenue of explaining LuNacy without actually turning to the audience to do so. Know what I mean? Because I felt that today was one of those expository episodes in relation to LuNacy.

    So, back to the exposition...The idea was not to suggest that a "spark", LuNacy's or anyone's, was less than love or romance. Instead, the spark was as special, or moreso, than romance, hence the mention of how few people are lucky enough to have it.

    But the *best* line was when Ethan said that, no, this wouldn't be the end of Luke and Tracy. Luke would find a way to make it a beginning. That was the most telling of future story.

    Anyway, I'm still on the LuNacy train. But right now, I'm also on the Throw Guza from the Train. Intentions and future story plans aside, his timing reeks to high heaven. I'll give him a pass, however, if Tracy's hurt and/or fury plays into story in a meaningful way.

  14. I'd be fine with a true-Q Skye, and that would drive Tracy insane which is always a fun thing. So long as Luke is a faithful and attentive has he has been, he can fool around with someone else for an adventure (although Tracy can do adventures too).

    Remember how Skye used to call her "Aunt Tracy"? :lol: That alone is worth the re-Qing.

  15. Remos, thank you for finding that photo. It's wonderful! And even more wonderful is how Luke and Tracy, and Luke and Tracy and their family have been established, and re-established, as *It*. There aren't any placekeepers here.

    And Hooked...Remember that purple crown we passed around a couple of summers ago when we found the radio interview, etc? LOL Too bad it's long gone because you deserve a special coronation for finding that interview. And that is a hoot and a half that it was on LnL.com. :o:P

    Speaking of which, good call, Hooked, on what happens when the right person wants to come back. My sense is that lack of desperation, community spirit, and flexible terms go a long way in landing a GH gig of any length.

    I'm really glad that Brook Lyn is coming back because it bodes even better for Scott Clifton's return. They seem to actually be walking the talk with building the Qs. I can see them doing a short-term thing, maybe even recurring, at least to begin with. But SC has been quoted as saying that he would jump at the chance to come back if asked.

    Dillon coming to PC to shoot a movie would be the perfect way to get him back, especially if they didn't want to commit to a contract yet. It sounds like SC has some spectacular work coming up at OLTL as he ends his run, so hopefully all the buzz will get fan support behind him for a GH return.

    I don't think Ethan and Tracy will be gone for long. Jason is already putting two and two together. Even Jason should be able to come up with four given a few weeks. And they don't leave until the end of March, right?

    I'm glad to see the reference to "fun" re Luke and Skye. As long as it's not heavy, it should be fine. At least we know LuNacy is going forward. The form might shift at times, but everything points to LuNacy as a permanent condition. B)

    EDIT: Do you think they might be planning to re-Q Skye? I don't remember how far things went with Ned, but, as I remember, the de-Qing seemed to coincide with their decision to pair them. Just a thought. Sounds like RC viewed her story as unfinished and that would give it a tentative ending, whether she came back again later or not.

  16. Thank you, Hooked, for that fantabulous interview! You should get stuck in the airport more often. :D I read what was apparently a tiny excerpt on it earlier at SOC. It was posted by one of the LnLers and, inexplicably, they left out quite a few parts including how he's crazy about her. Imagine that.

    And thanks for the 411 on Skye...I think. Hate that Luke is lying to Tracy. And hope that RC is still happy living in Pennsylvania. And wants to stay there.

    About this "thing" she's looking for...Does anyone think it might be Lila Rae? If she isn't supposed to show up in PC with Skye, seems strange if Skye's going to be around for a couple of months. (Or longer.) Who knows, though, at the rate they SORAS kids these days, she's probably in boarding school. On the other hand, there were some heavy hints that Alcazar was still alive. Maybe someone took Lila Rae again, and Skye thinks it was him. And she's wanting Luke to help her. Whatever it is. Done and gone. That's what I want from Skye until and unless they put her in someone else's orbit. Wish they'd gone the Jax route.

    I hope Tracy isn't gone too long although, if our predictions about the "plot" are correct, we've seen enough of jealous Tracy. Since Ethan's with Tracy, I guess we'll know when she's coming back when we find out when Ethan is cleared.

  17. Well Sonny's looking like a completely irrational fool, and he has for some time now. I think TPTB are finished with the CareBear mob and are shifting the focus back to the good guys. The only one who will come out of this clean is Ethan, and he's definitely a Good Guy.

    I don't think this is going to be owned by Sonny. I was actually pleased to see how many others were the focus. Tracy was incredible with Alexis, not giving in but not upsetting her more than she already was anyway. Jason's first thought was to Luke and now with Johnny's involvement Ethan WILL live out the night. Sam is being as reasonable as can be expected given what she believes to be true. Lucky and Dante are already on top of things. And all of this has happened with Luke out of town. We haven't gotten his part of things yet.

    I'm pleased thus far. Guza is doing an exceptionally good job here.

    Yeah, I don't think it's going to get mobified either. Things are going in the family direction, and I think it's an ABC Daytime-dictated shift in paradigm. I don't watch AMC, but have you seen the promos? It's all about family, established characters. OLTL...I'm not sure about. But I think they've got another year or so and it's no signal, so they're not much of a barometer.

    Edit: I just caught that last bit. An official Liaison and the Jiz fans got excited??? OMG how STUPID can you be?

    This should go in the soap edition of Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

  18. Yeah, I've pretty much had my fill of SOC and it's hypocrisy. There are some really good, amazingly analytical and open minded people there but they are hard to find. I was just over there and saw that the so called "friend" of mine has started yet another hate thread... oy..... time to get gone I think.

    Definitely time to get gone. It's a trainwreck you can't resist reading sometimes, but it's good to remember that, as you said, many have been chased away and I'd like to believe that they don't represent the average GH viewer. Most folks, IMO, look for good writing, acting, and we're certainly getting that. Also, if GH is invested in this story, and I believe this is where it's happening for the foreseeable future, they will change what's needed if there's legitimate fan response to elements in the story.

    About the show today, it is very compelling and Guza is hitting all the points. I also am intrigued by the part where Kristina is trying to say it's her fault and everyone is saying no it's not - which is right about the abuse part, she did nothing to deserve that. But I think what she's trying to find is the courage to say ETHAN's situation and anger is her fault, and that is absolutely correct.

    I think you're right. And I believe that she may be doing what she's doing because she's afraid for her life. She had the life almost beaten out of her because she lied to Kiefer, from her perspective. So, who knows what would happen if she does something that could send him to prison?

  19. I HATE SONNY. Just thought I'd add that.

    If Guza reduces this story to Sonny's Box of Pain, it will be the single biggest missed opportunity in soap history. But I don't think it will happen. Guza might be mobularly-focused, but it sounds like ABC is shifting the balance of power which might be a good omen. Speaking of, someone posted a job description for a GH/ABC liaison. A couple of the Jason/Liz fans were ecstatic! :lol: No kidding.

  20. Yeah, I've been kind of stunned by how little sympathy there is for Kristina. That little girl is scared beyond belief and just because we know the facts doesn't mean we can understand her thinking in the moment. I find folks at SOC are so bloody narrow-minded and literal - they can't look at things from anyone else's perspective. And the few that can are often silenced.

    They wouldn't know a shade of grey if it bit them in the fanny, and the hypocrisy is astounding. That's why I can't get enthused about posting there. I'm tolerant about just about everything except those who cling to their so-called moral compass. And given all the references to "whoop"(ing) someone, I think some of their compasses are not exactly pointing true north.

    All in all I think GH is telling one hell of a story and I can't wait to see where they go with this. So many of the characters' scars are going to be showing in this one.

    This story has the potential to be what OLTL did with the AIDS storyline in the early-mid '90s. Anyone remember that? It was spectacular storytelling that involved almost the entire canvas. That's how I see this story taking form.

  21. What a gut-wrenching show. And I have to say, just skimming through the posts at SOC, I'm floored by how Kristina blaming Ethan has almost overshadowed the attack. I guess the only positive aspect of that is that no one would have cared a few months ago. Ethan's popularity has relatively skyrocketed. So, I'm glad about that.

    As for Kristina...I don't remember when anything was that difficult to watch. And I can completely understand why Kristina's sea of emotions and challenged physical state took her to a place where blaming Ethan just happened. The audience's lens and Kristina's are world's apart.

    I'm so impressed with Lexi Ainsworth and, actually, with the actor who plays Kiefer. I want Kiefer thrown in a he11hole for the rest of his life. He can dine on mud-encrusted broken glass and wash it down with sewer water. So, the actor must be doing his job very well. Extremely believable and excellent portrayals all around.

    And, Remos, don't worry about Ethina. I think I see where this may be headed, and it's just beginning for them.

  22. Since then LuNacy has been happier than ever and MY hope is that when Skye does make an appearance, rather than worry for her marriage, Tracy rips Skye a new one for taking Luke out of the hospital in a weakened condition. That has never been addressed and IMO would be much more interesting to watch (also shove another handful of whatever it is down the hardliners throats who think Tracy is a place keeper).

    You're right, Remos. They completely glossed over that one unless there was some throwaway line by Tracy. But I'd love to see a confrontation.

    As for the placekeeper myth keepers, they really are GH's answer to the Flat Earth Society. Wonder if they think the snowstorms are proof there's no climate change. <_<

  23. This whole Luke-looks-Tracy-sours theme has GOT to end. Considering she was laughing about the attention he paid to "Ms. Busty", I'm hoping that corner has been turned.

    Amen, Remos. Ditto. You said it. WORD!

    That is the one and only objection I have to Skye, although I'd rather it be Skye than someone else. But, yes, can we *please* get into the groove here and move forward instead of in circles, Mr. Guza?

  24. Yeah for some reason I am optimistic about Skye's return. I think it is going to play out as a more fun sl rather than a gloom and doom one. I could be wrong of course, but I am hopeful.

    And of all the horrible, horrendous outfits we have to see JE wear repeatedly, the teal jacket is not on my list.

    *Waves to GTQ*

    Hey there, Halee! :) I'm with you on the jacket. If it doesn't look like caftan curtains, that's an automatic plus. I'm sure we have a few curtains coming our way, though, if they dust off the cobwebs on the Q's living room.

    I still wonder about Ted King. Seems a big coincidence that he was rumored to be coming back, and RC is coming back for how ever long, within a short period of time. I love JE and TK scenes. And we know they do, too. Actually, I love JE and RC scenes. I just don't like RC and TG scenes. ^_^

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