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Posts posted by DAMfan

  1. If I am home at 2 PM and I have to look at the TV listings on DVR guide to find something to watch - when I use to not even give a second thought that I would be watching GL on CBS and the thing about DVR - you can see what is on 4 channels at a time without even have to look at any channel [like CBS].


  2. I have been watching GL classics on my new iPod, they look good and they are the good GL shows, Edmund really looks good - it is really great to carry in my hands and can watch GL when ever I want to watch or which show I want to watch - I miss new Light, but GL classics are the next best thing and I can listen to anything I want to - can find anything Beatles I want ttito hear. I am not really boycoting CBS, I am just not interested in most of their shows now and after upgrading my cable with more channels, upgrading my internet and new ipod - tacky LMAD would be a waste of my money - I was 3rd GL gen - watched GL all my life and to watch the show that replaced GL would be an insult to my family.


  3. Finally got my new iPod Touch set up and figured out and watched Edmund clips and he looked really good on the iPod of course I would have loved to watched new Eddie stuff on new GL shows, but GL classics are the next best thing to watch and it is so cool to watch and carry around and it is nice to listen to all my favorite music.


  4. think leaving Edmund/jeffie storyline up in the air and viewers wondering what happened to both - may have given some the idea - that we would see Eddie/jeffie again - however I doubt jeffie will ever come home - since he can't hit the side of a barn - he probably will never kill Eddie and of course I am sitting with Eddie in front of a fireplace drinking hot chocolate and jeffie sneaks up with a gun and Eddie spies Mr. Agent Man and says "Mr. O'Neal sit down and have some hot chocolate with us."


  5. I like Beatles and chocolate, do not like squid or frog legs - GL is like the fab Four and chocolate to me and game shows are like squid that taste like a tire and frog legs that made me sick for days, I am on break and could really need my Light - however I am watching the World till the end, but I am not watching anything on CBS daytime that come on before or any show that comes on after, because I am not interested.


  6. CBS daytime was just fine with 4 soaps and fine when CBS had GL and ATWT on their daytime and if it wasn't broken for decades, don't mess with it - CBS made a big mistake when they took off our Light and now the World and if CBS doen't think it will not matter when they lose generations of viewers all I can say is what goes around - comes around and CBS will not have GL/ATWT viewers.


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