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Posts posted by QueenTracy

  1. Okay I think I messed up. I just posted as Scott in response to Tracy, but I didn't put Scotty said...

    sorry guys.

    I mentioned it to SoapQueen. She is going to check it out!

    I think I can fix that for you later, hooked. When you post a comment, there's a box for name. (It says name/URL. You don't have to worry about the URL.) Whatever you enter in that box will show up at the top of the comment . Good Scotty voice, by the way! :D

  2. It. Is. So. Late. :o

    Tweaking the blog. Trying to figure out a way to make the comments more prominent. Until then...

    We have a grand total of 3 comments on Tracy's aka Remos' great first post! :D

    Our cast of characters so far:

    Remos as Tracy

    Funny as Edward

    Nancy/QT as Dillon and Alan

    So, please, go forth and post!

    You can be anyone you like.

    To post a comment, click the "comments" link at the bottom of the post. At the top of the window that comes up, you'll see all the comments made so far. Below those comments will be a new window to post your own comment.

    It's easy. Just like posting here.

    Thanks for the nice comments on the blog! :)

  3. That's Ms. Q's LuNacy masterpiece at the top of our new blog!

    I was looking through all of Ms. Q's banners on the other site, and that one worked because of the dimensions. Also, I thought that the "keep the LuNacy love alive" banner theme was very apropos given that we won't see them together in anything new until September. I'll be adding graphics and we'll keep sprucing it up. For now, it puts us on the map. :)

    *waving to funny*

  4. I've been spreading the LuNacy love on SOC...TL, love your list of the fabulousity (new word) of today. My sentiments exactly!!

    Loved, loved, loved Tracy at the end with the laugh and the way she said, "Are you just going to stand there lookin' stupid, or are we going to get the hell out of dodge?!" :lol: And...she looked gorgeous. Absolutely radiant.

    And, no, there's no way we can wait until mid-September. So, let's pretend the LuNacy is back early August. Then, when early August rolls around, it will only be a little over a month. Will that work? :D

  5. Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventure ~ an idea for a format/theme:

    Different characters could post in the blog talking about running into Tracy & Luke during their summer adventure. For example, they might go to Dillon for help while he's working on location. Robert is another possibility. Oh, and maybe Ghost Alan could do some blogging. :lol: We can still have some or most of it from Tracy & Luke, but this might be a fun angle.

    Any thoughts for now? Let's definitely do breakroom later on this, okay?

    I'm setting up a main page that will link to the blog, but can only go so far before we decide on just how we're going to do this.

  6. We need to have a blog pow-pow in the breakroom later!


    Hooked, Tracy may be a fictional character, but she is definitely not a fake character. So, I feel your pain... :) Having said that, I'm still so happy that Tracy and Luke are leaving together, and we're getting this kind of couple payoff. Could be a lot worse.

    Don't forget...We didn't even see her for a whole month around Feb.-March and for no reason at all. The time will fly by with Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventure this summer.

    Remos, I was wondering about the Tracy in July vs Jane in July myself. We've seen mid-July and late July mentioned as a return date. If they're still taping about two weeks ahead, maybe it's mid-July for Jane and late July for Tracy.

  7. How are the technical plans coming for the blog, QT? What have you found out?

    This looks like the best way to go...Main page for Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventures on the tracyluke site that prominently links to the blog itself. The blog would, in turn, link back to the tracyluke site. That should be good for traffic including search engine traffic.

    I've looked at blogger, blogspot, and others, but now I'm thinking livejournal's blog option might be the one to go with. Let's toss this around in the breakroom tonight. I'll post more in the meantime if I have anything.

  8. *waving to funny*

    Funny, I love your new avatar. A wilted flower, a broken body, and a battered heart. And he offered it all to the woman he loves. Now, that's *true* romance.

    Yeah, how about that...we won. Seems too easy, though... ;) But, hey, we'll be too busy with Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventures and cheesing about how darned sweet it is that Jane and Tony are such good friends. It's such a nice, dorky feeling. :P

    By the way, are we doing breakroom tonight? Time?

  9. Just a quick one...need to check on website stuff, blog stuff for us LuNatics ~

    The Jane and Tony thread that hooked started is getting lots of action. If anybody has a minute, knh just posted something with a rather interesting analysis of Tracy.

    Also, there's a favorite female character thread near the top.

    Remos...good perspective as usual. Living well is always the best revenge, isn't it? :D

  10. Hey QT... someone on SOC suggested a Blog for Luke and Tracy's summer together. Can that be added to your website?

    Where there's a will, there's a way, remos! :D I will start looking into that today.

    Oh, and guess who's photo is pasted on the top of our Jane and Tony on vacation thread. <_<

  11. Thank you, hooked!

    So many things I loved about that article aside from the obvious!

    I don't have a lot to do on the show right now, but everything I do have, I'm very happy with.

    "If I were, I would have left a long time ago and would have missed the top of my game, if you know what I'm saying."

    As remos so astutely pointed out (before this article was in print), even TG doesn't know when he's going to retire. And now we have confirmation..."I haven't made any decisions about when. I mean, I'm happy."

  12. Thanks for the clips, nex!

    Thanks for the spoilers, hooked!

    No luck finding the Leeza Gibbons' Hollywood Confidential interview with Jane and Tony...only a mention of his name with a few others that had been on in the past several weeks. Nothing about specific dates, though. It's on over 100 stations, so maybe there's a transcript somewhere.

  13. Ms. Q, I love the LuNacy poster. I would love to add that to the site! It definitely needs/deserves its own page.

    As for your sister, she is clearly not as discerning as the rest of us. Your poster is top-notch.

  14. Comment line numbers:


    ABC comment line: 818-460-7477

    (press #2, then #4,

    then 464 for GH to cut through the prompts)

    GH Comment line: 323-671-4583

    Switch line: 310-557-7777

    (tell them who you want to talk to)

    Phone numbers, snail mail and email addresses are still on main page at tracyluke.info

    Looks like it might be a good idea to keep them there... :)

    Credit goes to hooked for giving us that info for the site, by the way :)

  15. We did... you started it... remember???

    The ewcbo fans can block all they want, they can't take away the fact that in the last week alone, Luke as admited

    - his love with Tracy is once in a lifetime

    - he's nuts about her

    - he wants her back

    - it doesn't work without her

    - he loves his wife

    - he doesn't cheat on her

    - he wants to be the man she deserves...

    Did I miss anything?

    About the site, I meant a site more general that would attract the same fans that are on SOC. Also, there's not really an easy way to add a message board to the tracyluke site.

  16. OMFG... excuse the French but I can't believe the gaul of SOC...

    I started a thread highlighting all the things Luke said to Tracy, especially about getting the chance to treat her as she deesrved. I return 5 MINUTES LATER and they've already removed the thread and buried what I wrote under Luke: limp flower.

    And you know how they put 'moved' beside a thread that has been merged... nothing. Go down the main menu and you'd never know I started it. But the picture of ewcbo is front and centre.

    Hey, I have an idea for a project. Let's start a website that isn't **TOTALLY BIASED AGAINST ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH TRACY**

  17. Were we ripped off today? Did the scenes not play out the way the breakdowns said? I read a recap that said it ended without her saying yes and him slipping the ring back on and a kiss. I should wait for remos to recap.

    Maybe they were moved to tomorrow.

    Moved to tomorrow...definitely. We may only get a scene or two, but this was definitely a cliffhanger. I can see their not being in previews as not to give away what her answer is.

  18. Recapping...

    Tracy is upset with Alice. Silver has spots, dust bunnies under her bed, etc.

    Edward says Alice is doing a fine job.

    Tracy wants to know what Alice has on him...pictures?

    Tracy: "Isn't there anyone I can depend on?"

    Goes into living room...

    Alan: You can always depend on me Tracy.

    He tells her that she isn't mad at Alice; she's mad at Luke.

    Tracy says she isn't mad at him, she's scared.

    Luke is at Haunted Star. At end of scene with Lucky (he's there to warn him about involvement with the Z's), Luke straightens tie, and says that now he's going to get his wife back by any means necessary...even if he has to lie to her face. So, he warns Lucky, not to follow him over there with more talk about Z's, etc.

    Back at the Q's ~

    Alan tells Tracy that this isn't about her being scared for Luke. She wants him back but doesn't want to admit it.

    Edward and Alice see Tracy talking to Air Alan, and mention how Tracy is going 'round the bend without Luke.

    Luke is at door. Alice lets him in, glad to see him.

    Edward says, in a nice way (nice for Edward, that is) "Speak of the devil."

    Tracy says she wouldn't take Luke back if he got down on both knees.

    Luke walks on and says what about if he hobbles in on one bad knee.

    LuNacy is on with Alice and Edward - and Alan

    Luke is standing there with an orange flower with Alice and Edward behind him, literally and figuratively.

    Luke says he appreciates the help, but he'll take it from here.

    He motions them out, and "ghost-in-law", too.

    "It's just you and me Tracy. That's a fact of life and one I'm not going to let you deny for more day."

    Next scene:

    Tracy asks him why he's doing this.

    Luke says "I want my wife back."

    Luke says "There's no one else for me Tracy. No one anywhere. I know it's the same for you..."

    We're a perfect match...So here I am before you, deeply flawed, offering my broken body and battered heart."

    Opens ring box..."Won't you please wear these again?"

    Next scene:

    Tracy asks if they are just going to ignore their fundamental differences, talks about the Z's.

    Luke, sans the sincerity evident in everything else he's said to her, claims he'll get out as soon as he can.

    He says something like, "You're not going to make me get down on my knees, are you? 'Cause you know I won't be able to get back up." Tracy laughs. (Looks at him with love.)

    Luke: "I love you. I miss you. I want you back. Come on, Spanky. I can get this right. Give me a chance to treat you like you deserve to be treated."

    Cliffhanger...but you know she'll say yes

  19. *waving back atchu QueenTracy*

    The leather on gangsters in so on point Queen Tracy. I had to laugh. That's right it doesn't matter the weather as long as there's leather. :lol:

    I can't wait for tomorrow they are in previews whoohoo!!!! :P

    Isn't that something, funny...Previews! Now, that's significant! We even got a lead-in with a mention of Tracy *and* Tracy with Luke. :)

    Ms. Q ~ you'll have mail in a few minutes.

  20. It looks leather... and why is Luke showing her a briefcase full of cash? I can't tell her expression but her check bones are up, so she is either laughing, smiling, smirking or preparing to let him have grief.

    Tracy is such an emotional multi-tasker, it will probably be all of the above. As for the leather coat, maybe that's a sign that she'll be mixing with the mob. Leather is required dress with them, apparently, regardless of the season.

    Remos, please give Tracy Cat my best. That is too funny about Luke the cat. Look at it this way. Your children are participating in preserving the legend of The Lunts of Daytime. There are far worse things... ;)

    *waving to funny, hooked, remos and ms. q*

    By the way, Ms. Q, the Tracy episode with the red suit with shawl collar was Dec. 21, 2005. Hope that eases your mind! :) Oh, and when I looked at the pic again, I noticed it was more of a Christmas red than a cherry red. I'm no Kate Howard. :P

  21. Happy Mother's Day ~ remos, hooked and TL!

    Some LuNacy scoops from Ravenbeauty's column posted on SOC

    Cable guide

    Tuesday, 5/13

    Sam makes a surprising discovery; Sonny has second thoughts about sending

    Michael away; Luke tries to win Tracy back by turning on the charm.

    Wednesday, 5/21

    Carly returns home only to find Jax missing; Nikolas comes to terms with his

    dealings with Ian; Luke opts to go on the run with Tracy by his side. :D :D

    Scoops from Soap News & Scoops:

    Meanwhile, Luke asks Tracy to go on the run with him and she gives him an unexpected answer.

    **waves to funny*

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