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Posts posted by QueenTracy

  1. Well, we all think she doesn't like stupid people much. Sometimes she gets a little aggravated with some of the stupid antics but she is always gracious. Everyone likes her. She just knows what she wants and she doesn't kiss up to anyone to get anything. She is who she is, you accept her or you don't. Most all of us like her enormously.

    How much do I love this! As LisaQ said...Another reason to love her!

    Oh, and I love that bit about NLG's being intense since June because of the elections...I think I resemble that remark. ; )

  2. Maybe something good to put in letters to TPTB now is that we want Tracy to have a long lost daughter show up!!

    Thank you for the spoilers, hooked! If they're even considering giving Tracy a daughter, some fan reaction might be what's needed to spur things along. Best case scenario is that TG is still absent close to half the year. Tracy *needs* a story!

    Just some speculation on my part...The wig will confront Scotty about his having killed Ric Webber. She agrees to keep quiet in exchange for his not prosecuting Lulu for Logan's murder. Whatever happens from there, I just want her to don her little angel wings and halo, and fly far, far away.

  3. To whoever asked about Labor Day, I didn't do anything exciting. Just lesson planning.

    Not sure the last day when Tracy was on. I used to be better at memorizing dates...Glad she is on tomorrow. :D

    From those scoops, it really does sound like Laura is in Lulu's head (at least this time around).

    nex, hope you had a nice vacation!

    hooked, I hope that scoop about her screentime going up is true!

    Ms. Q, I believe we last saw Tracy on August 6. That was the scene that ended with AZ, and his supposed threat. Can't wait for tomorrow either!

  4. That was a great look. Almost as good as Skye realizing she'd already lost him.

    Groan... and here I thought I was the only one who watched the opening credits just to glimpse her that day. Not good... not good at all.

    LOL! No, I don't watch, but I assume Tracy/Jane still gets her allotted 2 seconds, give or take, of airtime in the opening. I'm still on GH vacation for the most part.

    Yeah, I remember that look from Skye. It was as if she had some horrific epiphany. Ms. Q could tell us...Wasn't there a scene not long after that with Skye telling Luke that she could see he was falling in love with Tracy?

  5. "My wife is full of surprises." I think.

    angel, I saw you were the last post, and I got so psyched up for a video!!! And then I hear about YouTube issues... LOL. There is always SendSpace. (www.sendspace.com)

    EDIT: Episode Counts for August are up. Just like last year, the kids playing Kristina, Cameron, and Jake got more airtime than Tracy... I know JE was on vacation, but so were LW, NLG, and SR, and they still got 14, 11, and 10 respectively...

    Ah, yes...Now I remember, Ms. Q. Wasn't that *some* look, though?! Wow...

    Episode counts...{thud} In the past couple of months, Jane has probably gotten more face time in the opening each day than in the actual episodes combined. If that's an exaggeration, it's not by much... :huh:

  6. Eraser, welcome aboard! Your question has me thinking... It's so hard to just pick ONE moment. I do want to go along with "I'd be married to you even if you had a dime" though. There was another moment WAY in the beginning - not the defining moment, but it was the first time he called her amazing. Might have been their first "emotional" scene. It was when he was there for her after she had to step down from Lila's Charity position, and it will always stick with me.

    Those were such good scenes, Ms. Q. My favorite was after Tracy defended Bobbie against Durant. Skye said something like, "Tracy was almost, dare I say, sincere." After she spoke, I don't remember what Luke said, but the look in his eyes as he looked in Tracy's direction and walked toward her...*That* was a man already in love.

  7. Thank you for the spoilers, hooked. That's great news about Tracy not going off to find Luke. After months apart, their reunion needs to be onscreen. In the meantime, maybe we'll get a some Tracy/Alan and who knows what else. Most of Tracy's best stuff, LuNacy or otherwise, is usually a surprise rather than spoiled.

    So, now it looks as if maybe Lulu's mother is not in her imagination? Whatever. She bores me both ways.

    To quote Helena Cassadine: When you consider her rather dreary, drone-like personality, the catatonia seems almost redundant.

  8. I am *so* behind :o:huh:

    Remos, just got your PM. I'll post the interview links in a few. And you've got mail! And a new blog comment.

    EDIT: Here's the link to the Jane and Tony interview with Leeza Gibbons: http://leezagibbons.com/

    The way the site is structured, there isn't a different link for the interviews. So, when you go to the main page, click the "media" link. Then, when you get your choices, click on "exclusive clips".

  9. As for the Medifast thing - I hear you. Media manipulation. Ewcbo reeks of it. She and SBu can go off and do their food supplement infomercials somewhere else: dominate some other network for an hour at a crack.

    Word on that!! Even better, pair their two characters so they can bore each other to death.

    A few months ago, SD had something on how SB said how he was doing well selling the juice or something...blah blah, and how he might be able to retire within a couple of years. I'm thinking...For the love of heaven, people - buy more juice!!!!!

  10. Back atcha QT. Plus I don't think TG wants to go back down that road of LnL redux. JE is his partner N crime. Maybe Tg can put it in his contract to only be married to Tracy. Hey... if he gets the vacay package he got last time no telling what he can get this time. ;)

    Good points, funny! And wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall during those negotiations! :lol: You know, with ratings what they are, I can't see them letting TG go without a fight. I also can't see him letting JE go without a fight!

  11. Funny, you're the best. Love your attitude! I just voted and commented. I'll say this for the ewcbo fans...They are an organized group...literally it would seem. Wonder if the ptbs know that. A few "multiple personality disorders" among the ewcbo-ers developing in that thread as well. Maybe it's a side effect of catatonia... ;)
  12. No way - and I mean absolutely no way - did Luke not mean every word he said to Tracy about his love for her. The Zaccharas? We know he lied about them. Tracy knew. Luke could tell that Tracy knew. As he told Lucky, he would do anything to "get my wife back" including lying through his teeth. (He also acknowledged that worried him since Tracy knew him so well. Right on that one.)

    Don't forget Luke's talk with Nikolas and how he said that "what I have with Tracy is once in a lifetime, too." His telling the ewcbo's son that was huge, and proof positive that he meant it. (Methinks that is, in part, why that conversation was scripted. Oh, and did you notice how "Luke" kept nodding his head as he was saying that about Tracy? I just love acting choices.

    It would be ridiculous to rewrite it so that Luke knew that ewcbo was coming out of anything. However, if he did, and still left with Tracy...Works for me!

    *good thoughts*

  13. If everyone remembers the mob had a big role on GH in the past...in the 1980's. But it didn't SUCK this much as the mob were the bad guys and we had the good guys (Robert and Anna) to give them the smack down!! Who are the good guys now?...it certainly is not the police. What a wicked twist of irony....huh?

    This show is one wicked twist of irony. They tried for years to convince the audience that Sonny and Jason were a couple of great guys who just happened to be organized criminals. No dice. (At least for a few million viewers.) So, now we have another mob family that's portrayed as being *really* bad to make the golden boy and his mentor look good by comparison. <_<

    To paraphrase Glenda, the Good Witch of the North..."Are you a good mobster, or are you a bad mobster?" So, being a mobster is fine. Just make sure you're a "good" mobster. :huh:

  14. Thanks for the info once again, hooked! We're going to have to name a country after you or something...

    Reliable insider or not - and they sound legit - one thing that is reliable is the fact that ratings suck and they *have* to listen to fans. Otherwise, no $$ to pay the bills. Regardless of who Guza likes to write for and who he doesn't, the fans can make the difference. Alan, albeit as a ghost, is a perfect example.

    Going back to Tracy's mob past sounds like the most likely way to get her a story right now since that's what Guza likes to write. It doesn't mean she'd be *in* the mob. She could be fighting the mob as a way to extricate her (step)daughter from the Zaccharas.

    Maybe a hostile takeover attempt of ELQ by the Zaccharas in retaliation?

    Or maybe a mob family, familiar with Tracy's past, sees Tracy's hatred of the Zaccharas as an opportunity to help themselves. Maybe she strikes an unholy alliance all to protect her family. Lots of possibilities.

    *waves to funny, hooked, nex and LisaQ*

  15. Woo hoo! Hooked got the good this morning for my TQ peeps!!!

    From the dish...

    Can you say if Tracy is back on this week? Or is she not back til the 3rd? Thanks.

    Because you're always nice and polite next week for 3 days.

    Aww thanks so much! She is on three days in one week--OMG...I think I just fainted!!! Is Luke back with her? Or do you know what week Luke returns? Thanks so much!!! Are next week the Lucky/Tracy, lulu/tracy scenes? See now I am pushing my luck! LOL

    No Luke. It's all Lulu-centric and you'll see the other Q's too.

    3 days??? Woo hoo!!! Way to go, hooked!!!! You deserve a crown full of gold stars for this one!

    The fact that it's not with Luke is even better when you think about it. As you've said, and many of us have said, Tracy needs to move into stories that are not dependent on Luke.

  16. *waves to Eraser* Come join us! :D

    QueenTracy, I haven't told you this recently, but you still have very pretty posts!!!

    knh, glad you could stop in! I wouldn't worry about the ad.

    Why, thank you, Ms. Q! May I say that I *love* your new banner. Simply gorgeous!

    And knh, definitely don't worry about the "cancel" thing. I've seen the same ad for AMC and several other soaps. GH is simply their newest.

  17. Ok, just stopped in quickly and saw an ad at the top of this thread that reads... ABC might cancel GH... are they making a mistake? Vote now.... or something damned close to that.

    What the hell is that about?!?!?!?!?

    It's just a gimmick. I've seen ads like that for almost every soap. Dishonesty in advertising as usual... <_<

    EDIT: I did my civic duty earlier and posted a few comments on the blog. If anyone is inclined to do the same, just click lukeandtracy.blogspot.com

    I read this in Luke's post, and thought it might be a nice quote for letters to TIIC...

    Referring to The Spencers and The Quartermaines"...I'm doing it for our huge, extended, mixed-up lovable family.

    Since the show seems to be going back to umbrella stories, and trying to involve more of the cast in stories, maybe they'd take notice of letters asking for more...


    If you take "extended" to heart, you could claim well over half the cast as a Spencer or a Quartermaine.

    And guess who just happens to be both...Tracy! :)

  18. From the dish earlier that I asked to someone going to a GV event and wanted to know what questions to ask him..

    Can you ask if Lucky has any scenes with Tracy coming up? Thanks.

    Actually they do the week of 9/1 (from an insider supposedly)

    So it is probably the same day Tracy goes to visit lulu on the 3rd, but would be nice if she might be on two days that week--I think I would fall off my chair!

    Also, I know someone said she taped one day last week, so she must be on the week of the 8th sometime as well.

    Two weeks in a row--she is SUCH AN AIRHOG!

    LOL! Barely back from vacation, and already hogging the screen. :lol: This being a mother/friend to Lulu and Lucky has its advantages. And I just love anything Trucky and, although LooLoo has some major Tracy amends to make, I love that Jane and Julie are good friends. And what I really love is how Julie goes out of her way to mention Jane even when the interviewer predictably brings up the other mother.

  19. I think writing in now is really important, although it always is, with Tony's possible retirement, now more than ever Tracy needs some storyline outside of Luke!!

    Absolutely, hooked! And, if Tony doesn't retire (*please* don't retire), it can only help LuNacy in addition to getting more story for Tracy. Especially this year, Tracy has been only a supporting player in Luke's story. That needs to change *yesterday* - and it can! I'd even take a storyline with LooLoo if it meant some major airtime. And, you know, if they'd reinvest themselves in the (step)mother/(step)daughter relationship they were writing before, there's no need for Blonde One, Sr. And maybe, just maybe, they would *finally* stop perpetuating the lnl were destined, blah blah, talk to the hand...and move Tracy and Luke in the direction that they began in May. And I quote, Luke to Tracy, "There's no one else for me. No one anywhere."


  20. Also some stuff from a reliable insider...

    Hate to burst anyone's LuNacy bubble..but better we know....I guess...hopefully it will lead to good material either way

    {snipped out a bunch of unrelated scoops}

    If Laura's return more than a hallucination? Since the rumor is that TG is not planning on re-newing, any chance they will have L&L leave together?

    If I were in the mood I would tell you there has been a exit story with Luke and Laura written for quite some time and if I was in the mood I would tell you it gets updated and changed every now and then.

    Hooked, I think you were spot on a few weeks ago when you said that whatever happens probably depends on whether TG stays or not. This is business as usual for them since they're constantly rewriting anyway. I doubt that what happens during her return in October is even set in stone right now.

    [is there anything more being written for the Qs as it pertains to individual stories, wrapping up the ghost/will storylines, and more reconciliation moments between them and Jason(aka plot point airtime.)

    If I was in the mood I would tell you none that I am aware of despite at least one actress reminding writers/producers about their importance

    Just the fact that they were mentioned as a family in the fall previews is progress. Comment line numbers, studio addresses, and magazine email addresses are at Tracyluke.info !

    And hooked, thanks as always for the info. It just underscores why it's so important to get story for Tracy that isn't dependent on Luke.

  21. I'd love to see Wally come back! I've had some issues with Ned in the past, but I'd love to see some Ned/Tracy bonding scenes. I still remember the scene after the fire when Tracy, Ned and Dillon had the hug fest.....I miss those moments

    What a great scene that was! We need Ned *and* Dillon* back. Tracy needs her boys! Even if it has to be recurring or short-term, it's a start and will inspire people to call in and write.

    By the way, welcome to the LF, Lisa! (Your grandson is adorable.)

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