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Posts posted by QueenTracy

  1. Love what you did with Chapter 29, remos! You've already given us so much LuNacy goodness. Wherever you go with this, they will be in their glory. I have no doubt.

    As for the other GH...I love that Tracy is getting a new wardrobe. And I love that the absence of rings was apparently a one-day wardrobe malfunction. (She was wearing them on Friday of last week, too.) But is it too much to ask for a little more screentime? I'll even take Lulu propping *if* I have no other choice. Any Tracy is better than no Tracy, and JE is the Goddess of Making the Most With the Least.

    I miss LuNacy, but I miss Tracy even more.

  2. Weighing in with my requested opinion...

    Hair should match the personality. TQ is sassy and classy, and even her personality has oomph. My favorite styles are the oomphy bobs because they complement her no-nonsense glamour.

    EDIT: Tracy was wearing her rings on Friday. You can see a glimpse of them as she's walking over to speak to Lulu. Then, you can really see them, but only for a second, just before she crosses her arms.

  3. Nancy, thanks for clarifying that!

    Good news, folks. My internet is still working AND Tracy made Soap Opera Weekly spoilers.

    Not the greatest of spoilers, but we'll take what we can, right?

    Sneak Peeks

    Carly feels guilty for keeping Morgan away from Sonny.

    An old pal gets Sam out of a jam.

    Trevor offers to help Sonny return to power.

    Tracy has a surprising request for Carly.

    Diane and Max discuss their future.

    Can't Miss - Tuesday, June 17 - Lulu and Maxie make a "friendly" wager about Johnny.

    Highlight of the Week - Tuesday, June 17 - Claudia, Spinelli and Jason are quarantined!

    Next Week: Anthony tests Claudia's loyalty. Tracy makes a personal appeal to Johnny. Alexis admits her true feelings for Jerry.

    Show of hands...

    Who wants to bet both spoilers involve Lulu? Tracy's gone to Carly about Lulu before. And as others have pointed out, replace Johnny with Logan, and you got last year's summer SL.

    But emphasizing the positive, I will say this means that Tracy is on next week (Week of June 16th) AND the week of June 23rd. :Dhooked will be very happy!

    Bumping Ms. Q's Tracy spoilers...

    We can also add the Tracy and Sam scenes on Friday, June 27 when Tracy enlists her help in searching for Luke.

  4. Well that's good news Ms. Q!

    I can't even imagine how frustrated Monica fans must be. At least they throw our girl a bone and pop her in scenes here and there, but they just lock Monica away for months! What a show...

    *is there no reported Tracy for next week?

    *Hair related edit * They are blowing her hair back instead of straight down on her face.

    Halee, I think there is supposed to be at least one Tracy episode for next week. I believe Ms. Q posted it a few days ago, but didn't remember which day. Will have to look!

    I noticed the blown back look, too. It's definitely longer, but the style change makes an even bigger difference.

  5. Jane's hair is definitely growing out. Definitely....

    HATE that Rick is acting like he owns/runs the star. Rick?!?! WTF?

    How confused was I by the Diane/Jason thing today? Yeah, that woman can act... but what was the point of it, exactly? Did it come out of nowhere? What the heck is going on?

    I didn't pay much attention to the first part of the show, but I think they were just going for different Father's Day-related vignettes. So, maybe it didn't mean anything in terms of story.

    WORD on Rick. Can't stand him.

    And, yes, Jane's hair is most definitely growing out. Love the color, too.

    EDIT: And Lainey, you might want to check out Luke's latest on the blog. The "I'd want to be married to you even if you didn't have a dime" was mentioned. If I remember correctly, that was your favorite LuNacy episode!

  6. Also from Soapdish:

    Week of July 1st:

    Maxie and Matt is lust at first sight.

    Robin is scared to let Patrick into the baby's life.

    Carly resents that Kate has pushed her into a corner.

    Jax considers taking an out of town business trip.

    Sonny convinces Kate their love stands a chance.

    Nik and Claudia kiss again.

    Lulu and Johnny are determined to fight for their relationship.

    Tracy teams up with Sam to find Luke.

    Liz feels torn.

  7. No word from Remos, Halee. I guess she hasn't been able to get to the library since Monday when she last posted.

    She's definitely missed. And I'm sure she misses us. She's probably shopping for deals on computers. I would think that her computer, if fixable, would have been okay by now.

    I've tried to call her several times, but, as I related in my mini-saga in another post, the calls won't go through. Not sure if it's my cell phone or what, but I've checked numerous times and they're telling me that it "should" work. (Don't you love it when customer service says something "should" work.)

  8. When I saw the scene when she said she took the money and that Luke should be out of money by now I took it as if she had to take the money and not that she did it out of spite. The way she said it made me wonder that he told her or somehow got her somehow to take the money unwillingly. She definitely was worried about him. IMHO.


    waving at QT!!!!!

    Waving back at you, funny!! Sorry I missed you before. I've been in drive-by posting mode today.

    Oh, yeah. Tracy's expression and her tone at the end of that scene made it clear that she was worried...big-time. It's also clear that whatever Luke has done is to protect Tracy. Regarding the money, my feeling is that she took it, thinking that it would cut short Luke's bar crawling. That's assuming she thinks that what he's doing. You could be right, though, funny. Luke has said, both to Tracy and to others, how well Tracy knows him, and how it's hard to pull the wool over her eyes.

    Tracy seemed very subdued the day she returned. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, and in her heart, I think she knows there was more to it.

    Anyway, so thrilled for LuNacy today. I wasn't worried for the long-term, but I'm glad to know that they're writing these two true to character. What a concept!

    *waving at funny and tracyluv*

  9. Wait..

    how do you know he made up the pub crawl to keep her safe?

    He didn't say that, did he?

    Lucky: Tracy may not believe it, but my Dad loves her. If he hasn't called her about the money, something's wrong.

    Sam: So, how do you know he's not just on a bar crawl?

    Lucky: If he's sending me a coded message through you, it means he doesn't want Tracy involved. He's trying to protect her.

    Also, there was some foreshadowing at the end of the second scene with Tracy. "So, if he hasn't contacted me, and he hasn't contacted you, where is he?"

    Everything about the dialogue made it clear that Luke was *not* on a bar crawl, and that it was a pretense in order to protect Tracy, knowing she'd go back to Port Charles.

  10. :D:DHappy Birthday ILoveTracyQ!!!! :D:D

    Hopy you are having a fantastic day!

    **Was it just me or did it look like Jane/Tracy's hair looked like it was getting longer and just a tad lighter?!?! I hope she is growing it out.

    It's definitely longer, nex! I noticed as soon as she came in that it had a bounce to it. It looks a lot like it did in the "Take A Bus" scene.

    Today couldn't have been better in terms of LuNacy!



  11. LUNacy is fine!!

    No fight.

    Scene 1: Lucky and Sam at Haunted Star, talking about email Sam got from Luke.

    Tracy walks in, acknowledges Sam, and asks Lucky if he's heard from his father.

    Scene 2: Lucky tells Tracy that he never hears from his father when he's on the road. Then, Sam says that they thought that she was with him. Tracy says she had a choice between joining him on his pub crawl, or coming back home. She says she made the more rational choice.

    Lucky then says something about why Tracy would think they'd heard from him. Tracy says it's because she took the money before she left. "By my calculations, he should have been flat broke for about 10 days. So, if you haven't heard from him, where is he?"

    Scene 3: Lucky and Sam after Tracy has left. Lucky says, "Tracy may not believe it, but my Dad loves her. If he's not calling about the money, there must be a problem. He's trying to protect her."

    So, no fight. And no "pub crawl". Luke came up with the "pub crawl" to make Tracy want to go back home. And he did it because he loves her and wants to protect her!

  12. REMOS!

    I hope you're okay, and your computer has almost recovered.

    I've tried so many times to call you, but I've either been given the wrong country code for my wireless (I use a cell, not a landline) or...something! I don't know. Going to check again, and maybe I'll get someone this time who knows what's up.

    I promise to take good care of the blog for you until you get back!

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