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Posts posted by Days22

  1. no problem....

    some dates are correct but other aren't, and as you can see the episode guide descriptions are worded really weird....

    Are there only 4 dates on the 12/20/89-12/27 dvds? that would explain some mix ups too.... cause it looks like 5 episodes were suppose to be on there....

    Yeah that is why the last date confused me but the last episode on the dvd seems to be the episode before your upload of December 27 so it must be the 26th

  2. Thanks so much! smile.png

    I recently asked my usual dvd seller about the December 20,21,22,26,27 1989 dates, but I'm not sure if you have them yourself!...

    I also saw that some May and October 1990 episodes and some more July 1991 were just added to James' list who is the original owner of all the Y&R episodes we collect.....


    I do indeed have some of those dates! Its either 20, 21, 22 nd 26/27 not sure what the last date really is.

    Good to know about that seller tho

  3. I warned him too......but it seems like everyone has all this confidence for some reason....

    CashCrate who has been posted most of the episodes from 1996-2001 I see has already had a few deleted... sad.png and he didn't even really have Y&R in the tittle he was reported by somebody I never heard of though.......seriously??.....are these like spies for CBS they have now....what's it to these random people if Y&R episodes are posted?, are they bitter LML or MAB fans that think we got them fired?!? wink.pngtongue.png

    Which is the one that reported her vids?

  4. btw will you be uploading some more episodes?

    Sadly that is all the Y&R I have atm but I went back and checked and there are a a few that I uploaded but forgot to post here

    I think one was already posted here named a different date from someone else so idk the actual dates

  5. Thanks days22!! smile.png I always look forward to your uploads!

    Youre welcomeee. I look forward to more of your uploads hopefully soon! :P

    The character of Jack is such an interesting case at this time. He is obviously back burned and randomly pops up for quite short time in episodes. As sometimes eye roll worthy and the crickets rape story is because its pushed to the moon, everyone is doing a great job playing it and I agree wholeheartedly that Lauralee is knocking it out of the park.

  6. Is Cricket's rape gonna be in any of these episodes?

    Yeah its a few episodes in. Lauralee knocks some scenes out of the park imo.

    I agree on Katherines theme. It would have been nice of them to dig that up for her death.

    I must admit this Murder story is killing me. Its so damn slow.

    I also like seeing Nina and Leanna being friends. Leanna needs one other than Jack.

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