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Posts posted by Skin


    That Golden Globe win really turned her entire career around.


    It wasn't the Golden Globe. The change started with her SOUND OF MUSIC tribute last February, and her toning down her costume antics. The Golden Globes just furthered it.

    Not really, the Sound Of Music Tribute was a successful performance, no more than that. That is not what is changing the narrative for her. She has the makings to really comeback to an extent and become prominent once again, and that has just recently been established due to the good will of her surprise Golden Globe win, which has legitimized her in Hollywood in a new, revitalizing way. Her Grammy performance did not do that. Neither really did the Super Bowl. The golden globe win, is when things really started changing again for her. She could still fall flat on her face, but it feels like people are really rooting for her not to at this point, compared to how it was in late 2011 and onward, where it felt like they were waiting for her to fall on her face.

  2. Who willingly ingests GHB? It's commonly known as a date rape drug. Even if he wasn't an intended target, he was still drugged. How in the world would he be capable of consenting to anything that happened to him? I'll wait.


    If anything the fact that he has clothes with GHB on them, should corroborate his story regarding the inability to consent. He was drugged. Anyone who touched him, when he could not consent is a rapist.



  3. Just realized that we are almost half the season in and there hasn't been any Sami. Small miracles. But I have a feeling she is going to pop up at the end of the season to cause some disaster for Fiona and co.

  4. I haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but from what I am reading I feel like I am going to want to throw a brick wall at FH's character when I am done with this. It's hard to watch this show sometimes because it's so realistic and palpable. The ignorance, stupidity and inherent wrongness of the ethics concerning their actions almost becomes overwhelming.


    I need this school to be closed down, it's so disgusting.

  5. I don't see how this isn't straight forward assault. Even if the kid went to the party looking for sex, his clothes were stained with blood, semen and most importantly, GHB. The blood could possibly be explained away by rough sex, but GHB is an obvious identifier in any kind of sexual assault case. He was drugged and cannot consent. Meaning anyone who touched him is a rapist. That's an obvious no fly zone regarding consensual consent. The fact that they found GHB is more than enough evidence for a rape charge. Once I heard that I knew that the school and Felicity Huffman's character were both in a huge cesspool of trouble, and she is going to look like an even larger fool the more she pushes this victim blaming narrative. Throw the book at all of them.


    So disgusted with all of these characters from the school to the football team to the enabling parents who are more concerned with getting their children out of legal trouble than have them take responsibility for their actions. The law enforcement is even more vile.

  6. This episode is pretty much exactly what one would constitute as filler. Very little progressed in regards to character or substantive plot. I don't think Ian is cruising the guy who saved him, for what it seemed like, it looked as if Ian was going to try and got after the sculptor. But you never know, maybe he wants to sleep with the entire squad.


    Was the guy Frank found for Debbie supposed to be like cute ? Or some kind of hot dad?...LOL. I thought he was average at best.

    He has a pretty good resume and has been in a few projects, most notably What I Like About You (Henry) and True Blood (Steve Newlin). I think he is supposed to be "good looking" in the extent that he is young, and can provide for Debbie a suitable husband to live off of, that is appealing since she didn't take the bait concerning the old man.


  7. I think you're being overly hard on Kevin. He's just a young stupid kid who's got too much power and stardom in his hands. Anyone would be as arrogant and cocky as he is.

    I'm tired of youth being used as an excuse for people making decisions that hurt other individuals and just in general being a catch all release for being a general disgusting human being. Being young does not preclude someone to having morals and doing the right things. He should be punished accordingly for his role in the sexual assault case. He deserves to have everything stripped from him. I hope more tears come his way.  

  8. I like this episode because it made me think how Ian still has the chance to make something of his life. Be it through a form of college or by becoming a paramedic or a fire men. He has options. I just wish he would go back to school. There is no reason for him not to. There is so much potential for him to turn his life around and I am glad that the show realizes this, and may make a storyline out of it. There could be something redeeming about this season yet. I like the idea of Mickey and Ian taking a break from one another, and then maybe Ian and Mickey realizing that maybe they aren't right for each other.


    There was also a nice contrast between Lip and Ian here in regards to poverty and the middle class struggle. Ian representing poverty, and Lip the middle class. I am sure there is deeper work to be mined here but I can't discuss it at length at the moment.


    I loved that Fiona really gave it to Debbie at the end, this is the Fiona I admire. She is the hammer, and the foundational law that really keeps that family together and gives them all the support to keep them all going, and Debbie can't stay there. I don't even understand where her head is at. Lip hit it on the head when he said he didn't want to see her become a welfare mom with three kids before she turns 20.



  9. I watched the first season almost until the end, before I lost interest. This season is so much better, and I find myself really invested in the rape victim.


    Felicity Huffman's character is beyond despicable, almost to the extent that I want her humiliated and jobless by the very end of the series. I was so glad to see her look of shock at the very end of last nights episode. I hope they throw the book at her for her disastrous leadership throughout this season. She bullied a traumatized kid, and shamed the mother when something ugly happened at her school and now she will have to pay for it. I want her crucified for this.


    Regina King is a fair second for most unlikable female character in this series, her entitlement and use of her influence and power are enough to make me want to spit nails. "Is there anything you can do for us", you should be thankful he is doing even this for you. Your son is a piece of trash, who isn't smart enough to tie his own shoe laces. You deserve nothing. "Boys' can't be raped", "is this being taken seriously?" I hate that there are real people who think like this. She is one of the driving reasons why I want her son to be persecuted for his events at this "party", in addition to his general stupidity. I'm glad his name is in the article, hopefully he loses all his scholarships, and he never gets into college or gets a job. Serve him right for his foolishness.


    Don't know how to feel about the idiotic coach or Outkast in their roles. The idiotic coach seems like the guy to make a thousand apologies and excuses for "his boys" -- "He's a good boy, it's not about him", instead of actually upholding the moral right here -- which is that they never should have been drinking and they never should have been at a party with drugs. Outkast dad is unsettling me, I am not sure if he is so angry because he thinks his son might be gay or if he is angry about the legitimate righteous anger that his son was at a party where someone was sexually assaulted and his son led it.  

  10. I guess, but I feel more likely than not it's just poor writing with little exploration into what is motivating them.


    Karen, Mandy and Mickey for instance were all much stronger and more rounded characters than Debbie and Carl are right now, and I feel they should all have more or less the same headspace regarding most of these issues. I personally found Karen and Mandy a lot more interesting than Debbie is currently. Same with Mickey and Carl who also seem to be on the same track more or less.


    I can't connect with any of these characters anymore. They are all so deplorable. I feel like none of them have any redeemable qualities anymore.

     It is what it is - smug, repetitive misery porn with a few good actors and a few who aren't worth the effort of watching. 

    It's exactly this.


    I think what really hit me was Fiona's descent, she was the heart of the show and her storyline in season 4 really destroyed the show and put it in a place where it never got back on track, it just continuously derailed. Which is a shame, because the show was really quite good. I continue to hold the opinions that seasons 1-3 were the best of the series. The show has also made a big mistake with several of the older characters: Lip, Ian, Mickey and Frank are poorly utilized, and the show suffers for it. As an ensemble show, the series works better when it has a multitude of interesting and compelling stories happening at the same time. They peaked really early with Lip and the love triangle between Mandy, Karen and him, and I think they threw away Amanda much too soon from the fourth and fifth seasons. They burned Mickey and Ian out last season, and are currently resting them, but they should have paced them better for a stronger narrative that could have last at least another season before breaking them up.


    Frank is a dead end character, that lost his purpose along with Monica probably around season 2, at best. Debbie and Carl aren't interesting enough to lead story - they simply aren't' there yet and haven't grown into stronger characters to have their own storylines, and they are both quite unlikable. Debbie herself is so stupid, that I can't believe she can walk upright. I understand exactly why Fiona is pushing for an abortion, because she is right, Debbie doesn't know what to do with a child and she is ruining her life, and worse yet Fiona shouldn't have to raise a baby, and we all know that is exactly what will happen once Debbie comes to her senses. I understand that this happens, but it shouldn't have to, and it's preventable, Debbie is seeking out to have this problem that will ruin any possibility of her achieving something in her life. Same with Carl, they both seem to be fine with setting their lives on fire.


    I'm totally fine with the fact that Fiona has failed in raising the children, and I agree, it's way more realistic that she has, and it makes for more (I hate this word) compelling drama.


    I hate that she failed, because the reasoning never made sense to me, and the story telling at that point was a failure to get us here. I still don't understand why she cheated on Mike, and why she needed to bone his brother. I still don't understand why she didn't throw away the coke when she saw that he left it for her. I still don't understand why she went with those crazy meth heads to Tijuana or whatever. None of it made any sense! She's still failing now, but we have no reason to understand why. Contrary to the shows opinion, they never delved deeply into the reasoning regarding her out of character breakdown, and saying she is an addict doesn't work. She's not an addict. She is easily bored, maybe. But she clearly is not an addict, and her self sabotage makes no sense.



    For pretty much the entire series, we are supposed to see Fiona as this port in the storm who weathers through things and makes things work. She functions when everything else is broken. She works best with support (Ian and Lip, are her backbones, and Templars) but she can still make things more or less work without them. Even now she is more or less back to where she was with the Cup job she had at season 4. She's an assistant manager, and she is more or less the woman in charge because her boyfriend is relapsing so again -- she is the port of the storm, the one who keeps things going. She handles everything, and makes it all work. Why is she sucking so bad all of a sudden? At first I thought she was off kilter because of Jimmy being gone, but the show went through painful lengths to say that's not the case. So what's the problem? Why can't she get her act together?


  12. The fact that she has the most successful Vegas show, the fact that this song is #1 on the Hot 100, the fact that she has more Twitter followers than almost any current pop act (save maybe Taylor Swift), the fact that Billboard just voted her as the most successful/influential act of the 2010s, and the fact that her last album, though her lowest selling, still managed to outsell Gaga and others with NO promotion whatsoever on Britney's part, pretty much proves she is far from "irrelevant".

    hasn't had a breakthrough hit in years, and the fact she is hiding in Vegas where all oldies acts go I think just illustrates my point. That's like saying Billy Joel is a current major artist because he sells out Madison Sq. Garden. Where are her hits, hits being those insscapable songs that defy charts and are heard everywhere? Uptown Funk is one, Hit Me Baby One More Time was another, but what was Britney's hit these last ten years that anyone knows anymore or is heard anyplace? Where will anyone hear this "song" unless they go looking for it?

    Her last hit was in 2013 with Scream & Shout which peaked at #3, not exactly ancient - as it was the same year she released her last album. She could do worse. She hasn't charted recently because she hasn't released a new album since then. 


    I don't know what you are talking about when you are talking about "ubiquitous hits", but Femme Fatale had three radio hits that all hit the top 3 of the Hot 100 and Top 40/Mainstream. "Hold It Against Me", "Till The World Ends", "I Wanna Go", and "Scream & Shout" were all top 3 hits of hers within the last 3-4 years. Britney is actually a bigger radio star post 2007 than she ever was in her early 2000's heyday. Most of Britney's earlier singles missed the Billboard Top 10 outside of Baby One More Time, Oops!...I Did It Again and Toxic. If you look through Wikipedia she has more #1's after 2008 then she did before it. 

  13. I was such a huge fan of Craig and Manny from the original cast. I shipped them so hard, even though Craig was complete and utter posion to all the women he was paired with. He was literally the worst choice for Ashley, Ellie and Manny and turned them into complete messes of insecurity. He cheated on pretty much every single person he was paired with.

  14. I don't know why everyone is concerning themselves over Jon Snow's "demise", it's painfully obvious that he isn't going to die or at least stay dead.

    This season was the worst one to me, it felt like the an overly long and morosely padded YA film, that takes place right before the finale of the triliogy. I feel like so little actually happened this season, and very little has actually changed for the characters involved.

  15. From that read up the last season that semi held my interest was season 6-7. I loved Manny and Craig together. When Jay and Manny got together I was pretty much done. Darcy and Peter were deal breakers for me when I first saw them. I couldn't stand them and I just didn't care for the Lakehursters.

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