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Posts posted by Ben

  1. I think Corrie is seen to be in a better position than EE, simply b/c some changes have taken place. Of course, the storylines are still left over from Kim Crowther, and should've ended, like Molvin and Stape/Fishwick, and that is their weakness. ITA with everything you said about the stories, as they don't have much to take them through the New Year, except for Tracy, who I think they're pinning a lot on, especially with:

    her being bashed and left for dead by a mystery assailant on NYE.

    Ideally, Tyrone would be better off leaving, and the show bringing in a new family; they should also dump most of those new characters, as they just don't work or are not needed. I hate the way Bill and Pam have been sidelined in favour of the new builder - I know they're only recurring, but more could be done with them. Also, there seems to be a bit of a mess with Liz, and that weird story w/ Jim's return and that builder guy. What happened to Jim anyway? Last I saw, Steve told builder guy that Liz had dumped him after jetting off to Spain off screen.

    I also think it's weird how they've fired the guy that plays Eddie. The Windasses work, b/c each one brings something different, and when one falls, the two left will feel incomplete and alone. Ironically, when they first arrived, I believed that Anna would've better as a single mother, but since they've changed the characters for the better, that no longer stands.

    Also, anyone else notice that they seemed to have slightly changed Greame's appearance? He doesn't look so goofy, or Curly-esque, almost like they wanted him to look better, b/c he's with Tina.

  2. I think Helen is good with the right material -- this type of huffy and melodramatic stuff isn't her strongsuit. That's what I meant with wondering about whether they could have spent more time figuring out who should say what.

    I see. I think the whole Joe story really damaged her for me, as there were many moments when she was terrible, b/c the story was terrible, and I guess I do forget about her past work, b/c that story, that character tarnished her, and I no longer pay much attention to her.

    Like with siege week, earlier this year. What was there to make you keep watching? The only thing which got my interest was the stuff about baby Jack, and even that I am not thrilled with after reading

    Tyrone and Sally have an affair.

    Nothing. And I didn't. But, this like with most soaps these days (and years before really), where they churn out a disaster, but fail to capture the audience after. I think this event will keep the same amount of viewers that were watching it before, and possible a few more, but not many.

    I don't believe that spoiler for one second; it's too random and stupid to be true. If it is, then it'll be worse than Molvin, and I will tune out, again.

    And for the love of god, 90% of the lines were either gasped out or cried out. I get what's going on, but jeez, Molly spilling it all to Sally took forever. "We. Loved. Each. Oth. Er. For. A. While. But. He. Chose. You. And. Your. Girls. Over. Me. And. My. Boy. He. Didn't. Want. To. Hurt. You." And Sally STILL didn't get the hook.

    That was grating, but I saw it more as Sally being in total disbelief. She didn't think it was real, which is why she wasn't getting the message, and had to ask point blankly. When something like this comes out of the blue, your initial reaction will be disbelief, and I think they got Sally's reaction just right.

    Molly's delivery was like everyone else's that wasn't saying a line in a normal pitch - over exaggerated. I noticed it on EE's live ep, where everyone shouted their lines, and most people yesterday were shouting their lines, or screaming them (Fiz), or gasping them (Molly, Peter (who did a better job). I guess it's the nerves and adrenaline of knowingly being live.

    BTW: I thought the girl that plays Kylie was awesome. It was like being live wasn't an issue for her, or that it was just a regular filming day. She wasn't OTT, shout-y or melodramatic, but kinda subtle. I also thought Dev was pretty good, considering his usual hammy acting.

    I also thought the episode should've ended on Peter flatlining and Leanne's hysterics, not Tyrone hugging Sally and learning Molly is dead - that could've waited until the next episode, as the former was the perfect dramatic cliffhanger. Their choice lowered the impact.

    Rita just rolling around on the Kabin floor was painful to watch and almost symbolic. "We dropped a building on history, and nobody knows or cares. But oh my god, we've got to get Graeme's thoughts on Ashley!"

    Poor Ashley :( I don't understand how the writers can say they have absolutely nothing to do with a character without even trying anything at all.

    Rita's situation is very symbolic, and really sad if she does end up dying in this . No-one is that concerned about Rita, even though they believe she's gone to meet Doreen, you'd think one of them would give Rita's cell a call, or Doreen for that matter.

    Re Ashley: Don't you see that they have plenty of other characters that are so more important than a butcher who has been in the show for years? They have to continue to prop characters, like Sean, Michelle, Cirian, Nick, Fiz, John, Kirk, Chris, Cheryl, Julie, etc. Watching this, I think makes it more obvious that the show has more deadwood than they're actually getting rid of.

    Oh, and I swear I saw Izzy stand up in the Rovers. I thought the actress was paralyzed as well?

    You did. And I'm not sure. Most of the time I think not, b/c she seems to move around in that chair a lot, and in positions I would've thought she couldn't do if she was paralysed.

    I don't know why she stood up, or made it look like she was standing, b/c that was odd.

  3. 'Neighbours' to undergo crew cuts

    Production firm FreMantleMedia Australia is to initiate cuts to crew operations on Neighbours in 2011.

    The company made the decision so that a change in the soap's production model can be upgraded, according to TV Tonight.

    Sources revealed that changes will include studio shoots reduced from three to two cameras, while one camera will be used for location shoots. Locations are said to be confined to the Lassiter's, Ramsay Street and occasional one-off places.

    Due to the changes, the location manager and catering team have been dropped from the programme. Other roles including technical directors and art directors may also be cut.

    A spokesman for FreMantleMedia Australia said: "Neighbours is undergoing a workflow upgrade to accommodate advances in technology and production techniques to ensure we are at the forefront of professionalism and efficiency.

    "This initiative to contemporaise the creative and production process of Neighbours is being driven by FreMantleMedia Australia’s desire to produce the best possible programme possible.

    "The Neighbours production model has been in place since 1985, it is time to evolve and adapt the international standards now used to create high-turnover drama production."

  4. Dion, that rumour is actually a spoiler, and they're all true; it's taken word-for-word from the latest Inside Soap magazine.

    Thanks, Carl. DS is very hysterical, but it never used to be. Don't know what's changed (a part from new members). These days, people can't express a critical opinion about EE or Corrie, without someone jumping on them for being a bitter fan of the opposite show. It's like they can't possible have any genuine concerns. Crazy.

    I like the way they're writing for Dot and Pat, but Pat has had some dodgy scenes lately that made her look stupid - e.g.: Pat absent-mindedly telling Ryan that Janine locked him in the freezer - Pat has never been that stupid, and was a contrived way of moving the plot forward. :rolleyes:

  5. I think they're pretentious and go against what made Coronation Street unique. I don't understand the point of that shaky cam when Charlotte attacked John. Everyone knows she is crazy -- they knew that without a shaky cam. I have read comments from people talking about how they laughed at those scenes and isn't it great that Corrie included comedy. I really don't think that was intended to be comedy.

    I get what you mean, but I think b/c of the type of story they're telling, and the need to show that your show can have more modernized production values, it was important to experiment with the direction. I guess for me, it wasn't the same ol' same ol' but something different and unexpected, which is what I liked. Soaps now-a-days have to be more modern, and fight to prove that they're still socially relevant, even though most of the time they don't craps what that is. Of course those scenes were not supposed to be comedy, that was obvious from the tone. I guess some people aren't used to this kind of thing, or are just stupid. Or maybe they have a strange sense of humour.

    Some actors are just not suited for this type of thing and may be better in other areas (like Helen Worth or William Roache), but some of the newer cast members, why were they included in this if they couldn't handle it? The stripper and the ex walked through like zombies. The new doctor was unbelievably bad. Both he and Ben Price reinforce bad stereotypes about soaps. I wonder if they watch Ronn Moss for acting tips.

    But HW has never been great, but always mediocre. That's not a surprise. That line that everyone is talking about that Bill delivered, was a terrible line anyway - "It's so frustrating not being able to do anything." Um, take a look around, Ken, there's plenty to do. That scene didn't need dialogue, a simple emotional reaction from Ken would've sufficed. Cheryl and Chris are pointless characters with a pointless story, anyway, and I didn't pay much attention to them, so didn't notice whether they were good or not. I didn't think the Dr. was all that bad. Better than Fizz, I thought, who you could so tell was struggling to act out her character's situation.

    I read some of the books on Coronation Street during both Wars and in the second book, an air raid causes a brick wall to collapse on several residents. Ena Sharples is the first to start moving bricks, with her bare hands. I kept thinking of that last night when the women stood around making terrified faces and worrying over their menfolk and being told to stay away. To see none of the women being allowed to help, while the likes of David Platt were up there as he-men, was odd.

    Again, I get what you mean, but I think it's instinct for men to want to protect their girls, when of course they'd be fine to help. I did think characters like Sophie and Sian would have got stuck in, like what Tina did before she discovered Graeham was alive.

    I like Sunita, so I was worried for her, too. If they kill her off as the surprise 4th victim, I think that will be pretty pointless. Do you think they would actually kill Rita?

  6. AMS, I really want to ITA with all that you said, and feel what you feel about the show, but I don't. To me, there are no real differences, story wise, between now and when Santer was EP. OK, community spirit is up, but the stories are still thrown together in a clumsy fashion, with no real thought about continuity and pacing; exploration of certain stories, like Carol & Connor are non existent, and come across messy and weird. I want to know what's going through Carol's head, b/c her affair w/ Connor comes across creepy and v. Freudian, and I'm not sure if that's their intention, and if it is, then why aren't they exploring that?

    Ian & Jane are a mess of a couple, and I don't understand the logic behind Jane's decisions. She's all set to leave Ian b/c he lied to her about Lucy's termination, then after months of scheming, suddenly her motive has shifted to feeling neglected and unloved by Ian; then after she 'fesses up to him, and does his usual sobbing accompanied by a flimsy explanation, Jane decides to stay, even though her main issues with the marriage/role in the family haven't been sorted out. Nothing has changed! So, why is Jane still there?

    Now, Glenda is prostituting herself, and Phil is as un-likeable as ever, with Shirley being as stupid as ever, and Jay wants to be a Mitchell and is acting all tough and beating up Connor, who as yet to serve any real purpose.

    The Kat/Ronnie friendship feels forced, simply b/c of their storyline. The Janine/Ryan/Stacey triangle has no depth, and I don't understand where R&S' lust/love for each came from. Also, none of them have any rooting value, so why should I care?

    A lot of characters have no direction, coupled with a lot of contrived plot points. Like I said in another thread, it's still watchable, but it's generally very blah and mediocre.

  7. I'm horrified that this is actually beating EastEnders in the ratings. What is wrong with people?

    Considering EE is a mess right now, I can see why people prefer to watch Emmerdale.

    Personally, a bad episode of ED is better than a good episode of EE, as that show is all over the place - very plot focused, with a lot of unrealistic scenes, and stories that lack depth. It's still watchable, just generally not very good.

    This Viv plot is a bit meh, and Bob really needs to grow a pair, and Hazel continues to annoy, but I'm learning to tolerate her. The juries still out on Ella & Mia, as they seem to be drifting between not quite being bitchy snobs (Kim Tate, Lady Tara) and not quite down-to-earth (Natasha Wylde), so they never really create much of an impact.

    I hope the upcoming Eric & Val story is handled well, especially as it's rooted in his history, dating back to the 1993 plane crash and the death of his wife, Elizabeth.

  8. What's surprised me the most so far, has been the direction - they've been taking risks, and doing more stylish, creative shots, which have been awesome. All of these episodes have a Hollywood disaster movie look and feel to them; a lot of thought has been put into the characters, and the increased budget has been spent well. On the whole, the stunt was awesome (bar one dodgy CGI shot of the tram driver crashing down), and the acting from the majority of cast has been surprisingly good - especially Jane Danson; it has shown that Fiz is just terrible, especially her cheesy blood-curdling scream "Johhhhnnn!!!"

    I loved how they remembered Carla still haunted by the factory fire that nearly killed her, and the inclusion of Gary's PTSD, which has been played well; Janice being forced into nurse mode, and her initial hesitation was authentic - I can see her leaving to pursue nursing or something similar, if she doesn't die (I hope it's something positive for her, if she doesn't die).

    The production of these episodes demonstrates that there has been a positive change in Corrie, sadly, the one thing that hasn't changed are the storylines, but hopefully once these are over, better ones will take their place. The sooner the crapfest that is John Stape and his rubbish storyline is over, the better (thank goodness Charlotte has left; a creepy character with potential in any other story bust this mess).

    So, if you've tuned out, then tune back in, even if it is just for the disaster.

  9. I do think Ian has treated most of the women in his life like crap though. He and Cindy were a toxic combination, they were both responsible for what happened to that marriage, even though Cindy was slightly psychotic and misunderstood, I think Ian partly pushed her over the edge on several osscasions. The way he treated Laura, who I hate anyway, was just degrading as well.

    Jane has gotten better treatment, but she is right that Ian is generally dismissive of her and doesn't really think of her as an equal partner in their marraige

    Ian is a strange character, b/c he is a creep, but when paired with someone like Phil, Ian is the protagonist, and we are meant to root for him. He's only ever the antagonist within his marriages. He can be nasty and vindictive, and takes delight in other people's misfortunes (but never too far that he's a villain), but then he'll do something nice, and reveal that he does have a heart underneath it all. Ian is someone who you'll despise one minute, but will never hate, b/c he's never written as villain, just a normal guy who's a jerk with (major) flaws, whose endearing qualities are buried under a mountain of slime.

    Jane has gotten better treatment, and continues to be in love with him for reasons that are alien to me, but in RL this couple would never last - unless Jane's a masochist, but she's never come across as one. She needs to find someone who will treat her better, especially after the stunt Ian pulls next week (or whenever its set to air)...

    Ian sleeps with Glenda as payback for Jane kissing Mas. Like his deed equals a couple of kisses...


    John Bardon had a stroke spring 1997.

    Don't you mean 2007? Unless he had a previous stroke before then, and this is what you are referring to.

    Jim's progress is matched with John's progress. I guess, when/if John regains his speech, so will Jim.

  10. Why are fires so popular at the moment? Is it b/c they are easy to do?

    EastEnders and Hollyoaks have had massive blazes, and following on from the news that Neighbours' season finale, will centre around a fire at #26, now ED are having a fire, too.

    I bet Viv will either be a victim, or will leave after her business is burnt to the ground. The other person will probably be someone they never use, like Gennie, who I always forget exists anyway.

    I still find the show watchable, even if certain stories suck. IMO, the show still has something that others, like Corrie, have yet to get back.

    I wish they would pace Chas' revenge better, instead of rushing through it. I'd like to see more scenes of her conflicting emotions, and trying to deal with the fact that revenge really isn't helping, but is something she feels she has to do.

    Also, who exactly is that moustache man that has popped up randomly and hangs around w/ Lisa? Why so I have the strange feeling that he'll start hitting on her sooner or later.

    This story with Jai/Charity/Debbie/the Dingles must be the story that TPTB said they had to put on hold when CW took maternity leave, last year.

  11. And he lives in the same borough as me! Don't know why that surprised me, considering a lot of actors live in or around my area. I guess b/c I've never seen him around, unlike other EE actors. Not that I would want to either.

    Is it just me, or does he always have issues with his baby mothers? You'd think he would learn from his past, and I guess, his character.

    Reading the spoilers posted on DS tonight, it looks like

    Jane and Masood are going to have an affair, to the point of going to a hotel room. Then Jane tells Ian, I guess, but Zainab doesn't seem to know.

    I read that, too. Doesn't fill me joy. Feels too random as well, considering they dropped that story, and made it seem like it was over. This is the problem with bad pacing. Also, Syed finds out, and there's this drama about whether he'll tell Zainab, or keep his dad's secret.

  12. It probably will, apparently they're going back to having a full team of storyliners, so the responsibility of coming up with stories won't fall squarely on one person, as it often did with Treadwell-Collins.

    This is true. I guess this was one of the jobs that DS' Kris Green took?

    Does anyone else think that US soaps would/would've benefited from sharing the load more? Obviously Y&R is a resounding 'no', but I mean more generally, and with the right team.

    I just tend to roll my eyes a little at the whole "I watch this show for the Masoods/Ronnie/et al, where are they."

    I don't really understand this mentality, as it's a soap opera, and I know people have die hard favourites (I do), but you have to watch for more than that; it's why an ensemble cast has to work overall, and not be reliant on a select few. Of course, this mentality has its place, like when a show is so bad, everything is totally terrible, and only your faves matter. But, EE isn't in that shape, ATM.

    I love SW, too, and I hope they learn to use her and Ronnie right. I do wonder if they'll continue the tradition of her being the tragic heroine?

  13. That can't come quick enough. Hopefully the pacing and continuity will improve.

    But I didn't get this part: they shouldn't have returned? mellow.gif

    I wasn't referring to them returning, but the story that they returned with - Kat, in a blonde wig, running away from some crooks, who then broke into the Slater house, only to be scared off by Alfie pretending to be a cop. This was linked to their overly complicated backstory of Alfie being in prison due to some dodgy scam that conned these crooks out of money, and they, being oh so powerful, chased Kat all the way from Spain, just to be scared off at the last the minute. It was all to pointless and messy for words.

    ETA: You inspired the BAM!s. :lol:

  14. Rhona's gonna be pregnant! I had no idea. Well, I knew someone was gonna be up the duff, but I assumed it was gonna be Eve - that would've been predictable, yes, but not so random as Rhona. Seriously, what's the point? Are Paddy & Rhona some great love that needs this obstacle thrown in their path?

    The only thing remotely believable about Holly's acting, is her make-up. Why the hell didn't they test her out before casting her for this meaty role, is anyone's guess.

  15. I don't remember that, and it seems a lot of other people don't either. But I'll take your word for it. Must've been made very clear at the time. LOL.

    With the Masoods, I think it's b/c they haven't been used at all, not even in small family/couple scenes in a C-plot, just random episodes once a month. I don't think the show has done itself any favours by having Zainab rescue Syed from the fire, and not have any follow up at all. That was a turning point that needed addressing, but its like it never happened.

  16. It probably will. You can just see Kelly returning, causing a bit of drama for Jimmy & Nicola, then will randomly prop up the bar for a while, as she mingles with some of the other backburnered characters. This of course will last for awhile, b/c unlike EE, characters don't just disappear for months on end, only their storyline does.

    Those people at DS were either not watching at the time, or have Selective Memory Syndrome. I guess he'll continue being Nicola's lapdog, while being drawn back into Kelly's orbit. He's only really in lapdog mode when he's with someone, and Nicola fills that void ATM. I just wonder how they'll distinguish Kelly from some of the other gals, considering they have enough characters similar to her already.

  17. I don't know if they really want you to invest in Jane's revenge plan against Ian. I think that was more Santer and DTC. Some used this story to talk about how bad Kirkwood is but Kirkwood would probably be playing this story heavily even without Lucy if it was his. It's a terrible story and Jane's baby rabies has been a terrible story for years.

    Again, that's bad storytelling. Weather the story was BK's or Santa's, it still should be treated with more respect, than what it has been given. After all, we, are the ones that have to sit through it. I hate it when new producers/head writers come in, and drop/ruin stories left over from the previous regime simply b/c they don't like them/aren't there's; it's so messy.

    I agree with you about bad continuity, but Phil actually does own the pub. Roxy signed the pub over to Peggy before the fire, and Peggy, after leaving Walford, signed it over to Phil.

    Did Roxy sign it over to Peggy, or did she simply put Peggy back in charge of running it? I've always thought it was the latter, which is why it wasn't really Peggy's to give to Phil.

  18. No-one's posted in here for a while, so I'll give it a bump.

    For those of you that are still watching, how have you found the show over the last couple of months? Say, since around the time Steph's secret was exposed till now.

    I think they've demonstrated that they can tell good stories. The shows not perfect, but the fall out from Steph's secret has been big, and some of the best acting moments in soap from Kym Valentine and Carla Bonner. And its allowed for Sonya to come into her own, as one of the most level headed characters the show had had in years.

    Got to say, Jane Hall is a treasure, and one I'm so sad the show will be loosing. Jane has played Rebecca's wrath of emotions with such nuance and ease, especially when Rebecca discovered Paul's affair, and most recently when she broke down in Lyn's arms. She deserves to be nominated and win a Logie, but they normally go to more younger and higher profile actors, which is a shame.

    I don't think I've ever seen a soap portray a coma victim quite like Neighbours did today. Normally, the character wakes up, says/does something dramatic, then falls back to sleep, only to wake up again and be completely recovered. I liked how they put emphasis on the medical side, and had Paul unable to speak, and needing help with giving him water, wiping his mouth, and generally having his family be his nurse. I liked how they showed the reality with Andrew and Rebecca at the prospect of Paul needing long term care, and Susan's stunned reaction, when Paul got agitated and embarrassed with Rebecca's nursing. Stefan's doing an awesome job, as usual.

    Sad that the show took another ratings dive last Friday in Oz, as it has been doing so well. It seems like most of Ten's line up have been doing badly, so not just Neighbours. But, when B&B out-rates it, there's definitely a problem. Shame Ten execs no longer care.

  19. It is so nice to finally see so much Victoria. I hope this Amy storyline actually goes somewhere for Victoria and she isn't just being used to prop this chick.

    Whenever I see Viv now I just get sad. There are so many other people on this show I would have swiftly given the boot to before her.

    SNAP! That's how I feel about Viv and Victoria.

    I guess Chas' revenge will be the only good thing about this affair story, considering they've ruined Carl, in order to make Eve the sympathetic one.

    Kelly returning isn't that random, considering Jimmy & Nicola need a story, and she'll provide it. The last I heard/saw, Adele Silver was working as a sales assistant in some store in LA - clearly she got fed up with that, and came back to England, ready to accept the ED offer. It's an opportunity she couldn't *afford* to turn down.

    I liked Jimmy & Kelly as a couple; they clicked. And Jimmy was certainly her lapdog, just like he was Sadie's, too. That's part of who Jimmy is: a bumbling big hearted door mat.

  20. Thanks Amello, for the scoop. I guess we saw the start of that this week, with the Ryan/Stacey kiss.

    And BAM! laugh.gif

    Alvin won't be happy to hear that! But it's true. ph34r.gif

    Well, someone had to say it.

    It's not like I don't like them, b/c I do, just not over exposed in this way. Storylines are all over the place, b/c one half of the show doesn't work, while the other half does. Continuity, pacing and balance are off in a big way, and Kat & Alfie are a part of that. ITA with Alvin - the show does pick a character trait and magnify that by 100, whenever a character returns. This doesn't do them any favours, and has so far worked against Kat. Her and Alfie's return story was unnecessary and their backstory was overly cluttered; the pregnancy would have been enough. Then... BAM! Alfie's not the dad. BAM! Michael arrives (new character alert) and is the dad. BAM! Michael wants to runaway with Kat. BAM! Kalfie reunited. It's just been too much in a short space of time, that I've not cared about a single one of their stories. I don't get why its had to be so rushed.

    BK has put in a lot of effort in bringing back the community feel to the show; he's given Darren a reason to exist, fleshed out the Brannings/Jacksons, given other characters, like Pat, Janine, Carol, Glenda... more prominence/depth/development. But, I think it's glaringly obvious that continuity has slipped by the wayside. Why was there no police investigation into the Vic fire? Why does Phil act like he owns the pub, when really it's Roxy? Why build an industrial kitchen in place of the toilets? So random and so unnecessary.

    When wasn't Lauren full of moody angst?

    Maybe it was the actor, but Lauren didn't seem to have the weight of the world on her before she went to summer camp. She seemed to be a lot more excepting and chilled out with things. Then, she smokes a bit of dope (or whatever), gets her heart broken, and acts like the walking dead, being rude and dissing Dot, acting so petulant, moody, miserable, etc. I just don't see any reason for her to be acting like this.

    The Beales have probably been away because they have to recast Lucy.

    That's not good enough, and not really a valid reason. I know the actors have probably been on a 2 month vacation, but their holiday time should be more spread out. How am I supposed to invest in Jane's revenge if it all plays off screen? 2 months ago, Jane revealed her plan to fleece Ian, and this week, she's 'fessing up to Christian, and Ian's finding the bank statement. Where's all the other beats to the plot? Its bad storytelling.

  21. I can't be bothered to watch; is it to do with...

    Janine poisoning Ryan?

    I haven't posted in here for a long time, but I will quickly say that I've loved the Carol story, and its psychological complexities; loved seeing Janine striped back to what the character is all about (something Santa never really got); loved seeing Alan & Blossom return, and really wish Alan (especially) could be made permanent, or at least recurring, as he was one of my favourite characters and still is - he really would add something different to the male half of the show; love everything about Kim; I even liked the possibilities of a story between Roxy/Christian/Syed, as I think that could've been quite relatable to a lot of people (best friend gets another half, and you're left out in the cold; the whole dynamic changes), but it was only a one episode wonder, and pretty pointless.

    However, I haven't been enjoying the huge focus on Kat & Alfie, who are eating the show. Not thrilled about the possibilities of more Moons either. Don't like how terrible the pacing is still, and how a lot of characters are on the backburner doing nothing for months (Denise (whose story has ended too abruptly), Patrick, Masood, Zainab, Tamwar, Ian, Jane, Syed, Christian, Heather, Shirley, Mo, Greg (some scenes with Tanya would be nice, so we can asses them as a couple), Ronnie (who has vanished without a mention from anyone else). I also want to like Vanessa, but I find her very distracting (the horrible hair, always wearing beige/white), and very hard to care about this story with Jodie's paternity - not investing much air time in Harry, doesn't warm me to his pain, either. ETA: nuLauren also bugs me - why is she so full of moody angst since she's been away? She wasn't like this before she left.

  22. How awesome was last night's episode?

    That's got to be the best ep I've seen of ED this year, and a big reason why this show is great. Even when it dips in quality for a few eps, they'll surprise you with a brilliant climax to a long running story. The acting was on fire from all concerned, and I was surprised that that kid (Will) can do real tears (kids can be a bit dodgy with this kind of stuff). Amanda was an asset to the show, and her and Natasha will be missed.

    I knew it had to be drastic for Natasha to crack and 'fess up, b/c Natasha has kept that secret for so long, that her own fear would never have let her speak up. Maisie wanting to bash Nathan's brains in, and refusing to believe that her Mum was the killer, were tense and surprising - I really think she would've done it too, and Cain would've let her. I don't think I could've made the choice that Maisie did, and shop my mother to the cops, but I guess if Natasha had been staying, she wouldn't of. I'm glad she reminded Maisie that she'll have to live with that decision for the rest of her life. Also liked how nasty Nathan showed that no matter how vile he can be, he just wanted his Mum to stay safe and out of prison, even to the end, he was begging for her to skip the country. That last scene of Natasha walking out to the cops, in the middle of nowhere, was very cinematic, and reminded me of a scene from an old movie.

    The Wyldes have been a big part of the show for a long time, and even though I'm new to them, I'm seriously gonna miss them when they eventually all leave. (I know that's not what I said in the beginning...)

    Elsewhere... I'm liking the Jai/Charity partnership, and sort of liking the Paddy/Rhona/Marlon triangle, even though something is lacking from it. Still not that fussed about Chas/Carl/Eve, but maybe that'll change once the truth comes out. I'm glad they're taking the drugs story a little further, as it feels more real now that they're putting Holly on methadone.

    As for Aaron/Jackson, I don't think they have the guts to make Jackson a paraplegic, considering it will be very limiting in story terms, and a tad too depressing. Plus, I'm not buying the whole love story that these two have going on, so that sorts of taints it all. Maybe it would've be better if Jackson had died?

  23. When Quirke leaves in a few months and Viv is gone I guess that would just leave Brenda to fill that role, although even she is probably not going to be around for that long.

    But will she be gone in a few months, or will she resign and extend her stay?

    I actually like Brenda, but as a returning viewer, I just don't get her and Terry's relationship, in fact, I barely know that they're a couple. I've also noticed the lack of screen time for Val & Pollard as a couple, and I fail to see what the point was in having Jimmy & Nicola manage the Woolpack for the summer. So many characters are just twisting in the wind.

  24. There wasn't really anything AFAICR. We knew about Eleven, and then one day there was the rumour that Ten were going be extending their news and revamping the pre-7pm timeslots, which they then assured fans that Neighbours was safe (remember, they issued that statement about their love for the show), and then suddenly, it was being moved. I'm not sure how far in advance the show knew, but they must have had a heads up, and heard whispers long before.

    IMO, Jane leaving is the reason why Rebecca pushed Paul. Due to there advance filming and scripting, and the close proximity the 6000th event is to Rebecca's departure, I'd say her decision to quit influenced their decision to make Rebecca Paul's attacker.

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