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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. The thing that bugs me the most is them ignoring the fact that the second time luke did not marry tracy for money

    Had he not killed jake and freaked out and wanted to set her free it wouldn't have been about money

    He didn't even want anything in divorce

    They ignore the whole second msrriage

  2. Oh and the latest is Dr O and Madeline are evil sisters

    -- this is confirmed

    Dr O also kept Katherine Bell's child when Helena ordered her to kill her....

    Supposedly Serena, Christina Collins (Kevin and Lucy's adopted daughter) anna Donnelly and this new kathernie bell and Stefan child are all being cast or have been cast.

    Seriously could we ever get Dillon?

    What will they do with all these girls in same age bracket??

  3. I'd bet my bottom dollar on Bill Eckert

    Someone dropped that "Luke" convinces Tracy of a quickie may wedding and Ned tries to convince her not to make a mistake but she doesn't listen.

    as they are saying I dos we see Heather with Luke in a room at Miscaviage

    I am thinking this will be how it plays out. We know heather will be back and that is a way to do it I guess.

    It is paul Hornsby marrying Tracy for ELQ again but this time Bill posing as Luke

    I'm just glad Ned is back.

    The thing is, you have all the lunacy haters saying at least this is fake luke telling tracy he loves her etc. However, Luke and Tracy were reunited romantically before this faux luke. He promised the whole enchilada nonsense.

    So at least when Real Luke is discovered they can find their way back to each other again. Wonder if Tracy will be eeked out like anna was about duke cause she kept imagining the duke mask

  4. Don't know if anyone saw this on twitter but Michael Logan is releasing an interview with Jane next week for TV guide. He teased emmys, elvis and getting her roots done.

    I'm really--how many times do we have to hear about Deidre Hall doing her roots? Can't he think of some original questions?

  5. Yup both Ned and Tracy knew bill

    Ned married Jenny Eckert

    Ned worked with Julia Barrett and had romance with her too

    Bill and Harlan worked together then Bill worked with Tracy some in adversarial role pretty sure

    Harlan was part of the cartel that involved Paul with marrying Tracy to take over ELQ

    Since Sonny said whoever is backing Julian has been tied to Barrett Industries and Julia Barrett sold her interest in the company (Bill inherited it from Harlan I think majority stockholder)

    Bill was killed but that never stopped GH before

    I agree, even though it is kind of bizarre Tracy wouldn't recognize she was sleeping with someone else (as if every single thing would be identical lol), I'm willing to go with it cause like you said it is something different for Jane/Tony to play plus whenever they figure out this is Bill we still have the story potential of where is the real Luke and then what happens with him and Tracy

    The thing is Luke and Tracy were back together before all of this so it isn't like they would be at odds but who knows where real luke is (maybe he is a frozen popsicle too)

  6. so what do you guys think? My theory is luke was programmed somehow while he was drugged by Heather and the egg salad painting which is now conveniently hanging in the Qs living room is gonna trigger luke to do stuff like the old grand Putnam storyline...

    sounded like he was nice and sincere today to Tracy

    here we go again....lunacy round 6 :)

  7. Emme Rylan in Michael Fairman's interview

    Emme on getting the chance to perform in scenes with Jane Elliot (Tracy): I am kind of obsessed with Jane Elliot right now. We have some really fun stuff coming up, and we have enjoyed working together. I find myself staying on set to watch her scenes. I pretty much want to learn from everyone that has been on GH for a long time, and Jane is an incredible actress to watch and learn from.

  8. nice tracy/lulu today

    Tracy/Lucy tomorrow

    NE spoilers for March 3

    Tracy braces herself for Luke's confession

    luke tells tracy why he lied to her

    I think this has to do with him telling Tracy he feels fine, because they taped with Patrick and monica and Sabrina after that so I bet he ends up having something like LSD flashbacks from Heather or a relapse fo something and lies to her at first but then confesses something is wrong

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