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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. The mid-season finale was fantastic. Chandler was great; he has grown so much talent-wise, and he will be missed. Being as the All-Out War storyline wraps this season, I'm looking forward to the back 8. Hopefully Carol will be given more chances to be the ultimate badass.

  2. I love how every episode ended with sappy music and Danny's forgiveness...

    "Now Michelle, I know that you smoked crack, stole my car, and ran down the Gibblers, but I know that you did it because you were crying out for my attention. I forgive you and I'm sorry."

    "That's okay, Daddy."

    "Just one more thing, Michelle. The cost of cleaning Kimmy off of my windshield is coming out of your allowance."

    "You got it, dude!"

    *Laughter and applause*

    *Roll credits*

  3. I think they put Daryl and Beth together but they thought they were opposites and wanted to see what happened with them isolated, for writing value. I didn't want them together romantically, but I didn't mind that duo in story. I also don't think they killed Beth for Daryl; I just think they thought Beth had run her course, which is a fair POV though I didn't agree with it, I thought she'd finally come into her own. I like the whole ensemble, including Norman Reedus; I think he's a charismatic actor they enjoy writing for, but I don't think they do things just to try and service his fanbase. TWD is far bigger than any actor now. It is character-proof and death-proof. And I think it's unfair to say stuff happens because a different actor or character is too popular. There certainly are shows that run like that, TWD is not one of them. They could kill any of the leads on Sunday (and probably will kill at least one regular) and still run for another four or five years if they want to.

    And the thing is, Michonne was only slightly separated from Rick for two or three episodes while they both began to find their bearings in Alexandria (and they weren't the only ones). They still shared scenes together but their struggles were very different, for a specific reason which has now been illuminated. And as for Jessie, she's had very little airtime, and the show itself has never positioned her as "the new Mrs. Rick Grimes." You're conflating social media reaction and annoying guests on the talk show with what the show is actually doing. On the show, in the scripts, Jessie is just a woman in trouble whose situation Rick has become unhealthily fixated on while having a PTSD breakdown. And as for the rest, if you're saying the show is saying Michonne has forgotten her place or is jealous - the show is saying nothing like that. People on the Internet are saying that. That's not the show, and that's not what they are writing. They can't help it if dumb people say that [!@#$%^&*], and they can't write everything in the hopes of preventing that because that is impossible - people are always going to be stupid. You have to write in spite of that, which IMO is what they do. If I judged everything everything in terms of how we think the craziest segment of the audience is going to react to it, I think that would become a very different viewing experience for me, and certainly a different writing experience for them. But it's not what I'm seeing and I don't think it's what they're writing.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree 1000%. :)

  4. The Beth - centric episode was a lot better than I thought it'd be. Emily Kinney has grown on me. That ending though... Carol better be okay.

    Just speculating, but I suspect that the person with Daryl at the end of last week's episode was Noah, who will lead the group to the hospital to get Beth and Carol out.

  5. I'm not really upset over The Glenn and Maggie Show or Maggie seeming to forget that she even has a sister or even Rick turning into a (so-called) monster. What gets me is all this speculation about cannibalism. WTF? Where did that come from.

    Has Woodbury jaded the viewers so much that there is no possibility that there are good people left out there in the apocalypse and those that do form a safe haven are eventually going to eat you???

    In the comic books, yes, there was cannibalism and yes, it did happen during the time of Terminus but it wasn't the Terminus people that were resorting to eating their fellow man. "The Group" stumbled upon a redneck, trailer trash type of group (similar to Joe's Claimers), and THEY were the ones who were cannibals. In fact, they ate Dale's leg. Do those who have read the comic book think the show is doing a remix on this one and assuming Gareth and the Terminus gang are cannibals?

    BTW, this was an interesting read. Season 5, yet to be filmed, is already getting seriously dissected and analyzed:


    Terminus wasn't in the comics, nor were Gareth or Mary, so anything is possible.

  6. Not sure how I feel about the preview for next week's OC with everyone (predictably) ganging up on Gretchen. She seems to be keeping her calm though, unlike banshee squealing Vicki.

    On WWHL last night, Andy confirmed that she brought a LOT of proof with her to the reunion to shut the other women up about her "lies', so I really can't wait to see what it is.

  7. Gretchen has been handling these bitches like a breeze for years at reunions and I can't wait to see her do it again.

    Me neither! She had proof of her Fox News offer last year, and I'm sure she'll have proof of the Malibu Country deal as well. Gretchen may act stupid a lot of the time, but she is far from it, and she always handles herself well during reunions. This is definitely one I can't wait to see.

    Gadget and Jesus Jugs need to go, Heather is showing her own drama stirring, biznitchy self, and Vicki needs to go host a revamped Tales From The Crypt because she's played out and pathetic.

    My dream cast: Gretchen, Jeanna, Lauri, Heather, Tamra.

  8. what a terrible episode, and i love andrea & the gov...

    I respectfully disagree. This episode was amazingly tense, and I'm glad it brought Andrea's spark out of hiding. The Governor's torture room is one of the most unsettling things ever printed in a graphic novel, so the fact that they set it up for next week is fantastic. Milton finally showed some balls (which means he will die, naturally), and Tyrese was actually given something to do.

    The pursuit scene in the old warehouse was suspense at its best. The look on Laurie Holden's face as she watched from behind the door while the zombies attacked Philip was chilling. I just wish she had stayed there to make sure that he died for sure.

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