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Posts posted by Adam

  1. I’ve been watching January 1991 on YouTube and how amazing is to see still at this time Palmer was a front burner character. He is currently being poisoned and having memory lapses. 


    I must say though, most of the airtime has been devoted to the Jeremy/Ceara/David Rampal stuff and it is so boring. I tell you, they were really hell bent on making Ceara work. Genie Francis must have had one hell of a high episode guarantee. 



  2. 21 hours ago, Jonathan said:


    Hmm.  Interesting.  A lot of people in the biz are doing real estate.  Chrishell Stause (Hartley) and Colin Egglesfield come to mind.

    Well I guess to sell a house you have to “sell a narrative” so acting comes in handy.


    I had no idea that is what Chrishelle and Colin were up to.



  3. Been away from this place for a long time. Good to see some familiar faces still posting here!


    I am 50/50 on a reboot. It would almost be better to leave its legacy in the past, perhaps stream classic episodes as opposed to a new production.


    YouTube now has most episodes (with some gaps) from the 1990s, the heyday where I fell in love with this show. I am watching 1991 episodes leading up to Natalie in the well. 


    This is is how I want to remember AMC by. Every character with a richness and humanity to them. However, Ceara was such an air hog at this time 😝 even though the story of her history with her father is heart breaking. 

  4. She never had sex with Brian. She lost her virginity to Charlie, before she got involved with Alec.

    Wow, I mean I was a kid so I don't remember the details... but I remember thinking Hayley got around....

    I guess not. She was certainly involved with a lot of men before she finally "did it".

    And has done some Broadway. I grew to like him--especially with Dixie but he seemed so miscast after Matt Borlenghi (who was Brian number 2 wasn't he? There was one briefly before?) Matt has strangely been quiet on FB about trying to get back on the show--a couple years back he seemed to post about it every day.

    And I do remember the Whole New World thing now, ugh (funny, that wasbefore Disney bought ABC).

    Maybe he was served with a cease and desist order lol.

  5. Thanks for posting that clip.

    Go Phoebe! Loves!

    It was dumb of Cecily not to ask for alimony.

    I loved her in the '80s clips, though. Sad.

    Speaking of Trevor "Fred Flintstone" Dillon - I liked him w/ Nat back in the day, but had no use for him after Kate Collins left. If I had to choose between James Kiberd and Kate Collins, I'd no doubt choose Kate.

    That said, IRL Kiberd seems like a nice guy (from the clips I've watched) and apparently Kate and he have buried the hatchet (given she talked nicely of him in her SoapCentral interview).

    Had they buried it prior to her return in 2005? Because I was always under the impression she said she'd only return if James was not involved and that's why we ended up with Trevor( tacky tie and all) in the freezer....

  6. YES. The idea that Trevor would fall in love with Natalie's evil sister who nearly killed her and then marry her was just ridiculous to me. I love Robin Mattson, and I loved her as Janet, but she should have been a totally new character. Honestly, I never liked Trevor, and I thought it was a damn shame Kate Collins was dropped to keep Trevor and his obnoxious accent on camera. If anything, Trevor and Tim should have left town when Natalie died.

    Yeah, no if Kate was willing to stay, James should have been the one let go since they couldn't get along. It still shocks me to this day the amount of fanmail he got. I never found Trevor all that interesting or appealing as a character. He was quite obnoxious most of the time. I always rooted for Janet against him. Natalie at that point had many more ties to the canvas and Kate is such a wonderful actress. Natalie should have been a permanent fixture.

  7. Thanks.

    Why the hell wouldn't she ask for alimony from a cheater? God, they totally ruined her. ha!

    Did Rosa Nevin piss someone off or something?

    They also ruined Nico by making him an off-screen cheater.

    They should've just said Nico died and Cecily wanted to return to Pine Valley to be with family (Phoebe) and old friends (Tad, Dixie).

    Or never brought her back in the first place.

  8. She was getting a divorce from Nico, and was going to stay with Aunt Phoebe, but Pheebs wouldn't let Cecily stay if she wasn't willing to ask Nico for alimony.

    Go Phoebe! She wouldn't let any woman under her roof not have a backbone. I had forgotten about that.

  9. McTavish only had a few months, if that, to write for her. I'd put any blame or credit for her on Broderick/Behr.

    I forget, what brought Cecily back to town in the first place? The Martin housewarming? I remember first seeing her then.

  10. YES. TK and SL had good chemistry. I *think* that was the original plan because TK was quoted at some point early on the in Vegas storyline as saying something like he guessed he was going to be doing Susan Lucci for a while. IDK why that was dropped in favor of sticking Erica back with Jack AGAIN. I would have loved it if Zach had taken Erica up on her offer to marry him instead of Kendall. TK and SL are both great comedic performers, and that could have been very entertaining to watch.

    Oh what could have been.... Zach and Maria also had a lot of potential, if Eva had have stayed. I thought Thorsten and Eva had amazing chemistry. Thorsten and Alicia had great chemistry too, early on, but I grew to have such disdain for both characters any working chemistry the actors may have shared was snuffed out. For me, anyway.

  11. I'm pretty sure that IR left on her own accord. She had done Carlito's Way and most likely left to pursue her film career.

    IR was a great bougie bitch, she could have been Whitley Gilbert's cousin from up north. Although I think she would have been perfectly capable of playing unhinged, that almost seems beneath her version of Taylor. I think her replacement sold it well as I found her completely unlikeable, but I don't think that had anything to do with IR's departure.

    Ok, thanks for the info. Yeah, Kelli Taylor's Taylor was very unlikable. I remember hating her so much and being glad when she was finally gone. Although, I must say, I really enjoyed Taylor and Vivian scenes during that era. Loved Vivian!

  12. I have a question regarding the character of Taylor Roxburry-Cannon. I am watching some episodes on youtube from early 1994, and one of the stories going on at that time was Terrence and Julia with Taylor interfering. It was interesting to see the Taylor and Julia feud beginning with Ingrid Rogers in the role, but Rogers couldn't play bitch that well, at least in my opinion. Is this the main reason they made the casting change in 1995 and brought in Kelli Taylor? Or did Ingrid leave on her own? Because I am trying to envision Ingrid playing unhinged Taylor, and I can't. :lol:

  13. I agree with what Kay Alden (reportedly) said, that at this point there's no reason to retcon Josh, it just would be more trouble and confusing to viewers than it's worth--and he's dead, even by soap standards. I still liked the character a lot by the end, and HATED Pratt's version of Zack going all killer and "SAVE HIS HEART FOR KENDALL" on him--but at that point especially mcTavish was all for over the top ideas, and I'm sure when she pitched the unabortion to Frons that's why he took to it, he seemed to like and encourage her gimmicks.

    I had no issue with Josh being killed off, but it was the way he was killed off. Zach's character already was pretty much lost at that point, but that killed any likability. For me anyway.

    I always though what they should have done is have Josh fatally injured in a car accident, and have him donate his heart to Kendall that way. And play the story up from Erica's point of view... losing her only son juxtaposed with the conflict she felt over his existence and how he came to be. Erica barely even flinched when Josh was killed. I found that very off putting.

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