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Posts posted by Troppo

  1. I enjoyed 1994-1998 for the Dylan and Grant eye candy mostly; something that is sorely lacking in 2000. Although that Antonio guy from 2001 seems to have a pretty face.

    I thought 1997 was a tad boring in parts. Sheila getting Mike to sabotage a dishwasher was hilarious though. The Who Shot Grant storyline was ruined by the lack of music, so I may have to go back and rewatch it.

  2. I'm with you all the way. But why does it have to be a mistake? I want Brooke to own it like the Samantha Jones she once was. Mistake implies that she feels remorse for her sexual desires and reinforces these antiquated and misogynistic beliefs that women suddenly stop being sexy and promiscuous once they reach a certain age.

    How ironic that this was once THE show that pushed the envelope with borderline incest storylines and scandalous pregnancies with your son-in-law among other things 🙊

    Also, your poll should have an "All of the above" option. Tehehehe

  3. I love that you can now play videos directly in Google Sheets. It makes accessing episodes so much more seamless. Too bad the embedded video cannot be moved around like a floating window, but at least you can resize it.

    Screenshot B&B Episode Tracker Embedded Video.png


    On 4/20/2024 at 10:09 PM, Althea Davis said:

    I am using a Chrome add on, called Urban Vpn and it works for me - perfectly - just checked - it's completely free. 

    Just wanted to say thank you for your suggestions. Did the trick 🥰

  4. What I’m more concerned about is the inferior audio in some of the episodes. At first I thought I was imagining it, but I started noticing that some episodes sound like they’re in mono. Audio sounds somewhat muffled and blended together, the way mono sounds like when you split one channel audio into two.

    Other episodes sound much clearer and fuller with clear separation in both the left and right channels, and a lot louder as well (and they sound amazing). Interestingly the bad audio only seems to be affecting the 60 fps videos. You probably won't notice it unless you wear headphones like I do, but even I've noticed it playing on laptop speakers.

  5. YouTube is partly responsible. The platform is trying to save money on bandwidth by lowering the bitrate of 1080p videos and hoping people won't notice the degradation too much. But if you pay for Premium you might get the "Enhanced Bitrate". I say might because not every video gets it and it is limited to 1080p30.

    I'm currently trialing Premium. On some of the S13 videos, I do notice a marginal improvement but I do not think it's worth paying for at this stage.

  6. 1 hour ago, Althea Davis said:

    Can you link me the article... This information is a complete lie and I want to see who wrote it. Hahaha.

    It's not an article, it's in a forum thread from what I see. What is it with people spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories?

  7. On 3/20/2024 at 7:37 AM, BoldRestless said:

    That was me! This would be a great way to track all these notes people are writing in here about glitchy videos, no sound, etc. Someone had also mentioned another site was now showing the show from the beginning again, which could be an opportunity to capture episodes in a better quality or with subtitles turned off since that wasn't an option when it started.


    Big thanks :D 

    Awesome! I'm just putting the finishing touches to it, adding the relevant columns. Now I can start appointing editors to it, unless one of you here wants to take ownership of the document?

  8. 24 minutes ago, BoldKara said:

    It's interesting to compare episode 3186 that just aired on YouTube with the old British copy that's in the vault (Dec 2 1999). It appears the British broadcaster has re-jigged the scenes. I think I've come across this before and just thought it an error. Now it seems deliberate on the British broadcaster's part. Anyway, it's great to have an in-order, much higher quality episode available on YouTube now.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Haha yeah. That voiceover lady's remark during the credits: "Taylor's clearly been in some sort of spat, too. Most unusual to be punched in the upper lip only, though". Referencing the actress's obsession with cosmetic procedures. We never got voiceovers like that.

  9. 7 hours ago, BoldKara said:

    3181 (Season 13) that just "aired" on YouTube is quite glitchy around the 15m mark. 

    Yep, I have made a record of it, just to add to the ever growing list of problems with this channel.

    You know what's really getting on my nerves? The constant frame rate fluctuations from video to video. You have some episodes in 24 fps (Frames Per Second), some in 30 fps and some in 60 fps (Bold was recorded in 60 fps I believe). I know it seems like a minor detail, but it can have pretty disasterous affects on motion and smoothness.

    If you want to compare, look at episode 3179 which is in 60 fps, 3180 which is in 30 fps and 3181 which is in 24 fps and you will see the difference.

  10. 15 minutes ago, BoldKara said:

    It’s just so odd. By uploading these pristine mistaken Season 12 episodes, they clearly have Season 12 and probably 9-11 as well ready to go but leapt forward to Season 13 to begin this new HD era. They must have their reasons for starting with S13. Pity it includes random episodes from S12 meaning episodes from S13 are then skipped. Who knows if we’ll ever get those skipped episodes now?

    I remember @rsclassicfanforever saying that they have at least two years worth of episodes lined up, but from Season 12 onward. No idea what they're doing with 9-11. Probably still in the pipeline to be converted from tape. I noticed #3172 isn't in the schedule, even though #3173 and #3174 are. So who knows?

  11. 22 minutes ago, Althea Davis said:

    If there is anyone who is an icon here... it definitely is you.  I don't think another fan has done something so useful and so correct in a long time. 

    I knew very early on when they started uploading episodes from the beginning that mistakes were going to be made and that we needed some kind of a tool to keep track of it, so that's when I decided to make one from scratch. Hopefully the people running the channel see it and take notes from it.

    For those keeping track of the document, I have added the links to an additional 1500 episodes in the J column. Everything from Season 23 to 31 is playable. I also added a new Paramount+ column for the latest episodes. I'm still in the process of adding links to episodes from Seasons 18-22, but it will take a bit longer as there are so many missing episodes.

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