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Matt Powers

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Posts posted by Matt Powers

  1. I’ve just gotten to the episodes when Lisa Sloan replaced Jayne Bentzen as Nicole.  She does not seem to have the warmth that Jayne brought to the role and there is no chemistry between her and Miles. For those who have seen her portrayal—does she grow into the role as time goes by or does the character essentially become written to her specific interpretation?

  2. There have been mentions of CAPITOL’s clearance dropping in 1986 and I was curious what the affiliates who didn’t carry the show did—did they just plug a 30 min syndicated show in that slot or did they time shift the other soaps? Such as moving Y&R back a half hour and just run ATWT and GL in pattern thereafter? 

  3. @dc11786-Thanks again for all your input. The short tenures of the Steve/Adair/Chase recast—do you think they were indictive of turnover of HW/EP, poor recasts , or both? It seems ridiculous to go to the trouble of recasting just to dump the characters in quick succession.

    Did they ever explain how Judge Hendersen’s house withstood the flood?😁

    I do agree that stuffing everyone in Liberty House was limiting. Didn’t they also use this premise on the revamped THE CITY (LOVING), where the folks who survived the Corinth Killer moved to a building in SOHO? (Off topic I know..lol).

    Like the sound of a Martin/Estelle/LLoyd triangle (with the actors you mentioned). What could’ve been!


  4. @dc11786-Thanks for fleshing out 1985 a little more . The SOD synopses mentioned Ryder being labeled as a “brain” , but no other mentions are made of the high school story.  I had no idea Ryder/Adair chem test was done-guess it wasn’t worth writing about. 😄This was also the case for Steve Kendall’s return. It is mentioned once, and then the character is not discussed again. The Martin Tourneur return is mentioned, but at that point I believe John Aniston was on DAYS, so they would’ve had to recast.

    So Hogan’s grieving was the main focus of the flood aftermath? WTF?? That makes no sense.

    What was the writers affection for Evie? I never found the character interesting under either Colleen Dion or Joanna Going.


  5. Just finished watching SEARCH’s final years. The Avila-Mayer/Braxton era eps are sparse and I filled in the blanks with old SOD synopses. The whole circus story did not really interest me- I guess it was their attempt to having a young action adventure story, which all the soaps were attempting at the time. Bela was a cartoon villain at best. There didn’t seem to be much else going on after that story concluded. It seems from the synopsis, there was a story started about Ryder and a guidance counselor that went nowhere. Sunny’s “suicide attempt” over Hogan was totally out of character and diminished her character. Same can be said of Liza and her “sterility” story, which is a slap in the face to a character who so struggled to have a baby in early years. (Not sure if this was Avila-Meyer/Braxton or early Tomlin).

    I enjoyed the Estelle Kendall character (SFT’s version of Alexis Colby). Think they could have done more with her character—more along the lines of Dorian from OLTL. Having her drive Lloyd out of town was a good revenge story. At that point, Lloyd had really nothing to do and was a shell of the character he was under Haskell and Lambie (sorry Mike Brady😉), so good riddance.

    The Kendall boys were just phased out. Not sure why Chase was recast as it seems he didn’t last long and just faded into the netherworld (same can be said of the Adair recast).


    I am not sure who was responsible  (AM/B or Tomlin)for the WOMEN TO WATCH story.  If the true motive for the killings were because of the victims being profiled as a WOMAN TO WATCH, that’s one thing. But, from what I could gather, the killer stated they were killed because they randomly got in the way of his nefarious plans and all just happened to be part of the WTW.

    Did Louise Schaffer want to leave? Stephanie didn’t really have a story so I could see her wanting to go. Although, I kind of get the feeling the writers wanted a victim to be a major character and she was the easiest to write off.


    The flood story really did not having last story effect, save for everyone living at Liberty House. Ryder’s death had no significance. Had the triangle of TR/Danny/Ryder progressed to say TR and Ryder were together and his death led to TR and Danny getting together as a result of bonding through their grief. Maybe they fight their attraction and feelings as they feel it would be an affront to Ryder’s memory if they got together. Instead, TR and Danny were written out shortly after the flood-he went to CA and her to Switzerland. The other flood death was Evie’s mean old step dad that no one cried over anyway


    I have to say I did enjoy Pam Long and Addie Walsh wrap up era. The show was quite entertaining.  The McCleary’s did take over the show (liked Maeve McGuire as Kate), but it seemed even Jo and Stu had story. When Stu hooked up with Wilma, Mary played Jo not as jealous, but more like she feared losing her close friend. I think had the show continued, maybe Stu and Wilma and Jo and the Doctor could have been good couplings. 

    Quinn and Kat were fire. Too bad it came at the end of the series. Patti and Hogan were alright, but I still prefer Hogan and Sunny as endgame.


    Sunny and Estelle’s revenge plot against Bela was entertaining, but why those two would fight over sleazy Bela is beyond me

    While I can see the reason story wise to off Suzi, I still think it was a mistake. The writers killed 2 of Jo’s close relatives within a year. Perhaps Adair could’ve have been in the car and died. Jo still could’ve have been involved in the investigation.

    One thing I found unnecessary that Long/Walsh did was have Cagney and Evie end up together in Jo’s vision of the future. Evie had been enamored with Quinn for so long, I guess Long decided to make her a McCleary by hook or by crook. 






  6. @dc11786- Interesting theory on the Sailor/Ryder connection. That could’ve been a better story than what played out. It is clear that Avila-Meyer/Braxton were either not comfortable with and/or not interesting in Glynne’s vision for Sailor’s story. The character was disposed of so quickly without any real impact on the canvas-save for TR, who acted as if she known him for many years, not a few months.

    The Chase/Wendy/Quinn story is strange to me, as Wendy and Chase were quite friendly and all of the sudden she is undermining Chase at every turn in order for Quinn to get ahead. I think the writers had no clue what to do with Wendy after Warren and just through story at the wall and hoped something would stick. When that didn’t work, they wrote off the character with little fanfare (Poof-she’s gone- dead/alive—choose your adventure😝).


    I agree that Hogan/Liza should have been an arc, not endgame. Perhaps a situation where Hogan helped Liza at TI and she leans on him and develops feelings,etc. The way they just threw them together made no sense at all.

    What did you think of Joe Lambie as Lloyd? He was like early 40’s when he was on SFT and the charcter has sons in their 30’s?!!! His take is also gruffer than Haskell’s—not seeing any of the charm Peter brought to  the role.

    I like John Loprieno as Danny Walton #3, much better than Cain Devore. Too bad his stay is brief as he is dispatched back to San Fran soon after the flood.


  7. So far Avila-Meyer/Braxton’s era is a miss for me. Very dark (Sailor’s “interest” in TR ), Characters change radically (Hogan returns an a**hole, Sunny becomes needy, Suzi suddenly has “premonitions”..aargh). Quinn is a bright spot and has chemistry with Wendy. Does this pairing last?  Not too sure about this Sarah Whiting character, seems a bit too good to be true. I am glad Justine and Alec were sent out of town, as they were not my favorites

  8. Jeanne Glynn sure had her hand on the pulse of 1985 teenagers—-Polka Dancing!🤣

    TR and Ryder spent a good part of an ep polka dancing in a bar—breakdancing maybe, but polka dancing teenagers…SMH

    The writers didn’t do the character of Chase any favors. Saddling him in a triangle with two of the shows most boring characters (Adair/Alec). I enjoyed Chase/Wendy relationship-the show should’ve written those two as a couple with Warren as a spoiler. Also, did the writers just forget Steve and Michael Kendall altogether? There was a scene where Alec was discussing Becca’s disappearance and how it was hard on the the two of us (meaning him and Chase). I guess Steve and Michael weren’t too fond of their sister😆 

  9. I believe PAV/SB introduce the whole circus crew with Bela and Ryder. Sounds bizarre to me, as does shipping Liza/Hogan instead of reuniting Sunny/Hogan. I just hope there’s  less Chase/Adair/Alec..those three are a snooze fest. Should’ve had Wendy/Chase coupling with Warren as a spoiler.

  10. I am watching Jeanne Glynne’s tenure and so far I am underwhelmed. The Alec/Adair/Chase triangle is a dud—there is no chemistry between any of them. Warren’s revenge on his enemies is ridiculous and uninspired. Jo and Stu’s “murder with Merriment” could have been interesting if the ending result was not so obvious. Wendy is vastly underused, Justine is just annoying, and Louise Schaffer is woefully miscast as Stephanie. Cagney and Suzi are a good couple but their story is convoluted. The only bright spot was the Liza/Kentucky pairing, which was cut short due to Will Patton not wanting to sign a contract.   David Cherrill’s tenure while not perfect, was more watchable. I believe Paul Avila Meyer and Stephanie Braxton are next up in the wheel of writers. Hope they have better ideas..

  11. Agree @Jdee43. Would love to see the remaining 2 years-even though the writing was all over the place if the synopses from the period are correct. Especially interested in the Adrienne Hunt story, which was ahead of its time. Sounds like a story Reilly would have written 15 years later on DAYS

  12. Thanks again @dc11786 for your analysis. I did not get to see SFT first run ( I only have a memory of Stu and Jo on the last episode, believe I was on school vacation then). It is interesting your take on Joanna Lee’s wanting to expand SFT. Don’t where they could’ve fit it in —wasn’t P&G’s non compete clause in effect in 1982? From where I am viewing in the early Cherrill era, the stories and characters just aren’t strong enough to carry interest for a hour each day.

  13. Thanks for the insight dc11786. It seems as usual a revolving door of EP and HW did no favors for the show. I watched some of the Ellis/Hunt era and it wasn’t too bad. A little slow at times, but enjoyable. Rusty Sr was a good villain type, causing trouble between Travis and Liza. Kristin/Brian/Suzi/Warren was an entertaining quad. I think things began to change in my mind for Brian/Suzi when Jay took over for Gene. Jay ‘s Brian had a tougher edge anti hero to him, whereas Gene was more romantic sensitive leading man type, which melded well with Cynthia GIbb’s ingenue Suzi. Was it the producers who wanted the Brian switch or was it Gene’s decision to leave?

    The Jenny Deacon/Rusty story is a dud. Does this actually go anywhere?  Wendy is wasted in her story with Keith and I can see why subsequent writers turned her character into a villianess/spoiler.

    Now I am familiar with David Cherrill’s work on the Doctors. He was handed quite a mess from his predecessor and did the best he could “righting” the ship. How was his SEARCH era viewed? 

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